• March 4, 2025

No Truth To Rumor About Jon Gruden Replacing Andy Reid

Denver Broncos fullback Kyle Eckel was just on 610-WIP this morning with the Midday team of Anthony Gargano and Glen Macnow.  The NFL fullback who grew up and played his high school football in the area was responding to the rumor which he got started yesterday on Facebook of Jon Gruden taking over for Andy Reid as the Eagles head coach.

Eckel said very clearly that there was no substance to that report and that the report was completely untrue.

Eckel said he was merely having some fun with a few of his buddies when the rumor started.  He said he had no idea that it would become a ‘wild fire” as Gargano accurately termed it.

“Cuz” Gargano said he had gotten calls from numerous NFL people about the rumor.

The team also denied there was any truth to the rumor.  They released a statement this morning spelling it out.

“Early this morning we have received several inquiries regarding the rumors regarding Andy Reid and Jon Gruden,” read the statement. “This was simply a rumor and there is no basis to it at all. It is simply not true.”


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February 7, 2011 11:03 am

Talking about pissing in my cheerios. Well, get ready for deja vu again next year folks.

February 7, 2011 11:08 am

Well, Gruden taking over is contingent on Norman Braman buying the Eagles back from Jeff Lurie. I got this from the facebook page of a guy who used to be friends of the cousin of the 3rd string fullback on the Philadelphia Soul Arena Football League team…so it must be true. 😉

February 7, 2011 11:24 am

Paulman, equal parts kyle eckle and adam schefter. Oh the bs rumor mongerers…

You don’t fire a coach who wins divisions and breaks total offense records. It just doesn’t make sense and it doesn’t happen.

And for those of you who say, ‘expect more deja vu’, ha yeah right, like vick was more of the same this pas year, and mudd/washburn won’t have any impact…

February 7, 2011 11:37 am

Well Schiller, I wonder if you are aware of coaches and schemes that win games but don’t translate to championships. the best example is the fastbreak style western conference NBA teams of the 90’s that would score over 100 points every game, and win 55-60 games each season, and get knocked out by the 2nd round of playoffs each year because you have to have a halfcourt game in the playoffs. There is a difference between winning styles and CHAMPIONSHIP winning styles. How many more years do you want to give Reid or are you satisfied? seems like your satisfied, that’s the difference between being the best and just hoping.

February 7, 2011 11:40 am

Well they should have fired Andy Reid a long time ago because he is a soft coach he is not good never will be… never wanna run the ball come on Jeff Lurie got to be blind everyone got to be blind the Eagles need a new Boss to control the front office period…

February 7, 2011 11:40 am

read that this morning on my way to work thought it was BS right from the start..For the record I would take Reid over Gruden every year. Yea Gruden has 1 superbowl but he won that with Tony Dungy team of players. Its like you trying to get this girl to sleep with you for years and putting in all the work and setting up the thing to happen..and then she dumps you and your friend takes her out the next night 1 time and she gets wasted and puts out finally first time. Just sayin…Didn’t that organization collapse slowly after that superbowl ring under Gruden? To me they were deciding to replace Reid its has to be with something better and I dont think Gruden is better

February 7, 2011 11:57 am

That has been what I have been saying about Gruden, Pheags. Everyone is always on his jock though.

February 7, 2011 12:00 pm

You know what?

I knew it was bogus but Jon Gruden would be an upgrade.

He have better game day awareness with time management, and calls and all out better game.

He runs the WCO and values the running game, and with these weapons on offense our team would be better under Gruden. He would probably make Washburn the DC and let Castillo coach the linebackers….since that’s where he formerly played.

Wishful thinking, but all we can to look forward to is more undersized fastballs on the inactive roster, and wasted timeouts with poor game management.

The next articles should ask…….”What is the next team that will build under our noses and get the Lombardi while we stay competitve?”

Browns? Panthers?

Don’t say it can’t happen…..The Saints and the Bucs have lifted the Trophy and if I would have told any of you 15 years ago that those 2 teams would win a Superbowl before the Eagles, most would have said..No…Never!!!!

We would have hear qoutes like….
“Bucs? they are pathetic!”

