• February 19, 2025

Say It Ain’t So, Another Michael Vick Super Bowl Party

Philly.com is reporting that Michael Vick won’t be at the party that he’s supposed to hosting tonight in Dallas, but there’s another party that he’s supposed to be hosting on Saturday.

It also isn’t the teen “non-alcoholic” party which he is supposed to be hosting on Saturday.  Why do all these people feel like they can throw Michael Vick’s name on their event?

This is another party.  This has been named the Michael Vick’s Super Saturday Experience Version 2.0..  It’s supposed to take place at Mr. Bigs, which is a “Vegas-Style” sports bar.  Vick is the main host of the party but former Dallas Cowboy Kevin Smith is the also a host.

According to the company that is planning and promoting the party, they will have a security team on the premises, but it won’t be any where near the level it will be at the party Vick is hosting tonight.  This will another chance for somebody to do something stupid and drag Vick into yet another controversy.

Hopefully, the Eagles star quarterback won’t attend any of these affairs, except the “non-alcoholic” teen event, even though they have been promoted as his events.

Vick needs to hire a law firm to begin legal action against people who use his name without his permission to do so.  Stay tuned.


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Ronnie Noel
Ronnie Noel
February 4, 2011 9:44 am


February 4, 2011 9:45 am

G. If somebody says I’ll give you 30k to use your name and likeness to promote my party….you don’t have to be there….What cha goin to do ?…Uhhhh Make that a Bank Check out to

February 4, 2011 10:02 am

umm pretty simple, 30K vs a $20 million dollar contract plus the chance to sign a long term deal after next season. his endorsements are coming back. Why in the world we $30K entice him into promoting a party where thugs may/may not show- no freaking way.
I can see it now: “4 men were leaving the Michael Vick party when the shooting began” “according to reports Vick left the party 5 minutes before”

February 4, 2011 10:12 am

Is it impossible for anyone to get confirmation before speculating at all in the media anymore?

February 4, 2011 10:16 am

I think Vick should stay down in one of the Bunks at the Nova Care Complex and watch tape on blitz recognition until the Summer Camp
No personal life,no fun, just work, work,work… If not, then I don’t want him on my team and would
not think about offering a long term deal with a $100 Million Contract..

Dr. Bridge
Dr. Bridge
February 4, 2011 10:23 am

“I think Vick should stay down in one of the Bunks at the Nova Care Complex and watch tape on blitz recognition until the Summer Camp”

that was awesome Paulman!!! for someone that is supposed to stay out of trouble and away from parties, drugs, and alcohol, this is an awful decision on his part …

February 4, 2011 10:30 am

Man everyone and their Mommy does a Superbowl party…they are money makers and right now Mike has debt up the ying Yang. I see no problem with it. I’m sure he will have a security staff like the President. Mike is on top of the world right now and he’s profiting off of it to pay the bills.

February 4, 2011 10:34 am

am I my brothers keeper, why you dudes care about what Vick does on his time, who cares what another dude does, is Vick worried about what you cats do, worry about what trouble you may find yourselves in, especially you paulman, you party animal, lmao

February 4, 2011 10:39 am

I think the Eagles need to take baby steps with this guy. I wouldn’t trade Kolb until Vick proves over the LONG term that he can stay out of trouble. I think the tag is perfect for this season and if he continues to improve he should get a long term contract but only then. What if he gets into trouble and we trade Kolb. What then?

February 4, 2011 10:49 am

bills to pay? $30k is chump change. the court monitors his $$$$, pays it out as by agreement. the $30k between taxes and what the judge awards away will be .20 cents in his pocket. Hunker down, he can come to a superbowl party at my house. wings, beer, pizza, no guns, no trouble. he can sleep in the spare room, no driving drunk!

February 4, 2011 10:53 am

I just dont understand why unconfirmed rumors get so much press, but Vick being in Dallas for the NFL Pulse Awards (both he and Desean up for awards) got no mention in the philly press yesterday or today. Are we totally a TMZ society now?

February 4, 2011 10:58 am

Oh wait, philly.com gave Vick’s award last night 3 lines. I guess that makes up for the complete bs column by Perez Fox, right?

February 4, 2011 11:10 am

It’s all about the Benjamins, G.

February 4, 2011 11:15 am

where the hell is the kolb party

info please?

February 4, 2011 11:29 am

mr. pw, thought of you with the above post, worrying about another dude, lol, and still quoting best gcobb post ever,”who cares what another dude get got dont got”, classic phillywill prose

But please, don’t take another shot at 4, last time a thread of 25 mushroomed to 100+ thanks to you,lol

February 4, 2011 11:30 am

some of you cats sound utterly ridicolous! noone knows more than Mike Vick about what he has to lose…He’s already lost it all, no way will he risk losing it all again! from what I’ve seen from this man since his return to the NFL, hes given me no reason to worry as an Eagles fan..If your not directly associated with Vick, I doubt you even will get 10 feet close to the man.

February 4, 2011 11:35 am

phillywill…if you really are an Eagles Fan and Vick Fan and want him to be your QB for the next 5 years..you would want him watching the Super Bowl with Kolb on his farm far, far away from any nonsense like this. Vick what is the point of this crap? Stay home with your family/ friends and watch the game at your house or in Philly..I mean unless you prefer a 20k quick payday over a 60 million contract?

GCOBB seriously,
“Vick needs to hire a law firm to begin legal action against people who use his name without his permission to do so.”
They are promoting Vick because Vick has allowed them too. How are you gonna bring legal action on a club when you gave them the ok to use your name? Im sure if he didn’t he would have brought that legal action on them already.

