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Andy Reid: Michael Vick Has A Rib Cartilage Injury

“Michael Vick has a rib cartilage injury,” Eagles head coach Andy Reid said earlier today. “There are no broken bones, but he does have a rib cartilage injury. It’s up high in the second and third ribs.

Reid says Vick injured his second and third ribs.  The injury is up high near his sternum and collar bone.  His ribs aren’t broken, but he does have some cartilage damage.  Reid says Vick will be day to day or week to week for the foreseeable future.

I think they might already know that Vick’s not going to play this weekend, but they want to force Mike Singletary and the Niners to prepare for both Vick and Kevin Kolb.

“LeSean McCoy has a rib fracture and they’re doing some further tests on that but right now he has one rib fracture”, Reid told reporters just seconds after making the announcement about Vick.

That was a surprise announcement.  The head coach said McCoy broke his rib early in the game but was able to play through the pain.  He wasn’t able to say what McCoy’s status would be going forward.

Reid was grilled by ESPN’s Sal Paolantonio about the play of left tackle Jason Peters.  Sal Pal wanted to know how Reid could continue playing Peters at that key offensive line position, despite the fact that he has had 14 penalties already in only 4 games.

Big Red defended Peters and said he’s been working and playing hard, and that the penalties didn’t occur because of lack of effort.

Reuben Frank of PhillyBurbs asked Reid why his teams over the last five years have been amongst the most penalized ball clubs in the NFL.  Reid swallowed at that news and said it was his responsibility to take care of that problem.

As for Kolb’s performance, Reid said he thought he did some good things and some things that he needs to improve.

He was asked how much confidence can Kolb have in the situation he finds himself in.

In my opinion this is one of those baby questions that only get asked about Kevin Kolb.  Other players get benched all the time, but nobody cares about their psyche.

Remember the way, the media covered Cole Hamels when he was going through challenges with his confidence.  They had no mercy but they’re treating Kolb like a shrinking violet and it’s embarrassing and not making it easier for his teammates to have any confidence in him.

I say take the diaper off of Kolb.  He’s a grown 26-year old man, who will have to deal with a lot more challenging situations, if he’s ever going to make it in this league as a starting quarterback.


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Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
October 4, 2010 1:53 pm

I would say Vick is looking at missing 3-4 weekns minimum and maybe 6 to 8 weeks.
Now the interesting think is do the Eagles sign him to long-team deal whiles he’s injured..
Once he’s healthy, do you sit Kolb and insert Vick again as the Starter..
How about id Eagles are 2-6 and out of the playoff hunt.. Does Kafka get a chance to play..
Do the Eagles go out and pick-up another QB…

October 4, 2010 2:26 pm

Paulman i agree 100%. I think we all agree Kolb probably isn’t the answer, but he’s got a shot to prove us otherwise; however, Vick has shown us all a lot. I hope he is able to recover, depending on the severity he could be able to go this week, doubtful but plausible. I would love to see us trade Kolb in the off season, he lacks the ability to get the ball down the field which is the strength of our team.

October 4, 2010 3:08 pm

It is just plain and simple…Reid should be fired along with all of his coaches..
This team is a joke and Reid has been getting a free pass for far too long!!!!!!

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
October 4, 2010 3:19 pm

AR is here at least thru 2011 I believe,
His contract runs thru 2012 Season, but he will have to have 2 bad seasons back to back before
Lurie/Banner/Roseman cut the chord…

October 4, 2010 3:27 pm

by the end of the season ktdawk every1 will know he stinks and he wont have any value
very sad

October 4, 2010 3:39 pm

So it all comes full circle now. Last year Kolb takes over for McNabb after he hurts his ribs until Mcnabb can return after the Bye week..now Kolb comes in for Vick..who hurt his ribs…and might not return untill after the bye week. Creepy…I hope Kolb survives..it’s going to be tough not only playing the other teams D but having to be your own OLine too…must be tough.

October 4, 2010 3:40 pm

I doubt that Kolb will make it through the season, unless we go 70/30 run-pass ratio. He didn’t display much pocket awareness yesterday and is pretty slow of foot.

October 4, 2010 4:12 pm


Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
October 4, 2010 4:17 pm

Too late,
J Garcia just signed a “Exclusive Personal Use Contract” with the Omaha Beef Company and
Warren Buffett and is quite happy with his $25,000 per week SAlary he is making playing for the
Omaha NightRaiders of the UFL League.. His contract would cost the Eagles a $150 buyout to the
UFL on top of whatever deal you would pay Garcia..

October 4, 2010 4:26 pm

If the Eagles were a more physical football team and had a run first mentality we wouldnt have all this drama/mess. it would be simple every sunday just line up and hit someone in the mouth, no we have to use wildcat…constantly looking for the big play all the time, small running backs, offensive line who AR says is one of the best in the NFL.