“Saints? Aints”

We are organizationally flawed and anytime you claim luck as an ingredient to winning it all any given year you’re setting yourself up to fail.

The teams that draft well, and are loyal to their stars, and have the superior talent make their own “Luck”.

When will this organization understand?

February 7, 2011 12:01 pm

Schiller likes not winning a super bowl and breaking offfensive records. Hed rather defend empty suits and terrible game day coaches then win a super bowl. To each their own I guess.

February 7, 2011 12:05 pm

Listen Gruden won a SB , dont take that away from the guy. Dungy could take the bucs over the hump and yes he took the same team and outcoached AR and won the SB. So to say that is not an accmplsihment is BS. Reid hasnt won but for some reason he a GREAt coach. Lets not forget if it wasnt for the tuck rule , Gruden was going to go to the bowl with the Raider…and that was1 year before he won. He is a beter coach than Reid. Face it.

February 7, 2011 12:10 pm

Ozzman, I was making a comment about conventional wisdom regarding when firing an NFL coach seems appropriate. You then put words in my mouth by spinnng my comments into reflectiong my personal desires/satsisfaction level with the team.

In otherwords, I said ‘A’. You then criticised me for saying ‘C’. You see the disconnect?

February 7, 2011 12:17 pm

Rasta, satisfied? No. I’m not satisfied with the eagles overall. I was simply making a statement that reids performance as a coach far succeeds the general criteria for keeping your job as a nfl head coach. If it was ‘win a sb or your fired’, most teams wouldn’t have a head coach.

February 7, 2011 12:20 pm

Im not trying to take away his 1 career moment in that Superbowl. A SB win is a Sb win but Im sorry Im just not a big fan of Gruden as a head coach over Reid.
Trent Dilfer won a Superbowl, would you take him in his football days to QB our team right now over Vick who hasnt won? Or how bout Eli over Vick?

Gruden won that SuperBowl against his former team who he knew the ins and out of in his sleep..with great players that he had nothing to do with bringing in. Once it was all on him that team collapsed around him. Im not a huge fan of Reid but I just think if they are going to let him leave it has to be with something better than Gruden. If Gruden was as good as people think he would be coaching right now, plain and simple, some team would have gave him an offer he couldn’t refuse.

February 7, 2011 12:25 pm

@schiller…I get what you are saying, but you made an interesting comment which makes me think.

I would agree that “reids performance as a coach far succeeds the general criteria for keeping your job as a nfl head coach”…..how many years of doing just enough to stay employed should we accept?

You have to admit that his better success as a coach were in his first (6) years of coaching, and as far as the last (3) years he has not had the greatest playoff success.

If you take you statement at face value, say a coach is doing “just enough” to keep from getting fired, how long do we settle for “just enough results”?

February 7, 2011 12:36 pm

also…in general I would not be a fan of Gruden coaching the birds….yes he won a superbowl, but I think he has an overall losing record…..I think there are better coaches out there

February 7, 2011 1:05 pm

I guess when the Pats cut Eckel, he won’t have an invite back to the Eagles…LOL. Man you cannot play with Facebook, Twitter none of that stuff anymore. That stuff becomes viral and grows legs, arms and feet.

February 7, 2011 1:23 pm

to Schiller,
My roumoprs tend to have a little more merit thatn this one did..
Coach Ar is signed thru the 2013 Season.. I give him 2 more seasons
(2011 & 2012) to make a Super Bowl Run, if not, then he is gone.
but does anyone in their right mid think that Lurie and Banner are going to buy out eat Coach AR’s final 3 years of his Contract….
I can see them eating 1 year but not 2 or 3, it’s not going to happen so the Eagles,Coach AR and the Fans are stuck with each other to until 2012
I have been saying this for a year now and am tired of repeating it..
Coach AR is not going anywhere until at least 2012 (unless AR decides to resign and make a settlement to get out town sooner which is always a possibility– I really don’t think Coach AR cares much or has much love working for Banner & Roseman)

February 7, 2011 1:29 pm

For those of you who keep calling for AR to run the ball more. the past 3 superbowl champs didn’t gain 100 yards total! last year the saints had 51 yds!

