• March 10, 2025

Former Eagles Great Seth Joyner Would Like To Coach The Birds’ Linebackers

I just got off the phone with a former teammate of mine, Seth Joyner, and he told me he would love to coach the linebackers for Andy Reid and the Philadelphia Eagles.  The reason I had called him was because of an article I had read on the internet which had been written by a contributor to GCobb.com, Bob Cunningham.

In the article, Joyner tells Cunningham that he would like to coach the Eagles linebackers.  He repeated those comments to me.

“I would love to coach the Eagles linebackers if I was given the chance”, Joyner said. He talked to me from his Arizona home.

Seth and I talked about some of the problems with the Eagles defense and the fact that they haven’t had a big play linebacker here since Willie Thomas played for the Birds in the late 1990’s. We talked about Ernie Sims and his tremendous athletic gifts but they lack the understanding of offensive play concepts and defense strategies.

I played with Seth for a couple of years and loved the way he listened as a young player, then worked at his game.  Seth was a talented but very smart football player.  He studied opponents and developed his game.  He was never satisfied and that’s the key.

Much of the problem centers on the fact that the Eagles linebackers don’t know the intricacies of reading formations, reading the alignment and stances of running backs, offensive linemen and wide receivers.  Plus they don’t know how to study an offense on tape and learn the habits they have and what plays they like to run out of specific formations in specific downs and distances.

You can study and learn an offense and the tendencies of their offensive coordinator and key players to the point where you can know the play they’re about run 60% to 70% of the time before the ball is snapped.  That’s a big advantage if you’re a good athlete.

You can force fumbles, pick off passes and make big plays by being able to anticipate what the offense is getting ready to do.  Most of the time the offense gives away the play, if you are willing to look at enough tape of them and study hard enough to figure out what they’re trying to do.

One simple rule of playing defense is that you don’t let a team run the same play two times in a game and have success with it both times.  Any time a team runs a play that gains yardage, you know they’re going to run again, so you make it a point to catalogue that formation and that play.

All offensive coordinators have tendencies.  They like to go to certain plays and certain players in specific situations.  Most of the time if they get into a situation where it’s a extremely important play, they’re either going to rely on a certain play or a certain player.

If I were a head coach, one of the first things I would do is have my offensive players sit in a defensive meeting and have my defensive players sit in an offensive meeting.  Too many players on the NFL level don’t understand what the opposing team is trying to do to them.


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January 27, 2011 6:43 pm

cool, bring back a great lb. take any help we can get, esp. from a former eagle!

January 27, 2011 7:08 pm

Bring back Seth, Dawk, AND Randall to coach the Q’s. Let’s keep this all Philly baby!!!!!

January 27, 2011 7:25 pm

It would be great to see Seth coaching the Eagles LB’s. However, the Eagles won’t give him any talent at that position because they don’t value LB’s. I would rather see him go to a team that values LB’s and has some talent at that position. It will make him look much better and allow for him to progress his coaching career. Let’s face it…with the 200 lb lineman and 0 talent in every position except CB (Samuel), Buddy Ryan would have been in the same position ans McDermott. And don’t give me Trent Cole…I watched the greats in Reggie and Jerome and Trent wouldn’t be able to shine their shoes.

January 27, 2011 7:33 pm

Trent COle gets lauded in Philly as a great DE..
He is the best that the Eagles have, no doubt about it, but he ranks as an average DE when it comes to others in the NFL.. I have been sayign this for 2 years and get crucified when I point it out..
It’s funny but in Philly, If you have a good player, many in local media overrate that player and think they are tops in the NFL just becase they may be the best of the team, this just goes to show that the EAgles team is marginally above average…
I mean players like B Celek that everyone was gaga about being a Pro-Bowl TE when in reality,
he’s probaby in the bottom 1/3 in the NFL
Players like Stew Bradley who again is merely an average player..
QB McNabb was another one…

There have been about 2-3 players over the lat 10 years that truly were All-Pro
K D Akers, S B Dawkins and maybe a B Westbrook for his versatility of running and pass receiving
and that’s about it . OT Thomas and Runyan, LB Trotter were all good players,
CB Samuel was good, but his body is starting to break down and he’s lost a step..

