• March 9, 2025

DeSean Jackson Talked About The Delay Of Game Penalty And Injury To Vick

After the game DeSean Jackson commented on all the major points of the game.  He talked about the penalties and turnovers and how bad they damaged their chances of winning.

He talked about Andy Reid changing the formation just before the half and Kevin Kolb running back into the game with only ten seconds to go on the clock.

It was during that key moment that they got a delay of game penalty.  Jackson referred to it as shooting themselves in the foot.  The speedy receiver felt it cost them a huge momentum boost.

He felt it was greatly damaging.   They were only able to get a field goal as compared to a touchdown.

Jackson said he told Vick that he shouldn’t be taken all those hits.  In fact right before the play which knocked him out of the game, Jackson says he told Vick to avoid taking those big hits.

As you can see from the way Jackson is getting on the ground rather than take those tough hits, he knows how important is to avoid getting injured.  He is probably going to far with it because he knows that every time he gets his hands on the football, there’s a chance he could get hit and injured, then not be able to collect his big payday next year.

Jackson has decided he’s going to stay healthy and get his money.  It’s very obvious.

Vick is used to being able to do anything and everything he wants to do on a football field, but he must learn to slide and avoid taking the big hits.

As for his current injury status, Jackson said he talked to Vick at halftime and said the quarterback complained about his sternum and collarbone.


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October 4, 2010 7:42 am

All this talk, we want #5 gone…#5 will never win the big one…#5 is not accurate but #5 is currently in first place in the division. #5 is 2-0 against the division. We have Kevin Kolb who cant even hit open receivers. Eaglesnation you wanted #5 gone now you got your wish. Oh and by the way he is still smiling!!!! We have AR and Kevin Kolb…I hope everyone now sees what I have been saying forever FIRE ANDY REID NOW!!!!

October 4, 2010 7:52 am

I agree for the most part but lets not forget that we also have mike nick….who is currently playing better than #5. ….Just saying

October 4, 2010 7:54 am

Anyone still think it was a good decision to trade McNabb within the Division? He’s already beaten Dallas and the Eagles. Wasn’t he blamed for losing both games to Dallas last year?

October 4, 2010 7:55 am

To make matters worse, he’s done all that with a last-place defense and no receivers (yet again).

October 4, 2010 7:58 am

In a Daily News poll, the question was asked, “Which quarterback looked best yesterday.”

The results:

1 – McNabb
2 – Vick
3 – Kafka
4 – Kolb

October 4, 2010 7:58 am

Mcnabb had the game yesterday handed to him and while i think he is a good quaterback i dont think its an issue at all that he in our diviison. Anyone that saw the ENTIRE SECOND HALF of that game yesterday can still c the balls that he throws into the dirt that are appartleny for 2 foot tall recievers. Lets not forget also his uncanny ability to over throw his reciever or throw it behind them. Don has his weaknesses just like any other some more glaring than others

October 4, 2010 8:01 am

The Redskins were next to last (31st) in the league in total defense and we could only score 12 points and lose the game!!!!! how many more excuses do we need to hear from AR???? someone has to be able to put 2 and 2 together and figure out that AR is and has always been the problem. with the weapons the Eagles have on offense DJ/JM/BC/LM 12 points????? AR’s philosophy is killing us!!!!

October 4, 2010 8:09 am


Don’t forget that McNabb wasn’t traded in favor of Vick. He was traded in favor of Kolb.

Kolb was declared an “improvement” on McNabb. He was supposed to hit receivers in stride and read the defenses quicker, thereby alleviating any pressure on the offensive line. The proof was to be seen in increased yards after the catch. Kolb was groomed and declared ready. Granted, we were to expect some “bumps” along the way. However, Kolb’s superior skills would shine through. Instead, Kolb can’t even prove he belongs in this league. To date, he hasn’t hit one receiver in stride. Shouldn’t we have seen some evidence of the “improvement” over McNabb by now?

