• March 3, 2025

What We Might Learn From The Defensive Coordinator Hiring

I have been told by a league source that we will learn a great deal about the Eagles future from what they do with their selection of a new defensive coordinator.

I took from that statement that the person who is hired as the team’s defensive coordinator, may in time also be the new head coach in the future should Andy Reid decide to say good-bye. Reid could go elsewhere if he grows tire of sharing power with other members of the team’s front office.

If Reid were to ever get back on the market he would likely be given the opportunity to have complete control of an organization.  Reid could decide to be the coach and the team President elsewhere or he could decide to hire a coach and play the role that his mentor Mike Holmgren is currently playing in Cleveland.

Perhaps the desire to put the next head coach in place is one of the reasons that a former head coach like Jim Mora Jr. is the leading candidate to become the team’s new defensive coordinator.  Mora also happens to have a great relationship with the guy this team will probably be built around for the next five years, Michael Vick.

Let me reason for a minute.

If the Birds were to sign Mora as the team’s new defensive coordinator, they would have a charismatic and fiery type of personality running their defense.  I think that would play well here in Philadelphia.  He has an extensive resume and he’s got a reputation for putting together solid pass defenses.   If you haven’t noticed our pass defense was awful this year and could use some help.

Mora is  currently working for NFL Network and does a good job of working with the media which would be a prerequisite for coaching here in the City of Brotherly Love.

The former Atlanta Falcons and Seattle Seahawks coach has been out of coaching for a couple of years, so he doesn’t have the power to come in making any demands.  If he ever became the team’s head coach he wouldn’t be able to make the demands for power which have seen in Reid time at the helm.

Mora would never been given the power that Reid has been able to amass.

Howie Roseman would be the team’s General Manager in the true sense of word.  He would be running the football team and deciding which players would be brought in and which players would sent packing.  A blind man can see that Reid’s power is decreasing and the decision-making power of Roseman is increasing.

Mora would in charge of the football team when they practiced or took the field in a game.  He would be the team’s coach the coach alone.


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January 17, 2011 12:50 pm

G, I totally agree with you….if they hire Mora, the writing is on the wall as far as AR is concerned. Is it possible the Eagles front office is finally starting to see the light???

January 17, 2011 1:08 pm

“G”…you’re right on.

If the Top brass makes the decision to bring in outside coach talent….that’s telling us they don’t trust Andy promoting within the ranks.

Those coaches Andy promotes would be loyal to him and reluctant to report above Reid. Alliances are being made for the inevitable transition.

Andy wanted Kolb and the organization eventually seen the financial upsIde in Vick and eventually killed Kolb’s future here.

The organization was watching Andy with Kolb closely after Mcnabb was traded and held Andy’s success to Kolb’s success. Kolb failed.

Now, the organization will bring in a guy with prior experience and have succeeded with a lesser Michael Vick…and best believe if Andy refuse to run the ball……Mora will be in the Brass office complaining about his defence needing rest between series. He will be the Brass Spy in the clubhouse. This maybe the best thing for Reid….for once he’ll be held accountable and if he refuse to change……We’ll change by ushering him out the door and promote Marty as the assistant Head coach and Offensive coordinator….and under Mora…Marty will run the ball.


January 17, 2011 1:10 pm

I’d like to see the Eagles go after Ray Edwards in free agency this year. There were some rumblings about him coming to the Eagles last year but I think the Vikings franchised him. Our pass rush was non existent this past year during the second half and I think upgrading the pass rush would be default, help upgrade the secondary. I really don’t see the Eagles breaking the bank for Nnamdi so I think we can forget that. The next move I would make is to go after Logan Mankins or even Matt Light from NE to help shore up our o-line. Anyone see how much time Tom Brady had back there in the pocket last night? I would then use our first pick in the draft to get a SS in the event Mikell is shown the door or a CB. Eric Weddle is another option in free agency that I would like to see the Eagles pursue but if we could SOMEHOW land Ray Edwards and Mankins/Light, we would immediately have upgraded two dire needs for the Eagles.

