• March 10, 2025

Report: Haynesworth would take less money to play for Eagles

There has been a lot of speculation about the Eagles potential interest in soon-to-not-be-a-Redskin-anymore DT Albert Haynesworth. That talk just increased five fold after the Eagles brought in his former defensive line coach in Tennessee.

Now, Jason La Canfora of NFL Network is reporting that Haynesworth would take less money (like he has a choice) to be reunited with Jim Washburn in Philadelphia.

This really does assume though that Haynesworth hits free agency. There is no guarantee of that, as the Redskins will definitely want to get something for him in return. Good luck with that. The Titans are more well versed in his knuckleheadery (just made that up if you couldn’t tell) than anyone in the NFL, and even they wouldn’t part with a fourth-round pick this past year.

So, I’m not sure what the Redskins would get in return, but if the Eagles parted ways with a fifth-round pick for a stiff like Ernie Sims, they should at least offer that for Haynesworth if it came down to it.

We all know the Eagles need defensive line help and we all know that Haynesworth is an absolute monster when motivated (and under Washburn). So if the Eagles can get him signed to an incentive-laden contract (assuming they don’t trade for what’s left of that ridiculous free agent deal with Washington), he could be a serious difference maker.

Also, think of how much better everyone else would be with him destroying the middle.

Micah Warren

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Kyle Phillippi
Kyle Phillippi
January 20, 2011 8:35 pm

That’s awesome news. I hope this gets done. He would be the force we need up the middle. Guys like Trent Cole, Graham, and Thomas would benefit from his presence on the line.

Kyle Phillippi
Kyle Phillippi
January 20, 2011 8:36 pm

sorry, by Thomas, I mean Juqua Parker… I always call him Thomas, don’t understand why he changed his name

January 20, 2011 8:38 pm

Why would you bring in any guy with character issues, and don’t give me Vick as an example, to me Vick never showed the disrespect for the game, to his teammates like this bum has, a lazy lout millionaire, stop with building your team on junk, get quality, hard-nosed players, like the eagles of the past, Reggie white, Byron Evans, Bryan Dawkins, Troy Vincent, Bobby Taylor, etc., not divisive guys like to, mcnabb, and others, take a look at steelers, quality football players, in the beginning it starts with character and ends with character

January 20, 2011 8:48 pm

I definetly would try to get Hanesworth on a 1-3 year deal with an out clause. I then try to unload Bunkley and Abiamari gets training camp and thats it. Can you imagine Haynesworths motivation to show the world it was Washingtons fault. I then sign Asomugha. If Babin is willing to come at a reasonable price and he wants to come here maybe he comes on the cheap. If not then my #1 pick is the best olineman or DE at #23. LB and Oline is my next 3 picks.

January 20, 2011 8:51 pm

Dag, how the heck do you know about his motivation to do anything but roll on the ground and collect millions, a desperate, cheap move by Lurie if he follows through, junk player

January 20, 2011 8:51 pm

Quality personalities in Stee…….., wha haa haaa. Okay I do agree with you 90%. Haynesworth though might not be the trouble we think, although laying down on the job is not acceptable. He was no trouble with the Titans. T.O was trouble everywhere, Haynesworth was not trouble until Father and Son took over the Redskin junk yard and turned it into a sitcom. Take a flier I say and give the big boy the 4-3 that will make him mean, nasty and happy to be in Philly.

January 20, 2011 8:54 pm

Jakedog your comical. Why the hell do I care about Haynesworth CHARACTER issues? How does that effect me at all? I could care less about his character issues. All I care about is if helps my Eagles win on Sundays. You act like you know these guys. I want nice sweet players. Oh please. Oh yeah the Steelers are full of guys that have stated they are trying to hurt you. lol The Ravens are full of guys trying to break your damn back. We need nasty defensive studs.

