• March 8, 2025

Kolb Reiterates He Wants Go Somewhere Else To Start

Eagles backup quarterback Kevin Kolb is in Dallas this week and he’s doing in with the media.  The former Houston Cougar made it clear again that he wants to be a starter this year.  He doesn’t think he’ll have a chance to start here because of the way Michael Vick played, so he’d rather go somewhere else and start rather than stay here and sit.

“My big deal is I just want to start somewhere,” Kolb said during an interview on the Dan Patrick radio show this morning. “I feel like I’m ready and have confidence that I can do a good job.”

Kolb could wind up spending another year here in Philadelphia because of the unsigned  CBA and the approaching March 4th work stoppage date.


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February 1, 2011 6:21 pm

that’s right, he wants to start, he can start, and he will be very good, very, very good, I wish him all the best

February 1, 2011 6:49 pm

I know this sounds crazy, but this is from one of my Sources who is somewhat close to
Jerry Jones down in Dallas… but an unbelievable trade alert that has lots of teams and unhappy
QB’s moving around the NFL…

Cowboys Trade QB T Romo to the Chicago Bears for J Cutler and a #2 Pick
The Cowboys then trade QB J Cutler and that #2 Pick to the Tenn Titans for QB Vince Young
The Cincinnati Benglas trade QB C Palmer to the San Fran 49ers for their 2nd and 4th Rd Picks
The Washington Redskins trade D McNabb to the Arizona Cardinals for a 3rd and 5th Rd picks
The Washington Redskins then trade those 3rd & 5th Round Picks along with DT Albert Haynesworth
to the Philadelphia Eagles for QB K Kolb making everyone happy…

Remember, you heard it here first…

February 1, 2011 6:57 pm

paulman – “crickets chirping” ………………………………

February 1, 2011 7:13 pm

As I mentioned on another thread, there’s a great review of all of Kolb’s performances over on Bleeding Green Nation. Including video of every one of his throws from several games.

Oh Well….Eagles trade Kolb and in 2013 will be looking to use their #1 pick on a new Qb as to everyone’s suprise, Vick will have missed 8 games over the 2011-12 seasons, and the Birds will be 0-1 in playoff games over that same time period.

February 1, 2011 7:14 pm

ok, this isn’t really a big deal. Kolb deserves to start and should be traded somewhere in order to start. He has proven himself at the NFL level and teams are going to be willing to trade for him. My dream is:

49ers and Eagles Swap 1st round picks and 49ers give Eagles their 3rd round or 2nd Rounder for Kolb.

February 1, 2011 9:01 pm

A wise man builds his house upon the rock a foolish man the sand..

Think on this Eagles fans

February 1, 2011 9:09 pm

Kolb to Minnesota for Tavaris Jackson and a 5th round pick. Call it even…

February 1, 2011 9:38 pm

I know Kolb will more than likely go to Cleveland to reunite with Tom Heckert, and Pat Shurmur. They loved KK.

What I would like to see happen is to send Kevin to Tennessee for Vince Young, and like a 2nd rounder. That would be beautiful.


February 1, 2011 9:42 pm

Kolb is about to start his exit from the NFL.

February 1, 2011 9:44 pm

He should speak to Koy Detmer about the joys of being paid to hold a clipboard because he doesn’t have what it takes to be a starter in the NFL.

February 1, 2011 10:01 pm

Let him leave!!!!!!!!!!!!!

February 1, 2011 11:18 pm

I never understood the deserved thing. He’s a back up qb. He’s been the 3rd best qb on pur team until this year and then he was the 2nd best. If he showed anything in the preseason we never would have grabbed vick.
This guy should have had to earn the starting spot and he did not. He had his chance, I’m not trying to be mean I’m just saying… Why aren’t we talking about the back up FB position like this?

February 2, 2011 1:00 am

Vinnie you act like Kolb is this durable stud.lol. Wasnt Kolbs lights turned out in week 1? Its safe to say Kolb doesnt last all year eithier.

February 2, 2011 1:13 am

Yeah but Regal, Jesus is “the rock”, not Kolb.

Wisdom…. not so much

February 2, 2011 4:12 am

There’s nothing to see here.

If Kolb needs a ride I’ll drive him to the airport.

He was a waste of a draft pick and was the mistake this team made that set the Eagles back a few years. They could have had aproductive weapon immediately instead of this bum rottening on the bench.

