• March 6, 2025

What If They Had Called Jackson’s Punt Return Back?

There’s no question that the DeSean Jacskon punt return for a touchdown to give the Eagles a victory over the New York Giants was one of the most exciting plays in the history of the football team, but the play should change Jackson’s thinking.

I know he has insisted on continuing his showboating ways but he’s got to get this thing under control.  He can’t continue to be willing to risk hurting the team in order that he can get the chance to give the fans something to remember about his celebration of the touchdown.

We know what happened at the end of the 91-yard score against the Cowboys.  Jackson fell into the end zone and the referees penalized the Birds 15-yards for it.  That was bad, but it was no where near what he could have allowed to happen if the refs had noticed the too many men on the field penalty which could have resulted on his punt return.

Jackson’s decision to run along the goalline rather than go into the end zone immediately almost caused a too many men on the field penalty.  Eagles players ran on the field in excitement before Jackson crossed the goalline and went into the end zone.

I found a picture which proves there were too many players on the field before Jackson scored.  Could you imagine what would have happened if Jackson’s touchdown would have been called back?  He would have had to leave town.

Andy Reid should show this picture to DeSean and ask him what if they had thrown a flag and called his touchdown back.


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December 25, 2010 10:31 pm

The coaches are responsible for keeping the players back so, it wouldn’t be Jackson’s fault but the coaches. They should be the ones run out of town if it was called back!

December 25, 2010 10:36 pm

DeSean is arguably in the endzone at this point, because he’s got the ball in his right hand ready to throw it – I’m not so sure of the timing of this photo (can’t see his feet or the goal line); it is possible, and even plausible, but it’s clearly not necessarily true either from this angle/shot. I agree though in the spirit of the post, as I was screaming at him to stick it in the end zone while watching those hyjinx.

December 25, 2010 11:36 pm

What id Reno Mahe was returning the punt?

December 26, 2010 12:29 am

Chris, yes its the coaches responsibility but if desean just stops acting like a kid and runs into the undone we won’t have to worry about coaches controlling the emotions of 40+ players. He needs to stop playing around and score.

Thinklan, it isn’t really that hard. All you need is 2 pictures of the same shot from different views. And for this specific shot where desean is holding the ball with 2 hands like that he did not score yet. If u can go back and look at the play. He needs to stop fooling around. Next time it could be a holding penalty or illegal block in a back for the extra couple seconds. Who knows.

Lancaster Eagle
Lancaster Eagle
December 26, 2010 6:17 am

D-Jax needs to knock off that nonsense; but I think that even if the officials had caught this situation, they would never have called it. Surely they understood the historic significance of what happened that night. Calling a too-many-players-on-the-field penalty for guys celebrating onto the field at the end of that historic play, when those extra players had nothing to do with the play whatsoever, would have been beyond irresponsible officiating. I grant that DeSean should have just gone into the endzone (in fact, as I was jumping up and down and yelling along with the rest of the Delaware Valley, I started yelling “Get in the end zone you moron!”), but the officials were absolutely correct to let this slide, if they even saw it.

December 26, 2010 6:42 am

When I saw the play live I thought the giant defender was going to knock the ball out ala leon lett don bebe etc.

the team will get hurt and the fans will go off and so will his teammates. that’s when he’ll grow up and stop the foolishish.

its professional football for a reason. you can entertain and be a professional. see barry sanders walter payton tom brady.

December 26, 2010 7:26 am


“The butterfly effect is a metaphor that encapsulates the concept of sensitive dependence on initial conditions in chaos theory; namely a small change at one place in a complex system can have large effects elsewhere. Although this may appear to be an esoteric and unusual behavior, it is exhibited by very simple systems: ” …Wikipedia

Earlier in the year the Detroit Lions had completed an amazing comeback against the chicago bears. With a TD catch by Calvin Johnson the Lions had pulled out a great victory. The refs decided to go by the letter of the law and call the play back. Even though a catch was made in the endzone.

That gave Chicago a victory. A victory that could make the difference between the Eagles being a 1, 2, or 3 seed. And more important, getting a much needed first round bye to rest M. Vick’s bruised body. Atlanta has to play New Orleans and is no way a lock to finish the number one seed, and the Eagles hold the tie breaker with them. Chicago has the Jets and GB both fighting for a playoff spot.
That one bonehead call the first game of the season could have ripple effects through out the NFC playoffs.

Looks like the scientist were right when they said the butterfly effect was real.

December 26, 2010 10:17 am

But it’s only Entertainment, relax people.. It does not have any real significance in peoples lives..
(or Does it…)

December 26, 2010 10:50 am

What if DJax was Reno Mahe? What if the football was inflated with helium? What if the game was played on Mars?

December 26, 2010 11:44 am

I get it its entertainment, but Jackson has a track record of F-ing up a taouch down, get that he has a damn record of missing touchdowns, and penalties. If he did not have this history like maybe Owens, or
Chad Johnson or other show boats i would not care less, but Jackson has a history of screwing it up. I don’t want to change his game but the celebrations are not his game its the act after his game nothing more.

What if that giants player had not given up, and maybe run him down on that play and either slapped the ball out or worst just wacked the hell out of him in spit. DJax has a habit of celebrating before the points are on the board!!!! Damn damn damn.

I am okay with his celebrations after the points are on the board. just saying fellas dude has a habit of screwing up earned points and desrved yardage.

December 26, 2010 11:47 am

BSM, well said friend, well said. Eagles need to be smart even the great Ali got his jaw broken, talking trash to a lesser fighter, that fighter when on to become a noted figure and a thorn in Ali’s arse for the rest of his career.

December 26, 2010 11:56 am

For the record though, on this particular play and this particular argument, players on the field is not DJax problem its the players and coaches so that is not part of DJax legacy. Opposing players are not going to give on Jax now becasue they will be hoping he does something crazy, coaches are going to be preaching to their players to stay in the play until the end. If the cowboys had stayed with that play a couple years back on the one yard line the would have gotten the ball back on a fumble before an alert Westbrook could get their. Just saying fellas.

Also for the record I love DJax game so i am a fan, just need to watch it thats all.

December 26, 2010 1:34 pm

He 5 yards in the end zone at this point.

December 26, 2010 10:40 pm

G. make a point…With refs, you never know…It was exciting as hell, and Jackson may have been trying to make sure time was off clock…Remember when Westbrook, what, 2 years ago, had a chance for touchdown in a game, but took a knee on 1 yard line to run out clock?…Well, Jackson may have meant well, but now he have a rep with refs, and he can’t do stupid sh**.

January 7, 2011 1:12 pm

Eagles always get bad press because the Eagles are Dallas #1 rivial and most of the press on espn and nfl network are cowgirl fans. So they can take this photo and all the bad reports about the Eagles and stick it where the sun does not shine. Go Eagles