• March 3, 2025

McDermott Had Stepped Into A Very Difficult Situation

Prior to Sean McDermott taking over the Philadelphia Eagles defense from Jim Johnson, the offense was always under Andy Reid’s control and the defense was under Johnson’s leadership.  Reid might have asked a question or two about why Johnson  moved a player here or there or why they blitzed in a certain situation, but Jim Johnson was in control of the team’s defense and that was understood by everybody, including Andy Reid.

The head coach had made two decisions which were the cornerstones of the success of Eagles football teams of the 2000’s.  One was the selection of Donovan McNabb with the second pick in the 1999 NFL draft and the other was the selection of Jim Johnson as his defensive coordinator.

Reid was able to focus on the offensive side of the ball completely with full confidence that Johnson was going to be able to put together a quality defense.  He trusted Johnson regardless of the situation and he was rarely disappointed.  He never gained that same confidence in McDermott.

With McDermott in control, Reid started and spent every practice on the defensive side of the field.  This was something that he never did with Johnson at the helm.

Reid watched McDermott during individual drills and he observed him during the installation of the blitzes and defensive coverages.  The fact that Reid made his distrust of McDermott so obvious, didn’t increase the veteran defensive players’ confidence in the young defensive leader.  From his own behavior you could see Reid was concerned that McDermott was in over his head and he was right.

There was another move or non-move which made the transition to McDermott more difficult.

The failure to resign Brian Dawkins in 2008 removed what would have been a strong advocate for the young defensive coordinator.  This was not an easy situation for McDermott because he was replacing a coach who had become a legend amongst Eagles fans and players.  The refusal to resign Dawkins was a foolish decision when coupled with the promotion of a young defensive back coach to replace Johnson.

If they let Dawkins walk and brought in a veteran defensive coordinator with an impressive resume, that coach would have had the chance to win the confidence of the players and fans by producing.  It was tough to do that because Johnson’s health was failing but he was hanging onto his job and had no plans of leaving his post.

If Dawkins had been kept in place, he would have been able to convince the veterans on the Eagles defense that McDermott was up to the job and he also would have been able to provide invaluable advise to McDermott about effective methods of motivating individual players and feedback on coverage, blitz and defensive calls. Nobody knew Johnson’s system like Dawkins, since quite a bit of the system was designed to let Dawk make plays.  This would have bought McDermott some time.

With Dawkins gone any thought of a smooth transition was removed, the young coordinator’s leadership was questioned by the veterans on the team’s defense from the start of 2009 season until its end.  The veteran players were already unsure of McDermott after that NFC Championship game collapse by the Eagles defense.

Although you won’t hear this from other Philadelphia Eagles observers, for all intents and purposes McDermott took over the Eagles defense in January of 2008, when the Eagles were on the march in the 2007-2008 playoffs.  Although Johnson was bravely trying to soldier-on during the playoffs, his health was failing and he was leaning on McDermott to get the team ready for what they hoped would be a victory over the Cardinals.

McDermott was the defacto defensive coordinator for that game because Johnson was up in the booth, while the younger coach was down on the field with the players.  It didn’t go well.  First of all, the Eagles foolishly started rookie free safety Quintin Demps against one of the best passing attacks in the NFL.   It was a disastrous decision and the Cardinals took advantage of it.

Kurt Warner started out the game working the underneath areas.  They exploited cornerback Asante Samuel’s habit of playing off of receivers by sending Pro Bowler Larry Fitzgerald on short crossing routes to the other side of the formation.  After the short throws, Warner started throwing attacking the youngster.

They ran a throwback pass which got Fitzgerald isolated downfield on Demps.  It was no contest as the youngster misjudged the ball, Fitzgerald pulled it down and waltzed into the end zone.  The Cardinals put 21 points on the board before the Eagles knew what had hit them.  Johnson wasn’t down their on the sideline to wake the guys up and get them playing up to their capabilities.  They didn’t wake up until the second half.

Amazingly the Eagles fought back and took a 25-24 lead late in the fourth quarter, but the defense was unable to hang onto the lead.  They allowed the Cardinals march the length of the field for a touchdown and the Eagles offense couldn’t recapture the lead, so the Birds fell short, 32-25.