January 17, 2011 1:15 pm

I agree 100% and have stated my reasons in earlier posts on this subject..
McDermott/Segrest were forced out by Banner/Roseman, This will most likley be Coach AR final Season as the Eagles Coach, I think there is a very good possibility that he leaves on his own after next season is over..I do not see him working for this FO group and in this “Envrionment” for too much longer
and as I have stated a few times.. Joe Banner (thru Howie Roseman) is really running the ship and has for a while now.. It’s just now becoming more obvious to the public of what’s been happening but I have sensed this for about 2 years and especailly when COAch Ar had his family issues with his sons a couple of years back..
Ask the simple Question, If Coach AR came to the decision that he couldn’t win with McDermott/Segrest running the Defense after publicly supported them 48-72 hours earlier, and if he thought that Secondary Coach D Jauron would be the best man for the Job, Then D Jauron would have already be named as the Coordinator, It’s not in Coach AR’s nature to leave players,coaches,media and fans guessing when it comes to his Coaching Staff which he is very methodical and loyal about,
the fact that D Jauron has not been named the next DC is proof that Coach AR is not running things like he used to and that Banner/Roseman forced this decision to be made and now they are in the process of hiring his replacement…

January 17, 2011 1:18 pm


Mora was on NFL network earlier this year covering the Eagles Redskins and was adamant about Andy committing to the run to give his poor offensive line a chance to get their feet under them.

You think Lurie and Banner heard that piece?

And another thing.

Jim Mora’s name surfaced pretty quick..Don’t you think?

For a organization that’s usually tight lipped on the smallest moves put this out within days of firing McDermott.

I have a feeling Conversations between the Eagles Roseman and Jim Mora was in the works a day after the lost.

Keep your eyes on this fellows

January 17, 2011 1:25 pm

This is exactly what i think was the meaning behind the words “doing the smae thing over and over again each year cannot continue”. What has been changing for several years now is the power that AR has had.

In past years i’ve wanted andy out for a few simple reasons. 1. Lack of run game. 2. Lack of size on D. 3. failure to change anything during a game.

This year ive backed off because i think he had overachived with the roster at hand. I think Andy the Coach did a great job this year thanks to Mike Vick. But Andy the Head Cheese sucked it up…BIG TIME. The only thing Andy the GM got right was bringing in Vick last year. To me… that alone keeps him around for next year.

BUT…. Andy the GM must go… and so…. I think we are starting to see that happpen.

As far as the game plan moving forward this off season….. I said on my post we needed to get rid of MCD… Now we need to hire from OUTSIDE the current group. A fresh start.

January 17, 2011 1:28 pm

“I agree 100% and have stated my reasons in earlier posts on this subject..
McDermott/Segrest were forced out by Banner/Roseman, This will most likley be Coach AR final Season as the Eagles Coach”….

Paulman… please give the credit where its due….. G was the one who informed us of the facts.

January 17, 2011 1:32 pm

What i’ve learned is that I wish JJ was immortal! I wish AR would just resign as head coach and just say….. It’s been a long ride…… Now I must focus on my sons……. He seems as if he’s bothered by the destractions from some years ago and should have took time off then……. If you ask me…… Reid seems to be the one who should have left when Mcnabb went elsewhere!

January 17, 2011 1:32 pm

Paulman’s quick Fix for this Defense

Upgrade the following Positions with the following players.. (now keep in mind, there is a budget to adhere too..) The Eagles need at least 1 player for each Position

CB – Cromartie from the Jets , I Taylor from Steelers, R Marshall from Panthers
OLB – B Leber from VIkings, K Burnett-Chargers, J Anderson – Panthers, S Tulloch from Titans
DE – C Jenkins from the Packers, R Edwards from the Vikings, J Babin fron the Titans
Safety – D Landry from the Ravens, E Weddle -Chargers, M Bullitt – Colts, C Peprah- Packers

Then in the Draft

1st Rd (#23) – Best DE Availalbe
2nd Rd (#55) – Best OL Availalbe
3rd Rd (#87) – Best LB Availalbe
4th Rd (#106) – Best CB Availalbe
4th Rd (#120) – Best OL Available
5th Rd (#145) – Best TE Available
5th Rd (#153 – Best DT Availalbe
6th Rd (#182) – Best LB Avaialbe
7th Rd (#213) – Best RB Available

This is my plan and I am sticking to it…

January 17, 2011 1:34 pm

Jim Mora was a very average coordinator in San Fran. His best year there, his defense finished 14th overall. Do you remember those Atlanta defenses being anything special?