February 4, 2011 11:39 am

o its the back up party
o ok we just call that the after party around these parts
must start about 4 am

February 4, 2011 11:40 am

vinnie sup wit a vip pass

February 4, 2011 11:41 am

and whats the problem with castillo
every1 wanted to give mcdummit a shot
castillo cant be worse

February 4, 2011 11:42 am

Realtalk i understand where your coming from…but the “If your not directly associated with Vick, I doubt you even will get 10 feet close to the man.” is the dumbest thing I ever heard. Vick doesn’t have to be even close to anything happenning and he would still be kicked out of the league or sent back to prison becasue he is the one hosting the event which is drrawing these ppl there. Some low lifes could shoot eachother up way out back in the parking lot, a lot farther than this 10 ft you say, and Vick would be screwed.

February 4, 2011 11:45 am

@ Paulman
LOL – I agree about Vick staying Local working on his blitz pickups and hot reads. He may of been playing in the Superbowl if he could of even picked up %40 of the blitzes throw at him.

Fellas do you guys remember in the early part of ther season how Vick would throw a deep ball to Desean and Macklin when Detroit would all out blitz him? Where did that go? When macklin and Desean are single covered at times due to max blits he should throw a few bombs like he did earlier in the year.

February 4, 2011 11:45 am

pheags, who are you to tell another man what to do, you sound ridiculous, how about Jakedog telling you what to do

February 4, 2011 11:48 am

listened to Castillo talk about being hired…..look, I really like the guy as an offensive line caoch….I would have really liked him if they transitioned him to LB’s coach……I think the jump to D-coordinator is too big

he compared himself to the underdog Rocky when asked about the move…..what he tends to forget is that while we may love Rocky and his story, in the end, Rocky lost in that 1st movie….yeah, it was an exciting ride and everything….he beat the odds…but the end result was a loss…..does that ring familiar to anyone here??

February 4, 2011 11:51 am

your whole statement sounded dumb! If vick is not physically present, somewhere how the hell does he get charged with a crime? Sorry, that is not the way the law works…perfect example would be Vick leaving his birthday party before the shooting occurred, why didnt he get charged with that? it was his party correct? So you sir, sound completely assanine! if that was the dumbest comment you’ve ever heard, you obviously must not listen to yourself speak much, sir! RealTalk!

February 4, 2011 11:57 am

Nobody called jakedog could tell me what to do. I could care less what other players do on other teams. Big Ben go have a blast at the local sorority and get wasted again so you can be suspended the whole year dont care….But when it comes to the Eagles I would prefer that none of them go to federal prison this offseason. IM sure any real Eagles fan would. I dont think Another club shooting would help us get closer to winning a Superbowl do you?

February 4, 2011 12:02 pm

So if Vick keeps leaving clubs 5 min before people get shot on regular basis the NFL wont throw him out? As long as he keeps leaving 5 min before? are you kidding me

February 4, 2011 12:05 pm

Ain’t no money like TAX FREE money..LOL…

February 4, 2011 12:07 pm

The point is if Vick is not physically present or physically involved, how can he be charged with a crime? what don’t you get?

February 4, 2011 12:07 pm

exactly pheags, but maybe someone else with the name whatever could, but Vick is not going to listen to you, nor does he care

February 4, 2011 12:08 pm

let me correct myself, associated with the crime…how can he be charged?

February 4, 2011 12:12 pm

He doesn’t need to be charged with another crime to be thrown out of the league. The NFL isn’t the Supreme Court..their a business. Goodell isn’t going to let somebody who he gave a last chance to make him look bad and stay in the league man. Same with Big ben..if you hear anything about him in the news harrassing a another girl he is done too..and he wasn’t even ever charged with a crime in the beginning. Listen, im saying this cause I would prefer Vick as my QB next year instead of him out of the league or in jail

February 4, 2011 12:14 pm

haveacigar, good party items, but what about the cigars?, man some crazy head names on gcobb

February 4, 2011 12:21 pm

In G’s article he was stating that Vick wasn’t going to be at some of the SB parties and people were using his name to promote the party (not that he will be there)…With that being said how will the league or the law blame Vick for what takes place, somewhere he is not present?…how can the league or the law blame Vick for something another man does?…Vick has only one person to worry about and that is himself…

February 4, 2011 12:27 pm

some of you cats are like an over protective mother….
take your titties out the man’s mouth! let him live, he’s a grown man can’t keep him in a protective bubble every off season!

February 4, 2011 7:37 pm

Real you miss the point.

Here’s a guy. Says he wants to be the #1 QB. Says he’s changed. Says he wants a contract.

He KNOWS what will get him all these things. He KNOWS he should be sitting at home in Philly with his GF watching the game on TV.. He KNOWS that this is what he should do. He KNOWS its not necessarily as fun as what he was used to, its not sexy…but its what he should do.

And yet…he despite what he KNOWS, what I’m sure he;s been advised by the Birds, and Reind, and his agent…..he ignores it all and doesn’t follow the program he KNOWS he should. Instead, he rolls into Dallas. Nice. Speaks volume about hsi character, and if you think Roseman isn;t watching this and tightening the purse strings, you’re crazy. He’s got to be thinking, “If this is how he behaves without a big contract and wanting one, how will he behave once he has $30 mil guaranteed????”

Regardless of whether or not Vick should be allowed, it doesn’t look good.

This is a testament to his character and comitment. Which as far as I’m concerned is lacking.

Why does he have to put his name on these things…..just to prove he’s still “the man”. Anyone who has to put his name on thiese things to [rove his street cred, or whatever he’s doing…has none.

February 4, 2011 7:39 pm

ugh…I need to edit before posting.