On McNabb’s worst day, he lead an inferior team to victory (with no receivers) over Kolb.

Against New Orleans, the score was 31-13, with 12 minutes to play in the 3rd quarter. For all purposes, the game was over. Only, then did Kolb complete some passes against their zone defense.

Yesterday, trailing and playing against the worst defense in the league, Kolb completed some passes against a zone. However, when he took the head coaching job, Shanahan fired the entire defensive coaching staff, and hired Jim Haslett. In so doing, the Redskins were immediately transformed from one of the best defensive teams into one of the worst.

Any other defensive coordinator would have blitzed Kolb like crazy, but not Haslett. Kolb is terrible when he gets pressured, and he didn’t get pressured yesterday.

Even Sam Bradford scored 30 points against the Redskins, the worst defense in the league.

October 4, 2010 8:12 am

No, McNabb is not close to what he used to be, but Reid wasted his entire career. He set him up to fail, with predictable play-calling and the lack of weapons. McNabb could have won multiple championships.

October 4, 2010 8:22 am

“Jackson said he told Vick that he shouldn’t be taken all those hits. In fact right before the play which knocked him out of the game, Jackson says he told Vick to avoid taking those big hits.”

Sounds like Jackson didn’t want Kolb quarterbacking.

October 4, 2010 8:23 am

Isn’t that the same “Young Tongue” who claimed that they lost nothing in promoting Kolb as a starter?

October 4, 2010 8:28 am

McNabb led the team? 8-19, 125 yds, 1td, 1int. He did exactly what he used to do early in his career and that is rely on the defense and Westbrook (Portis this time) to win the game for him. He made 2 plays in that game.

You are truly reaching if you are trying to use that game as an example of why they should have kept McNabb.

October 4, 2010 8:29 am

Agreed with all you point DRUMMER. I have never been a kolb fan if we r being honest. I cant honeslty count how many receivers he had open yesterday and and just falt out didnt c them. That not to mention he looked flat out SCARED to put any ball out there further than like 5 or 6 yards.I could go on an on but im still bitter about that game yesterday and dont want to go into a rant. I cheered for MCNABB yesterday and i will 100 percent agree than Ried probably wasted his best years. I will still however stick to the fact that MCNABB has flaws and they appear to be getting worse with age. I will always be a fan of his a truly believe without a doubt he desreves to be in canton and is and prob will be for a good long time the best quaterbakc to ever wear midnight green. NOW LETS GO OUT THERE AND DESTROY THE NINERS FOR SOME PAYBACK GO BIRDS

October 4, 2010 8:59 am

Kolb was moving the ball sucessfully on those sort chunks by taking what the D gave him
He got one TD and was moving a

October 4, 2010 9:02 am

Was moving again on the next to last series when another damn holding call stopped the momentum

So it was working and if that was what Reid wanted him to do then he was carrying out instructions

BTW he had 2 good scrambles so he is far from being immobile

October 4, 2010 9:04 am

Alright people, lets get serious here. Did anyone actually watch the Eagles/Redskins game yesterday? Because if you did, you would realize McNabb looked pretty terrible. McNabb did not beat us yesterday, we beat ourselves. Stupid penalties and most of all, the play right before the end of the 1st half. The way McNabb played yesterday, and has played for most of the season, I’m more than fine with trading him. Keep some perspective here. Just because the Skins won, doesn’t mean the Eagles made the wrong decision in trading McNabb.

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
October 4, 2010 9:04 am

The Eagles will go nowehere with DC S McDermott at the helm…
They were overmatched and out-physicaled by the Redskins O/Line from the 1st play of the game
Most media/football analysts say the Redskins have an Average O/Line at best (who were missing 2
starters also..) This Eagle Defense is too small and too poor tackling to take on average teams let alone the good teams that they will face ..
One thing I do know, their opponents are going to watch tape and run,run,run and run some more versus this overmatched Defense.. (The 49ers,Titans,Bears,Falcons,Giants and Cowboys) are going to be licking their chops to face this Eagle Defense)

October 4, 2010 9:06 am


I consider you a true fan, with an open mind and good perspective. I enjoy your comments.

