• March 10, 2025

Williams “not likely at all” to play

I mentioned yesterday that Washington Redskins left tackle Trent Williams was going to be a game-time decision. And I also noted that if I had to guess, he wouldn’t play, and that was based on Mike Shanahan’s admission that he’s not truthful with his injury reports.

Well, I think I may have been right (had to happen at some point, right?). According to Jay Glazer, Williams is not likely to play today against the Eagles.

“RT @sugewhite94: @Jay_Glazer Jay, is Trent Williams playing>not likely at all,” Glazer tweets.

This is bad news for Donovan McNabb. Stephon Heyer is expected to start in his place, and you really have to watch Stephon Heyer on a regular basis to know why it’s such a disaster to start Stephon Heyer.

What are the odds that McNabb is thinking about a certain game in the Meadowlands in 2007? Hey Donovan, I love ya buddy, but it could be worse than that today. Remember to have fun out there.

Micah Warren

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Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
October 3, 2010 12:53 pm

The Redskins are treating LT T Williams with kid’s gloves, he’s young, raw and simply not ready for prime-time versus a true NFL DE in T Cole and especially when T WIlliams is a little banged up.
They need him for season and but they don’t want their Top Pick to lose confidence and go in the gutter for the Season.. Kind of a no brainer when you think about it…

October 3, 2010 4:21 pm

Like I said, I’m not sold on our defense.

October 3, 2010 7:12 pm

Vricchini said Kolb starts next week

jimmy mac said vricchinni, your a laughable idiot. But then again , that’s what you have to be going for right? C’Mon Man! The Iggles are gonna roll them brutha!

whos the idiot now bitch!

October 3, 2010 7:26 pm

Any Kolb fans left?

October 3, 2010 7:28 pm



What the hell is up with Reid after a long review calling a time out with our team on the 1/2 yard line?

That wasn’t long enough to get a play in?

How many games did this guy lose do to poor time management?


October 3, 2010 7:33 pm

Kolb gets stats when the game is out of hand by throwing check downs. He had 5 or 6 near picks and was very scared. I’m sorry, he doesn’t belong in the NFL.

Does anyone remember GCobb doing the Hey Richie Boo routine? He should do one for Kolb.

Hey Kevin, Boo!!!

October 3, 2010 7:34 pm

Reid sucks! I’ve been saying it for a long time. We need Cower Power!!

October 3, 2010 7:34 pm

Kevin Kolb is the check down bandit. Bobby Hoying 2.0

October 3, 2010 7:35 pm

Reid’s deficiencies are totally exposed when he doesn’t have a super-human quarterback, and Kolb ain’t even sub-human.

October 3, 2010 7:39 pm

Who’s in 1st place in the NFC East – Donovan McNabb. Who’s never won an NFC East game – Kevin Kolb.

October 3, 2010 7:48 pm

Buddy used to say, if you beat the teams in your division, you go to the playoffs.

McNabb is 2-0. Last year, many blamed McNabb for the losses to Dallas. What does he do in response? He beats Dallas in a new system and with a lesser team. Then he beats the team who blamed him. I wonder if he feels vindicated.

October 3, 2010 7:51 pm

This Andy Reid Eagles team is an absolute Joke. Eagles fans wanted McNabb out as the QB now look at the garbage that is in their now…Kevin Kolb is not and will never be an NFL caliber QB he just doesnt have it. Now that # 5 is gone I hope all Eagles nation will really see what the true problem has been. This eagles team is undersized everywhere, their offense and defensive philosophies are horrible. All the Eagles know how to do is blitz. Fire Andy Reid and his entire coaching staff and get a coach who will put a more physical and Bigger team and also a coach who will run first then play action and take deep shots down the field. As long as Andy reid is the coach this team will continue to be an absolute joke. Congrats! McNabb.

October 3, 2010 7:52 pm

Talongrip, Welcoome! Please continue telling the truth!

October 3, 2010 7:54 pm

I need more words of wisdom from Songs!

Songs, do you think Kolb has had enough time to prove himself? Please don’t mince words.