Johnson tried to fight back against the cancer but everyone knew he wasn’t going to make it.  It was going to be nearly impossible to bring another defensive coordinator in from outside, so Reid continued his habit of promoting in house.  He named McDermott the team’s new defensive coordinator.

Johnson succumbed to the cancer in the preseason of 2009.  McDermott’s mentor was no longer there to ask advice of, so the young coach would now have to figure it out on his own.  He never did.

McDermott made the mistake of limiting Trent Cole pass rush freedom by blitzing to his side.  One of the rules of constructing a good pass rush game plan, is finding a way to leave your best pass rusher on his own.  Too many times, McDermott was blitzing to Cole’s side and not allowing him the freedom of coming inside or outside.

Looking back it’s fairly clear that McDermott didn’t get the job done, but the Eagles didn’t do the best job of putting him in position to succeed.  He was probably given the job too soon.  On top of him being in over his head, he was saddled with defensive line coach Rory Segrest, and questionable defensive talent.

Quality cornerback play and good pass rushers can cover up other defensive problems.


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January 17, 2011 9:03 am

Talent is an issue….but even the 0-16 Lions didn’t have the worst red zone defense in the history of the league. 7th round picks and undrafted FA’s ultimately were not good enough….but when you make history for being futile, you deserve to be fired immediately.

January 17, 2011 9:15 am

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Garry dont mention that season SMH!!! (LOL)……. AGH!!!! That was our game against the cardinals…… But anyways yes Mcdermott just wasn’t the guy for this defense…… Yes talent was a real issue but we made it to the playoffs….. If you make it in you must prepare your self against the opponent……. That Flea Flicker play that the cardinals ran and Demps didnt even know where the ball was haunts me everyday! We couldnt stop the crossing routes and Mcnabb had issues throwing crossing routes…… Alot to do with the ability of not preparing for the game……. Mcdermott should’nt take the blame…… AR had Jim Johnson back him up…… If it wasn’t for JJ….. Andy Reid would have been packing his bags along time ago……..

January 17, 2011 9:49 am

The failure to re-sign B Dawkins was a Front Office decision and not Coach AR.
No matter who the New DC would have been after JJ, Coach AR would have had to spend time on that side of the ball to become comfortable with that person and keep up with what their doing
If Eagles hire Jim Mora Jr today or someone else, Coach AR will be spending a lot of time with him..
and besides, Coach AR has O/C MM who has been running the offense for a long time and probably doesn’t need to spend as much time on the Offensive side of the ball as much..
This is part of the Coaching Process and part of teh job as Head Coach,
You have to hire good people, and give them the tools to succeed and then let them do their Jobs
If the results are not what’s expected then you have to make a change as in any Organization or any type of business

January 17, 2011 10:45 am

Mcdermott worked under one of the best defensive coordinators….. (Period) “GRASSHOPPER” didnt study his art to well and now he’s out of a job……. This team was built on exotic scheme blitzing…… If you look at it…… Jim Johnson is the NFL’s founding father when it comes to blitzing……(Dick Lebeu)…. You have to do what you are taught…… Mcdermott didnt do so….. We should have ate JOE WEBB for Lunch (NO HOMO)……… But you let a guy become a star for the night……. I had to happen!!

January 17, 2011 10:51 am

Andy Reid better be thanking Vick for keeping his job this season……. A 6-10 season this year would have had reid packing…… This was not a season of re-building but re-loading… As they said……. But my thing is that Jeff Fisher and AR keep the same story going on and on behind closed doors…… We got rid of Mcnabb not because of issues on and off the field because he just didnt have the right tools to win it all……. Jeff Fisher put Vince Young under the bus but besides Vince Young has a winning record as a starter in this league……. He keeps his job for some reason……..

