• January 10, 2025

Agent Says It Will Take Years To Know If Vick Is Sincerely Remorseful

ESPN interviewed the agent who investigated the government’s look into the dogfighting and gambling ring which Michael Vick was overseeing.  This guy, Jim Knorr who is a retired U.S. Department of Agriculture senior special agent gave his take on whether Vick is really remorseful about running the dogfighting ring.

“The only way the public is going to know if he’s sincere is to revisit it five to eight years from now, when he’s not playing in the NFL and getting endorsements,” Knorr said. “Is he still going into the neighborhoods, preaching to the kids?

“If he’s sincere or not, it doesn’t really matter because what he’s doing now, he’s doing a positive thing by speaking to kids in the community about his mistakes and telling them not to go there. What he’s doing is good for the public.”

I disagree with that.  Vick doesn’t have to be speaking to kids the rest of his life to prove that he is remorseful.  We’ve got guys in the NFL who have been involved in killings of people who aren’t being asked to do as much as Vick to prove that they’re remorseful.

I will tell you that the publishing company and marketing people who are funding this book release are going to make a fortune on this book.  They that there’s a segment of the society who want to see Vick get a second chance and there’s another segment of the society, who want to see him disappear.

This guy is also going to make a fortune on the book about his investigation of Vick.  You can tell that he and this company know what to focus on.

“Knorr talked for the first time since he discussed the case with author Jim Gorant for his book “The Lost Dogs.” He said he met Vick “four, five times” during the investigation.”

He went for the jugular when in his next quotes and is going to sell thousands, maybe even millions of books.

“Knorr also recalled how one confidential informant he wrote about in his USDA report noted that Vick’s adrenaline “would go up, he’d get a high when the group [Vick and his co-defendants, Quanis Phillips and Purnell Peace] were killing [the dogs].”

Notice that he throws this juicy comment in there to spice up the book.  I don’t know whether this statement is true or not, but you couldn’t say something more damning of Vick than this quote.  Of course it was a confidential informant who made this comment.  Did the other defendants and informants have corresponding comments?

He wasn’t through there.  Knorr had to go after the hearts of dog owners and dog lovers every where.  He owns a dog, so he made it a point to describe what it was like when he came home after finding and recovering the dead dogs.

“I had the scent of the dead dogs on my clothes and when I got home late [the night federal agents first dug up the dead dogs],” Knorr said. “BJ — who was always sitting by the window waiting for me and would be there to greet me — went sniffing around and went berserk barking, smelling the death of the dogs on me. I basically went down into the garage and stripped down there, so I could go back in and take a shower and wash the clothes the next day. BJ smelled the death of the dogs on my pants.”

Again how is it that Vick will be hated more for the dogs, but Ray Lewis and others in the NFL were involved at some level in murders but are cheered and loved by all.

These are some poisonous comments and are capable of generating a lot of emotions on both sides.  They may be true or they may be false, but they will definitely make people react. The answer is not to start hating people.

I thank God that I know about how much the Lord has forgiven me, so I’m able to forgive other people.  Not forgiving people creates a poison in your mind and spirit.  I know to resist that.  I encourage you resist hating people.  I’m talking about people on both sides of this argument.

I believe the Lord forgives and loves all of us, including Michael Vick, all the dog lovers, this guy Jim Knorr, and all the rest of the people.

Give us your opinions but let’s try to keep it respectful and non-racial.  We don’t need to go after each other personally.  Everybody can have a different opinion yet still get along with others.  Let’s not make this personal.  Nobody can look into somebody’s heart and tell us why a person feels the way they do.  Try to give each other the benefit of the doubt and refrain from profanity.

If you get out of line, I will edit you comments and eventually ban you from commenting on the site, if you continue to violate the rules..


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February 12, 2011 12:38 pm

Unfortunately some will never forgive Vick for his actions. Regardless of his actions off the field, On the field he is a tremendous talent and i look forward to watching him in a parade in the future.

February 12, 2011 12:58 pm

Honestly; if I were Vick, I wouldn’t be trying to prove anything to anybody. All Vick has to say is “look, what I did was stupid.I paid a heavy price for it and I’ll never do it again”, end of discussion. Screw those who won’t forgive him, because the only one who can really forgive all of mankind is our creator. Hell, that agent and those who won’t forgive others probably has so many skeletons in their closet that would put Vick to shame. Oh yeah, if he’s tired of doing all this public speaking crap to prove he’s sorry and for others not to do it, and he doesn’t feel like doing it anymore, then he shouldn’t (though I can only speak for myself on the outside lookin in). But he shouldnt have to prove to these lying, skeleton in the closet a#%holes anything anymore, when they’re probably flying to other countries on their vacations and committing the most heinous acts against humanity. Peace

February 12, 2011 1:31 pm

This agent doesn’t know the difference between being remorseful, sincere and repentant. One can be sincerely remorseful or sincerely repentant. It’s impossible (spiritually) to be repentant without sincerity. Repentant means to ask forgiveness then turn 180-deg and walk in the opposite direction. Many people, especially those who’ve served time, are genuinely remorseful for a period of time, but it’s more a pity-party kind of thing where they regret having been caught and put “through the system.” So sincere remorse is only for a period, even though they may continue to walk a straight line thereafter.

