• March 28, 2025

A Foot Of Snow Is Predicted, Should They Postpone Game

I got this letter from a loyal reader of the site last night.  He made an argument for the NFL moving their Sunday night game to Monday night.  He said the weather people are predicting a major snow storm during the game and advising all locals to get some snow gear at Altitude Blog.

“There are a lot of reasons, and I am a season ticket holder who now cannot go, but Eagles/Vikes should be moved to Monday night.”
“They are now calling for 10-14 inches of snow, and close to 20 inches in parts of South Jersey, where many fans come from.  It will be a noreaster with blizzard conditions, 25MPH to 35MPH winds.  The worst part of the blizzard is supposed to happen during the game.  On top of that, Christmas is a top drinking holiday, and many fans have travel plans affected by the snow.  The weather channel is saying driving is very dangerous and to stay home.  I am married with two kids, my brother was visiting from Czech Republic.  It’s just not worth it, especially for the Vikings.  The NFL needs to do the right thing and move this game to Monday.  The stadium will be half empty, I’m telling you, and refs won’t be able to see the plays.”
Here’s what they have on the CBS-3 website.

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – Officials across the Delaware Valley are preparing for the season’s first major winter storm.

The weather service issued a winter storm warning that will be in effect from 7 a.m. Sunday to 1 p.m. Monday, and a blizzard warning for northeastern counties that will be in effect from 6 a.m. Sunday to 6 p.m. Monday.

The first flakes are expected to start falling early Sunday morning, with the heaviest snows coming in the late afternoon and evening hours. The snow will likely lessen overnight but continue through Monday morning.

I checked out the website of NBC10 and this is what I found.
Here is what to expect:

Sunday Night: Snow. Low around 20. Blustery, with a north wind between 23 and 25 mph, with gusts as high as 40 mph. Chance of precipitation is 100 percent. New snow accumulation of 4 to 8 inches possible.”

That weather report was thanks to the National Weather Service Christmas morning.

Our own Glenn “Hurricane” Schwartz sees this as a major snowstorm that could drop a foot of snow or more on Philly.
What do you think?  Should the NFL consider postponing this game?
I say no because we know that the weather people can be wrong.  We could wind up with five or six inches, so they’ve got to play the game.   In addition, you know they’re not going to postpone a national television game.


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Lancaster Eagle
Lancaster Eagle
December 26, 2010 6:11 am

As much as I like a snow game, I don’t want the Eagles playoff chances dictated by a game played in these conditions. The Eagles rely on their speed and big down-the-field passing game, both of which are rendered irrelevant in conditions like they’re calling for tonight. Postpone the game to Monday night, give the city a chance to clear the stands of snow and let the game be played on a clean field so the Eagles can go ahead and crush the Vikings the way they’re supposed to. The guy who emailed you has a point too. In a storm like this, the last thing you want is people trying to get out on the roads. By leaving the game on, they are essentially telling people who have spent lots of money for their tickets that they either have to waste those hundreds of dollars or try to do something dangerous and drive out in a blizzard. The NFL must postpone this game until Monday night.

December 26, 2010 6:36 am

The weather is part of what makes the NFL a man’s game. The patriots play in the snow all the time. Man up and play.

December 26, 2010 6:48 am

Get a hotel room in Philly so you don’t have to drive too far. Hopefully, ost ticket holders under this scenario won’t have to work on Monday. A game in the middle of a blizzard would favor the Vikes if AP is playing…. and would also be AWESOME to watch! either way, Go Birds.

December 26, 2010 7:44 am

The city’s priorities should be in keeping the streets open so people can get to work and for emergencies NOT for a football game

Postpone to Monday night

If it was 3 to 4 inches that would be another matter but not a blizzard

December 26, 2010 9:29 am

I have tickets for this game and I want them to postpone it if it really starts snowing heavy hours before the game. Not because I don’t want the players playing in snow but for all the fans including myself that have to drive on the highways to get to the game would be driving in serious conditions or lose money they spent on tickets. I know I won’t be driving from Delaware because the roads won’t be cleared until the morning. If they still play they need to refund some money your basically have to risk your life for this and that’s not right.

