• March 1, 2025

Reid And Vick Talk About McNabb’s Amazing Work Ethic

There was a theme today that you heard in Andy Reid’s news conference and it also came up a number of times in Michael Vick’s session with the media.   They both talked about Donovan McNabb’s amazing work ethic.

Reid said it was the thing that separated him from other quarterbacks.  Vick said it was the characteristic which he learned from McNabb that has made the biggest difference in his improved play.

I heard one of McNabb’s former teammates, Jeremiah Trotter, on 610-WIP with The Morning Guys this morning and he was telling Angelo Cataldi, that McNabb’s work ethic was the most important item that allowed the Eagles to go to the playoffs eight times in 11 years.

I saw the way McNabb immersed himself in the business of preparing for each game throughout the season.  The quarterback arrived at the Nova Care Complex at about 6am and he went into the weight room and put muscle on his body.  Number five spent an hour or two in the weight room each day, so that he could take the hits from opposing defenses each week.

It’s the reason he was able to take the pounding but stay on the field.  It’s the reason he as able to pull through tackles.  Vick was telling me today that he learned from McNabb to get in the weightroom so you can take the hits.

Message to Kevin Kolb get in the weight room because there are big monsters in the NFL who pound on you.

McNabb isn’t a natural passer like Vick.  If you watch their throwing motion, Vick is much more fluid, but McNabb has succeeded as a quarterback because he worked at it.

Following the lifting session, he would go into the video room and started looking at footage of his opponent.  He watched their blitzes, defensive fronts, coverages and everything else, then he watched it again.

He would be in there on Mondays watching  the previous day’s game footage.  The key for Monday was learn from the good and the bad in the previous day’s game, then let it go.

On Tuesday’s when the rest of the team was off, McNabb was at the Nova Care Complex getting an early look at the next opponent.  He would be working with the coaches and center Jamaal Jackson on the adjustments needed for the blitzes they would see.

Of course on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, McNabb was up there early working out, looking at video and getting prepared for the upcoming game.  He would be the first one to get there in the morning and the last one to leave at night.

Yes, he missed open receivers and failed to lead the Eagles to a Super Bowl, but Donovan McNabb prepared and was ready for each game he played in as a Philadelphia Eagle.

Think about how many times you’ve read and heard things about McNabb.  You heard about his news conferences, throwing balls into the dirt, not being able to lead the Eagles to a Super Bowl, yet you rarely heard about his work ethic during his 11 years on the football team.

Wouldn’t you give a guy who enjoyed the consistent success that McNabb experienced, the benefit of the doubt?  Does everybody think he took the Eagles to the playoffs year after year, by being lucky?

Reid and Vick talked about the way McNabb worked.  They talked about his attention to detail and ability to master every minute piece of knowledge about the opponent.

Most people don’t know it, but McNabb was a self-made NFL quarterback.  He was any but a classic NFL quarterback when he came into the league, but he became a success from hard work.


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September 29, 2010 5:16 pm

redskins win. 54-27

jimmy mac
jimmy mac
September 29, 2010 5:19 pm

That’s not happening vricchini..Donovan McNabb was the ultimate pro and I think Philly was lucky the day we drafted him..God bless him. I sure am glad he’s gone.

September 29, 2010 5:43 pm

mcnabb made the playoffs 8 out of his 11 seasons in philly.
those 3 seasons he didnt, he was injured on the sidelines.
mcnabb has made the playoffs every single season he has played.
and out of those seasons played…he has made the ncf championship game half the time.
good guy, great leader, class act, hall of fame.
i hope he gets cheered, or at least a mixed reaction with more cheers than boos

as far as the here and now, love vick and we will be vick-torious this sunday.
good to hear he won nfc offensive player of the month, instant mvp candidate (long season).
also happy to have kolb as a backup.
if he is ever needed down the road our o-line should be in better shape than it currently is.

the next few weeks…beat the rival skins that lost to the rams, we are just a better team.
then go to the west coast and grind a tough road game out against the underachieving 49ers.
then we have a showdown vs vicks old team hosting atlanta which should be a good game.
going into the falcons game we could/should be 4-1 leading the pack that is the nfc east.

September 29, 2010 5:47 pm

Yes Godbless McNabb, i still hate the skins so I can’t root for them or him, maybe he will go FA so I can root for him. Oh and what is up with the prediction? Please.