October 4, 2010 4:36 pm

I am just a fan who has played football before and I understand what a difference it makes to be a physical football team and not a finesse football team. the physical team will always have the advantage!!! the day of the finesse football team in the NFL is history. teams are now bigger and far more physical than the eagles as evidenced by seeing our SS Mikell getting absolutely destroyed on a running play against the skins. if eaglesnation cant see by now that AR philosophies, the way he overates talent, playcalling and clock management are horrible by now then I have no idea what eagles team you guys are looking at!!!! THIS HAS GOT TO STOP!!!! FIRE ANDY REID NOW!!!!!

October 4, 2010 4:51 pm

Again..dumass…Garcia isn’t available…

October 4, 2010 4:57 pm

talon grip, ease off the drama. week 4 is too early for that nonsense
sometimes…actually a lot of times…people speak to soon.
sometimes you really have to wait and see.
all talk will run you in circles when there are no apparent solutions.
a lot of teams are looking for their identity and we are one of them with the qb injury carousel.

colts lost ugly to the jags with peyton manning.
whether we would have won with vick is unknown, im a vick supporter and think we do.
but anyways, whats done is done and despite a poor checkdown performance…
kolb and his supporting cast (mainly mccoy) gave us a chance to win til time expired.
yeah, avant tossed an easy game-winning TD for his boy mcnabb.
we played like crap and almost beat a rival with that officiating and our backup qb.

chill out this week, we will get vicks status, and in ther meantime kolb is preparing like a starter.
to be real, washington had the emotion and scored all 17 pts in the 1st half.
shanahan got the best of reid in the 1st half, mainly 1st quarter.
the delay of game hurt, despite ur thoughts on reid the refs were just blatantly terrible and biased.

its cool tho, were 2-2 tied for 1st in the nfc east.
its evident to see the redskins are close to their ceiling, but they are a one-dimensional team with room to grow.
the giants avoided a possible meltdown by beating the bears, is their defense back?
dallas is jeckyl and hyde just like every season, who knows with them?
our eagles, explosive with vick and rebuilding with kolb so far…but were at .500 not below it.

what we do know is that this division is up for grabs with unproven and inconsistent teams.
the plus side is that we are the youngest and furthest away from our potential despite our many, many, many flaws. its too early for that eskin nonsense/panic button, just too many unknowns with contenders and pretenders right now.

October 4, 2010 5:00 pm

all their points were in the 1st half…on their first 3 possessions
redskins…slight room to grow

October 4, 2010 5:15 pm

4th and freakin inches!!!!!!


The sad thing about this is we’re use to it.

Did that penalty surprise anyone? If so. you have not watched the Eagles for the last 10 years…This guy do not have short yardage in his playbook.

He just don’t

jimmy mac
jimmy mac
October 4, 2010 5:18 pm

The Eagles are cursed.

October 4, 2010 6:12 pm

Now i see what the eagles are without vick!!!! THis guy is a game changing QB!! He takes Risk……. One that cost him an injury but you cant fault the guy because he wants to win hands down!!! He loves the game and thats why we should give him and extension!!! Andy reid FIRED!!! HE sucks when it comes to time management!!!! ROLL HIS BIG ASS OUTTA PHILLY him and MARTY MORNING WOOD!!! NO balance what so ever!! I mean com on mannnn!!! its very simple we have a winning record when we are balance on offense!!! THe DT”s im not going to say any names “MIKE PATTERSON”, (coughing) He sucks im sorry we need to get SHaun Rodgers a guy who is a bowling ball to make something happen!!!!! Kevin Kolb is a re-encarnation of Koy Detmer doesnt take risk what so ever!!! Besides the penalties the offensive line did ok… I mean they were not like the bears last night because they gave KOLB time in the pocket!!!

October 4, 2010 6:13 pm

Yeah Jimmy, it’s the McNabb curse. Our QBs can’t stay healthy now.

I really hope Vick isn’t hurt for long. I can’t watch Kolb check down all game. Imma lose it.

October 4, 2010 6:19 pm

Who in the F*** is “TORAIN”! ITs always these guys who you never hear about who always seem to shine against the eagles!! Who the F*** is Armstrong? LIke past games Who was Samkon Gado he shined against the eagles a while back and you never really heard of him!! Ricky manning wtf!!!! Ahmad Carroll, Tolbert last year from the chargers last year!!! It seems when other teams struggle they seem to some how get better against the eagles!! Shaun Hill another one!!! I just dont understand!!!

jimmy mac
jimmy mac
October 4, 2010 6:20 pm

How ’bout it?..That was hard to watch..Kolb had Maclin and Jackson open and just wouldn’t even dare throw it over twenty yards..Total scaredy cat..I lost my breath when Vick went down cuz I knew it was gonna happen..And our defense looked like pussies out there..I just dont know about this team..

October 4, 2010 6:23 pm

Its not the curse of Mcnabb its the curse of Andy Reid!!! He cant manage time so i guess his time is up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FIRE HIS ASS!!!!! 2 many games he has done stupid s*** with the clock! I was suprised we had 3 timeouts left in the 4th quarter!!!!

