• March 9, 2025

The Akers’ Controversy Shows Us There Are Things More Important Than Football

I was on 610-WIP this morning and Angelo Cataldi confronted me with the story that I haven’t written an article about on GCobb.com.  Of course that story concerns David Akers and his young daughter, Halley, who had a cancerous cyst found in her left ovary just before the Eagles played the Green Bay Packers in the first round of the NFC playoffs.

Not long after the game, she had the cyst removed and she is doing well right now.  Halley will have blood tests every month to make sure the cancer doesn’t return, and even if it doesn’t, she’s probably going to need to have her other ovary removed.

Akers missed a couple of field goals in that 5-point playoff game loss to the Packers and it’s reasonable to believe that Halley’s health challenges played a part in those field goal misses.

After the game, Eagles head coach Andy Reid, who normally protects his players to a fault, made some critical comments about Akers’ missed field goals.  Reid was criticized  for making those comments, but that was before fans learned of the health problems that Akers’ daughter was having.

They also learned of Reid’s knowledge of the entire situation when he made the derogatory comments about the kicker’s play.

Most of the Eagles fans learned about the entire situation, when Ashley Fox of the Philadelphia Inquirer wrote a touching article about the entire ordeal.  It’s difficult for anybody to read it without crying.  You can’t help but feel for David and his family.

One thing that has always come through about David Akers over the years concerns his heart.  Akers has a big heart and it’s exhibited in his play on the field.  You hear it when you talk to him in the locker room and you see it by the way David carries himself as a father and husband. You can’t say that about everybody.

Akers is a tremendous competitor.  He’s a fighter.  That’s why the other players love him.  The main part of his job isn’t tackling but every player on the team knows that Akers is willing to do it.  It was similar to way we all felt about Buddy Ryan.  Tackling or punishing the quarterback wasn’t Buddy’s job, but the thing that rallied all the players on the team for him, was the fact that we knew he was just as willing as all of us to get out there and fight.

During the interviews in the locker room, Akers has always been the first to come to the defense of his teammates or his coaches.  He never put on any masks.  If you asked him a question, he would give you a thoughtful answer.  If he didn’t play well or missed a big kick, he was the first to admit it.

I stood there and listened to Akers whisper into the microphone in the locker room after that Green Bay loss.  I knew he had a problem at home, but I also learned that day that he had previously turned down a contract offer from the Eagles.

I wrote about the situation and remembered hoping that my revealing the fact that Akers had turned down the contract offer from the Birds wouldn’t cause any more problems for him.  Still I had to report it, it’s my job.

Over the years, Andy Reid has impressed me by the way he has resisted the temptation of criticizing his players after tough losses when they made mistakes.  I would sit there with admiration for him as he took the blame for his players.

Reid made a mistake by not sticking to that habit after the loss to the Packers, but I can’t blast him for that, because he has stood strong in countless  news conferences and taken the arrows for his team.  The Eagles head coach has been criticized a great deal for refusing to verbally go after his players after games.

It’s very difficult for me to go after Reid in this situation.  If he could go back and change his comments after that playoff loss, he probably would.

I also know about Andy Reid the person and the way he cares about his players.  In addition, I  know about some of the things Andy Reid does to help people in need in this area.  The Andy Reid I know is a good person.  He’s a caring person, but his job requires making tough decisions that means cutting players and saying good-bye to coaches and players who helped him get the job he has.

As for all of the talk that Akers missed those field goals because of his daughter’s health problems, I wouldn’t be so quick to make that statement.

I remember being out in the parking lot before the game talking to some tailgaters, when I got hit in the head by a falling tent.  The wind was blowing fiercely, so I tweeted to many Eagles fans that the wind was going to play a role in the game.  I was thinking about David Akers and how the wind would affect him.

That wind is tough to deal with and Akers has always had trouble with it.  It was blowing as bad as I’ve ever seen it, so David had a lot of things on his mind that afternoon and the wind was one of them.  I’m sure he was thinking about his daughter, but that wind was on his mind as well.

As for Akers having to deal with his daughter’s health challenges that day against the Green Bay Packers, it was a very tough situation, but we all have people in our lives who are going through these types of challenges in their lives.  I know about David’s habit of visiting Children’s Hospital Of Philadelphia and spending time with the ailing youngsters.

I’ve had to spend quite a bit of time in the hospital over the last year and I’m amazed that so many people are hurting and dealing with illness.  It’s like another world.  We all need to be thankful for our health and the time we have to enjoy our lives.

This situation with David and Halley sheds light on the importance of our loved ones compared to the playoff game or the Super Bowl.  One of the keys to living a good life is being able to keep things in perspective.  Sometimes all of us put too much of an importance on these games.  There are other things which are far more important.