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
September 29, 2010 5:51 pm

There’s no doubt that McNabb has a fantastic work ethic which is one of the main he has enjoyed a long and productive career,even with the injuries that he’s had (Foot,Ankle,Knee).
You don’t last 11-12 years in the NFL if you are lazy, it just doesn;t happen
I the only real fault I ever had with D McNabb is that he was too nice to everyone instead being more of a take-charge kind of guy, but that is his personality and he’s a fun,likelable character who likes to enjoy himeself but works hard when it’s time to work hard… He’s has a great career and has nothing to apologize to me or anything other Eagles Fan, he tried to win a Championship, he fell short, it happens to the best of us. McNabb came in a young kid with tons of expectations and a new coach on a pretty bad team with the Feranchise in turmoil after the R Rhodes/R Kotitte eras, he was booed on draft day, being the face of the franchise as a young black man was bnot very common when he came out and playing in Philadelphia is no easy ttaks with a rabid fan base, unrelenting local media and the like… All in all, when I look back at all he has accomplished for this Eagle Franchise and all his off-the field activites to help raise money for kids,cancer patients,blood drives,etc,etc. He’s been nothing but a model citizen,a stand-up guy, and a very good Football player and leader of the Team whn it really needed one… I tip my cap to him and his family for he has helped bring this Eagle Franchise from the ashes and chaos late 80’s/90’s to the upper echelon of the NFL ..
I wish him well, just not this Sunday afternoon on the field, but anyone who doesn’t think he deserves appaluse,recognition, and respect from the fans, is just not a true fan in any sense of the word…

September 29, 2010 6:25 pm

Mcnabb is a legend. Period. People who act liek eh was overrated or a choke are just flat out morons with no sense of the game. Probably never played it, root for another team,or are sheep.The guy was class….like i give a sh!t he smiled about a incomplete….does that make it better or worse? Do i care that he played air guitar before a biggame.No,its fun,the games sposed to be fun..he was tryna stay loose and muck it up for the camera.

V-rich …stop smoking the goodie and posting.

September 29, 2010 6:59 pm

Great article G. There are too many fraud fans of this team and those are the main ones who complained about Mcnabb. Anyone who knows football knows the value of a franchise QB warts and all. There are no perfect QBs out there so when u get a good one ride it till the wheels fall off. The people who placed all the blame on 5 all the time or for every big loss just don’t understand the game. They like the game, but they don’t really get it. I hate to sound holier than thou but the truth is the truth. That media created myth that the qb gets all of the credit and all of the blame is complete BS. They created that crock to justify their own agendas. I never heard any player or coach who isn’t a broadcaster or media person say they agree with that. We win and we lose as a team bottom line! That’s what makes football great. The fact that 22 men must do there jobs for anything to work properly is the crux of the game. Forget who gets paid the most money or gets the most press. Those are all extraneous distractions that I really don’t care about. I love B-Dawk but I hold him just as responsible for us not winning a SB as Donovan. Even though we don’t have a Lombardi Trophy I still have much love for Mcnabb and Dawkins. I’m grateful for the good times they gave us. But now that they are gone they must be destroyed just like all the rest! Go Birds!

September 29, 2010 8:57 pm

With most people you can talk to them for an extended period of time, listen to what they say, see how they carry themselves, observe their physical mannerisms and if you hear later on that they have a great work ethic you’re not surprised. The same is true going the opposite way, so it comes as no surprise that McNabb is a diligent worker. I tend to think a lot of people picked up on that in watching his various press conferences, game commentaries etc. over the years and maybe that’s why it was never really publicized, besides that’s not controversial.

September 29, 2010 9:32 pm

Please elaborate on why your glad he is gone? I am sure you were one of the people who saw Joe Montana in Kolb but now wont admit he is a tomato can. Let guess…Reid is a genius?

September 29, 2010 10:11 pm

What does surprise me is the fact that there aren’t more stories on how Reid and Co.squandered 11 years with one of the best QBs of all time. Just think about Peyton Manning with 3-5 years of Trash and Stinkston. Obviously this is an old debate here, but it’s one that deserves to be re-examined since it’s all a matter of public record, subject to scrutiny. Now because the trade actually happened it puts the team and history of the organization under the national microscope instead of just a local one while McNabb’s legend grows.

September 29, 2010 11:30 pm

When 5 retires he will get his due. I’m sure he will make the HOF! I will always be a fan and this article is exactly why. G well said. Thank you 5

This weekend the Birds have to get this one! E-A-G-L-E-S

September 29, 2010 11:45 pm

Butch007 says:
September 29, 2010 at 10:11 pm What does surprise me is the fact that there aren’t more stories on how Reid and Co.squandered 11 years with one of the best QBs of all time

September 30, 2010 8:59 am

BigE – Excellent comment!!!

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
September 30, 2010 9:15 am

The should have kept Sean Considine as the Safety replacement for B Dawkins too… good grief….

September 30, 2010 9:32 am

Thank you Butch007.

September 30, 2010 9:54 am

Donovan is/was a very good quarterback. The “fatal” flaw in his game is his inaccuracy in the short game. It’s a very odd flaw, I can’t really think of any other quarterbacks that had such a monster arm on long passes, but had so little touch and accuracy in the short game. His other flaw is personality related; he’s somewhat of a blamer, and he’s always seen himself as somewhat of a victim. He never fully understood that fans in every city are going to have a love/hate relationship with the quarterback.

