• March 4, 2025

The Door Is Wide Open For The Birds

I’ve been watching the Cowboys-Giants game today and from the looks of this game the Eagles are in the driver’s seat of the NFC East and the door is wide open to the Super Bowl.  I don’t know how the Birds are going to play tomorrow but I see major holes in the New York Giants today.

The Giants are the only team in the NFC, which was playing better football than the Eagles this week.  I don’t know whether the Giants are going to win or not but certaint things have been exposed.

First of all, anyone who is watching today’s game can see that the Giants secondary will be no match for DeSean Jackson and the Eagles receivers.  If the Birds can give Michael Vick time like the Cowboys offensive line is giving Jon Kitna.  There’s no reason the Birds can’t put at least 30 to 35 points on the scoreboard.

The door is open for the Birds but that means they’ve got to take care of business tomorrow night in D.C.   The Skins aren’t a good football team and there’s no reason that game shouldn’t be a laugher.

They should go down there and take over the football game from the start to the finish.  They are a much better football team than Washington but will they play that way.  Will they get this game over with or let the Skins hang around and make a game of it.

The Birds should go in at halftime with at 20 points on the board and the game locked up.

Will they do that?


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anderson silva
anderson silva
November 14, 2010 7:26 pm

You’re on the money. As it appears now, the Birds should roll those chumps, both Dallas and the Giants. If they take care of business tomorrow night they can control the race for the rest of the season. Looking far ahead (too far ahead, actually) there is not reason we could not be a strong player in the homefield rade int he NFC. However, it is still early, lots of football to play, but it is there for the Eagles if they can take it.

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
November 14, 2010 7:46 pm

Have to beat the Redskins first, then they have all week to zero in on the Giants
Giants moved the ball most of th egame but self destructed with penalites,turnovers and if their Defense is getting a big pass-rush from the front-4, they are in trouble, for their Swcondary is definitely pretty weak. How does everyone think LT Shawn Andrews played today…
Meanwhile the Cowboys looked pretty good today, where was the vaunted Giant Pass Rush against this sub-par Cowboy O/Line..When Kinta has time, he can still throw the ball well and and accurately..The Cowboys are a better team than there record, and they have lots of players and coaches whose Cowboy futures depend on how they play their remianing games. I don’t see any game versus them as a pushover and they still create a lot of mis-matches against the the Eagles with their big-paly WR’s…
With the Bears, Tampa Bay Bucs & Seattle all winning, this game versus the Redskins becomes a must win in my book.. The NFC East may only get the Division winner into the playoffs and have
no-wild card, so every game here on out is a big win and epseically a NFC Divisional & Conference

November 14, 2010 7:53 pm

I’m going to enjoy being at this game tomorrow night… Side Note: Why is Shawn Andrews playing better at tackle them both of ours… It’s a shame he couldn’t keep it together in Philly.

anderson silva
anderson silva
November 14, 2010 8:04 pm

Because when the Eagles cut him he realized that if he did not play a few games every couple of years, the paychecks stopped appearing in his account. He will play for a bit, when he gets a multi-year commitment from somebody, he say “my back hurts and I am sad, AMF!”

November 14, 2010 8:49 pm

“Have to beat the Redskins first, then they have all week to zero in on the Giants”

For real paulman? Everyone knows that but I find it interesting because you are the King on gcobb.com of looking to far into the future and now it seems that G talking about winning the division is too far in the future for you? You often look to who is going to be on the team next season so I just find that interesting even though I agree.

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
November 14, 2010 9:41 pm

This season is so wacky with teams lookins good 1 week and then bad the next,
This Eagle team is way to young and inexperienced to be looking past any opponent, let alone divisional foes like te Redskins,Giants and Cowboys… The Players and Coaches need to take them 1 at time. With 8 games left (inlcuding 5 Divisional Games), this NFC East Title is obviously up for grabs with 3 teams still in the hunt. It will most likley to come to the end of the Season to determine the winner,but an Eagles win tomorrow can put them in the drivers seat.
Losing Tommorrow would set them back.not only to 3rd place in the Division, but behind 7 other teams in the NFC Conference who are competing for 6 playoff spots….This is a huge game ..

November 14, 2010 9:58 pm

Sure hope the birds don’t take the Skins for granted like the Giants did the Cowgirls!

November 14, 2010 10:00 pm

and…. 5 has every reason to play lights out tomorow night and may very well knowing it’s not a championship game.

November 14, 2010 10:29 pm

Paulman, I never said I disagree because I fully agree. Just found it odd that the main one on this site making predictions for stuff way in the future is now proclaiming the league is week to week. Well duh. Now you can see why people would rather not read your “predictions”. This may be a good time for you to go week to week instead of year to year. Just saying.

November 14, 2010 10:40 pm

It never seems right to root for the Cowboys, but I was glad to see that game today. Of course the Eagles need to go beat Washington or else nothing else matters. I’d like to see our defense take this game over early. Washington scoring 14 points in the first quarter last game can’t happen again. I don’t want to be greedy but it would be nice to see the D pitch a shutout.