We can’t spend a decade blasting Andy Reid for not going after his players after losses, then when he does we climb all over him.  We have all made the same mistake.

I’ve been around the NFL for more than 30 years and many, many times, I’ve seen players have to put the fact that their mother or father, or sisters or brothers, or children were battling serious illnesses, to the side and go out and perform on the football field.

Unfortunately, it’s a part of the job.  There have been numerous times when I had to criticize the play of a player, whom I knew had a relative who was dealing with a serious health issue.  Unfortunately, it’s part of the game, but it also means that we need to care about the people who are playing the game.

These guys aren’t robots, they’re people.  Despite how much we want to see our team win, we must remember that these guys shouldn’t be treated like animals or robots.

I pray that little Halley continues to enjoy good health.


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February 1, 2011 11:32 am

Mr. Cobb, that was truly an amazing piece you wrote

February 1, 2011 11:33 am

Best article i think ive ever read on here

February 1, 2011 11:53 am

While I do get a certain satisfaction critisizing eagle players and coaches, I never critisized Akers. He has been consistant for a long time and if anything, Reid would get on my nerves by not doing a better job of getting the ball placed on the right hashmark when it was obvious he was going to attempt a fiedlgoal.

As for Reid’s comments about Akers I give him a pass for that too. He too has a long history of protecting his players and for once he did not. I really believe Reid has already been told that his team must do better in the playoffs.He made excuses like “rebuilding” and “nobody expected” when earlier in the year he said the team was not rebuilding. I took him at his word. Everyone said that Kolb would be hitting recievers in stride, and the yards after catch would go up. So Upgrade at QB. Ton of defensive draft picks. Upgrade on defense.

A kicker only plays a few plays a game and as a professional you have to block your personal life out and focuse. Police offercers do it. Soldiers do it. Doctors do it. Nurses do it. Lawyers do it.

Most of the people on this earth have money problems. For most it’s not enough. For other’s it’s too much (Charlie Sheen, Lindsay Lolhan). Half of marriages end in divorce so in theory at least half of married people are suffering right now.

When faced with personal adversity some players have performed better. Akers has performed great long enough to get a pass, and Reid has protected his players long enough to get a pass.

Some people freeze to death in the winter time. Other people ski. Just depends on your focuse.

Andy and David’s focuse was a little off. It happens to all of us.

February 1, 2011 11:57 am

Mr. Cobb. That was well said article . You should be proud of this work .

February 1, 2011 12:01 pm

The third all time great at the position in the franchise, Dawk Mcnabb and now Akers that will leave here with a bad taste in their mouth. Great job “The Gold Standard” team. Lets get them wind turbines up now I a cant wait !!!!!!

February 1, 2011 12:23 pm

Thats real G:……….. Great post……. we all have family issues and issues within ourselves!….. It’s just hard as fans when we see failure but than again who are we to judge……. we are all made from dirt…… So how can dirt judge dirt…… I’ve never ever Judged Andy Reid as far as his personal life or race, or whatever…….. To speak on there judgement/state of mind is something like politics expressing there likes and dislikes of that paticular person’s decision…… We all want change for the positives…… Than again some people want things to flow just the way it is……… When AR went through the situation with his son’s he didnt take alot of private time off to tend to his family issues….. He kept coaching and continued doing what he was doing……. Sometimes time off is something an individual needs to sort things out with personal issues…….. i commend Akers through the years and his personal struggles at home with his daughter…….. Life is very important….. And no money in the world is worth your health/your family as well!!!!!! (Loved ones) GO EAGLES

February 1, 2011 12:39 pm

Great article G and is spot on..Our prayers go out to the Akers family and his daughter Halley

The only remark I will make about Coach AR publicly commenting on Dave Akers poor performance is that if Akers had signed that contract to remain with the Eagles 2 weeks earlier , then Coach AR would have said nothing and Coach would have taken another bullet for one for his players, but Coach AR and Akers both knew it then, that this was it, for his time as an Eagle Kicker is over..
He (Akers) will be missed and move on and get more $$ than the Eagles are willing to play. Watch Akers sign with NO Saints who have had issues with kickers in recent years and Akers can probably extend his carreer another couple of Seasons by kicking in that Superdome 1/2 the time in perfect conditions. Good luck to David Akers and to his family..

Ronnie Noel
Ronnie Noel
February 1, 2011 12:45 pm

G,excellent article

February 1, 2011 12:47 pm

I DONT CARE IF HIS DAUGHTER WAS SICK OR NOT. THATS A PERSONAL PROBLEM. IF HIS ASS COULDNT PERFORM HE SHOULDNT HAVE WENT ON THE FIELD and maybe we would be on our way to Dallas. HE missed a field goal in the pro bowl also. Hes fell off a bit this season. he missed a field goal against the Vikes also. Kicks he wouldve normally made. Let him walk.