Failure this season for AR just opens the door for Bill Cower next Season……. You can count on it……

January 17, 2011 10:56 am

I hear you G –
McDermott was definitely not ready and Segrest should have never been placed in that DL.Postion Coach. I think the way that JJ had became sick and deterioated as rapdily as he did, kind of put the EAgles in a bad spot… They did hire Dick JAuron to help in the SEocondary but probably should have in hindsight replaced R Segrest last season especially when they planned to upgrade the DE position and driaft and bring in some young players..
Remmber that if JJ was just ill but not deathly ill, he probably would have been back on the sidelines still coacking so how do you push a sick guy out and say, your done JJ and then go out and get an
entire new crew in from during the Sring time of 2009 when JJ really took a turn for the worse…
I am not making any excuses for McDermott and CO, but the transition from JJ to he was about as akward as a situation as you can get ,,,

January 17, 2011 10:57 am

Are any of those coaches any good as defensive cordinators. i mean i dont remember them being all that great. Would have been better off getting rob ryan

January 17, 2011 11:02 am

The life of head coaching is what now…… 2-3 years tops……. Wade Phillips has if not the best winning record as a head coach in the regular season and look at what happened……. Coughlin basically keeps his job because of his superbowl victory some years back but if that never happened he’ll be unemployed also…… So why does reid get a CHANCE CARD, PASS GO COLLECT 200$ every season with the same non-sense every season……. Jets, Bears, and Packers are still in the hunt for a SB because they run the ball……. Sanchez becomes better when the game isnt on his shoulders……. Reid should be a Qb’s coach…… He put too much pressure on Mcnabb, Kolb, and Mike Vick with the amount of time Vick had as starter……. You have to develope a relationship to keep your team rolling…… But Reid’s LOVE for Qb’s must end……. Your players surrounding your Qb must get weight as well……. GO EAGLES

January 17, 2011 11:05 am

Rob Ryan and Coach AR would be like oil and vinegar and not a very good mix..

A Ron Meeks, Eric Mangini.John Marshall, Randy Shannon, would all be better fits perosnality wise
with Coach AR and the EAgles franchise..
Coach Ryan works a 3-4 base defense which the EAgles would need 2 years to get the right peronnell in place to be any good at it.. .

January 17, 2011 11:06 am

@Dawkplex1221……….. Rob Ryan would have been great…… We need that fire on the sidelines…… His emotion’s for the game is picture perfect and he takes the game personal……. The raiders bright side was there defense when he was coordinator there…… Last year the Browns move up I believe 10 spots from where they were……. We waited so long to fire Mcdermott and we may settle for a DUD this year………….

January 17, 2011 11:10 am

@Paulman…. People said the same thing about Greenbay……. That they were’nt going to be a good team and Don Capers made that defense a hell of alot better…… With this young team we can have a balanced defense……. run 4-3, 4-6, and a little 3-4…….. If I not mistaken JJ did some of that……. You have to scheme against certain teams…… Give your opponents different looks…… Sean Mcdermott didnt do so……..

January 17, 2011 11:25 am

Simple JRock
J Lurie boutght the Eagles Franchise for approx $400 Million 12-13 years ago..
One of his first decisions was to hire a relatively unknown Coach named Andy Reid and let him run the entire Football operations as he saw fit..
Now 12 years later and 9 Post-Season appearances and a Eagles Franchise Net worth of
somewhere between $1.2 to $1.5 Billion, you can see why that it’s a hard decision to fire someonw who has brought consistent success and such personal wealth as has Coach AR has to Owner J Lurie..
These guys, If you think about it. are built from the same cloth and are loyal and competitive but like to win doing it the right way and not at the cost of personal intregrity or cutting corners..
I am not saying this is right or wrong, I am just saying that how it is with these 2 ..

January 17, 2011 11:40 am

Pman…didn’t Lurie hire Ray Rhodes first? Thought he bought the team for $185 million.

I also believe that Lurie / Banner are loyal to Reid becuase of the great profits that they have been able to realize under Reids managment of the team. The only reason to rock that boat would be to win a championship, and I guess sitting in Luries chair he is looking at the risk / reward and saying why risk some of my treasure?