January 27, 2011 7:38 pm

Bring it.

The previous LB coach had about 2 years of semi-pro action. That’s not a joke. Early in the year when I was expecting a “Shark in the Water” and saw a bafoon, I wondered who the heck was coaching him.

The Eagles should be ashamed for allowing such a collection of bums to be on the coaching staff.

Seth would probably be a good coach, but I think the front office made their decision about 2 months ago. Might as well wait it out a couple of weeks.

January 27, 2011 7:46 pm

This Shuey looks like an IT Tech geek at yuor local Best Buy and not a Football Coach..
Where did AR/JJ find these guys (Segrest,SHuey,McDermott) …

January 27, 2011 8:44 pm

Being a good or a great player does not make you a good coach. Wish Seth would pay his dues a little bit.

January 27, 2011 8:52 pm

On a side note..
I posted on a Jimmy Rollins Article that has a picture of J-Ro ..
Does anyone else think that J-Ro and Segrest have the same barber… check it out… It cracks me up..

January 27, 2011 10:20 pm

This is definitely something that should happen. There are a lot of actual retired players that have come out of Philadelphia that would probably make great coaches because of their level of diligent study of game strategy when they were on the active roster and their general leadership qualities. I’ve never quite understood why more retired players haven’t been brought in, particularly on defense, over the last 11 years…it’s not like this is Kansas City or St. Louis.

January 27, 2011 10:28 pm

anyone would be a better coach than AR’s choice of Bill Shuey…Hey G didnt you play linebacker??? you ought to throw your hat in for this position!!!! I’m sure you could help.

January 28, 2011 7:52 am

paulman says:
January 27, 2011 at 7:33 pm

Trent COle gets lauded in Philly as a great DE..
He is the best that the Eagles have, no doubt about it, but he ranks as an average DE when it comes to others in the NFL.. I have been sayign this for 2 years and get crucified when I point it out.

Paul: You are dead on. Even Gcobb said in one of his posts at the end of the 2009 season after the consecutive losses to the Eagles that Cole was “being tossed around like a rag doll by Flozell Adams”. You are not alone in your assessment. In TC the thing that stood out with Cole was in the D VS O line drills, that whenever he got stoned by an O-lineman, he was screaming how he was held. Was it just me, or did this carryover into the season?

January 28, 2011 7:53 am

Paul: You are dead on. Even Gcobb said in one of his posts at the end of the 2009 season after the consecutive losses to the Cowboys that Cole was “being tossed around like a rag doll by Flozell Adams”. You are not alone in your assessment. In TC the thing that stood out with Cole was in the D VS O line drills, that whenever he got stoned by an O-lineman, he was screaming how he was held. Was it just me, or did this carryover into the season?

January 28, 2011 9:51 am

Cole is good not great. Does not matter who coaches LB’s unless their philosophy is to sack QB with 1 or 2 of em

January 28, 2011 2:05 pm

Like Seth Joyner and considering that we had Matt LeBlanc and Matthew Perry coaching on the Defensive side, hell why not give him a chance. Seriously I don’t think he’ll get a shot because as it’s written in the article he’s chilling in Arizona and probably hasn’t seen tape in years or coached ever. This is on Reid and Reid solely. The decision to spit on Lbs as a position just sings incompetence and this took place after Spags left, who btw was bitter at the end because Reid held him up before he finally left for the Giants and crafted a defense that won a Super Bowl based off Jim Johnson’s blueprint. The difference was players, players, and more players on the defense. Sickening, right?

This is similiar to Buddy Ryan almost who didnt care about the offensive side of the ball. I will say that in the beginning the Defense had good coaches but they “ALL” moved on. Ironic that ALL of the defensive coaches that had talent and were good coahes moved on or a trend showing that not enough emphasis is really being placed on talent evaluation on that side of the ball.

The failed draft choices on that side has already been discussed on here so I won’t bring that up anymore but it makes you think or it should make you think.