February 1, 2011 12:50 pm

Great article g.

February 1, 2011 1:13 pm

I thought the comment Reid made was a sarcastic response to the question the reporter asked….Reid has NEVER threw a player under the bus ..even after that player was no longer an Eagle

February 1, 2011 1:16 pm

take it down a notch supabud, we all wanted him to make those kicks, the article is about life, about relationships, about a coach and his player, about empathy, surely you can relate on some level

February 1, 2011 1:33 pm

Being sick and having a disease that could kill you is two different things,so stop that nonsense s.b.. WTF is that? He shouldnt have went on the field? Moron…its called giving it his effort. MAYBE we woulda been in the bowl if the team didnt play like p@ssy against the Vikes and we had homefield and a bye we woulda been…WOULD COULDA SHOULDA!!

And Paulman…him inking a deal would not have softened any blow. Stop that…this is the NorthBeast…we go hard on you if you deserve it. And Akers probably coulda cared less what Andy said. He knows he messed up. he looked beaten after that game. I have a little girl her age. Cant even imagine functioning normal the day after. But he gave it a go and failed.

Red zone d cost us a season. Akers gets full pass.

February 1, 2011 1:36 pm

Hey G,
What are you doing hanging around with Cataldi? You know that guy is bad news.. ;o) lol. On a serious note, It it true that sometimes we forget that these guys are not superheroes and are subject to the same problems and issues that we all face. This article was a nice little reminder of that.

February 1, 2011 2:15 pm

youre the only gotdam moron dude. Like i said i dont give a dam if his daugher was sick or not. Leave your personal problems at home! Dont bring that $hyt to work. If you cant function or do your job right DONT PLAY or HELL STAY AT HOME WITH YOUR DAUGHTER.

He aint the only person with personal problems on that dam team CHILD PLEASE! Dont give me that $hyt

yall are overreacting about this non sense. ANDY WAS RIGHT, KEEP DOING YOUR JOB ANDY,

February 1, 2011 2:23 pm

Your right…sometimes i am a moron. Least i admit it and move on.

His daughter was at the hospital so he woulda stay there jerk-o!!.Im not bashing Andy for his words.But if your ripping the guy for missing a couple makeable f.g.’s and you think he should stayed home then your way off. WTF else woulda been better qualified dude?Ok then.

Your showing your youth and mental maturity level by your statements.Continue too let them shine sonion.

Who’s overreacting? Everyone on the post except for you is really giving the guy a pass. Andy included.

February 1, 2011 2:27 pm

I’m all for giving Akers the benefit of the doubt during the game: the first shot obviously got taken by the wind and barely missed. The second was a pull, but wasn’t it also a 4th and 1 when the Eagles were moving the ball well? If the wind’s that bad, why put your kicker on for a long field goal when you only have to move the ball 3 feet to convert (a little devil’s advocate in there)?

If six points from two missed field goals would do it, so would 7 from a trip to the end zone.

February 1, 2011 2:46 pm

Thought we shoulda qbs neaked the 4th and 1. We were moving the pill.

Ronnie Noel
Ronnie Noel
February 1, 2011 3:01 pm

With those wind conditions,Heavy Andy should have went for it on that 4@1

February 1, 2011 3:03 pm

Where the Hell is David going? Huh? David why are you leaving us dude? That can’t be the whole deal, I think Akers will be back.

February 1, 2011 3:07 pm

Should he have taken a leave of absence? Oh noo that onyl for the teflon coach. Reid should if stayed coached if we are going to use that against Akers. Of course don’t criticize Reid.

February 1, 2011 3:30 pm

Look, the fact of the matter is that Akers is on the downward slope of his career. He’s fading.

I pray for his daughter and hope everything is fine with her health. However, I WILL NOT blame Akers missing two makeable kicks (by his standards) on his daughters illness.

NFL players are professionals and are expected to perform as such. He didn’t make the kicks that cost us the game — it is what it is.

Who was it a couple years back that kicked a game winner a week after his infant son died? Was it Matt Bryant?

It’s not like Halley was terminally ill. Yes, it would weigh on a fathers mind but lets at least respect the mans professionalism enough to not blame it on that.

February 1, 2011 4:22 pm

D Akers is a free-agent and will get some bigger $$$ offers than he turned down back in December..
Remember the past for when an Eagle turns down an offer with the Philadelphis Eagles, he is good as gone… Check other players like Michael Lewis, Hugh Douglas(1st time), Jermiah Trotter (1st time)
as good examples, the EAgles have a stance of making fair but firm offers, they are not going to come back with a better offer, the Eagles just don’t do this.. D Akers will be kicking for someone else next Season and you have the Saints,Redskins,Panthers and a host of other teams that need a kicker. I look for him to fo to a dome team like the Saints where he can kick for another 3-4 Years easily..