December 26, 2010 9:44 am

People clammer that Brady is the mvp, let vick show he can win in those conditions.. I remembers the eagles playing the giAnts in a ultra windy game in new York. Westbrook had 31 carries and the they won the game. Our field will still be in better shape then Chicagos shit stadium

December 26, 2010 9:52 am

24 hours might throw Favre and Peterson back in the mix. I live in Minnesota so no sympathy here. It would give the Vikings 2 snow postponements to Monday night in the same year. I doubt if that ever has been done before.

December 26, 2010 10:09 am

I think the forecast is off a little bit..
I expect Philly to get hit with about 5-8 Inches only, with the more heavier snowfalls along the Coastline and Eastern NJ, which will be in the neighborhood of 8-12″ of snow..
Long-Island,NY and further Northeast (Ct/Ri) will get a 1 Foot +

They should be able to get the game in, but it will be very dangerous tonight with the High Winds and poor visibility for Fans to drive back home… Maybe they should play Monday night in Detroit…

December 26, 2010 11:30 am

This is not a call about players playing in the snow as all the big heads are whining about on TV, its about infrastructure and safety. We are talking about 60,000 plus trying to move through snow after midnight, not settled snow mind you, but still falling snow. So the car you park prior to game time will be snowed in by the end of the game and just who is going to get those people out? It is agood call to play the game if the snow stopped , or just flowing, but they are saying the heaviest fall will come during and past the game.

I am out of state and watching the game in my house, so I would love to see the game tonight, becasue we might not get the game on tv where I am. the point is I am in the middle on this call.

December 26, 2010 11:33 am

Hell Farve and an iffy Peterson, that might be a good thing, I ain’t scared of that matchup, we stopped the best runners in the league whenthey were healthy, I am not scared of a 60% Peterson.

December 26, 2010 11:43 am

Damn the only place in the NFL with a weather problem is Philly

December 26, 2010 12:28 pm

Fox reports that the game has been postponed until Tuesday. Why not Monday? Talk about a short week facing Dallas.

December 26, 2010 12:28 pm

We have cancelled our plans to go tonight no matter what. The big issue will be AFTER the game. 12 inches of snow, wind gusts to 50MPH and many folks who had a few extra belts to keep warm at the game will make driving impossible. It is just not worth the risk. Mayor Nutter said to take public transport if you go. Ya think it is wise to depend on the buses in this weather? Really Mayor?

The NFL should offer refunds for any unused tickets if this game is played tonight. Clearly they care more about TV revenue than ticketholders or the players if they play this game.
Maybe NBC can show “Heidi” if the game is postponed.

December 26, 2010 12:44 pm

Now, it’s on the Eagles website:

The Eagles-Vikings game has been postponed until Tuesday night at 8 PM (EST) due to the impending snowstorm in Philadelphia.

December 26, 2010 1:47 pm

I’m glad it’s postponed. Them postponing it has nothing to do with the players but about the fans and people having to travel in those conditions.

December 26, 2010 2:12 pm

Soft. How many games you seen played in snowstorms in New England, and that stadium is an hour out of town (min). Snow games are fun. Also….

Snowfall is an advantage for a passing team. Negates pass rush. No traction. WRs have huge advantage getting separation. Unlike rain, the ball usually still dry and catchable during snowfall. Meanwhile….snownow adversly affects a running game for same reasons. Almost impossible for O-Line to get traction and push.

Tuesday night game also not great. Short turnaround for Dallas game which Eagles might need for playoff seeding.

Finally…but some snowtires and roll. Man, there’s 2 feet sitting on my front lawn right now. I’ve been driving in snow for the last month. Sack up.

December 26, 2010 2:42 pm

Yeah right, now of those arguments for playing holds water, this is a clear safety issue. Most of those games mentioned were played after a storm, this game was projected to be played not at the but rather at the middle of the game. This is a good decision for everyone, I just hope that NBC can show the game tuesday night our I will not get to watch it. This game is to important to screw around in the snow just for sentimenle reasons.