I loathe Andy Reid as a coach/personel man….but I KNOW Jim Mora isn’t the answer….and so does Reid. Is Mora really a threat? Andy would get another job in a heartbeat….and we’d be left with Jim Mora and Joe Banner. Seriously!? That’s an even scarier thought than Rich Kotite….

January 17, 2011 1:34 pm

yeah Paulman..Stop trying to steal others thunder.
you’re the top 10 guy

January 17, 2011 1:38 pm

Paulman, I think this o-line needs to be addressed WAY before round 2 of the draft. If we don’t address the line immediately, Vick will not last a full season.

January 17, 2011 1:43 pm

+++++ I watch that show Hoarders on A+E and I think of Andy Reid being one of those individuals+++++
+++++ Brings a ton of CRAP by drafting a bunch of garbage++++++++
+++++ Stuck to the same old scheme of I’m right and your wrong attitude +++++++++++
+++++ The dis-trust of people trying to throw away garbage when everyone else see’s its garbage ++++
+++++ Repeat the same things over and over every year…. “I take full responsibility for the game+++
+++++ Comes up with so call PROJECTS for certain players and there garbage as well++++++

If you ask me Reid is a Hoarder……. He needs to seek help and get the proper treatment for this sickness…… GO EAGLES

January 17, 2011 1:43 pm

Look at my postings from Sat/Sun, Songs
I was all over the story that AR has lost his Authority over to Roseman/Banner and these recent Changes were being forced on Andy.. I also stated that the writing was on the wall started last year after the McNabb trade fiasco in which Coach AR was again forces to make by Roseman/Banner..

January 17, 2011 1:45 pm

That’s funny you mention JROC,

I do remember an episode where a fellow has a storage area about his garaged named “ACL Storage”

January 17, 2011 1:51 pm

To Btc24,

I agree 100% and forgot to mention that a RG needs to be signed during Free-Agency
The best ones out to persue would be the following

RG – C Nicks – Saints, H Dahl- Falcons, R Kalil – Panthers, C Chester- Ravens

January 17, 2011 1:52 pm

Stevo – No argument that the Eagles exceeded everyone’s expectations however, I believe the primary reason for the failures during the last games were for the same reasons that they’ve failed in the past. It’s the same old, same old predictable offense year in and year out. Unbelievably, that horrid defense somehow still kept them in the games but I wouldn’t argue that they could’ve lost to GB by a greater margin. I believe the FO sees the same thing as well but are unable to get Lurie to move away from Reid. Lurie feels he owes Reid for a majority of their success and remains loyal. Reid will be here through the end of his contract. He won’t leave of his own accord due to a reduction in power. Even he must know that another team won’t hand over a team lock, stock and barrel because he hasn’t proved he can produce what I think most teams covet most, the Lombardi trophy.

January 17, 2011 1:53 pm

LOL @jroc….gotta admit it….I watch too…your right, he is a football hoarder….when can we call 1-800-GOT-JUNK ??

Ronnie Noel
Ronnie Noel
January 17, 2011 2:00 pm

What Philly would do for a head coach like Mike Tomlin, Rex Ryan or Jim hardbaugh

January 17, 2011 2:00 pm

“all over the story”- implies that you have contacts… that you actuaally know something.

Paulman, I mean no disrespect but we are ALL GUESSING… we know NOTHING. You however make it sound like you are reporting. You are not!

For a few years i knew a guy who had family high up on the redskins coaching staff. I made a few mentions of things that would find away to be passed along to me. BUT i didnt make it sound like the guy was my inside leak in the skins staff. I didnt make it sound like i was “all over the story”.

Im met a couple of Pro Football players over the years…. it does not make me anything…. they didnt know me from Adam…. im nothing to them.

You take stuff that G and florio from PFT say and make them sound like there your own.
I wish we were sports reporters too but im sorry…. Ray Ramano….. were not!

January 17, 2011 2:06 pm

“It’s the same old, same old predictable offense year in and year out. Unbelievably, that horrid defense somehow still kept them in the games”

I disagree my man….. 1. Its not the same O. Vick can (and more importantly WILL) take off at any time. Out O looks nothing like it did from the first few years AR came. In fact…. I would argue that we’ve had 3 different style O’s over the AR years. I like this one. Once we get 2 spots on the Line tied down we will be even more deadly.