January 20, 2011 8:56 pm

Vick never showed disrespect for the game? You don’t consider what he did in Atlanta disrespect for the game, or at least his team. He now frequently admits he had no respect for the game, last one in first one out of every practice. Never taking time to learn the position just figuring he could survive just on his natural ability. Knowing full well his off the field actions could at least get him thrown out of football. I am not advocating bringing in Haynesworth, but to say his disrespect in far worse than Mike Vick’s is just flat out wrong. They have both shown complete disrespect for the game neither one deserved the abilities they were blessed with. The real question here is can he be salvaged as they have done with Mike Vick. In an October Sports Illustrated poll 2009 he was voted by his fellow NFL players as the most dominant defender in the game. Wouldn’t anyone in their right mind want the most dominate defensive player in the NFL. This one comes down to Andy and Washburn and whether they can salvage another former great player who’s may have some great years left if his pee brain doesn’t get in the way.

January 20, 2011 8:59 pm

Haynesworth is a stud. Everyone who actually works in football on TV and radio, ex players, coaches etc has said he is the most dominating DT in the league. He did not play for the Redskins b/c he was disrespected and (right or wrong) made to play in a 3-4. We dont play a 3-4. He loves this dline coach. He has never been a problem before. I would take a chance. If it works it works. If it doesnt we cut ties. Whats the big deal?

January 20, 2011 9:00 pm

I said quality football players, you would never see the bs behavior exhibited by narcissuses mcnabb and djax, by steelers, but that is why steelers are playing for their 7 th sb, we do not need another bad attitude with this narcissist

January 20, 2011 9:00 pm

@Rhtast, it feels like I should disagree with you somewhere, but at last I can find no such place so good points.

January 20, 2011 9:03 pm

Didn’t Haynesworth get suspended for 4 games while a Titan when he stepped on the head of
Cowboy Center A Gurode a few years back.. This guy is toast and has no place being in the NFL..
Talk about character, I hold that in high reagard for the team and player that I choose to support
I would not want a SUper Bowl Team if it was made up of a bunch of crooks,wife beaters, dui offenders and HGH taken athletes.. Maybe I am in the minority, but winning by any means is less satisfyign if it’s accomplished by a bunch of spoiled jerks in my book…

January 20, 2011 9:04 pm

Yeah we dont need Haynesworth, lets stick with Bunkley who SUCKS and Patterson who is average at best. We will show the rest of the league.lol Its all principle. Id rather have a terrible d-line than sign that bum Haynesworth. hmmmm thats logical.

January 20, 2011 9:06 pm

paulman how the hell do you know what you want? If I recall the Eagles never won a superbowl. So you wouldnt really know what is satisfying or not. correct?

January 20, 2011 9:06 pm

Never see bs behavior exhibited by Stee…… wha ha haaa! Really? Wow. You going to make me laugh so hard I might fart! And that my friends would not be good for the enviroment.

January 20, 2011 9:11 pm

Mike Irvin, Deon Sanders, Ray Edwards, Plaxico, for Christ sake these guys all have championships certainly not because they are quality human beings because they can play or could play. Before you keep comparing the Steelers to us for the character guys look at the guy running their ship. Then go to Deadspin or Smoking Gun and look for the girls statements that he allegedly raped and then tell me about the quality player the Steelers bring in.

January 20, 2011 9:14 pm

Mono, on the football field, go ahead and fart

January 20, 2011 9:16 pm

Hey I want character guys also, not going to argue that point you are all correct on that point, character does matter. I just think that haynes might not be the problem we think. And like Dag said load his contract with character clauses and money penalties. And don’t bet your line life on him, maitain good servicable backups so we are not hostage to the potential. See we canmake this thing work.

Good memory call Paul, I forgot about the head wacking incident. Hey maybe Washburn can turn Patt, Laws and Bunk into mini monsters, and Dixion in to a full monster that would give us character and nasty.

I guess what I am saying is Eagles FO think hard, careful and fast make the right choice and lets get to it.

