This post is long overdue, but I’d still like to get it out there. Flyers defenseman Matt Carle has recently joined twitter and has publicly stated that he will donate $10,000 to the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) if he can get 10,000 followers on twitter. To date, he has around 8,250 followers.
While Carle could go ahead and donate the money any time he wants, the way he has gone about the situation has raised awareness for CHOP. Even if people aren’t Flyers fans and choose not to add him, the countless “retweets” that are likely to spread virally will publicize the cause.
Carle isn’t the only Flyer to do his part to support worthy causes.
Kimmo Timonen started a charity last summer called “Kime 4 Kids” that he runs in Finland to raise money for a hospital. The past event featured several Finnish NHL players, including former Flyer Ossi Vaananen (didn’t feel like adding the umlauts). The charity featured an auction of rare hockey items and a golf tournament.
Scott Hartnell cut his fiery red hair at the beginning of the season and donated it to Locks of Love, which provides “hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children under age 21 suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis.”
Danny Briere has a line of apparel known as the “Briere Bunch,” whereby all proceeds support the annual Flyers Wives Carnival (coming up on Sunday, February 27) along with Camp Good Days and Special Times. The camp also supports children with cancer.
These are just a sample of the causes that the players support. If one digs a little deeper, I’m sure they will find a lot more. The Flyers organization has always been supportive of its community, and the work off the ice is worth lauding.
If you are on twitter, follow @MattCarle25 to bring his numbers closer to 10,000. Spread the word!