• March 10, 2025

The Applause And Boos Will Affect The Fans More Than McNabb And The Players

There’s been a lot made out of how Donovan McNabb will be greeted when he is introduced today and comes out onto the Lincoln Financial Field turf during introductions, but it’s going to affect Eagles fans and their reputation nation-wide more than it will affect McNabb and the players during the game.

It could give sportscasters and commentators another opportunity to disparage the reputation of Philadelphia sports fans.  I hope this doesn’t happen, but….

The Eagles should use an electronic gadget to produce applause or it will be nothing but another black-eye on the city’s sports fans if there are more boos than applause.

The announcers on the national telecast are going to talk all game about how McNabb paved the way for Michael Vick to return to the NFL.  They’re going to talk about how he led the Eagles to the NFC Championship game five times.  If that’s set against a backdrop of boos, it’s not going to look good at all.

Fox broadcaster and former Dallas Cowboys quarterback Troy Aikman may mention the time when the fans cheered as a motionless and possibly paralyzed Michael Irvin lay on the Veterans Stadium turf.

As for McNabb, he won’t have time to think about.  A quarterback has a million things to think about during a game.  McNabb will think about coming back home and playing in front of Birds fans before the game, but during it, there will be so many more things on his mind.  He’s got a hundreds of plays and defenses to remember.

The same is true of McNabb teammates on the Redskins and his former teammates on the Eagles.  To a large extent, the fans become the houses and streets you see every day on your way to work.  They become the background because you’re so caught up into things going on in your life.

Playing quarterback in the NFL is like trying to fly an airplane, with an occasional three-hundred pound behemoth coming into the cockpit to do you bodily harm.  Trying to get rid of the ball as somebody is trying to assault your body, while you’re trying to figure out the coverages and who is open, is enough to take your mind off of the fans.

It’s kind of like when I try to describe what playing in cold weather is like in the NFL.  I’ve had fans ask me how I was able to play in such cold weather.

I tell them it’s easy.  I have them imagine walking down a Philadelphia street on a frigid evening in the winter with the temperature at ten below zero, when all of sudden they are attacked by a muscular 270 pound raving maniac.

I ask them simply whether their mind is going to be on the weather, when they are attacked.  They reply, “Of course not”.  That’s what playing in the NFL is like, you are so consumed with attacking your opponent that you disregard the fans and the weather.

The best players and especially quarterbacks are able to focus on the game and the game alone.  Michael Vick has this ability because of his experience behind center in playoff games.

I predict there will be far more applause when McNabb is introduced as compared to boos.  On the television broadcast it will be talked about throughout the entire game, but on the field, McNabb and the players won’t be thinking about at all until they’re headed into the locker room after the game is over.


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October 3, 2010 6:51 am

If there is not a standing ovation , that will be pathetic and embarrassing. Boo Andy Reid it his fault we didnt win a ring. I on the other hand miss 5 and I hope we win but 5 has a good game.

October 3, 2010 6:55 am

Why Boo him? Though he didn’t win the big one here, He did some good things for us while he was here and never asked to be traded. He also gave us hope in that at least we knew we were destined for the playoffs and even a Sbalmost every year. This is just media propaganda. You’re a real media-puppet and a dumb#% if you boo McNabb. By the way “CRUSH THE SKINS AND HAVE NO MERCY ON #5” (I’m still an eagle at heart!) Do ya thang Viiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick!!!!!!!! Skin em alive buddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tech Triumph
Tech Triumph
October 3, 2010 7:04 am

This is only a story so the national media can get their licks in on Philly fans again.

October 3, 2010 7:55 am

Love McNabb I hope they give him a standing O, but there is no way that I am going to hope that he has a great game, that my friends is my defense out there that we are talking about him looking good against. The only scenario I can see is if Mac does everything right but his WR’s and back’s suck wind all game. If Mac was on another team i’d be a bigger fan, but he is a Redskin how can I do it fellas. Nope not going to do it. Anyway give my Mac a great big Standing O, one that shows the gratitude of a greatful fan base and city. Then lets get to it. I don’t thing it will be easy for us, but i sure hope so. As always LONG LIVE THE EAGLES.