October 3, 2010 7:59 pm

EaglesNation you should all heed Drummerwinslow’s words…he has been on point everytime he has posted…who you gonna throw under the bus this week?????

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
October 3, 2010 8:00 pm

I would fire D/C McDermott and Special Teams Coach B April this evening and promote Dick Jauron
as the DC.

October 3, 2010 8:01 pm

Talon, you have brought me to tears.

October 3, 2010 8:03 pm

Whatever, we didn’t play our game, vick got hurt or the Skins would have been beat. They won but don’t anyone tell me they are good. And for the record the two teams that we said were bums when we beat them put up a hella of a war today against the packers and Colts. If I sound a little defensive sorry fellas, it is the price I pay for seating next to tables full of Skins fans, so I am working myself down right now. Skins played physical I will give them that but we beat ourselves once again with penalties, and………… ah forget it………….
as always, even in defeat LONG LIVE THE EAGELS

October 3, 2010 8:04 pm

I would fire Andy Reid, the man responsible for:

(1) game management (including timeouts, play-calling and challenges),
(2) player personnel (including drafts, trades, and free-agent acquisitions), and
(3) staffing (including coaching and medical personnel).

October 3, 2010 8:05 pm

Sorry, Monolith, but excuses a/k/a reasons are for losers.

October 3, 2010 8:08 pm

Andy brought in April, traded McNabb, traded out of the 1st round and drafted Kolb, groomed Kolb, named Kolb the starter, pulled Kolb, and lost to McNabb (who is supposedly a terrible QB).

If Donovan was responsible for our losses, how is he not responsible for Washington’s wins?

October 3, 2010 8:09 pm

The season is still young, no one knows what fortune or ill will come, so i will highly respect and honor any Eagles fan who has the fortitude and indignation to hang inthere even when it looks bad. Stand and fight like we want our team to do. Yep i am dying here fellas, I just want to win thats all #%#$#. Take care fellow bird fans. Gat to go.

October 3, 2010 8:09 pm

Did Andy actually run the ball today. He made things as easy as possible for Kolb. Still, Kolb couldn’t produce. Imagine if Reid had made it that easy for McNabb. We might have some bling by now.

October 3, 2010 8:19 pm

Monolith, I am Philly born, Philly bred and and when I die, I’ll be Philly dead. For that very reason, I criticize those who are incapable of representing the Philadelphia fight spirit.

I hate the Cowboys. The mere thought of them makes me puke, but I respect Jerry Jones for at least trying with all his “dim-witted” might to win ANOTHER championship.

If our team goes about things on the “cheap” and the head coach has more blind spots than Stevie Wonder, I don’t just drink their green Kool-Aid. I understand that it’s made from yellow snow. I call for their heads. Reid has many “great” qualities. However, his deficiencies far outweigh any positives.

October 3, 2010 8:22 pm

Keep telling it like it is drummerwinslow!!!! The eagles should have won 2 superbowls with # 5 if only Andy reid had given McNabb just a couple of weapons instead of asking him and #36 to do it all. Check out NBC they are clowning the eagles saying jeff garcia may be coming back??? when #5 got T.O. they went to the superbowl…just imagine with T.O. and a running game what would/should have happened. Eaglesnation you are fooling yourselves if you think this team is even a playoff team with Kevin Kolb. Fire Andy Reid now.

October 3, 2010 8:25 pm

The Redskins played zone on Kolb and he could do nothing. What’s going to happen when he gets blitzed next week?

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
October 3, 2010 8:27 pm

I think everyone can now realize that this Eagle team (like just about every other team in the NFL this year) is simply average.. A couple of breaks,calls go your way and who knows..There is not much difference between the top and the bottom anymore… (JAgs beat the COlts, Lionms almost beat the Lions,Panthers almost beat the Saints..Rams won 2 in a row, The Bears and CHiefs ar 3-0..)

October 3, 2010 8:29 pm

Talon, I agree 100%. McNabb was good enough to win multiple championships, but Reid thought he only needed his system to win it all. He put not value on players such as running backs, receivers and linebackers. He refused to play rookies (claiming that his system took 3 years to learn. Well, it’s been 11 years, and it seems that no has learned the system yet. Reid’s a bum!