All that aside, I think he’s probably the best, most accomplished Eagles’ QB with the exception of possibly Van Brocklin. He presided over the most successful 10 year period since the 1960 championship.
I would have a very difficult time booing Donovan McNabb.

September 30, 2010 10:04 am

good 1 pman i’d call that an equal comparison
bdawks predecessor considine
d5’s kolb
good 1

September 30, 2010 10:34 am

wow, most of you seem to be living in the past…. that’s a shame.

September 30, 2010 11:43 am

Well one thing also about McNabb

No off field BS like carrying a gun illegally–drunk driving–spousal abuse–sexual assault –early morning car accidents–cheating on his wife and having his mistress assault him–bar fights etc etc

Probably because he came from an intact family

September 30, 2010 11:51 am

E Money

Vince Lombardi coached Bart Starr had his team play against Van Brocklin and lose –saw YA Tittle-Otto Graham–Bob Waterfield –Bobby Layne — Otto Graham –Sid Luckman –Rodger Staubach etc etc

Vince said Sonny Jurgenson was the greatest QB he ever saw

September 30, 2010 12:34 pm

wmonell, not entirely correct. The 2007 season which was McNabb’s first year back off the ACL injury, we did not make it. Came close but we didn’t go and McNabb played that full year. Having said that, easily the greatest player in Eagles history after the merger.

September 30, 2010 1:18 pm

Scorp, can’t agree about McNabb being the greatest player in Eagles history after the merger. I think the Minister of Defense, as the greatest defensive end in league history would have to be the greatest post-merger Eagle. I would probably put McNabb second though.

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
September 30, 2010 1:39 pm

Paulman’s Post-Merger of the Top 10 Philadelphia Eagles of All-Time

#1) DT – Mel Tom
#2) FB – Norm Bulache
#3) QB – John Reeves
#4) QB – Tom Boroyla
#5) K – Tom Depmsey
#6) K – Nick Micamayer
#7) DE – James Harrison
#8) OT – James Mayberry
#9) DT – J McDougle
#10) QB – K Kolb

September 30, 2010 2:19 pm

Paul, do you mean DE – John Harris for #7? Sorry, he has to be the worst 1st round Eagles’ pick of all time. The guy wasn’t projected to go until the 4th round, so Ray Rhoads grabs him in the 1st round. What a stiff.
You also left The People’s Champ Freddy Mitchell off of your list!

September 30, 2010 2:43 pm

…and both Detmer brothers…

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
September 30, 2010 3:01 pm

It was James Harris, I was thinking of…
I was going to list Fred-Ex and Matt MCcoy, Tony Hunt, Victor Abriami but wanted to go back a little further for some of the older folks.. How about QB Pete Liske…

September 30, 2010 3:17 pm

Was at the game when Pete Liske set the record for INTs in one half –can’t remember whether it was 5 or 7

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
September 30, 2010 3:28 pm

that was against the Cowboys wasn’t it…

September 30, 2010 3:56 pm

How about Bernard Williams? 1st round pick in 1994.
Failed 15 drug tests, couldn’t quit smoking the hippie-cabbage.
How about Siran Stacy? or Antone Davis? or Kenny Jackson?

I still say John Harris was the biggest reach/biggest waste of a 1st round pick.

September 30, 2010 5:02 pm

I love that list Paulman.

September 30, 2010 5:05 pm

E-money, Reggie was great but I would put McNabb first because of what his play did for entire organization. He and Reid changed the entire culture of the franchise and made a team that was a joke a contender almost every year. He has all the passing records as well. So in my opinion that trumps anything anyone else has done while wearing an Eagle jersey. Just my opinion.

September 30, 2010 5:09 pm

Paulman, where does Mike Mamula, LJ Smith and Reggie Brown rank on you list of top Eagles.

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
September 30, 2010 5:42 pm

OL Antoine Davis wasn’t too bad or even WR/Punt returner K Jackson
But DE John Harris and OT Bernard Williams were flat out the biggest busts since the 80’s
Siran Stacy, name sounds familiar, wasn’t he a RB out of ALabama that was great in COllege but never
did much in Pros…
At least Mamula,LJ Smith and RBrown played for a few years but never played at a high enough level to warrant a top Draft picks…
I bet Mamula as a 3-4 OLB for the Steelers would have been an All-Pro, he was just oo small to play with his hands down and not quick enough to cover anyone in pass protection (example C Gocong)
LJ Smith wa very dissapointing for a Athletic TE in the Eagles Offense should be able to clean up but LJ Had terrible hands and was not a very good route runner, It’s a shame that recent pick C Ingram was never healthy to play.. Imagine having a real speed TE to roam in the middle of the field while D-Jax/Maclin are running the Secondary deep… Holy Moly