• March 3, 2025

Andy Reid’s Son Committs To Play His College Ball At Temple

Andy Reid’s youngest child, Spencer has committed to go to Temple University and play football for the Owls.  He’s a running back who played a year ago at Harriton Hifgh where his brothers also played football.

The youngster transferred from St. Joseph’s Prep.

When you think of the way power over the management of the Eagles is slowly but surely slipping through Andy’s hands, you wonder whether Andy will be the head coach of the Eagles football team throughout the time that Spencer is playing ball at Temple.

You know Andy’s got to proud of son and what he has achieved. Young Spencer obviously has been able to work and develop his talents under the spotlight of being the son of the Eagles head coach.  That’s not an easy job.

I remember years ago when my son Garry II decided not to play football in his freshman year at high school because everybody was assuming he was going to be a great player.  He didn’t like the pressure.

I told him never had to play a down of football and he would still be my man.  He thought about and started playing in his sophomore year and had a great career at Cherry Hill East and later went to Stanford on a football scholarship and had a fine career there while going to a couple of Rose Bowls.


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January 31, 2011 7:39 am

Why would it matter to the kid if Andy is still the head coach in Philly? Did it matter to your son that you were a washed-up player 2000 miles away?