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
November 14, 2010 11:44 pm

To Scorp,
That’s why they call me Paulmandonis, I like to look ahead and make my predictions as a fan whether it it be opponents,players,draft,free-agents,trades,releases,contractsetc,etc, but I don’t think it’s a good idea for a team, it’s coaches and players to do so, any team can beat anyone at anytime as we have seen. The NFL is a 16 week grind and a battle of attrition, the teams with the best coaching, best depth and a little luck with injuries typically are the ones left standing come playoff time..
I make my NFL picks and Rankings on here on a weekly basis based on what’s happening..
Come Tuesday I will have the NFC Rankings, and I could have the Eagles as high as # 2 if they win convincingly Mon night to as low as 9th if they were to lose, so it’s clearly wide open… I call for an Eagle Victory 26-13 over the Redskins

November 15, 2010 6:21 am

Scorp, a valiant effort, but you logic was up against ego dependent material. Pman gets way too much ego boosts from seeing his name and (through his eyes) clout on this site, from his prolific body of work and unmatched football expertise and psychic powers to make the logical implication from your point. The logic is simply no match for the ego/emotional regions of his brain.

November 15, 2010 7:45 am

I watched some of the Giants/Cowboys game and wasn’t shocked that Dallas won, just the amount of points was a big surprise. You can’t judge a team from 1 game, but do you know who is playing left tackle for the Giants? Shawn freakking Andrews. He had a world of talent and I’m sure he can play in the NFL if he is really committed, but him being truely committed is a stretch. Andrews playing left tackle is the shocker, he’s quick, but not left tackle quick. Ware didn’t seem to have any luck againsy him from what I saw. This is more of a Ware problem for the Cowboys. Cole should have some success against him next week. Neither teams pass rush did anything so the point tottal went up because the secondaries arn’t good. The Eagles are not perfect, but look to be as good as any other NFC team out there.

November 15, 2010 8:20 am

Like I have been posting the Eagles can play with any team in the NFL
I don’t see why they can’t win the NFC

Except for 2 or three plays the Eagles would be at 6 and 1

jimmy mac
jimmy mac
November 15, 2010 8:43 am

Letr’s go Eagle’s! I want to be able to get drunk in peace tonight.

November 15, 2010 9:44 am

hhahahaha schill eskin
great 2 see u
u ready for a win tonight
me 2

November 15, 2010 10:04 am

Note to PMan;
I watched Jason Peters on every play of the Colts game a few days back and he was great. The announcers commented on him always being double or tripled teamed, wrong! Peters had help on about 5-6 plays in the entire game and that’s what was shown on TV. Freeney’s only success came on the stunts where he ran to the other side of the line trying to get throufg the guard gap. If that knee procedure really got him his quickness back then he is a force. I’m hoping that is the case. He will still have some penalties, but now is a great time to live up to the hype.

November 15, 2010 10:13 am

LOL @ Paulmandonis. I’m only ribbing you Paulman.

November 15, 2010 10:14 am

Good stuff schill

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
November 15, 2010 10:44 am

To Jphalines,
I agree that LT J Peters had probably one of his best overall games and took care of Dwight Freenet by himself most of the game. WHen PEters plays like that, all of the sudden, the O/Line starts looking pretty good.. Watching Peters play now for 1 1/2 seasons, It apepars the first series or 2 are critical
to his overall focus and perdormance.. When he starts a game strong, he plays great and looks to dominate the defender across from him.. When he starts off slow, he seems to lose focus and energy, I am curious to watch how he performs tonight going against pass-rusher B Orapko of the Redskins

November 15, 2010 10:53 am

G, thanks for listening to the suggestion of a game day thread. I have a question regarding the format of the forum. Is it possible to have the posts threaded? So that way specific conversations are grouped together when people respond to each other? I think that makes it easier for people to discuss and keep track of each others comments. It was like that on your site a couple years ago which was pretty good. Just a suggestion.

November 15, 2010 12:19 pm

I hate the fact that these sports writers who automatically “CROWN” the giants the best team in the NFC when they didnt beat anyone in that five game stretch……. We are the team to beat….. And we will prove it tonight…… Eli had a bad 2nd half of the season last year and I hope it continues… The key guy to watch for is Laundry…… We have to know where he is at all times!!!!! Thats a demand…… His late hits on players have been killers (injury related) and can dictate a game…. But Vick must realize that!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO BIRDZ

November 15, 2010 12:22 pm

To LESEAN MCCOY++++++ HOLD that D**N ball with two hands!!! YOU SCARE ME RUNNING DOWN FIELD!!!!!!

November 15, 2010 12:37 pm

Watch out for landry and fletcher. They knock people out of games. And I agree about the Giants and the same can be said about the Falcons. The NFL is a crazy league. A team can go from looking like the best to looking like crap from week to week. We crushed the Falcons but somehow they are the best team in the conference? All the media driven hype is nonsense.

Paul Mancini
Paul Mancini
November 15, 2010 12:46 pm

Anothrer big key is the play of TE Celek and WR Avant and the Eagles ability to make plays in the middle of the field in that 8-15 yard area which I think will be open most of the game. If Celek/Avant/Cooper/Hall can catch it and turn upfield for some YAC, and do this early in the game,
I think you will see the agressive Safeties of the Redskins start biting on some of theses intermediate routes leaving D-Jax/Maclin on some 1 on 1 coverages deep down the field that the Eagles can take advanate of..biggest thing starting out is sustaining drives and gaining some momentum early

November 15, 2010 12:59 pm

Yeah I think in the beginning we will see a lot of dump off and check downs to McCoy to force the Redskins into playing more man and closer to the line of scrimmage and then we will be able to make some big plays with Vick’s legs and his arm. It will be interesting to see how they defend Maclin and Jackson. It was evident from the last time that the skins weren’t going to let them beat them and with Kolb in the game, he really didn’t have the arm to attack them in the deep corners and middle of the field. So hopefully with Vick in there, that conservative game plan gets exploited since Vick can make the throws all over the field. If they go back to the soft cover 2 zone, the deep corner routes will be there as will as stuff down the middle.