January 20, 2011 9:19 pm

“I owe Coach Wash pretty much everything. If my deal was $100 million or whatever, then Washburn deserves $90 million,” Haynesworth told Jim Wyatt of The Tennessean. “I have the talent, but he taught me how to let it loose. As a player, once you can get through the (colorful language), get down to the core of what he is saying, the information is more valuable than gold. He’s a great coach, a great teacher. Does this sound like a player who would come to Philly and not play? Hahahaha Sign this man!

January 20, 2011 9:19 pm

Any guy that steps on the head of a Cowboy is a guy I want on my team.

January 20, 2011 9:21 pm

january, 20 2010

Fellas let’s remember this post..

When Haynesworth comes to the Eagles and wreck shop against opposing offensive lines, please ignore Paulman in the future all over Als Jock making pathetic comments like…….”No one could have known Haynesworth would still be good after his overweight issues and selfish antics after receiving a big pay day”.

Paulman….It’s 1-20-2010 sending you a message for the future.

“We knew”

And again. we welcome any improvement from what have been exhibited with our wasted 1st round picks who get pushed around on a weekly basis.

January 20, 2011 9:23 pm

You guys are going to be fun this off season plenty of thoughts coming I can tell. Hey Jake brother we need to start an Eagle Nation!!!!!!

Serious though Jake I saw an Eagle Nation sticker, and I am not talking about that “survival group” out west either.

January 20, 2011 9:31 pm

This should’nt even be a question. I fully expect Albery to be in an Eagles uniform after he denies to rejoin the Skins. I don’t understand why anyone would turn down a player of this caliber (for less money). We all keep complaining about this D, well this is the 1st MAJOR move that has to be done. “He’s a cancer” Blah blaah please. He made it clear all along that he never wanted to be in Washington under Shannahon. Washburg will put this man in line and make sure he plays his heart out. His old coach, a new Superbowl contending team, he even said he’d take less money. I can’t believe that.

Haynesworth is ready to play.

January 20, 2011 9:33 pm

I am not greedy give me Haynesworth, As@$@# (from the Raiders), and a stud o-lineman to add to good core, coach up my young guns. Finally give me a difference making DC.

Thank you for the Best SP Corrd in the league, the best D-line coach in the league, and outstanding coach in Juron(hope he stays), outstanding o-line coach, yada yada yada.

Oh yeah make Mccoy say “damn I need a break, yall rushing the hell out of me, throw the damn ball more!” Wha haa haaa

Bethlehem Birds fan
Bethlehem Birds fan
January 20, 2011 9:36 pm

maybe our linebackers wouldn’t always stink if they weren’t always getting smashed by the opposing o-line four yards into the defensive backfield…even the best middle linebackers need strong DTs keeping linemen off of them (see Ray Lewis with Siragusa/Ngata)

January 20, 2011 9:53 pm

do u know what running back ave 5.2 yards a carry this year but the coach only ran him 13 times. DID U KNOW THAT 4 TEAMS LEFT AVE 27 RUSHES A GAME and ave less than 3.9 yds a carry

January 20, 2011 9:56 pm

see how Packers and Bears measure up to Super Bowl Winners!!! SB Champions have 3 things in common…..1) 2 D players with 10 sacks or more(usually 1 or both are LBs) 2)run the ball 28 times a game 3) QB has usually 62% passing and less than 11 interceptions………Packers are close with Mathews (13.5 sacks) but next person is jenkins 7 Bears have DE Idonije and Peppers with 8 sacks each. Packers get advantage with 1 D player with 10 or more sacks and he ia a LB.