October 4, 2010 6:29 pm

Jimmy the D played ok in the second half!! The eagles looked flat on defense in the first half not flying around on defense it looked like to me like they had toooo much respect for Donnavan!!!! 8-21 and they win the game com on man!!! horrible #’s but we still lose i dont understand!! With Kolb he Sucks he might as well Do a KOTEX commercial because hes real PUSSY!!! THey were open down field and he was like “NOOOOO, I CHUCK THE BALL TO MCCOY FOR A FEW YARDS”!

jimmy mac
jimmy mac
October 4, 2010 6:38 pm

They did pick it up but how can you come out and play like that for two qtrs.?I just dont get how you can do that..And back to the offense..The Sam Bradford led Rams torched this same defense a week ago..This was supposed to be “easy” W for us and we totally blew it.

October 4, 2010 6:38 pm

The Refs were horrible last night they threw a flag for block in the back and then picked the flag back up!!! THey call a roughing the passer on SIms but its ok for LAUNDRY to hit vick after the ball was thrown!!!! there corners were holding our recievers down field they didnt call that!!! THe refs were more against the eagles than the Skins and that was a horrible holding call on MAX JEAN GILLES against haynesworth!! JUST HORRIBLE

October 4, 2010 6:42 pm

YOur right jimmy mac and the rams recievers are no way shape or form are better than ours!!! YOUR right JIMMY MAC but that all leads to the word that helps win games and thats BALANCE!!!! Its sad that 3yrs in a row we cant get 1yrd to get a first down but you cant knock a offensive line if they dont practice running the ball at practice!! THATS AR’s FAULT

October 4, 2010 6:46 pm

YOU heard AR it all starts with me and you know what how many times the eagles fans, Staff, and Front office are going to hear that!! I dont know about everyone else but im tired of hearing it!! Even redskin fans at my job say….. “Hey thanks for the win buddy”! “You guys handed us that one”! “But a win is a win buddy”! I wanted to smack the s*** outta my co-worker!!!

October 4, 2010 7:02 pm

Wmonell when I speak it is the truth not drama…so dont ever disrepect me again. its clowns like you who dismiss actual problems with the eagles as drama and do not see the bigger picture. So shut the fuck up and pay attention to me and the rest of the posts on this website. you might even learn something!!!!

October 4, 2010 7:13 pm

Wmonell, very nice and fair assessment thank you.
Jroc I feel you brother, i was sitting near a couple tables of Skins fans (and some female skin fan to, with McNabbshirts uck..uck). I had to calm my buddy down i thought he was going to shoot someone when they made a comment about Vick when he got hurt, the comment had to deal with dogs. My buddy was telling everyone to shut the hell up, and don’t say another word, which was funny becasue no one did for a couple of minutes ..haaaaaa classic!

Samkon Gado? Stop it please the pain is to much to bare, Jroc you sadist.

October 4, 2010 7:24 pm

Talon, no disrespect at all partner, my view is this it is week four and I see every sinlge team in our conference dealing with immense issues and damming demons. We got ours just like you point out, but don’t you think that the Packers are right now rethinking themselves since barely beating us, and the lions.

Think the giants feel comfortable right now, think that the cowboys were not sweating the bye. Think the Redskins really feel comfortable moving forward after surviving us. Think the Bears feel like the king of the forest? The answer is Hell no.

I absolutely see your point by I will be damn if I am going to give any team in our conference any more credit than the Eagles right now,none, period. Everyone is beatable and supremely flawed yep even “The greatest show on earth” packers had to stem off the roaring lions go figure. So I guess I am saying lets see how this pans out.

Keep your flaming views coming Talon its all good brother, as for me I say as always LONG LIVE THE EAGLES

October 4, 2010 7:30 pm

Vick extension? Best idea I have heard all day, make it happen Jroc.

October 4, 2010 10:20 pm

Monolith im with you brother there is no dominate team in the nfl and ur right anyone can get beaten on any given day!! Every team is good this year and there has been alot of close games this season!!!

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
October 5, 2010 10:20 am

I think in Paulman’s keys to an Eagle Victory, was for the Defense to watch out for RB R Torrain and TE F Davis (who would have had a likely TD if McNabb would have thrown him a decent pass)
To attack this Defense, all opposing QB/Offensive Coordinators is to watch whre Mickell is lined up
and you will know what thype of coverages they will have…
When Mickell creeps up close to line of scrimmage, then N Aleen is dropping deep back and the CB are playing a soft-zone cover which leaves the middle of the field wide open for TE’s who will get matched up versus LB’s Bradley or Jordan and most teams with Athletic TE’s will eat that match-up all game long..
When Mickell stays back, then the Eagles are most likely playing a man-man coverage with more tight coverages on the outsdie which leaves the deep routes,double moves most likely availalbe for
the opposing teams to take advantage.
I also think that when experienced and good QB’s see Mickell playing back, that they will switch up some plays to run the ball more, I saw McNabb do it a couple of times and you know that Romo,Eli & Peyton,Farve,Ryan,Schaub and the other good QB’s they will face will watch the tapes and pick up on the predictable tendencies by this Eagle Defense basically by keying on Safety Q Mickell ..