October 4, 2010 9:10 am


It seems that Kolb can only complete dump-offs when teams get a lead and go into zone coverage. He did the same thing against New Orleans last year. The score was 31-13, with 12 minutes to play in the 3rd quarter. For all purposes, the game was over. Only, then did Kolb complete passes against their zone defense.

Also, when Kolb gets blitzed, he’s horrendous. Inexplicably, the last-place Redskins defense never came out of their two-deep after Vick left the game. I guess that explains why they’re a last-place defense.

October 4, 2010 9:17 am

If Kolb scrambles twice more, he’ll probably get another concussion, or worse.

October 4, 2010 9:19 am

drummer, I’m not defending Kolb by saying he lit the world on fire yesterday. He did a very average job and looked timid. However, my point is that McNabb didn’t put on a performance that made me regret the Eagles’ decision to trade him. There were a ton of other reasons we lost that game and Kolb is not one of them. I’m not blaming Avant but man, how did he not catch that last play? He never drops a ball.

October 4, 2010 9:21 am

kolb is the master of passing behind the line of scrimmage.

October 4, 2010 9:23 am

Pman you have it right, with one addition. Throw in the “not-so-special teams”. We gave McNabb the ball on the 39 yard line to start the game (I will not even bring up the awful scripted plays that the birds ran their first series). Coaching is at the root of all of the birds problems. Coaches are involved in the player seclection, in the offensive and defensive schemes, in preparing the teams each week and making adjustments during games. The coaching staff has failed on all of these fronts. They have not addressed the issues illustrated for all of the league to see in the last two game last season against Dallas. They cannot stop a run game, they have a poreous offensive line and our defensive backfield is full of suspect tacklers and opportunists how guess on routes and are often burned.

We will not be superbowl champions until Andy and his crew are a distant memory. Unfortunately, this front office will be unwilling to bite the bullet and eat the remaining years on his contract and admit they were wrong for re-signing him last year. Birds fans, settle in for some frustrating times, but we will stay loyal and keep rooting anyway, because we bleed green and have an eternal belief that our team will finally win the big one. Go Birds, hopefully the 49ers will not see the tape of tis game and continue have a dreadful start to their season.

October 4, 2010 9:27 am

One thing that I don not understand from all of the post-game comments from the coach and qb. They talked about the ‘skins defense playing cover 2 which led to hem dumping every thing underneth.

Cover-2 is nothing new in the NFL. Do all teams abandon attacking the field when faced with a Cover-2? It sound like a lame excuse covering up for a qb that appeared afraid to throw it more than 15 yards.

October 4, 2010 9:30 am

Here’s the difference between Reid and Shanahan. Shanahan saw that our defense is small and couldn’t stop the run. So, what did he do? He ran the ball down our throats. Also, McNabb is not the QB he used to be and he was not having a good day. That’s another reason why Shanahan stuck with the run.

What would Andy have done? He would have thrown 50 passes.

October 4, 2010 9:33 am

PMAN why such the hostility with Mcdermott. I thought besides the first half where they got gashed Mcdermott really adjusted well and clapmed down in the second half. Now forgiive me i dont have stats to back this up but from what i saw the skins offense as a whole did little to nothing in the entire second half. Dont forget Mcdermotts trying to replace a LEGEND in my opinion and he hasnt been leading this defense for all that long. I know our defense wasnt top ten in his first year like we r used to be we werent AWAFUL either. He actually impressed me a bunch his first year with the revovling saftey and linebacker cores he had to deal with. I personally think mcdermott is going to surpise a lot of people throughout his career. I believe almost 11 to 12 years under JJ(rest his soul ) will have Sean being one hell of a DC.