February 7, 2011 1:42 pm

Pipe dream!

February 7, 2011 2:07 pm

We always here that if the Great AR got fired , he would find a job in a day. Well , if thats true then the Eagles wouldn’t have to pay him those 2 years when he got his new job. Remember , he is great and would find a job in a second everyone says.

February 7, 2011 2:19 pm


You pick one game. Both the Steelers and the Packers ran the ball to GET To the Superbowl.

4 NFC championship loses are not enough for you?

Keep “Crystal Ball” Andy and his 70% passing.

And keep watching every other city celebrate winning the big game.

February 7, 2011 2:28 pm

@haveacigar… But I tell you this they would have a better chance at winning games in the playoffs if they would even try to give McCoy 15 attempts we would probably be winning the big one… He is so explosive that Andy don’t take advantage to what he brings to the table period… I absolutely agree with bsmvideos

February 7, 2011 3:38 pm

Bottom line is that banner and lurie are both executives, and even the most vicious haters agree, money guys. SO, they use statistics to inform big decisions like hiring/firing head coaches. If you can paint a statistical picture that coach ‘x’ – andy’s unknown. replacement, is reliably more likely to win a superbowl than Reid, that’s one thing. But otherwise…

February 7, 2011 3:50 pm

@ schiller……thanks for not starting the response “be careful what you wish for”…but otherwise, it is the same old fear response.

I wonder if the Bronco’s fans were saying the same thing before they let Reeves go…or the Buc’s fans before they let Dungy go…..guys there is a time when a change is needed….nobody says Reidis a bad coach, but he has hit his ceiling here….why all the fear…..what might actually happen?

February 7, 2011 4:04 pm

Greenfan, interesting you bring up fear. I hadn’t thought of it that way. For me its, what gives us the best shot, a proven reliable contender who hasn’t won it all yet, or a complete unknown…maybe fear that they would loose all the progress andy has made with this team, does influence their thinking…

But you say reid has hit his ceiling, well that’s like totally your opinion man…that’s bs if reid wins a superbowl here. Saying he won’t because he hasn’t is utter bs tho. Same was true for every sb winning coach. If that was true, everyone would always be a virgin, forever!

February 7, 2011 4:25 pm

hey schill, i meant no disrespect with the comments……you are aware that Cowher is the only coach who won a superbowl after more than 5 years of coaching that team..right?

I am not saying that Andy won’t win one…I just believe that the odds are against him winning one with this team. The guys has done some great things with this team and organization….it is just my opinion that we need to part ways for both of us (Reid & the Eagles that is) to get what we are looking for…a championship.

During Andy’s time here he has had a great number of terrific coaches on his staff….well known that there are a number who have moved on to be succesful head coaches or coordinators after their time with Andy….I question wether that well has run dry and the number of qualified individuals for Andy to pick from has dwindled..so he went safe and stayed with a guy down the hall.

February 7, 2011 4:44 pm

Wow, you sounded so balanced and sophisticated, I had to scroll up to make sure this was still gcobbs site greenfan! I am quite aware of that general viewpoint and maybe its the wisest…but I think from the FOs perpective, you sit down and do a cost/benefit analysis/pros and cons assessment, and andy, with vick, the weapons, mudd to sure up the oline, washburn and a different cast on d (don’t give me the crap about casillo, caldwell and zordich being here, their jobs are different and they are not mcd, shuey, and juron) plus whatever we do in the draft/free agency, is a better shot at a sb short term than w an unkown head coach. That’s just my opion though

February 7, 2011 4:47 pm

we just all have to pray for a chip
its the only way
we r cursed
just pray
so fricking sickening watching every team get chips but us

February 7, 2011 5:31 pm

Haveacigar, Good info but it’s rushes that matter like bsmviveos said they got there by balance attack which andy does not have hope these examples help u out…

February 7, 2011 5:36 pm

Steelers 08 champs 38 rushes against Chargers
26 AFC championship Ravens
22 SB Arizona
Saints 09 champs 31 Cards
22 NFC Vikings
17 SB Colts

February 7, 2011 5:39 pm

Packers 2010 Champions
29 rushes against our Eagles (eagles 13)
29 rushes Falcons
25 Bears
11 Steelers

February 7, 2011 5:40 pm

Gruden over Reid is in no way an upgrade…I’m glad there are no truth in the rumors!