October 3, 2010 8:27 am

I bet McNabb doesn’t come up the runway strumming his guitar this afternoon

He may say it is just another game but that is pure BS

October 3, 2010 8:35 am

McNabb will get a standing ovation.

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
October 3, 2010 8:50 am

I heard the “PA Announcer” at the Linc will be blaring the Beatles/George Harrison’s
“While my Guitar Gently Weeps” when introducing McNabb..

October 3, 2010 10:01 am

I hope what the national media says about Philly fans isn’t true. When I go to game day parties and listen to talk radio there seems to be allot of haters out there. I just don’t understand why there is any question that this guy should be cheered during the introductions. If we can give a guy like Allan Iverson a standing O why not do the same for McNabb?

October 3, 2010 10:30 am

I’ll say it before and I will say it again. He is not an Eagle anymore, he is a Redskin. We don’t owe him anything and honestly what a sense of entitlement that these players have. He is still taking jabs at the city, so what has changed that I miss.

October 3, 2010 11:12 am

What’s the different between Dawkins and McNabb? You show him the respect he deserves during introduction and then hope the Eagles beat the crap out of the Redskins. It’s called class.

October 3, 2010 11:21 am

Just like when Dawk came back last year, there will be cheers at the outset, but fans will still be filing in; then the game will start and we will be LOUD when he works, and hopefully we get some solid pressure on him and force mistakes. GO BIRDS!!

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
October 3, 2010 12:56 pm

Once the whistle blows and the kick-off is in the air, All bets and good luck,best wishes vibes are out the window..This is a game played and won by Warriors, the players can talk about old times and say prayers together after the game…

anderson silva
anderson silva
October 3, 2010 1:03 pm

I will applaud when he comes on the field, not cheer. I do not cheer any opposing player. I will not boo him, I do not feel he deserves that, even as a Redskin. I will laugh if he gets buried or throws a pick, especially to Nate Allen. Good luck to everybody today.

October 3, 2010 7:53 pm

This Andy Reid Eagles team is an absolute Joke. Eagles fans wanted McNabb out as the QB now look at the garbage that is in their now…Kevin Kolb is not and will never be an NFL caliber QB he just doesnt have it. Now that # 5 is gone I hope all Eagles nation will really see what the true problem has been. This eagles team is undersized everywhere, their offense and defensive philosophies are horrible. All the Eagles know how to do is blitz. Fire Andy Reid and his entire coaching staff and get a coach who will put a more physical and Bigger team and also a coach who will run first then play action and take deep shots down the field. As long as Andy reid is the coach this team will continue to be an absolute joke. Congrats! McNabb.

October 3, 2010 8:01 pm

EaglesNation you should all heed Drummerwinslow’s words…he has been on point everytime he has posted…who you gonna throw under the bus this week?????

October 3, 2010 8:23 pm

Keep telling it like it is drummerwinslow!!!! The eagles should have won 2 superbowls with # 5 if only Andy reid had given McNabb just a couple of weapons instead of asking him and #36 to do it all. Check out NBC they are clowning the eagles saying jeff garcia may be coming back??? when #5 got T.O. they went to the superbowl…just imagine with T.O. and a running game what would/should have happened. Eaglesnation you are fooling yourselves if you think this team is even a playoff team with Kevin Kolb. Fire Andy Reid now.

October 3, 2010 8:41 pm

Drummerwinslow as always you are on point…Reid is a Bum! I I dont care how many NFC titles he’s won at the end of the day its about winning SuperBowls and in the NFC east we are the only team that has yet to win one and with Andy Reid’s offensive and defensive approach and they way he drafts players we will never win one. the other three teams in our division are big and they all will run the football but not the Eagles!!!! We need new leadership in Philadelphia immediately!!!!!!

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
October 3, 2010 8:47 pm

Get over the AR must go mantra, he’s not going anywhere and is under Contract thru 2012…
D/C McDedrmott is overwhelmed and way out of his league when it comes to game-planning
He should be terminated immediately as should Speacial Teams Coach B April tonight..