The game is Tuesday, lets clear the snow off the field, clear the streets up, get out insane fans packed inthe field, unleash our deep threat pass and our elusive rush and file this win. As for short week against the Cowboys…..they know us, we know them, bring em on Eagles aren’t scared.

December 26, 2010 2:52 pm

thanks for the short week against dallas. Dallas played on saturday. Extra 3 days rest.

It has nothing to do with the safety of the fans. It’s tv ratings. The Eagles and Vick are a gold mine. Brady and the Bears just played in a snow storm.

the giants ran out of gas when the eagles had a similar advantage last week. Look for the Eagles to run out of gas in the dallas game. hope they build a big lead.

Andy better put the vikes away early so he can rest the starters for the dallas game.

Trying to take the magic away. _____ me off. All about the benjamines.

December 26, 2010 2:58 pm

I can’t believe thay postponed it to Tuesday! Monday would’ve been reasonable. Friggin’ NFL doesn’t give a damn about the teams, only the broadcast bucks! Boy, the birds have really gotten the short-end of the stick this season with short prep time for big games. Gonna make the Dallas game much, much harder!

December 26, 2010 3:12 pm

MNF Football already has a big contest between Saints Vs Falcons and the NFL and TV Execs are milking theses Ratings for all they can get, and since the Eagles with Vick have drawn huge ratings this Season..This way, the NFL is King for for both Monday & Tuesday evening…
Hopefully all fans will be able to go on Tuesday evening..

December 26, 2010 3:20 pm

Paulman, we understand the ratings and the $ but I think I can safely assume that Eagles fans feel the same as me and don’t give a crap about ratings. Only Eagles victories and if rescheduling negatviely impacts their chances of winning, Eagles fans should be unhappy about it.

anderson silva
anderson silva
December 26, 2010 3:31 pm

I don’t care. If they had played tonight, I’d have been at the stadium. Now they say they are playing Tuesday, I will be at the stadium. It makes no difference to me, now I have more time to spend at the gym today.

December 26, 2010 3:34 pm

This is a serious question, when was Roger Goodell’s sex change operation?

December 26, 2010 4:01 pm

Gcobb, with all due respect, you have been OWNED by the NFL and this blizzard,,,

Gcobb says “What do you think? Should the NFL consider postponing this game?
I say no because we know that the weather people can be wrong. We could wind up with five or six inches, so they’ve got to play the game. In addition, you know they’re not going to postpone a national television game.”

LMAO, owned. Sorry, just thought it was funny.

December 26, 2010 4:21 pm

This has nothing to do with the players playing in the snow. It’s about the travel to and from the game for all the fans. People can talk about New England and Chicago but most of those games are played way after they got the bulk of their snow or before. I’m pretty sure in those cities if they were predicted to get as much snow JUST BEFORE THE GAME STARTS AND DURING THE GAME it would be postponed as well. It’s just safer for everyone.

December 26, 2010 5:36 pm

Snow tradition my arse, most NFL fans today does not like heavy snow games, there not fun to watch, or sit in. The NFL is okay with moderate snow fall but they hate the heavy blizzard stuff, it is a logistical night mare for everyone. Try being on the Tv crew thats has to make it through that crap, set and then tare down when everyone has turned off their TV.

As a fan a game tonight would be nice, but I get it, its freaking football, and in these conditions what really is it worth. Our players deserve to have a stadium full of insane Fans to bring the noise, everyone here knows that more than half the fans were not going to make it.

Scorp is right, its not about the players they wouldbe fine, its about the fans in the stadium and its about the network who will demand from the NFL to put the best product forward. The network pay for these games like the fans do, and to be honest freaking heavy blizzard snow games are not fun to look at on TV sorry they just are not.

I loved playing football in the snow, but it is no fun to watch, they made a nice call. Networks want a good product to show and that kind of snow game cost money. Thats right it comes down to money godbless em, I ain’t going to call a brick mason then pay for some piece of crap product or workmanship.