January 17, 2011 11:46 am

There were just too many instances where McD was just jawdropping incompetent. Who takes your # 1 pick and plays him at DT the first couple games of the year? This kid probably had a hard enough time playing DE because of his size. Then, it took an entire half of football in the first Redskin game for him to actually bring a safety down in the box to stop the run. As if McNabb and that putrid offense was going to beat you through the air? At Tennessee, how long do you have to make an adjustment to not let Kenny Britt single handedly win the game? I find it hard to believe he couldn’t say to Samuel, you’re our $50 million man….shut down Britt! Yet, he let Hobbs just get abused play after play.

The last straw was in the GB game in that inverted wishbone formation. Is there any reason to believe that’s a passing formation? Yet, their safeties were 20 yds off the ball. It doesn’t matter if you had Coleman/Mikell back there or Dawkins/Wes Hopkins….that’s a fundemental flaw in strategy.

January 17, 2011 11:52 am

paulman – Lurie bought the Eagles from Braman 16 years ago for 195 million.

January 17, 2011 12:02 pm

If anyone has been paying attention to the Packers, they’ve been putting this Good Defense together for 2-3 years now with the drafting of of LB AJ Hawk,Clay Mattherws Jr, DT Ragi all with high draft picks I might add, then adding 2 young solids CB’s in Trae Williams,and Shields which has allowed them to overcome the injuries to former Pro-Bowl CB Al Harris and more improtantly has allowed them to utilize DB Charles Woodson as a “Rover” in the middle of the field and play all over the place..another important piece is their LB Coach Kevin Green (former All-Pro w/Steelers & Panthers) who has groomed AJ Hawk and C Matthews after himself, as tough,tenacious players with strong leadership so it’s not by any accident that this Packer Defense is one the tops in the NFC/NFL..

January 17, 2011 12:08 pm

Another candidate for the Eagles to pursue for DC would be the Packers Current DL Coach
Mike Trgovac who was a former DC with the Panthers when they had their very good Defensive teams
a few years ago under HC J Fox when they were one of the best Defenses in the NFL..
Trgovac has experience with the 4-3 which is what they ran while he was in Carolina and now with a 3-4 that the Packers run.. A Good hardworking Coach with little/no ego.. would be a real good fit..

January 17, 2011 12:21 pm

Look….I don’t want to see another “yes” man in the ranks. We need someone who can rock the boat and not another patsy towing the company line while the Eagles win nothing. Give us a Defensive mind that demands the respect of his players and piers. The concept of the defense against the offence mentality breeds competition. If the team refuse to get a player the defense needs or let an important player sign elsewhere, I’ll welcome a coach expressing his discontent with the front office leaving him shorthanded yet holding him accountable for producing. We need a change.

We need a coach with fire and is not afraid to speak the truth.

Is Ray Rhodes still out there?

January 17, 2011 12:25 pm

Remember when players were soft and coaches like Buddy and Parcells called them out publicly?

Remember that great defense in Houston Buddy had that was undercut by Gilbride’s reluctance to commit to the run game?

We need attitude on the defensive side and that begins with the Coach’s demeanor.

We don’t need just another guy.

McDermott was just another guy.

January 17, 2011 12:28 pm

Are you kidding me….Who do you think is making all of these bonehaead decisions. not running the football, always looking for the big play, poor clock management, no in game adjustments, defense is too small, poor red zone offense and defense. Give me a break here, who do you think is hiring the clown coaches???? You cut the head of the snake off (AR) and clean house. Get a HC coach in here who will run a more balanced attack not be so predictable every single year. AR is the Damn problem when will you people see this????

January 17, 2011 12:32 pm

Not so sure about a man with a stiff back but, Wade Phillips is a good DC. Not so much a HC as DC. Why hasn’t his name come up?

January 17, 2011 12:35 pm

Hey, I’m all for replacing AR and I’m more than willing as a fan to take a few steps backward for a few seasons in an effort to win it all.

January 17, 2011 12:52 pm

G – Ah, somehow I missed that one. Thanks.