When one repents there should be some remorse, but only for a short period. Vick is NOT to walking with remorse for the rest of his life. He’s served his time, he has repented to His Lord and asked for forgiveness to those organizations who care for animals and the general populations who owns them. The head of the humane society, Goodell, the Luries, coaches and players, Dungy are all behind him because they’ve seen a sincere change. My goodness, he has a humility and gratefulness about him that he never had in Atlanta.

I back Mike Vick a 100% in his continued growth as a man no matter how much he improves or declines in football. He had turned the corner sincerely and am glad he’s not “licking the boots” of every guy (like Buerhle) who takes a shot at him. And BTW, I own 2 dogs Buerhle!!!

February 12, 2011 3:28 pm

sorry, just can’t get charged up on this one, itwill continue to play out because Vick killed dogs, he didn’t abuse women, didn’t kill the unborn, didn’t murder, didn’t harm children, the elderly, all of which happens every day by his colleagues, contemporaries in society at an alarming rate, but it will never garner the same scrutiny, never,

February 12, 2011 3:38 pm

Who gives a care?

He’s been punished. He does not owe anybody anything.

If somebody took 100 million from me and 2 years out of my life…

After I got paid I would always carry myself as a professional, but I would not hesitate to let anyone know I could care less what they think.

That’s why Vick should create multiple streams of income. Invest in real estate, create a clothing line, sell the movie and book rights to his live…etc.

Put yourself in a position to speak your mind and not tap dance and shine shoes, and keep telling everybody…”I is sorry sir.”

February 12, 2011 4:25 pm

Honestly there’s a segment of this great society that just doesn’t believe in second chances. And to be blunt Mike Vick doesn’t have to continue to prove anything to anybody except himself and the people who care about him outside of the arena. People like the agent and the author will fan the flames of hate and dress it up as in the “interest of what’s best for society” but it’s really about profit.

February 12, 2011 4:50 pm

The media at this point is fanning the flame. No one should hate Vick or wish harm to him. That just makes you just as bad as the criminal. They can hate what Vick did and that he was allowed back into the NFL, etc. But if you seek fame and fortune in this country you have to expect that you will not be left alone. Nothing is left sacred anymore. That is the price you pay in this world these days when you become rich and famous. People have to accept that fact.

February 12, 2011 8:18 pm

GCOBB, I personally don’t think Vick is hated more than other players like ray Lewis, Kobe, Big Ben and so on. What I do think is that we are still in Vick’s moment right now where your gonna see more and more people voice opinions in the news and so on about how they personally feel about him. Even though the eagles fell short this year, Vick was the story of the NFL this year and maybe Sports in general. In my mind, Basically one of two things need to happen for people to stop talking about Vick killing dogs: either another popular player in the league (mostly a QB since they are the face of a franchise) will have to do something terrible in his life like Vick did to fouc the stories/attention/media on them or Vick needs to win a Championship. Big ben won. People will say its about race when it comes to Big Ben but I think its about winning. If he never won Pittsburg a SB and flat out sucked when he came back to the league after his situation Steelers fans would have wanted him gone and everyone in the league would have never given him any of the praise he gets today. Winning means everything, period. Once Kobe won again did anyone hear anything about his accusations? Even though I dont agrre with things said about Vick like what that baseball player said…I would be fake saying i never wished harm on say a Cowboys player. Call me a bad dude but I think of it as being a die hard Eagles fan. The baseball player was asked a question and he said what he feels instead of the nice thing to say and I dont think anyone can get on him for feeling that way. I can disagree with it because I would not want any of our players to get hurt but thats how he feels and who the hell am I or anyone to say to him he is wrong. Basically Vick…if you want people to stop bringing up the past for good and focus on the positive things in your life today you need to win a championship. Rings will bring amnesia of all the negative.

February 12, 2011 8:39 pm

I feel like everybody treats him like hes still in prison. Yes he killed a lot of dogs but hes making a difference now. You can hate on the old mike vick all you want but you shouldnt hate on the man that wants to fight for the other team. This is exactly why a lot of ex convicts have a hard time finding jobs

February 12, 2011 11:25 pm

As a correctional officer, i walk around 88 inmates everyday. They are serial killers,child molesters, and drug dealers. One guy is in for stabbing a young lady and setting her on fire because she wouldn’t date him. So i won’t dislike Mr. Vick unless he has a bad playoffs next year.