Cold weather is okay, rain is okay, snow is okay, dang gone snow blizzards are not pretty. Remember that Patriots game nastalgic yes but it was ugly.

December 26, 2010 5:43 pm

This sucks because Chicago won today. That makes Minnesota AND Dallas must win games for us. Taking two days away for rest and prep against the Cowboys is a no-go. Would have sucked for ticket holders but not the rest of the fanbase and the team as a whole.

December 26, 2010 5:45 pm

In fairness to all the supporters of playing tonight, I am not in the city so I don’t know how bad it is there in philly, the reports say it is going to be a bad snow. So I will differ to you supporters if you say it is not as bad as they say on the news where I am. We have snow here but I roads are not built for it and they don’t invest in snow equipment so they sujest we stay put (Even though we only have less than a foot).

Okay got to go and watch the Giants lose I hope. Peace fellas and hope you had a great Christmas.

anderson silva
anderson silva
December 26, 2010 6:04 pm

I can’t speak as to how it is anyplace else, but in Bucks county it has pretty much stopped snowing. Maybe 4 or 5 inches on the ground, we could have played tonight unless there is a bunch more snow elsewhere. Perhaps we just got less than other places.

December 26, 2010 6:18 pm

I am not in Philly, but this cancellation seems damn preposterous. The weather network forcast is for 2-5 inches of snow overnight??? Sorry, but that is not a “blizzard” like they’re screaming about on CNN. Accuweather has the same forcast. How can they cancel a game for that? Just what is up for the mayor of Philly declaring an emergency???

This goes to the ridiculous overractions (not the best word since today’s leaders/media are ‘reacting’ to thinks that haven;t even happened) we see again and agian in today’s world. “Everyone panic!” even though nothing is happening (or going to happen).

Blizzard of 1888 50 inches of snow
Blizzard of 1918 26 inches of snow
Blizzard of 1978 50 inches
Blizzard of 1992 50+ inches
“Blizzard” of 2010…2 to 5 inches of snow…..frankly this seems both pathetic and laughable at the same time.

December 26, 2010 6:22 pm

Giants lose. Philadelphia Eagles NFC East Champions 2010-2011. . .

December 26, 2010 6:27 pm

A blizzard has nothing to do with number of inches of snow and everything to do with wind and visibility. If the game were played today, you wouldn’t be able to see it.

Just the same, the region is due to get as much as 20 inches.

A blizzard is a severe storm condition characterized by low temperatures, strong winds, and can include heavy snow. By definition, the difference between blizzard and a snowstorm is the strength of the wind. To be a blizzard, a snow storm must have winds in excess of 56 km/h (35 mph).[1] Additionally, blizzards must reduce visibility to 400 metres (1,300 ft) or less and must last for a prolonged period of time — typically three hours or more.[2][3] Ground blizzards are a variation on the traditional blizzard, in that ground blizzards require high winds to stir up snow that has already fallen, rather than fresh snowfall. Regardless of the variety of blizzard, they can bring near-whiteout conditions, which restrict visibility to near zero. Blizzards can paralyze regions for days at a time, particularly where snowfall is unusual or rare.

December 26, 2010 6:29 pm

It wouldn’t make sense to play a game and have half the stadium unable to get home.

December 26, 2010 6:47 pm

Dude, Do you have to argue everything? I’m a Canadian and I know damn well what a blizzard is, and if you’re trying to argue that what’s happening in Philly is a blizzard, then you’re as much of a puss as your mayor is.

Current conditions in Philly (weather network)….overcast…-3 degrees celcius, winds 30 kilometres an hour….forecast is for to 5-10 centimetres of snow over the next 24 hours. 5 to 10 CENTIMETRES!

You know what I call that forcast?….”an average winter day”

December 26, 2010 7:14 pm

Did I actaully hear that smack Joe Buck mention Eli Manning in the same breath as Tom Brady and was sincere? Cut Me A Break!!! Eli has been, at best, a good QB at times! Joe Smuck loves NY teams and I have I idea why…

December 26, 2010 7:16 pm


Do you have to be wrong about everything?