I also STRONGLY disagree with your 2nd line there…. Our D did not really keep us in that game. The pack ran and threw however they wanted on us. Their game plan was to attack our Line and LB’s and it worked. In fact….. what games are you referring to that our D did anything? I did not see that this year at all. I thought we did a good job against the run game on most weeks but it helps when most teams want to throw against patterson. Cant give up runs if teams dont try and run.

January 17, 2011 2:11 pm

1 last thing about our D- last year it was the bubble screen and that quick little draw play that killed us. Think about how simple it was…. we kenw it was coming after the first q and we could do nothing to stop them. THATS the issue with our team boys. Its THAT SIMPLE to beat us. Find the right gameplan against the Eagles cause once you’ve found it they can do NOTHING to stop it.

January 17, 2011 2:11 pm

G- don’t you think that it would be more “telling” as to the diminished role of Reid is the DC job were to go to someone who does not fall from the “Holmgren Tree”…someone with whom Reid does not already have a relationship or part of the same “football family”….if Howie were to find a candidate outside of Reid’s “usual suspects”, then that would really be telling as to where the real power now rests in the organization….of course if something like that were to happen I am sure that Reid would just spout the company line that it was an organizational choice…just a thought

January 17, 2011 2:22 pm

@Greenfan…. Truth is truth……. Me and my lady watch the show…… Its crazy what some of these people keep…… Same with Reid but on a professional level…… We have spoken and finally the FO are acting at once……. You can kinda see Reid’s powers fading away with Vick was announced starter…… He’s Like Sadaam Hussien…… Losing power and his people are starting to rebel…. This was our season this year…… We finally have seen things that what this current team can do…… The eagles were never a good come from behind team…… And this season we prove that we do have the fight to come back…….. AR had two weeks to prepare for GB…….. And we see the same ol’ results every year……. WHERE NOT GONNA TAKE IT…….. LOL!

January 17, 2011 2:32 pm

I hope getting Mora and “the 400” leaving comes to past

Just the sound of a coach saying the “R word” makes the sun shine brighter.

Some things are just common sense. I want “the 400” to take that BYU offense and that sissy defense out of town. Put men on the field that can fight back. Wafer thin corners and wide recievers are a joke. Looking for places to fall. Pitiful. Baby sized defensive linemen. Hampton University’s
(1-AA) Defensive line was bigger than the Eagles( Hampton U. DT Hawkins 6-2 310lb)
Eagles – Patterson 6-1 300lb – Bunkley 6-2 306lb

After watching the Steelers Ravens, and Jets. I’d like to trade “one trick pony”, for a real wide reciever without alligator arms and can run a slant. The University of West Virginia, at one time had 4 count them, 4 players on offense that ran a 4.2 or 4.4 forty. That’s a second teir program. LSU, Florida, Oklahoma, Texas, Miami, Oregon, Oklahoma State and Florida State. Every year these programs have multiple speedsters on their team. Or Keep “soulja boy” and use Riley Cooper more. Since he tried to beat up Hobbs in training came, he must have some b-lls. Plus all preseason they kept saying he has “deceptive speed” so, Give him the football on some slants. We act like that play is banned from the playbook. The Jets used it to death against the Patriots. But these Mr. Softey WRs are scared to run across the middle. No disrespect to Avant or the TE. Those guys take some hits over the middle. But they don’t have the speed to make teams pay for blitzing.

Mora’s dad was a solid coach and Buddy Ryan’s son’s are’nt doing too bad either. A lifetime of being around a logical thinking coach (mora’s dad) should put an end to a lifetime of being around Lavell Edwards. Plus sitting at the NFL network I am sure Mora made alot of contacts from all around the league.

Always good for bringing in Free Agents and making trades.

We are one step closer to getting rid of “the 400”. He will flourish with a dome team or a warm weather team. But this is the East Coast. Save that West Coast crap for the West Coast. Bring back the Seth Joyners, Reggie Whites and Jerimah Trotters and Brian Dawkins. And Duce Staley’s.

Players with some attitude. They did’nt have to have Heart printed on a shirt.

January 17, 2011 2:37 pm

One reason Brady had so much time against the Jets is that the Jets made a strategic plan NOT to blitz Brady because that’s when he picks apart defenses; Ryan completely changed Jets defense from his two previous meetings which baffled Bill Bel and Brady.

