• March 4, 2025

Oprah And New CNN Host Make Wager On Who Can Interview Vick First

Recently, the Queen of Daytime talk, Oprah Winfrey was a guest on the new show on CNN which is hosted by Piers Morgan, who has taken over for Larry King.  During their conversation the discussion turned to Eagles quarterback Michael Vick.  Morgan wanted to know what advice Winfrey would have for Vick.

The billionaire refused to tell him because she said she was trying to line up an interview with Vick and was aware that the new CNN talk show host was trying to do the same.

Before long the two interviewers were putting together a wager on which of them could get the Birds signal caller on their couch for an interview.

It would be a good idea for Vick to do an interview with Oprah because she talks to millions of women nationwide, many of whom are animal lovers.  They’re the audience that the quarterback still needs to win over.  He could apologize to them for his actions and talk about what he’s doing to prove to them that he’s sorry for what he did.

It would be a great opportunity for him.

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January 18, 2011 9:44 am

Ughh… I couldnt care less about Vick winning over the Oprah crowd… I want Vick to continue preparing to lead us to a super bowl… Just win and let the rest take care of itself…

January 18, 2011 10:33 am

I can’t wait for tihs..
I am going to take a day off from work (with full pay of course) and watch it …
Keep us informed G-Man when it this will be televised…

Gotta Luv It
Gotta Luv It
January 18, 2011 10:37 am

Gotta Luv It When G goes in on dudes..LMAO

January 18, 2011 10:44 am

Winning over the Ophrah crowd means more money in Vicks bank account.

More Sponsors will come back to Vick as society softens it’s unforgiving nature toward this repentful human being.

I was paying for gas the other day wearing my Eagles Jacket and hat and the attendant said
” I’ll never route for the Eagles as long as Vick is the QB”. I did not ask his opinion. So I did not say a thing.

I wondered if he was also never going to route for the Steelers because that have a multiple rapist on their team.

I also wondered if he crossed the Ravens off the list because they have a player involved in a murder.

Then I wondered if he knocked tennesee of the list because the had a cheating QB leading their team. And also had a alleged wife beater as QB.

Then there is the former cleveland brown WR who ran over and killed an innocent person because they were driving while drunk.

No, I realized that the intelligence level of the gas attendant was in part shaped buy the media and was not worth wasting my time or breath talking to him. The gear that I was wearing said all I needed to say.

Personally I’d like to see Vick tell every one to kiss his rear end, but I am not 15 million in debt. No he would be doing the right thing by going on Ophrah as long as his PR people have him prepared for the gotcha question, and the overly emotional nut that’s going to stand up and cry, wipe her face and profess her intense love for dogs, as he passes the homeless man on the drive home from the show.

January 18, 2011 11:04 am

There are well meaning people in the whole Michael Vick saga, but ultimately his current fate, his future is tied to money, the money he has made for Lurie, the money he makes for the NFL. Notwithstanding Lurie’s initial apprehension of bringing Vick to Philadelphia, the whole schtick that he loves his dogs too, Lurie is about money, money over winning, and he saw Vick in philly green as more green in his wallet. And in light of how the defensive coordinator got fired, I believe it was Lurie who told Reid to start Vick. And this will ultimately be Reid’s downfall. If he stayed with Kolb, the fan base would have been more patient, endured some growing pains to see if the quarterback could develop. Not now, the eagles must win a super bowl with Vick now, or go very deep in playoffs, or Reid is done. And with Reid, the eagles will never win a super bowl. One more year of Reid and then Lurie, under threat of losing his fan base and money, will fire Reid

January 18, 2011 11:15 am

relax Gary… I never said I couldnt care less about the article…. Im talkin about the idea of Vick running around looking for forgiveness from people who arent inclined to sympathize with him or consider the things he has done since returning from prison…

January 18, 2011 11:16 am

@jakedog……while you spin a pretty good conspiracy theory about Vick / Lurie etc, and not sure if I buy it, what is wrong with your conclusion? We win the SB (or I believe you said get very deep) or Reid is gone. I see it as a win / win for the fans. I personally believe that Reid has taken us as far as he can, and much as it was time for McNabb to go, it is time for this team to win or find another headcoach. There are many examples of a longtime coach leaving and the new coach is able to get them over the hump. It isn’t necessarily a statement that the current coach sucks, but rather he has gotten the most out of the team that he can. Look at the Tampa situation with Dungy & Gruden. Both ended up winning SB’s, but Dungy just wasn’t able to get the job done in Tampa. Look at Denver with Reeves and Shanahan. While Shanahan was able to win the SB in Denver, Reeves was also able to have some later success in ATL, getting them to the SB too.

So, as I said previously, while I may not agree with you whole Vick / Lurie theory, I am ok with the results. Reid needs to win next year or it is time to move on.