October 4, 2010 9:39 am

rcp shut up
he scored 9 pts in 3qtrs with num 1 offense in the nfl vs the last ranked defense shut up
please if some1 is defending kolb they must be sleeping with him

October 4, 2010 9:41 am

@ DRUMMER thanks bro i appreciate that. Same to you as well.

October 4, 2010 9:46 am

Until recently, Reid has under-valued running backs, receivers and linebackers. That’s why he traded out of the first round for years.

In practicing this philosophy, he also saved Lurie millions of dollars by staying well below the cap.

However, since the Phillies stole their thunder, the Eagles are actually willing to spend money. They can’t stand the very thought of losing revenue to them. The problem is that Reid doesn’t know HOW to spend that money. He’s wasted a lot of money on players, i.e., the Andrews Sisters, Peters, and Asante Samuel.

I don’t think Lurie would have ever fired Reid, because he made so much money through him. However, his pockets have begun to feel the pinch, and Reid is beginning to be exposed for the terrible coach that he is.

McNabb and Westbrook won in spite of Reid, not because of him.

October 4, 2010 9:57 am

Ashley Fox wrote in her article that Vick has 3 broken ribs. philly.com

October 4, 2010 10:00 am

does anybody miss sheldon brown? Mikell got steamrolled. Asante, was looking for a place to fall.

October 4, 2010 10:02 am

When you OWN this site you can tell me to shut up
Until then take your own advice

October 4, 2010 10:02 am

I hear trevor linley is a physical corner. Let’s get him on the field. That was embassing.

October 4, 2010 10:02 am

drummer, you sir have fallen off the deep end. You haven’t drowned yet, so start treading… but seriously, the lack of oxygen is starting to effect your thinking….

You’re way too wrapped up in the past and in the media hype. This game didn’t say anything about the Donovan trade, or what the skins or Eagles will end up doing this year. If the Eagles finish with a better record than the skins, this game means nothing. And if Donovan does nothing more with the skins than he did with Eagles, and the Eagles win one with most of these young guys, than the conclusion you have jumped to will be irrelevant. Have you thought about that?

October 4, 2010 10:05 am

Guys, were’ all upset and we’re all on the same team.

Certainly, we can disagree without being disagreeable. We’re all grown-ups here, I believe.

October 4, 2010 10:06 am


I respect your opinion, but it’s a general consensus that games played with one’s division do mean something.

Someone please throw me a life jacket.

October 4, 2010 10:07 am

@ BTC, like i was telling my brother and friends, its not that McNabb set the world on fire, its that the organization traded the franchise QB, and WE DONT HAVE ONE! Kolb is no different than a Ryan Fitzpatrick, Matt Moore, Chad Henney…they give u some moments, but for the most part STINK!!! Thats what u rade McNabb to start to develop???? LMAO…McNabb played terrible in the second half, BUT, Washington once again proved my MAIN POINT about McNabbs career, you win and/or loose AS A TEAM! He struggled, so, what does the coaching staff do? RUN THE BALL!!!..and McNabb made the crucial scramble on 3rd down to pick up a first to change feild position and burn some more clock. The same with Washingtons game vs. Dallas. They had the same problems with Jay Ratliff we had, but, they RAN THE BALL, instead of continuing to drop back 50 times and let him sack the QB. Kolb sucks! He cant go downfield with the ball. All his yards came on check downs to Owen Schmidt (the FB) and McCoy (the RB). Reminds me of Bobby Hoying checking it down to Kevin Turner and Ricky Watters….psssh!

October 4, 2010 10:08 am

3 broken ribs, eh? That doesn’t sound good. Looks like Kolb will get an extended opportunity. I’m all for that. Let’s kill the controversy once and for all.

October 4, 2010 10:10 am


I believe you are on the money with your post!!!