February 13, 2011 3:19 am

We know the real reason CERTAIN PEOPLE hate Michael Vick, just go ask Tucker Carlson who wants Vick dead,but claims to be a christian or Mark from the white sox who wishes Vick to get hurt and HE HUNTS=Hypocrites!,And i’ll leave it at that.

February 13, 2011 2:10 pm

I tend to agree
If and when Vick has to face some new adversary in his life his reaction will tell if he has really changed his value system

And I agree about Ray Lewis it is a disgrace that what really happened and how he was involved has never been told –and fully cleared by the DA doesn’t hack it
He was arrested in a murder investigation –all the facts of his involvement need to be known
The NFL headlining him is pathetic

February 13, 2011 2:11 pm

Adversary should be adversity

February 13, 2011 5:13 pm

Vick’s so-called charity is conditional, so it’s not really charity at all. He will talk to kids etc as long as they let him play football. Obviously, Vick is only sorry he was caught. If not caught, it’s likely his gambling kennel from hell would still be going strong. I mean Vick found it entertaining to soak dogs with water and electrocute them. Not only did he fight dogs, he did it in the most sadistic ways imaginable for over five years. This is a mindset not a mistake. Vick’s a disgrace to Philadelphia and the NFL.

February 13, 2011 10:05 pm

this so called mindset was/ is part of a southern culture, different than your culture Philly, but where is your evidence Vick displayed the sadistic tendencies,

even if he did, guess what I don’t care, we are talking about dogs, this has been played way over the top, people kill animals all the time, sometimes sadistically, you will look the other way Philly while children are abused, the unborn are tortured, the elderly are left to rot, but your dogs are safe, asleep in your bed

February 14, 2011 6:41 am

To jakedog: I had to correct you on something. There are eyewitness accounts of Vick’s sadistic behavior and it is also included in this article above and it has been well established how sick and twisted Vick and his friends were towards those dogs. People use the excuse that it was their culture when performing acts of cruelty. That doesn’t wash. Everyone makes a conscious choice when it comes to cruelty. They know what they are doing. Many people have walked away or stood up to acts of cruelty and that is the right thing to do. Stopping ANY kind of cruelty is important. We should speak up against it always. But, right now, since the media is doing articles on Vick people are discussing that. It is no less important. Tell the media to do more articles on cruelty to people and we’ll speak up against that.

February 14, 2011 9:30 am

……are you and eagles fan?

Just asking…..there are plenty of birds fans that have a problem with Vick, and that is their right….but I havn’t seen you here before and you are sounding like an animal rights advocate who wil go anywhere to spread their “religion”.

February 14, 2011 10:55 am

Anyone remember the story about the Giants lineman that castrated sheep with his teeth?

You grab the forelegs and pin them to the ground, and then you grab the back legs and throw them on their back. … You pull them out with your teeth, spit them in a bucket, next one. It’s just a little lamb. It’s not a big animal. I have pictures. The blood on the mustache is the worst part …

February 14, 2011 11:11 am

Who made this loser the barometer of “remorseful”?

People will do anything to have their moment in the sun. Without Michael Vick this guy would be just another guy.

Who cares if Vick is remorseful?

He’s fine as long as he don’t participate in illegal dogfighting or any other illegal activity. We don’t live with this guy.

We watch him play football. Get a damn grip!

again….We don’t care if he’s remorseful.

We care that no dogs have been fought or killed by him since he’s been released and if he’s stupid enough to repeat his past transgressions, he deserves whatever penalty the law executes.

In important news…..Let’s get Kolb’s ass outta here!

February 14, 2011 2:31 pm

I am SOOOO tired of the hypocrites that refuse to forgive Mike Vick, and yet a white guy like Rothlisberger can abuse 2 women, Randy Meirs beat his wife in PUBLIC and neither of them were condemned as bad as Vick, Mike Vick has not only paid his debt to society but he has accepted Jesus forgiveness, if Jesus could forgive him and ME, I MUST forgive Mike Vick too!

February 14, 2011 5:08 pm

hey Chaplain dont forget the scumbag priests who get free passes from the almighty corporation stationed over there in Italy. More forgiveness deserved there too?? Vick is a great con artist who will continue to fool people of his reform. He got caught and thats the only reason he is not still doing it. He doesnt deserve another chance to earn millions and be a role model to children. Nor does Stallworth, Ray Lewis, Brett Myers…..