• March 9, 2025

X-Rays are negative on Vick (updated)

A league source confirmed to Mike Florio of ProFootballTalk.com that the x-rays on Vick’s chest and ribs are negative. There were previous reports floating around that he had cracked ribs and possibly a hairline fracture in his collarbone.

While it’s good that there doesn’t appear to be any broken bones, Vick is still in a lot of pain, according to the source. He is scheduled to have an MRI tomorrow and it remains to be seen how much time – if any – he will miss.

For the sake of not having to watch Kevin Kolb, let’s hope he gets back out there quickly.

In a related note, Jeff Garcia’s agent told Florio that he’s very interested in returning to the NFL (ya don’t say!) and specifically the Eagles. I have no idea what the Eagles’ interest level is in Garcia, but if Vick is out for multiple weeks, the Birds will have to bring in a veteran. And why not Garcia?

Stay tuned on this one.

UPDATE: Jason La Canfora of NFL Network says that multiple Eagles players don’t think the injury is too serious.

“Vick was dressed and walking around after the game and Jackson said he spoke to the QB at halftime and he was sore but seemed okay,” La Canfora tweets.

However, Ashley Fox noted that Vick was struggling to get his arm into his dress shirt after the game. And Jeff McLane said that Vick was “walking very gingerly.”

Keep staying tuned. Let’s be honest, we won’t know much more until tomorrow.

Micah Warren

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October 3, 2010 9:27 pm

Honestly, I thought they were going to bring in Garcia and trade Kolb (if possible) before the deadline.

I don’t know that today’s performance didn’t hinder their ability to do so.

October 3, 2010 9:36 pm

Our season is saved. Thank god i gave 10% this morning.

October 3, 2010 9:40 pm

Nothing like a good tithe to right the ship. God Bless you, Melmilliones!

October 3, 2010 10:26 pm

There is an easy fix to all of this mess…just FIRE ANDY REID NOW were not going win the superbowl this year anyway so we might as well fix what is wrong. I have said this for a long time now # 5 was never the problem. you trade a franchise QB within the division and he comes back to beat you in your house??? Andy Reid should be fired immediately for this fiasco. Kevin Kolb was supposed to be ready, quicker release, hit receivers in stride instead he shouldnt even be in the NFL!!! are you kidding me??? Andy Reid is the real problem and I dont care how many NFC titles he has won. it is about winning the SB anything else is horse manure. we are the only team within the NFC east without a superbowl championship and with AR will continue that way. He and his whole staff needs to be FIRED immediately.

October 3, 2010 10:29 pm

Reid and the entire coaching staff needs to be fired. The team is undisciplined and unschooled. To have almost the length of a football field in penalties is inexcusable and unpardonable. Running backs who aren’t taught how to wrap up the ball in traffic? Offensive linemen with horrible footwork and an even worse base necessitating holding penalties? A quarterback who can’t locate wide open receivers down field? A Head Coach who still can’t manage the play clock? An offensively Offensive Coordinator who calls perpetually bad plays practically every game? Tacklers who still don’t understand the “horse collar” rule or just plain can’t tackle? Please Lurie fire these idiots and get coaches who can (teach) coach and can judge talent. Or, sell the team to someone who understands football.

October 3, 2010 10:37 pm

Thank goodness he’s not too badly hurt. I was afraid they were going to have to shoot him.

October 3, 2010 10:41 pm

I heard he had trouble lifting his arm. I hope it’s not a rotator cuff injury.

October 4, 2010 8:35 am

If you suffer any kind of rib injury your going to have trouble raising your arm. We’ll see what happens after his MRI, but I’m pretty sure he’s going to be out next week

October 4, 2010 8:46 am

I was surprised that they were saying ribs. It looked like a shoulder separation to me. We’ll see.

As for the defense. I told you not to let that Jacksonville game go to your heads. There is little or no push from those tackles. They just don’t seem that strong. Sims finally got a hit, even if he was called for a penalty. (Funny, when DMac was our QB he could get knocked silly and no one would call a penalty.)

Quinten Mikell, I love you, but you got steamrolled. Plastered! Wow. I hav’nt seen running like that since Earl Campbell. And Hershel, when he was in college, not tippy toe NFL Hershel.

Anyway, Eagles fans it’s going to be a fun season, full of drama. Hey, were did we get that fullback from? I love him. That’s a football player. Ken Willard(49ers), Walt Garrison(dallas) throwback.

Shady, looking good. Jason Peters, please listen to MJ’s man in the mirror record 100 times.

Jason how do you not make that catch? For all of Kolb’s faults, he gave us a chance to win. Mr. Kolb, Andy and Marty are pretty good coaches when it comes to QBs. Heck they made AJ Feely look good. Calm down, lift some weights and you’ll be fine. Andy Reid teams usually finish the regular season strong. In this week division, we should have time to correct some of the problems.

October 4, 2010 10:15 am

Mr Check down has been waiting his whole life to throw to Owen Schmitt. He’s been preparing for this the whole offseason. Instead of going in there and proving that the team made the right decision by trading McNabb. You come in there a look just like a backup. I’m sorry guys but they really pissed me off yesterday.

October 4, 2010 10:21 am

please dont have to miss games vick
please or i cant even watch this mockery of an offense
some dude named schmitt became a #1 wr

October 4, 2010 10:22 am

agreed scorp

October 4, 2010 10:30 am

I’m sorry, if Kolb is going to play like that, I cannot sit there and watch those games. There was no excitement. Everyone even gave Kolb a nice applause when he trotted on the field. But it’s clear that this team isn’t nearly as exciting with Kolb in there. And the oline protected him pretty well. There were times where he was just sitting there what seemed like forever only to check it to Owen Schmitt. I mean I’m glad he didn’t throw any picks but at the same time, you gotta be aggressive sometimes. Especially when you got Maclin one on one against any of their defenders. Show them that you are going to try to make plays down the field so they have to change their coverage. What happened to the “young guns”? The Redskins had one of the worst defenses in the league. It was downright dreadful. When Vick went down all the air left the stadium and lots people left at halftime and the 3rd even when we still had plenty of time to win. People did not want to sit there through that brutal display of high-powered offense.

October 4, 2010 12:41 pm

This is all we need to know….Sign Vick to a long term deal…Keep the defense coach in place..Fire Reid and Morningbreath and bring in some suicidal maniacs to play special teams, cut the loss with Peters and throw Dunlap in there (He can’t do any worse – can he?) …..hire Gruden as head coach for the offense and let’s get a damn chip.

Vick is a beast….our skilled positions are very good.