January 20, 2011 10:01 pm

i watched tapes on LB’s mATHEWS and Harrison and when they rushed the qb the came from the ends and the DT was not a factor lol it happened so fast guy guarding them have no chance

January 20, 2011 10:05 pm

Both the packers and bears ave 26 rushes a game(take notes ANDY) we all know that is important cause Manning,Brady, Eagles SB loss the ran less than 16 times. Pats and Colts ave was every Sb champion ave 28rushes. Bears packers tie but interesting thing to watch is packers sometimes run less than 20 times then Bears get edge. but Packers get edge if bears RB forte gets hurt. Most Sb winners and Packers 2 rb ave about the same which reflects the 0-line i guess but bears forte ave 4.5 and Bears taylor ave 2.4 that is big difference he must suck and bears have no shot with injury.

January 20, 2011 10:12 pm

Oh the “saintly” Steelers… like Ben Rothie has such a lovely set of angel wings for his off-the-field escapades.

January 20, 2011 10:30 pm

FIRE ANDY REID!!!!!! if he learned west coast offense from Bill Walsh, he did not soak it all in. With best qb and wr in the game Bill Walsh still ran Roger Craig 22 times a game and Rathman 7 total of 29 times during season ans Sb. Montana was 22-24 in one SB. Think about that. he ran (29times) more than he threw lol with Joe montana…if that was Andy Reid he would have had joe throw 50 times like mcnabb in SB loss and only ran Westbrook who was ave 5.1 a carry 15 times(craig and rathman ave alot less) granted only joe still would have made 50 attempts probally look pretty good but the awesome coach BILL walsh knew better and gave his team a chance to win

January 20, 2011 10:51 pm

Super Bowl champions usually have 1 or 2 LB’s with 10 or more sacks. Eagles this year LB with most sacks was Sims with 2

January 21, 2011 7:37 am

The Eagles have spent 3 number one picks for Defensive lineman

“No Push Patterson”
“All Bunk Bunkley”
” half-a Graham”

2nd Round Picks

“No Trimmer Laws”
“Victory less Abriami”

It is a good bet that if Washborn is as good as advertised that he’s going to get a ton out of the high picks we already have. Laws improved this year. Even the bust of all busts McDougle played lights out when his job was on the line. We have already seen 3 DEs leave and become double digit sack guys. My guess is we already have the talent on the team. Dixon with a good coach might be a monster. He started the season penetrating and tailed off. I think the talent and money has already been invested on the defensive line.

We need playmakers at linebacker and a roughneck cornerback to go with “play ten yards back” asante samuels. Coleman will be the hitter we need at safety and Nate Allen would have been great next season, but the knee injury means another year with Quentin “I got steamrolled again” Mikell.

The offensive line needs help on the right side. Anytime a NFL team is starting or playing a tackle that could not start for a college team (dunlap – auburn), you have no talent on that side of the field.
That’s Vick’s blind side and a few more games starting like the Packers game did, and we’ll be looking for a new QB.

Tydm – I agree 100% but Andy’s rein is coming to an end. His only chance is to hit it out of the park with a great defensive coordinator and do like Coughlin and Mike Ditka did. Ride the defensive Coordinator to the Superbowl..

January 21, 2011 7:43 am

Ditka is the moron that traded all of his draft picks for one rookie RB. That tells you how much he knows about football.

So even a caveman/moron (ditka) can win the superbowl if he has enough (good coaches) talent around him.

The detroit lions hired 2 ex head coaches as assistants and a young fireball as head coach. Their offense was putting up 25 points a game with a weak offensive line and a 3rd string QB. Could you imagine what the Eagles would do if they had to start a 3rd string QB? The upgrade in coaches could lift the entire roster.

Gotta Luv It
Gotta Luv It
January 21, 2011 9:57 am

I heard that the reason the Eagles are interviewing a lot of low level coaches is due to Andy Reid wanting new yes men to replace the fired ones. New coaches are less likely to go against the Head Coach for they are grateful for the opportunity whereas established experienced coaches are more likely to stand up to AR or quite possibly if things go wrong next year be his replacement
But yall aint hear that from me….

January 21, 2011 10:25 am

“Half o’ Graham” is a great one BSM and still can get you 5 to 10 years in some states… Yikes..