I like Mora’s intensity & fire and knows when to not let his mouth run overboard like Rex Ryan’s, but he’ll need a top OC if he eventually gets HC appt. His Falcons defense absolutely killed McNabb and us the first game of season after we beat them for NFC title. I just want Reid out.

January 17, 2011 2:42 pm

Stevo my friend,
I don’t need sources or a weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing …
If there is one Adage that the G-man has been dead-on and has stated many times on this site is this ..”Watch what the Eagles do and not neccesarily what they Say”…
The Front Office/Coach AR relationship was changed forever when his Son’s got in trouble, there’s no secret to that. They (Banner/Lurie) decided to take some of the duties and therefore, authority away from Andy, so he could focus in his Staff and Players. Then Banner pushes out Heckert (a Reid yes man) and replaces him with his man (Roseman), force the trade of McNabb, Control the Draft,
I don’t need to change my name to Sherlock Holmes to know that Coach AR’s days are numbered in Philadelphia and that now, he is going to have to win games ad meaningful playoff agmes to remain as Coach (which I am not saying it’s a bad thing at all, but I am saying it’s different on who things have been run for a better part of 10 years)
I do kind of like the name Sherlock though…

January 17, 2011 2:58 pm

Reid has to go……. killer instinct is what he lacks totally…… He likes these remember the titans games when you keep a score close and win with the last play of the game…… Its a adrenaline rush for AR to have close games…… Him not wanting to run up the score on teams and punch teams in the mouth makes me sick…….. 12 years of the same old recipe……..

It’s like Sponge Bob…….. (Which my son loves to watch) Andy Reid is Mr. Crabs and the other teams are like Plankton…… (Who desperatly want the crabby Pattie formula)……. But Reid has stuck with the same old recipe and people have figured out how he made his product…… LOL…… Refering to a cartoon….. But than again Reid does cartoon stuff…… LOL….. Wake up AR….. People have figured you out and ALSO the FANS of Philadelphia know your recipe…….

Is andy reid part of secret society????? Him and Fisher must have connection’s????

January 17, 2011 3:12 pm

Jroc….sponge bob??…LMAO…Big Red actually looks more like Patrick…never thought I would make that observation about Sponge Bob on GCobbs site….crazy

January 17, 2011 3:52 pm

@Greenfan…… I cant take it…….. I’m a hurt fan who has been scorn through the years bro….. You have to make fun of things to make your self feel better……. Jets ran the ball 27 times and consume the clock to keep Brady off the field……. They RAN the ball……. Reid with his same old Philosphy every year is just nerve wrecking!!!!

PHILLY aint Taking Reid’s same old PHILOSOPHY……… Thats my slogan for the day!!!!!!!!!! The people have spoken and its off with his head…….. I am just speaking real……. Reid just needs to stop and resign as headcoach……. Give Dungy the job and do what Irvin Myer has done and give the game up……..

January 17, 2011 4:19 pm

Stevo – I guess we agree to disagree.

To your first point. I would agree on 2 stiles of offense. The first when Reid actually used running as an integral part of the offense, way back with the three headed monster etc. and since the SB and including the SB where he began his passaholism where the defense was kept off balance by defending the screen, intermediate or the deep pass. Playoff records since the SB pretty much shows how effective Reid’s offense is in the post season since the SB. Ran the current offense with McNabb and now with Vick however, he’s leaned even heavier on the deep pass since he brought in very fast receivers. Yes Vick will now do what McNabb once did many years ago but they’re typically busted plays not designed QB runs therefore Vick’s runs are a product of Reid’s failures. This is the same offense with a few wrinkles .

2nd point… I mentioned that GB probably could’ve buried the Eagles but the fact is they didn’t which is why the Eagles were in the game with a few seconds left. If Vick threw one pass a little higher, GB would be sitting’ @ home with a remote control in their hand wondering why so yeah, the D kept them in the game.

I have all their losses listed below with the margin of loss. The average is 7.2 points including the Titans game collapse. If you remove that game, it drops to 5.5. Either way, I’d readily argue that this woeful D kept the team in all but two games with being a total late game collapse. Yeah, I agree it looks worse but final points suggest otherwise. Please do not take this as an argument that this D doesn’t require a complete overhaul. I believe it does.