February 7, 2011 5:41 pm

Packers rushed more than 25 times 3 of there 4 playoff games the people that want Reid gone he would not do any of this

February 7, 2011 5:43 pm

Eagles 09 playoff game against Cowboys 10 rushes yes that is not a misprint mcCoy 5 Weaver 5

February 7, 2011 5:54 pm

tydm, do you have any opinions regarding football playcalling? Specifically calling, like ‘running plays’ (where the quarterback hands the ball to a running back, who then runs, doesn’t throw the ball), and ‘passing plays’, where the QB actually ‘throws’ the ball to a ‘receiver’? And more specifically, do you have any opinions on the frequency/amount/ration of passing and running plays?

If you have such an opinion, please let us know as we are all unclear as to how you feel about this. Thanks

February 7, 2011 6:09 pm

Gruden did not bring them in but that is not always a coach’s job.. he coached 2 diff teams in 10 yrs which is harder then staying with 1….he won 5 div champs Reid won 7 in 10 years Gruden won 1 SB with balanced attack Reid 0 Super bowls going on 13 years with same team

February 7, 2011 6:11 pm

good to see you back tydm, keep blasting with the running statistics, it will sink in eventually

February 7, 2011 6:45 pm

When i played and helped coach i like run and throw in same formation not to give D an advantage…set up passing with strong running game…misdirections,counters and loved I formation ….Counter works because it combines blocking angles,misdirections, and ran it very well against any D front.Passing we believed in passsing efficiency whether we threw 10 or 25 times…we did 3 step drops,obviously play action passes, timing routes.We won a game 57-7 (I was the QB) i think ratio was first half 70/30 (run/pass) the D was tired and was probally 50/50 second half we were 60/40 depended what the D weakness were

February 7, 2011 6:46 pm

it bothers me steelers didn’t play their game Ben 40 throws come on

February 7, 2011 6:54 pm

Tydm, Ben had to throw because of the turnovers and points resulting from them, steelers behind the entire game, completely different game without turnovers, different offense as well

February 7, 2011 8:02 pm

even Pardon the Interuption mike W. said Steelers were not balanced

February 8, 2011 7:00 am

did anyone see this weeks episode of year of the quarterback (yoqb) on espn\abc this weekend? it showed me aot….tho i love what vick brings..the leadership, athletic ability, strong arm…and im not hating, but after seeig that it really made me wonder if he can lead us to the superbowl….and after seein how well rodgers played down the stretch i am almost starting to beloieve that you need the prototypical type qb win the it all in this league….i hope im wrong….

February 8, 2011 8:37 am

Schiller, the bottom line here is we are all tired of the same thing year after year after year. The same comments by Reid ‘I have to put my players in a better position”, the same miss use of timeouts and not knowing when to take them, the same personnel miscues through the draft particulary in the high rounds (1 through 3), the same stubborness on game day decisions, and the same result….no superbowls. There are certain coaches that are good coaches but not great. Coaches who can get you to the playoffs and that’s it. Andy Reid is not a championship caliber coach. He has too many flaws and those flaws are exposed every year. He also generally doesn’t fix anything, for example the linebackers have been a weak point for years on defense, well today they still are! We go into every season with same obvious flaws that never get fixed. This philosphy about drafting undersized light guys on defense simply doesn’t work and it’s been proven. This team has become way to finesse. I want hardcore physical players on defense like Eagles defense should be. Not this swiss cheese defense they have now. Yes, sure they change the D Coordinator but if you don’t have the right personnel it doesn’t matter who the D Coordinator is. The Eagles really lack that snarl they once had and that all reflects on Reid and the personnel he has brought in. How many times do we need to keep seeing the same mistakes and the same obvious flaws over and over and over again. Uggghhhh.

February 9, 2011 7:00 pm

Amen Brother!!!!