February 2, 2011 6:33 am

To laughindumonde,

Wouldn’t you want Vikings QB Joe Webb insteasd of Tavaris Jackson in return,
Webb is undefeated playing at the “Linc” (1-0) while Vick was 3-3 last year at Home
and Kolb was 1-2 at the “Linc” last year

February 2, 2011 7:18 am

This might sound crazy but…

Cowboys Trade QB T Romo to the Chicago Bears for J Cutler and a #2 Pick
The Cowboys then trade QB J Cutler and that #2 Pick to the Tenn Titans for QB Vince Young
The Cincinnati Benglas trade QB C Palmer to the San Fran 49ers for their 2nd and 4th Rd Picks
The Washington Redskins trade D McNabb to the Arizona Cardinals for a 3rd and 5th Rd picks
The Washington Redskins trade those picks to New England for a 2nd rounder
Then New England trades those picks for 2nd and 4th rounder
Then the Redskins see this and apparently trade those picks for the original 2nd and 4th rounders back to New England
Thus resulting in a complete shift which ends up trading those picks back to Arizona
And back to Cincinnati and who trades back Vince Young
And the Bears getting back Cutler
back to Dallas for Romo
Which results in everyone getting back there original picks and everyone becomes happy.

Remember you heard it here first, now if you’ll excuse me I have to get ready for work as an oracle.

February 2, 2011 7:53 am

I really see the 49ers making a run at Kolb…he fits the Harbaugh system of run to setup the pass. Harbaugh needs to make an impact and Alex Smith is awful! Kolb would compliment them well and give them a franchise QB to build around. The 49ers have the parts and a very good, young OL. It will take a 2nd round pick to get the deal done. Kolb would thrive in Harbaugh’s system that relies on pounding the ball to setup the play action pass…perfect system for Kevin..

February 2, 2011 8:27 am

Kolb may go to SF (if there is a new CBA), but it will cost alot more than a #2! This is a weak draft and there will be more 1st and 2nd round bust than normal.

February 2, 2011 8:50 am

Why is that safe to say dag? That’s pure speculation.

What isn’t speculation is that Vick has been hurt every year he’s been in the nfl. (asave the one exception that proves the rule) So would Vick missing games the next two years be so much of a surprise? Mini-man constantly trying to run through entire defenses play after play. Long term recipe for success that is not.

Why you guys so ga-ga over a QB that you KNOW is going to miss 3 games next year (min). In comes Kafka, or some other scrub. So you willing to automatically hand the Birds 2 losses the next two years? ‘Cause that’s going to happen with Vick at QB.

What’s this?

Broken ribs, sbruised quad, another bruised quad, groin, shoulder, ribs again, knee, hammy, other shoulder, ankle, leg, hand, back to right shoulder again, back……

List of all injuries Vick has that forced hom to miss over his career. (imagine if he had actually played the other 2 years, there wouldn’t be enough space to write down all the broken body parts)

Great idea for the Birds to hitch their wagon to a busted up mini-man who still can’t read defence. Hey, what happened to the careers of Air McNair, McNabb and Culpepper when their injury lists got this long?

February 2, 2011 8:57 am

Love Paulman’s scenario! Dallas would be trading Romo for Vince Young bringing on another 6-10 season! Not sure Jerry is that dumb!

February 2, 2011 9:18 am

The whole Kevin Kolb saga has been like some kind of inside joke I dont get… The media and some of the fans baby this guy to the nth degree and for what? What has ever done or proved to be thought of so highly? If he believes he is a starter, thats fine by me. Let him go out and find himself a starting job on another team. But the idea that he ‘deserves’ to start is stupid.. He’ll deserve a starting job when he earns one and is able to hold it. This air of entitlement is ridiculous.. The media put that idea out there that something unfair had happened to him or that Reid and Vick had robbed him of something that was rightfully his. It’s BS. From what I have seen of him? the word MEDIOCRE comes to mind.. either that or the word “eh”. He looks like your average everyday system Qb who needs everything around him to function at an optimum level or he will struggle…

I wish him luck on another team though… Hope we get something good for hi

February 2, 2011 9:49 am


Why do you baby Vick? Aside from 4 games this year, his career has been glaringly mediocre. Inaccurate. Fumbles. He still can’t handle the most fundamental of QB duties (reading a D) and he’s injury prone. You saw all this over the last 6 games of the season, yet you remain intoxicated by the performances against terrible Detroit, pathetic Jax, lay down Wsh and injured Indy…

Bid he has a big arm and is fast, so I guess that makes it all good.

February 2, 2011 9:51 am

I guess if he had an oline he’d be better. Like in the probowl 5-10 with a sack. A Sack???????

February 2, 2011 10:38 am


What do YOU see in Kolb that make you argue that he is the better option for the Eagles ?