Packers 7
Redskins 5
Titans 18
Bears 5
Vikings 10
Cowboys 1
Packers 5

January 17, 2011 4:24 pm

Steveo – one other point… If you like this offense you can have it. And please, please, please take it with you.

January 17, 2011 4:26 pm

Paulman’s Top 10 things I think I know

#1) MLK was a brilliant man and has left a tremendous legacy of teachings,speeches which are still very much relevant in today’s world some 40 + years later.. Amazing …
#2) The Eagles have a mess on their hands on the Defensive side of the ball (DL,LB & Secondary)
#3) The Winter Season is way too long
#4) The Eagles have need to upgrade C,RG,RT along the O/Line
#5) Christmas is overrated
#6) The Eagles could not beat any of the teams left in the playoffs and/or teams like Patriots,Ravens
#7) Easter is way too late this year.. (April 24th – the last Sunday in April) C’mon Jesus…
#8) The Eagles have one of the quietest stadiums for Opponents to come visit and play in
#9) Memorial Day is one of my favorite Holidays and unofficially kicks off the Summer time
#10) Eagles finish 7-9 Next Season and out of the Playoffs, Coach AR resigns his position as HC

Ronnie Noel
Ronnie Noel
January 17, 2011 4:45 pm

After 2011 fire fat boy & hire jets dc mike pettine jr

January 17, 2011 5:00 pm

Paulman thinks he’s on CSN…..I’m sure he has some great sources! hahaha

January 17, 2011 5:02 pm

Football, at times, really is s simple sport. Ideally the Eagles should look around the league at teams that YEAR IN AND YEAR OUT field top level defenses (i.e. Ravens and Steelers) and hire one of their defensive assistants. The Steelers, in particular, have two guys (LB coach Keith Butler and DL coach/assistant head coach John Mitchell) who have been a part of the defensive system there for 9 yrs. and 19 yrs respectfully. When the Eagles hired Andy Reid he had not even been a coordinator in the NFL and they made him Head Coach! The bottom line for me is that they need a fresh start philosophically and hiring a highly touted defensive assistant from a team with a history of fielding a good aggressive defense is the way to go. Forget Jim Mora Jr. and the possibility that he could take over for Reid at some point. This team set a record (for the third year in a row mind you!!) for points scored. They can win a championship with this regime and this offense, but it’s time for a change in philosophy on defense. Jim Johnson was GREAT but there will never be another like him.

January 17, 2011 7:18 pm

After reading the comments above. I can only say Thank God Reid’s power is diminishing for all the aforementioned reasons: smallish defensive linemen, failure to adequately and effectively use the running game (and give the offensive line time to jell and the defense periods of rest), selection of players lacking the necessary skills to keep us competitive beyond the first round of the playoffs and on, and on. It’s time for a change. So happy that Roseman and company can see the light as we, the fans, have for years now.

January 17, 2011 7:41 pm

You got to love all these guys (like Paulman) that actualy think they know what is going on inside the eagles front office. Truth is they know less that the Philadelphia media – if that is possible. Sooner or later they have to be right!

January 17, 2011 7:47 pm

slick1 – I agree but the bad news is that Roseman and company seeing the light is 100% speculation. It does seem that Reid’s power is diminishing but even that is speculation to some degree. For those of us that want to see Reid gone, we can only hope that it would happen before his contract expires at the end of the 2013 season.

January 17, 2011 8:18 pm

It’s(AR power and authority) has been diminishing for over 2 years now fellas
#1) The not resigning of B Dawkins was Banner
#2) The Purging of Veteran Players after 2009 was Banner/Roseman (Westbrook,D Howard,S Brown)
#3) The forced trade of McNabb was Banner/Roseman
#4) The wheeling and dealing during this past seasons Draft was Roseman..
#5) The firing of McDermott was Banner/Roseman
#6) The hiring of the next DC will be mostly handled by Roseman
#7) The upcoming Free-agency and 2010 Draft will again be handled mostly by Roseman

2011 will be Coach AR’s final Season in Philadelphia and you can take that to PSFS Bank (if they are still around)

January 17, 2011 8:25 pm

paulman – I’m glad you think you know these things but frankly, you don’t.

January 17, 2011 8:35 pm

For the record paulman…. You said that last year.

January 19, 2011 10:55 am

Paulmoron is just an aimbot repeating himself over and over…..and their not even original thoughts….I read them on PFT.com and ESPN rumor mill