January 17, 2011 1:28 pm

@TalonGRIP…. LMAO….. I feel your pain bro……. There was alot of frustration in your comment….. Your right…… But just imagine the cleaning expenses clearing out AR’s office…….. With all those delicious scrumptious GOODIES that Reid has in that office has to be in the 100,000….. 12 years of the good stuff……. I think Lurie is trying to avoid paying the cleaning bill from andy’s office……. So you clear out the small fish and handle the big big fish later………

January 17, 2011 2:14 pm

Lurie is no football guy and hasn’t the slightest clue how to put together a FO which can bring in the right personnel, to draft/hire the right players. He’s got a coach (Reid) who only once got a team to the SB, most of those players from the Rhodes era. Reid never had a record as a “name” OC, his only claim to fame was coming from Bill Walsh “tree” and working with Favre. Reid came in when the NFC east was in chaos. Reid’s record in postseason has declined terribly in last half of his tenure.
Lurie needs to tell Reid: “You’ve got next season to bring in the right coordinators & coaches, as well as drafting better” or you’re gone after 2011.”

I agree we need a DC who has attitude, at least the kind of strong person a defense is willing to “go to war” with. Enough of this “fastball nonsense”! A DC that has the confidence of his players can turn this thing around fast, but not with Sims types of players. If you’re going to keep a Samuel, you need others in the DB corps who will “chop some wood”. We need some Dawkins, healthy Trotters, some Wes Hopkins types who let their play do their talking on the field… a defense that strikes fear in the heart of other offenses. All 4 of the remaining playoff defenses are that.

The NFC is going to get tougher in near future. If you can’t win the NFC east, your chances of a wild card are very, very slim. It’s time to win a championship, not win a postseason game. Football is a game of military strategy and we need some heavy infantry and tanks… and some Lees & Pattons to inspire fearless men.

January 17, 2011 2:35 pm

Andy Reid won with Modrak’s picks in the first 5 years of his hire…Do the research…Modrak brought in Hugh Douglas, drafted Jeremiah Trotter and Brian Dawkins, Drafted Taylor and brought in Troy Vincent, Tra Thomas, brought in Carlos Emmons, and drafted Thomas to plug the run…He drafted Duce Staley and Mcnabb in his last year while the cap was managed well.

The problems came in when Reid circumvented and Modrak seized power…….Now look at those players and tell me which of those mentioned were replaced or upgraded through the draft and free agency.

Reid’s deficencies were masked early by Ray Rhodes players and Modrak’s picks. We are now seeing the residual effects.

January 17, 2011 2:52 pm

Excellent points SOngs about Modrak who I think was the best Personnel/Scout fellow that ever had here in PHilly, Heckert was terrible and a yes-man to AR and that’s about it..A little to early to tell about Roseman, He’s agreesive which I like, but A coupld of those ealry moves in last Years Draft had me shaking my head again,though he did very well from the 4th Round on and even picking up decent players once guys were starting to get injured so I think Roseman and his team have some potential
The Key in Player Personnel/Scouting and then Drafting is fitting the best players to your system
and the real problem to me is that the Eagles System on both sides of the ball just doesn’t win playoff games or Championships.. So fix the “System/Schemes” first, then add the proper Players to it and start over.. Start in the trenches with bigger,more physical players in shape who are nasty and then work your way out with talent.speed,& size..

January 17, 2011 3:04 pm

Man SONGS>>>>> GOOD RESEARCH……. So is AR a fraud…….. A fraud who seems to take alot of the success but yet he’s did little to get the respect that he has today…… I know guys like that At my job……. Do less but get takes all the credit for the companies success…… THere’s always one in every job i guess!!!

January 17, 2011 3:15 pm

Paulman correct…..
Keep in mind Modrak had a Steelers pedigree.

He was tight with Rhodes and drafted for the system in place.

I think Roseman must have knowledge on the system to pick the corrct parts and that can not happen until we know who will be the next coordinator. Now let’s talk about Asomugha.

I’m really tired of hearing in Philadelphia that the Eagles will not get a player because of price.

Why is that a reason everytime we mention a player that can help the team? Will he help this team win?

If the answer is yes then make it happen. We have a surplus of money left over every year and with the roster filled with lower priced, lower round players……why is it a problem paying for the answer to our defensive woes?