February 1, 2011 6:17 pm

I still see akers kicking here next year because they don’t have other options…i mean get real how much money is it really going to cost them to keep him; he is a kicker and near the end of his career. I can see this whole situation both ways though..GCOBB yes he is not a robot he is a human being but NFL players whether they like it or not are not ordinary human beings and no die hard fans want to hear about players that are making millions and millions of dollars to play a game feeling sorry for themselves. That is just the way it is..when you sign up to play in the NFL you wont get the same consideration of a man who if he had a daughter that was sick that works at the post office. Imagine if he missed a 30 yarder to win the Super Bowl for us…Akers would need the special forces to make it back to his house. Ed Reed just lost his brother and i didn’t see his game dwindle. But on the other hand none of use can blame Akers for loosing to the Packers. Fans and Reid can say hey that 6 more points and we lost the game by 5 but that is pointless. If he makes the kick the whole gameplan of the Packers would prolly change. Lets be serious the Packers definately took it easy on us with the lead and didn’t even try to attack us with the pass at the end and the few times they did they were money esp on 3rd downs. But to blame us not beating the Pack because of Akers not playing well is wrong..Would those points mattered if Avant didn’t drop some easy 1st down conversions? or if the coach came up with a better gameplan? or if Vick didn’t “babyarm” that last throw in the endzone? or if Winston Justice didn’t get beasted on a constant basis by Clay Mathews? They lost as a team to a team they was just better.

February 1, 2011 6:19 pm

G, great article. First – I think Akers will be back. Second, I think that Angelo and Rhea were a little off base with some of the discussion surrounding this. The Morning Team kept referencing Andy’s reluctance of criticizing players previously, specifically Patterson a few weeks before. Andy obviously has higher expectations of Akers than of most other players on the team. This entire year has shown us another side of Andy that he has yet to demonstrate to the media and fans, and his comments regarding the point difference and Akers misses was just another side. We shouldn’t read any more into the situation than that. I feel for Akers and his family, and going through the Green Bay game with that on his mind – I can not fathom. But I don’t feel as though Andy did anything wrong – other than show yet another unseen side.

February 1, 2011 9:34 pm

Good article G. We do have to remember that these players are people. My prayers are with the Akers family.

BUT, all that aside, we need to focus on what’s in the best interest for the team. Is David Akers a good kicker? We all are willing to buy a #2 jersey but he’s nothing special on the field. Whenever we attempt a field goal out more than 35 yards, I get nervous. There’s other kickers in the league that can make 50 yarders with no problem.

We need to be looking for a good kicker, and stop settling for a decent one. I’m okay if we bring Akers back but we should always be on the lookout for a better kicker.


February 1, 2011 9:54 pm

I have no criticism of Akers whatsoever. I knew of the wind conditions, but knew nothing about his daughter’s condition. Regardless, if there were no wind and no problems with his daughter, Akers has been THE MOST CONSISTENT Eagle since his arrival. No one’s score more points. And he’s done it in clutch situation after clutch situation. Every NFL player has bad games. Akers just had a bad game. That’s it.

I’m very glad to hear that his daughter is doing well.

February 1, 2011 9:54 pm

BTW – Reid is a pig!

Bethlehem Birds fan
Bethlehem Birds fan
February 1, 2011 10:03 pm

people are acting like AR blamed the loss on Akers after the game…this is off base…his answer of “we all can count” was more him dismissing the silly question than calling out his kicker…the question was along the lines of “did the 2 missed field goals hurt?”…what was he supposed to say, “No”?? Andy and everyone else with a brain knows that those kicks were one of MANY reasons we lost that game…don’t get me wrong, Akers came up small in a huge game, but in no way was Big Red putting the loss on him

if the question was, “coach, did Vick’s last INT hurt?” and AR said yes, would that mean he blamed the loss on Vick? just sayin

and i didn’t hear them this morning, but the WIP morning show has been known to bend over backwards in their criticism of AR…i’m not AR’s biggest fan, but even I think Angelo and co. can be a little unfair

February 2, 2011 12:37 pm

Akers started as a kick-off specialist….I remember the days where we were trying out a new kicker every week….we have been lucky to have had his consistancy over the last 10 years….I believe that he has some good years left but the this front office will treat him the same way they have treated every other player who has the gall to reject their contract offer….they will not make him another offer and you will soon be reading articles about how his performance has fallen off over the past few years, blah blah….come on guys, we are fans, we know their MO……good kickers can kick for a long time….I think the guy is a stable force that works hard at keeping in shape and being consistant for his team…he may no longer have the longest leg in the game, but he still ranks as one of the most consistant…..this is a done deal and Akers knows it….Bobby April is making a list of replacements and looking at college kids as we speak….good luck in the future Dave