October 4, 2010 10:20 am

I really thought that Bradley was going to be the difference in helping this team stop the run, but didn’t happen yesterday especially in the 1st half. Also, his coverage on Cooley, I know that they showed he was changing a call at the line, but it cost us a touchdown. I still believe he is a solid Mike, but the lack of any huge runstoppers in front of him is going to haunt us.

October 4, 2010 10:22 am


I also believe that the lack of size could be a factor.

October 4, 2010 10:24 am

@ drummer…Even Troy Aikman who defended Kolb in the begining, by the end of the game was pointing out how wide out Jackson and Maclin were getting and Kolb either was incapable of getting the ball there physically, or wasent seeing them cause he was bailing on the play going to a check down reciever. The check down reciever is designed to be there REGARDLESS against most coverages caus for the most part, he is a blocker that is left unaccounted for by the defeses coverage that just leaks out. Kolb wasent letting the play develop, he was just throwing it to a check down guy. OF COURSE YOUR GONNA GET SOME YARDS THAT WAY, but that kill the REAL design of the play. Troy pointed out on the final drive he had Maclin but “He has to put the ball higher”…HE DOESNT HAVE THE ARM STRENGTH!..lmao. Comparisons to Aaron Rodgers, Peyton Manning, Tom Brady, Drew Brees…psssh. Great White hype syndrome, cause thats about all they have in common. Those guys are GREAT QB’S and can go down field NO MATTER how far, 50, 60, 70 YARDS..it doesnt matter! Randy Moss streaking down for a 60 yard gain? No problem! Deashawn Jackson 30 yard corner route on the side lines? Kolb? forget about it!

October 4, 2010 10:25 am

u just sound so stupid
ur so pro kolb lol
the love of ur life stinks n if u dont see that ur blind

October 4, 2010 10:26 am

Vick had to run with the ball 3 times –4 if you count the play he got hurt on which was called back

FOUR TIMES in the short time he was in there

That ain’t the way you win in the NFL

October 4, 2010 10:27 am

PW who r u talkin to?

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
October 4, 2010 10:34 am

I am hard on D/C McDermott for I don’t think he’s ready for being a top DC in the NFL.
He is good at making adjustments (like versus the Packers and even against the Redskins at half-time)
My point is that it’s too late, you can’t play like a dog for an entire half and figure it out…

I saw another post asking about former CB S Brown, he was toasted yesterday big time by the Bengals and in particular, by TO, who had 10-12 catches for over 200 yards with a lot of the times matched up versus S Brown..

Anyone see how often Mickell,Sammuel,Jordan,Sims,Patterson missed initial tackles,
Even Bradley and T Cole did not play very well yesterday…

October 4, 2010 10:40 am

I love mrs breesy on the nfl.com saints commercial.

October 4, 2010 10:42 am

pman i was talkn to rcp
he sounds so dumb do u hear this guy
vick had 2 run blah blah yet he talks about kolb running as if it is glorious
how bout actually looking at a wr be4 staring down owen schmitt
we went from most fun offense to watch to most boring o ever in a play
i havent seen owen schmitt since he was blocking for steve slaton in college just awful

October 4, 2010 10:47 am

Reid Stinks. Kolb Stinks. Defense is soft. Get ready for year of stink. Dont worth though turn on WIP and listen to rip Mcnabb. Thats more important than winning.

October 4, 2010 10:49 am

RCP, when you have Jason Peters blocking for you up front, you really don’t have a choice. @ BTC, I find it very ironic that when “5” was here, and we lost these types of games, all of the blame fell squarely on his shoulders. Yet, when he’s on the opposite end, the McNabb haters are there to discredit his win. Do you see the double standard here. For so many years, all I’ve heard was it’s McNabb’s fault. He came in the Linc, threw he’s “worm burners” and road off with a win.

So just like the McNabb haters have done for so long, I’m willing to blame McNabb for yesterday’s loss and not hold the our defense nor our special teams accountable, and when I say “our”, I’m referring to the Eagles.