Please don’t give me Asante’s contract as a reason not to sign Asomugha….we all know Asante will never see the back end of his contract and the bonus money is already in his account. Asante price will be modest the next few years and if we can lock up the left Corner…every player on defence becomes a better player.

Let’s shoot for the best and finally be “The Golden Standard”.

January 17, 2011 3:57 pm

BANG BANG BANG………. Songs you shot and hit the target my man………. “The golden Standard”! ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! (My best Tosh.0 laugh)…… Man you nailed it……… We need to win…… The Jets threw in a serious monkey wrench and got Cromartie and Revis on both sides…… So why cant we….. I dont want no average guy who just aint cutting it…… Get the men who have proven as such and get this ring on Philly players fingers……. My gosh!!!!!

January 17, 2011 4:20 pm

All about Modrak.

Just look at the awesome things he’s been able to accomplish in Buffalo since he left Philly 10 years ago. That team is AWESOME!

January 17, 2011 4:33 pm

C’mon Vinnie,
Like you stated earlier in the Season when Kolb was having issues at QB.. “It’s the Wind”
and until Buffalo moves to Toronto or Los Angeles, Modrack can’t do anything about it..
Buffalo has had a decent record of Draft picks, their problem is their Owner is senile and they lose
all their good youg talent to free-agency since they are cheap with their $$$, plus many black players from the deep south just hate to play up in that cold winter..

January 17, 2011 4:41 pm

Vinnie….it’s Ironic

When we talk about Vick’s progression now, you speak of his past.

When we show how prolific Modrak was as a talent evaluator in our past, you talk about his recent work.

You’re inconsistent and choose scenarios to fit your weak opinions. anyway…how did Brady do against the corner blitz?

You know…The blitz you said great QB”s read and exploit?

enough said…..I’ll keep my future comments for more credible bloggers here. you’re a waste of brain power.

January 17, 2011 5:05 pm

If you think a decade running the Bills drafts is “recent work” go ahead and think that. Modrak drafted some good players when here with Rhodes, but remember that team went 10-6, 10-6, 6-9, 3-13 while he and Rhodes were running the show. The draft is a complete crapshoot, unless your name is Matt Millen.

All I want to say is that you guys have a real tendancy to romanticize either past eras or future potential eras.

You want to go back to Rhodes railing about how the other team is coming in to rape mothers and daughters? How successful was that approach? One shining game vs Det. Kotite?

And as for owners?

Why the vitriole against Lurie? Are you kidding me? DO any of you remember Tose or “the guy in France?” Lurie took over a team that had been a laughingstock. A crumbling stadium. Pathetic practice facilities, and a long list of free agents fleeing the team for greener pastures.

Over his tenure the team has a new beautiful stadium (and believe me, I’ve seen games in about 12 cities, and the Link in a nice venue), wonderful practice fields, competitive product, national exposure and more prime-time games than they could have dreamed of, and better chearleader outfits..

15 years ago I could call the boxoffice and buy tix to any game I wanted, now the season sells out in 60 seconds (I’m actually annoyed about this – makes things more expensive for me).

So why all the vitriole towards Lurie and Banner? All the hate and anger directed at the most successful owners in team history. I wonder….could there possibly be another reason why many of you don’t like them?

Brady had trouble precisely because the Jets did not blitz (very much) yesterday, if they had, you would have seen a different story I think. Most of those sacks (save the one corner blitz from Brady’s backside where the DB flipped over his back) were coverage sacks. I’ve never seen Brady stand there so flummoxed. But he had time. Was strange.

January 17, 2011 6:58 pm

Vinnie….let’s focus..ok?

I wrote about Modraks picks and showed how these conrstones through he brought to the team was never replaced.

you got it?

Read it again instead of arguing just to be on the other side of the conversation. it’s time you check yourself back into Rehab

January 18, 2011 12:11 pm

Reid success is due to bad Cowboy, Redskin, and Giant teams. Eagle Coaches before Reid had to play 2 Giant, 2 Redskin, 3 Cowboy Super bowl teams Reid did not and that is big playing each team twice