October 3, 2010 8:38 pm

Drummerwinslow as always you are on point…Reid is a Bum! I I dont care how many NFC titles he’s won at the end of the day its about winning SuperBowls and in the NFC east we are the only team that has yet to win one and with Andy Reid’s offensive and defensive approach and they way he drafts players we will never win one. the other three teams in our division are big and they all will run the football but not the Eagles!!!! We need new leadership in Philadelphia immediately!!!!!!

October 3, 2010 8:40 pm

Uh-oh! The 49ers are going to tee off on Kevin Kolb next week. Better get Kafka up to speed.

October 3, 2010 8:40 pm

Hey Drummer, this is the only time you’ll here me solely blame McNabb for an Eagles loss.

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
October 3, 2010 8:41 pm

Th Defense lost this game I thought with their trerrible tackling in the 1st half..
In fact, If Coach Shanahan doesn’t call a stupid end around play on 1st and Goal (when they were running it at ease right down the Eagles throats) which resulted in a Redskin Holding Penalty
when they were up 14-3, the game would have been 21-3 and essentially over, in my book..
How many Redskins drives were extended with Eagle Penalties on 3rd Down…
This Defense and D/C McDermott will not be able to compete against a Decent O/Lines, Good QB’s and Good Coaching.. Can somone teach CB A Samual basic tackling techniques, It’s beyond embarrasing watching him against the run and Mickell, and Patterson.. and on and on…

October 3, 2010 8:41 pm

oops, hear*

for any of you English majors!!!

October 3, 2010 8:43 pm

I’ve seen enough kolb to know that he should not have ever been declared the starter or been drafted before the 5th round. Reid coached a horrible game but he was handcuffed by Kolb’s ineptitude. Captain Checkdown is officially in the building! On a side note Quentin Mikell got utterly destroyed today. He made that kid look like Bo Jackson on that touchdown today. I’m sure the guys will be all in his ass this week when they watch the game film. Let us pray Vick gets back soon cuss I think DJax might go ballistic if he has a couple more games like this. I can see this getting ugly quick if Kolb doesn’t somehow grow a pair. It’s obvious he refuses to wait for anything to develop downfield most likely because he’s scared to get hit. G was definitely the first I heard say that Kolb was a little light in the sneakers. Gotta give props for that. Dude’s heart pump Kool aid. Nuff Said.

October 3, 2010 8:50 pm

Reid had to dummy down the offense for Kolb. Still, he failed. He’s an average athlete who can’t read defenses or understand game plans. This was made obvious by the many near interceptions.

October 3, 2010 8:53 pm

PM, only you ignore all that the QB did and didn’t do, then blames everyone else on the team.

It’s obvious that Kolb is not an NFL quarterback. He can only complete dump-offs when teams get a lead and go into zone coverage.

October 3, 2010 8:54 pm

All I ever head about McNabb was that he couldn’t pull-off comebacks in the 4th quarter. Does the same hold true for Kolb. I don’t think he can get the team into the end zone 10 times in one season.

October 3, 2010 8:56 pm

Once Vick got hurt Andy Reid and the Eagles offensive philosophy has been exposed and as I have said earlier on defense all the Eagles know how to do is blitz because they are so undersized. in todays NFL you have to be Big, fast and you must run the football to even have to even have a chance on offense. how long is this nonsense going to continue with the eagles???? For years with Andy Reid the eagles cannot get out of their own way!! Jeffrey Lurie please do the right thing and Fire Andy Reid Now.

October 3, 2010 9:01 pm

Kolb was declared an “improvement” on McNabb. He was supposed to hit receivers in stride and read the defenses quicker, thereby alleviating any pressure on the offensive line. The proof was to be seen in increased yards after the catch. Kolb was groomed and declared ready. Granted, we were to expect some “bumps” along the way. However, Kolb’s superior skills would shine through. Instead, Kolb can’t even prove he belongs in this league. To date, he hasn’t hit one receiver in stride. Shouldn’t we have seen some evidence of the “improvement” over McNabb by now? On McNabb’s worst day, he lead an inferior team to victory (with no receivers) over Kolb.