January 18, 2011 11:25 am

@Greenfan….. Preach on Brother……. I think that this is the recruiting of illuminiti…….. I believe Oprah is the front runner of this whole secret society stuff….. They want to recruit Vick now because of his success…… If we see this season and Vick stops thanking GOD for his success….. Then we’ll know the truth behind this interview…… Kobe tried to reach out by giving him a autograph jersey????? Makes you think??? DONT DO IT VICK, DONT DO IT BROTHER……… This is a trap…..

January 18, 2011 11:38 am

I heard thru a pretty good sources of mine out on the West Coast that Vick is considering retiring from
Football so he can participate in next season’s hit show “Dancing with the Stars”
Now my source also told me that Vick and his team they are in contract negotiations with
Oprah and Queen Latifa as his dancing partner..If this occurs, I may even tune in for a look..

January 18, 2011 11:59 am

green, I am ok with the result as well, but if it works out like I think it will, there will be more vitriol, wailing and gnashing of teeth by an even angrier mob of eagles fans next year when things end poorly.

January 18, 2011 12:10 pm

@ jake…..no worse than last year when we finished with 2 huge losses to the cowboys….no worse

January 18, 2011 12:35 pm

I always love the “the money Vick has made for Lurie” business. Because of course, its not true.

Exactly where/how has Michael Vick specifically made Lurie $$? The team makes him $$, not the individual players.

Ticket sales: Linc sold out every game Vick there or not
Season Tix: Had a 60k waiting list long before Vick arrived
Beer sales? Maybe people crying over beer after another exit
TV revenue. Agree upon years ago and split evenly among teams
Luxury boxes: Already sold
Stadium ad revenue…you really think that’s changed ’cause of arrival of Vick?
Apparel sales…again divided evenly among teams. Sales of Vick jerseys may be up, but only at the expense of others…overall jerseys sales have been growing steadily for the past decade, vick or no vick….even if he were to provide a spike, the profit would be then /32

Other revenue streams from the team??

Vick may provide more top of mind awareness around the country/world…but as far as $$ is concerned, his affect is negligable at best.

January 18, 2011 1:25 pm

The NFL is a brand, an investment by wealthy men who want to maintain/improve their fortunes, and the reinvented Vick does that for the NFL, tv ratings, shared revenue for merchandise, and most importantly, drawing additional generations of fans to the flock, vinnie, your view is too shortsighted.

January 18, 2011 1:57 pm

Not to go off on a tangent.. But who is Oprah’s Dentist.. She has some beautiful teeth…
(something tells me it’s not the fella who used to advertise the David Ortiz smile…)

January 18, 2011 2:07 pm

@paulman…… It’s because of STEDMAN’s toothpaste if you know what im talking bout…. LOL…… That Oprah from the time in the Color Purple has done a complete 180…….. She went from Grandma in the 80’s to now auntie in 2011……. Makes you think….. Money can buy pretty teeth……

January 18, 2011 2:14 pm

Stedman’s toothpaste… ha ha, I don’t think the guy ever had any in his tube if you know what I mean..
but I have to admit, Oprah’s looks pretty darn good in this Picture…

January 18, 2011 2:24 pm

@Paulman….. She does look good…… But her bank account looks even better…… I’ll be her personal coat hanger if she wants me to be….. I’ll do her laundry, Cut her toenails….. Where talking about the most powerful black woman in this world……. OVER MICHELLE OBAMA…… THATS SAYING SOMETHING!!!

January 18, 2011 2:37 pm

Winfrey having her own network is even worse than last 15yrs of just one show. She’s just another “Mother Divine” … only longtime Philly natives will recall the Father Divine thing.

January 18, 2011 3:22 pm

I would argue your view is.

1 – The NFL is not a “star driven’ league like the NBA. Teams are more important. This is a product of the violent nature of the sport. Careers are short. Injuries are expected. Difficult to pick a star to market only to have him out for 1/2 the season, which is basically the norm, not the exception in the NFL. Teams are expected to plug in another player when one drops and move right along. While players get promoted, the brand is what is constantly being pushed on the consumer. “You want the NFL go to the NFL”, not “You want Brees, go to the NFL”

2 – If there wasn’t a Vick there would be someone else. Whatever hype there is for individual players, its always for the next great thing. If Vick were to snap his leg (entirely possible the way he plays) come the following March Eagles’ fans would be all about “Maybe we’ll draft so-and-so from nowhere state!! Wicked!!” The hype machine would just build up another guy within weeks. Either way Lurie, and the NFL, still raking in cash.

The Birds will sell out next year whether Vick is the QB or not.

Is america about to tune in to watch “Cutler vs Rodgers?” Or is it “Packers face the Bears on a windswept Soldier field as the monsters of the midway prepare to defend their turf against the ghost of Lombardi….”

January 18, 2011 7:48 pm

Vine, what you wrote applies to vast majority of NFL players, but not the media draws, the players who appeal to a sect of people because of his talent, background, sometimes his religion, see tebow, and Vick for obvious reasons is a huge draw, and if your view on Vick’s limitations is correct, then you have made the point that Lurie puts profits over winning