February 2, 2011 10:39 am

how the hell does this bum still get posts lol
who cares good bye go somewhere else aj feely
go within the division please
kevin kolb lmao
please get this bum outta here Harry Kalas style

February 2, 2011 10:53 am

mr. pw, where the hell have you been, just chiming in to take a shot at 4, feely content to carry the clip, I like the guy, will be good, and please spare me with the statistical analysis of 4’s play, not enough history, you are just projecting again with your crystal ball, lol

February 2, 2011 10:53 am

Look Vinnie… you seem butthurt about the fact that Kolb isnt going to be a starter here. I have nothing against Kolb. He simply hasnt shown himself to be very good. He isnt better than Mike Vick, so Vick stays and Kolb needs to go find another team to play on if he truly believes he is entitled to start. If Kolb had proved himself to be a better Qb than Vick? this wouldnt be an issue.

It just funny to me to see this indignant attitude from Rich Hoffman’s and the Vinnie’s of the world.. As though the rest of the fanbase cant recognize a bum when we see one…

February 2, 2011 10:57 am

The Eagles are a 9-7 Team next year in 2011 at best and will miss the playoffs anyways
like 2010, they will have a shaky home recrod and actually play better on the road

Wins (8) — 49ers,Cardinals at home Seahawks Rams,Buffalo,on the road and a season split will their NFC East opponents Redskins,Giants and Cowboys

Losses (8) – Patriots,Jets,Bears at home, Dolphins & Falcons on the Road and a loss each to the Redskins,Giants & Cowboys

If they get a break and maybe beat the Bears at Home, Maybe sweep the Redskins and maybe beat the Dolphins on the Road, they can win 10-11 games. But winning at Seattle and ST Rams is not a given and the EAgles typicalyl play crappy when goign out west.. So 8-9 Wins is probably about it
and this is with Vick at the helm…

February 2, 2011 10:58 am

im just wondering y kolb is even talked about
he’s done in philly
hk style he’s outta here
worse though we could have spencer and he wouldnt have been traded 5th yr lol
i been chill jakedog cause i aint wanna come here and see kolb post
1st day i come back kolb post smack in will face awful
we dont have post about jerome harrison back up rb lmao

cmon man

February 2, 2011 10:59 am

9-7 was great this time last yr
that was like a sb prediciton for 2010 huh
now 9-7 is like 1-15 huh hahahahahahah
same dudes differend day same bs

February 2, 2011 11:01 am

Rasheed…clearly this Vinnie guy is a MENTAL MIDGET!..lmao….”Aside from 4 games this year”….lmao! This guys was runner up for NFL Offensive player of the Year!…Are you dumb or just stupid Vinnie?? Somethings you can have opinions on, but some things are FACTS and cant be disputed. KOLB IS NOT BETTER THAN VICK! That was proven on the feild of play, not on a sports blog.
It was proven by coaches film, and down and distance, and big plays, not by an idiot behind a keyboard.
I wont say Kolb is a bum, but he’s not close to Vick..hell, he’s not close to Sam Bradford, or Josh Freeman either!

February 2, 2011 11:04 am

dam so 9 wins with vick at helm
so u r predicting 4-12 if kevin was starting qb
dam id givem 6 at least lol
bring jaws back 13-3
yall crack me up

February 2, 2011 11:05 am

“It was proven by coaches film, and down and distance, and big plays, not by an idiot behind a keyboard.”

haha well said wilcher
couldnt agree anymore

February 2, 2011 11:05 am

haha, mr. pw, I bet that really chapped you to see 4’s picture, lmao

February 2, 2011 11:08 am

no what really chapped me was the best article here has 2 comments
did yall see that inez sainz post
dam G give us like 4 more pix and 1 of your vids for that 1 cmon

February 2, 2011 11:13 am

Go to bleeding green nation and watch for yourself West-Philly. And realize those are his first 6 starts. Has there ever been a QB to get 2 player of the week honours in their first 6 starts? Has there ever been a QB to throw for over 300 in his first 2 starts? What other QB do you know went 3-3 over his first 6 starts and looked very good in 3 of them (KC, SF, ATL?)

Look closely at the film and notice that almost every pass pattern involves 4 or 5 guys running routes. Now head over to NFL network and watch the playbook film of Vick. Suddenly only 2 sometimes 3 guys in the patterns. Why is that? Can Vick not handle so many reads?

Besides I’m not as pro-Kolb as I am anti-Vick.

Philly.Songs and Drummer…You’re the guy rolling with the heavy beer goggles who picks up chicks you mistakenly think are hot. (Ist 4 games) then you wake up in the morning and realize she has some pretty obvious warts (last 6 games) but continue to ignore them ’cause you’ve got too much pride to admit your mistake and get laughed at by your buds. And you can justify sticking with her because she occasionally puts on some make-up and when you hang out at dimly lit restaurants she kinda looks good again. Besides, she’s really fun to watch when she’s acting all crazy (one read and run) and so you tolerate the imperfections that are slowly becoming more and more obvious. And hey, she occasionally gives good skull (giants game) and so you close your eyes and pretend that maybe, just maybe she’s good enough.