December 26, 2010 7:17 pm


Your mother’s not on this site. Try another.

December 26, 2010 7:20 pm

I know you’re still pissed that Vick took the job from Kolb. Get over it already. You only show up when you think Vick is about to lose a game, which means you don’t show much at all anymore. Tough luck, sucker!

If it bothers you that much, remember that there are 31 other teams.


December 26, 2010 7:37 pm


You’ve got the mind of a daffodil. So, I’ll type slower. “It’s about wind and visibility,” of which you made no mention. Visibility is one quarter mile or less at times.

It doesn’t do any good to broadcast a game that can’t be seen, i.e., The Fog Bowl.

Likewise, it does no good to attend a game that can’t be seen.

Perhaps in Canada, it makes sense to watch a blank “white screen”, but here, in America, it’s considered foolhardy.

Do your airports also operate under these conditions, because ours don’t. As much as they’d like to make that money, they close under these conditions.

By 4 p.m. Southwest and American Airlines had ceased operations for the day.

Do they even play football in Canada?

December 26, 2010 7:42 pm

Vinnie “the inventor,” stick to inventing new cake recipes, because you’re certainly no scientist or weatherologist.

anderson silva
anderson silva
December 26, 2010 7:47 pm

I’d be able to see. My seats are 13 rows from the field, no problem. I have a nice warm 4-wheel drive truck, getting to the stadium is no sweat, it is the people who are unprepared for winter who would not get to the game.

December 26, 2010 7:49 pm

I’m only pissed that I won;t be watching a game tonight for no good reason. I’m pissed that this is going to be problematic as far as next Sunday’s game is concerned…a game they’re going to have to win.

What bothers me is how you’re such an apologist…putting up definitions of what a blizzard is, when what is happening is just a little snow. Ohhhh….its blowing around a little bit…God forbid. Perhaps you enjoy Rodney Harrison laughing at the city on Football night in America….I don’t. The game should never have been cancelled.

The weather would have been an advantage….the Vikes wouldn’t have wanted to be a part of that and would have been looking for the exits before the half ended. But hey, you’re a little wuss who’s afraid of the snow…so of course you agree with the decision.

As for “I would vote for myself” Vick…the story isn’t over yet….was a nice comeback, but I don’t absolve Vick of the first 3 quarters where he played like crap….you do….Aaron Rodgers just carved up the Giants like they weren’t on the field…

December 26, 2010 7:49 pm


Let’s not forget those unprepared television cameras.

December 26, 2010 7:50 pm


Watch the Canadian League.

December 26, 2010 7:54 pm


It was Reid who had the QB under center in a max protect, tight formation until (by some strange coincidence) approx. 7:30 to play.

During the entire season, he hadn’t put Vick in that formation for an entire game. Yet, in his infinite wisdom, he decided to deviate during the most important game of the season

You blame the QB for whatever Reid does. Who’s the apologist?

December 26, 2010 7:55 pm

Don’t worry. When Kolb gets traded, you can root for that team.

December 26, 2010 8:01 pm


If you’re such an Aaron Rogers fan, perhaps you should root for the Packers.

By all stats, Rogers is no Michael Vick, but he’s okay.

Alternatively, you’ve got the Edmonton Eskimos.

December 26, 2010 8:02 pm

Vinnie you’re pissed but you aren’t one of the fans that are in or near the city that would have to travel to and from the game or lose money. So you will still get to watch the game and those fans will be able to travel under safer conditions. Stop acting like an ass. They have already reported more than 100 accidents on the NJ turnpike and this is not with people traveling to the game. Imagine 95 and the turnpike with all those fans. Just stop it.

December 26, 2010 8:02 pm

Attention Roger Goddell!!! Vinnie the inventor said that the game should never have been cancelled.

December 26, 2010 8:08 pm


Thought you might want to know, logic doesn’t work with Vinnie.