January 21, 2011 10:48 am

speaking of ditka i checked stats of Bears 85 Super Bowl yr and yep 2 Def players had 10 sacks or more. Dent had 17 sacks and Wilson (a LB) HAD 10 THEY AVE 27 CARRIES a game and in SB Beara ran 47 times…..i didn’t realize Jim mcmahon really sucked he had Cutler numbers

January 21, 2011 12:00 pm

T. Cole+ A. Dixon+ A. Haynesworth+ B. Grahm = Monsters of Broad St.

January 21, 2011 12:03 pm

PM. Half a grahm would be considered personal consumption and is a misdemeanor

January 21, 2011 12:20 pm

I dont understand why people wants this dbag..Listen I love my eagles team and yes their Defense sucks but bringing in this piece of trash is a waste. I dont care who the new D-line coach is and if he is bffs with Haynesworth this guy will never play like he did years ago..he wasn’t motivated by the coach he was motivated by money and he got it…He didn’t wanna play after he was basically given the richest contract for a defensive player in history but yet if he becomes an eagle he is gonna just be a beast again right? PLease he is a selfish fat joke and i guess people forget about him laying down and taking a nap in the middle of the redzone against us..i dont want a player like that. U dont win with a player like that. Do u see the Steelers D or the Packers D have players that do crap like that? Bring in player that actually wanna play and pay them not this joke…

January 21, 2011 12:22 pm

GCOBB u need to write an article about bringing in this guy named Haloti Ngata . I think he pretty good last time a checked

January 21, 2011 11:33 pm

pheag……you probably wanted Kevin Kolb too?

Haynesworth reunited with his old D coach would be a new found reason for him to show the world what the Redskins could of had if they let him play his natural position. He’ll do just that with the Eagles. and yes our D have sucked and if you’re willing to have our team suck just to prove a moral point then find another team. We want to win and don’t care if Jack the Ripper in tights is strapped up. Haynesworth made it clear he wouldn’t give his all for the Redskins promising him they would play him in his natural position when they lured him to Washington…. He stood true to his word, and if he’s now saying he’ll take less money to play for his old DL coach I believe he’ll stand true to his word. we need Haynesworth over any other DT in the game including Ngata.

He will make our defense dominant which is what a real Philly team should be..Tough “D”.

Again if you love alter boys join your local parrish ….
football is a power sport and Haynesworth will bring Power.

January 22, 2011 12:42 pm

yea Songs I really need to go find another team because I want the Eagles to save their money and break the bank on a guy like Ngata or a player that actually lives to play football on Defense instead of some guy who sleeps on the ground in the endzone and lays there until somebody can get his fat lazy ass up. You win Superbowls with players like that right Songs? He was really bringing the power and pain on that play right? And I think its amusing that you read my post and came up with that “I’m willing to have my D suck” logic but yet I shouldn’t be because you a guy that is believing every word that comes out of Haynesworth mouth. What do you think this guy said when the redskins through 100 million dollars at him; the same shit your repeating that he is saying now. I could really care less about what people do off the field or whatever I just want players that will play non stop every play and give everything they have to win us games. And Im pretty sure that every other team in the league would take Ngata over Haynesworth any day of the week…inculding his old coach too

January 22, 2011 1:00 pm

And about your other assumption…No I didn’t want Kolb. I’ve have wanted Vick to play this whole season. I actually met the guy personally and my family has worked with him since he got signed by the eagles and they gave him his first endorsement deal since he came out of prison so i actually really wanted him to do well too not just as an Eagles fan. But as an Eagles fan I actually want a Superbowl and nothing else satisfies me other than that so Im not going to give ANY of the players on this team some type of Championship praise like they won us a superbowl this year when all we got was a wild card berth and they lost that game too.

Powelton Villager
Powelton Villager
February 8, 2011 8:17 am

Fat Albert would make the D-line dominant with the speedy ends