Unfortunately, before you know it, those warts are drawing some attention and other people begin noticing them (opposing D co-ordinators, KC Joyner, Football outsiders). Before you know it you’re going to be scratching your heads wonder…WTF was I thinking???

I dated that girl in 1985. I was young and foolish too. She suckered me in for almost a decade. Took a while to realize that that girl just wsn’t good enough. And even when when I saw her again with another guy in ’98. I wasn’t tempted, despite the fact that she had a good deal of surgery and was “different” In the end she was still the same.

You enjoy your sloppy seconds with your new girl, and realize that despite her makeover, she’s the same chick that Falcon Fan dated years ago. I don’t think they’re too upset they upgraded.


February 2, 2011 11:19 am

I aint mad at Kolb for wanting to start….. just not here, that’s all… Just not here. We got bigger things to worry about. We have a probowler starting at Qb and he still might have even more potential if Reid and the co. can put something together where we balance the offense a bit better..

We got holes on D that need to be filled.. D line, linebacker, D-back every level needs work.

if another team wants to give us something good for the guy? Im all for that.. but we cant have this guy starting here when have a guy who is definitely better and looking to improve even more

February 2, 2011 11:20 am

You know what funny about the Kolb thing..when they drafted him, everybody said Andy was a lair when he said “Donovan is my Quarterback”….and…”Hey, we like what we see in Kevin, but who says he even starts here?…Donovan will be here, and we will decide when that times comes, we may trade Kevin”…something along those lines..lmao…All the sprots talk people said McNabb was done….”Give him 1 maybe 2 years tops” remember that??…Well, look what happened? Kolbs out of here without ever starting a single full season. Guess Andy wasent lying.

February 2, 2011 11:21 am

hey my cousin vinne
say what u want about kolb u sound foolish but its funny so continue

but lil vinnie
to bash my chics would be like u bashin steelers d
im 29 a bachelor no kids no wife but if you wanna bad chic hit me up i gotta cpl kolb supporters in the bag sadly enough they like vick better now but they were kolb supporters before the jungle fever caught em

i got you though lol

February 2, 2011 11:26 am

see what you started mr. pw, lmao

February 2, 2011 11:26 am

im back might as well

February 2, 2011 11:27 am

So lets get you on record now Vinnie….your saying Kolb is better than Vick?
I dont give a fck about Bleeding Green dot com!!!! They dont watch coaches tape, they dont play on sundays, they arent even in the NLF!!!…They are the same as you, a idiot FAN of a guy who has never proven anything! The reason they had fever people in pass patterns IDIOT, if had been paying attention all year to your team, is by design so they can maximize protection and take shots down feild to utilize Vicks big arm. For Kolb, he DOESNT have downfeild capabilities, so the coaching staff taylored the game plan for his strengths. You are a dunce, and i mean that with all due respect.
Freeman=better than Kolb
Bradford=better than Kolb
Flacco=better than Kolb
Ryan=better than Kolb
Casell=better than Kolb
…..im not going any further but thats just the young guys

February 2, 2011 11:27 am

u c bhop get robbed jake

February 2, 2011 11:29 am

thnx wilcher
exactly so where does that put his trade value
also if your a bum team and really need a qb id draft 1 before trading for kolb
he’s a very good back up qb and an avg at best starter
it is what it is

February 2, 2011 11:32 am

Bottom line Vinnie..i hope you saved that Foreman Mills receipt for your replica number 4 Kolb jersey, and you and your wonder friends at a stupid blog nobody cares about, all pour a little liquor and share a group hug, when they ship Kevis ass up out of here!….Men lie, Women lie, numbers dont lie!

February 2, 2011 11:33 am

LOL @ Vinnie! still the same moron, I see! key statement you made about Vick being sacked in the Pro Bowl was the words “PRO BOWL”…did I miss something? I didnt see Kolb there….

February 2, 2011 11:34 am

“Go to bleeding green nation and watch for yourself ”
WHAT lmao

February 2, 2011 11:36 am

big time hose job, mr pw, Canadian judges, Canadian ref, next pascal fight won’t be in canada

February 2, 2011 11:37 am

@ PW..I dont think he is a bum, i just think he is still unproven, and i think those guys are proven and have better physical tools. All that “Kolb will make the offensive line better” i KNEW that was crap! How??? How can he make the O Line block better?? We saw in the first game how much, when he got bulldogged into the grass because he didnt have the physical tools to escape. I think with time and the right system he can be good, but he is not “Great”, he just doesnt have the god given tools for that. I think if we get that 2nd rounder we spent on him back., perfect. I think Kolb would be good in San Fran, where they have weapons that he needs, and a running game.