October 3, 2010 9:05 pm

Drummer I hear you brother, you are right, can’t argue with you or Talon. I guess i am still hyped from sitting around near them dang Skin fans. Not making excusses though, just another view. I was just saying that we are just as good/bad as all the other dope teams in our conference, with Vick at the head we have a chance. All that you guys are saying is true for sure, but the other dope teams are having the same stupid player and coach issues as we are, so i am just hoping that at the end of this story there is a page that have us in the playoffs. That is my take on the big picture, I saw some awful stuff today from players and coaches, but i saw a few good also. ……..

October 3, 2010 9:05 pm

Unfortunately, in Reid”s drafting philosophy, the value for running backs, receivers and linebackers is significantly less than other teams. By sticking to the this philosophy, he has earned millions for Lurie by staying well below the cap. I don’t think Lurie will ever fire Reid until it affects his pockets.

October 3, 2010 9:07 pm

Hope you get better Vick. Reid has to go. Kolb is a 2nd round wasted pick. Mcdermott should be out and give the “Old-Wiser” Jauron the DC position (he would still do a better job). We need Cowher power. We need bigger and badder Offensive and defensive road-warriors. Vick was our last hope to this season and he is a true warrior wiling to sacrifice his body because our (non road-grade warrior) O line won’t give him enough time to find receivers. Well troops I hope our general isn’t hurt to bad and can come back in the next week or 2. I’m tired of this AR ran WC offense, that has to go along with him also. We need some old school buddy ryan type of coach around this team, somebody with an attitude so nasty that it can’t be adjusted back to normal. Until then…Peace

October 3, 2010 9:09 pm

Monolith, I appreciate your point view and agree. As much as I liked Donoan, I agreed that it was time for him to go. I feel the same way about Reid, especially with Cower itching to get back into the league. I would love to see him hear. I’m tired of this finesse football. If we can’t win, let’s at least maim someone. That’s what I loved about Buddy. He certainly lacked offensive coaching skills, but he was entertaining and his defense kicked some serious butt!!!

October 3, 2010 9:10 pm

Rocko, I’m with you!!!

October 3, 2010 9:13 pm

drummerwinslow that is what the whole problem is at the end of the day as long as Jeffrey Lurie is getting paid with Andy Reid and staying below the cap they win all the way around!!!! You know # 36 had made a comment about the eagles saying they dont care about winning all they care about is getting paid and man did he hit the nail on the head!! with this current philosophy the eagles wont win Jack S$@!

October 3, 2010 9:14 pm

Gotta say this: My high opinion of the Philadelphia fan has been diminishing for years. There was a time when were considered knowledgeable, and I just couldn’t see it any longer. However, the recognition given to McNabb at the start of the game proved otherwise. It seems most fans do appreciate McNabb and that the haters are just a loud minority.

October 3, 2010 9:16 pm

Talon, I had forgotten about that Westbrook quote. He spoke the truth.

October 3, 2010 9:16 pm

Rocko well said…I totally am in agreement with your comment too.

October 3, 2010 9:20 pm

They need to fix the penalty thing, they better get protection for my QB, the “D” need to get off their block and stop getting fixated on puching and shoving their man instead going after the ball. The skins coaches played on the eagles strength and used it against them. So when they adjust we need to adjust….. blah blah blah, we are better than the Skins and we should have spanked them, that gets my goat. Anyway I am going to dump this game so I can have peace at work. Loses use to make me just a little snippy, but now I am much more calm. I like that they a running the ball more who cares what the reason is for it I sure don’t. I just hope Vick is okay and will be ready soon. Maybe Jeff G will be on speed dial just in case. As always LONG LIVE THE EAGLES (and get your act together AR/MM/SM/BA and DJ dog gone it lets play ball baby)

October 3, 2010 9:24 pm

Alright, Mono – In my opinion, you are a true fan, with an open mind. Like you said, it’s time to get past the pain. Unfortunately, I don’t think I’ll be satisfied until a coaching change is made, but I’ll try. Thanks for the encouragement.