• February 21, 2025

Mediation Agreement May Be PR Ploy For NFL Owners & Players

The NFL owners and NFL players made a great move today by agreeing to have their negotiations mediated. There’s no guarantee that there will be a new Collective Bargaining Agreement before the deadline on March 4th but at least the two sides will be sitting down and talking.

George Cohen who is the director of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service will attempt to lead the two sides into an agreement. They will start meeting today and will meet every day for seven consecutive days.

“At the invitation of the FMCS, and with the agreement of both parties, the ongoing negotiations will now be conducted under my auspices” beginning Friday, Cohen said in a written statement.

There’s no telling what is really going on. Are the players and owners really serious about getting a deal done or are they playing the public relations game?

The owners could be playing games and be using this mediation to camouflage their “true” desires to lock the players out and force them to take a reduction in the percentage of the funds paid out in players salaries.


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February 18, 2011 10:01 am

What a shot in the belly for the mighty NFL..
I think this makes the Owners and Commisioner R Goddell look very weak and irresponsibile that they can’t take care of business or their employees (players) in house…
I am glad that they are doing this though, to speed up the process and hopeully come to an agreement but this is definitely a black eye for NFL Leadership and COmmish Goodell in my book

February 18, 2011 11:54 am

R. Goddell and the Frog to his left better get this deal done……….

Life without Football! TOP 5 Reasons to me!!!!!!!

1) More arguments with my wife…..
2) More arguments with my wife…..
3) More arguments with my wife by me going to her friends house with her boring husband who doesn’t watch any sports and her excuse will be in big BOLD letters, “Theres no football on t.v. so just come with me”!LOL
4) No trips to Buffalo Wild wings and me getting good seats because the Carolina Panthers fans here in charlotte dont show up because the Panthers are terrible anyways SMH!!!!!!
5) It will be a boring winter…….

Honorable Mention: If we wint the Superbowl this season on a short schedule I dont want anyone saying “You guys won the Superbowl like the Spurs did on the NBA lockout”!…….. “So your happy with that”!……….. (MY ANSWER)……… “YOU DAMN RIGHT”!!!!!!!!

February 18, 2011 2:14 pm

jroc I had a dream about that happenening to the Birds last night. Woud’nt shock me one bit knowing this teams luck.

February 18, 2011 2:15 pm

However, a ring is a ring. It doesnt matter who wins the superbowl if the season is shorted by a few games. If anything it might be harder cause the players are healthier.

February 18, 2011 2:46 pm

Definitely a PR ploy. Non-binding mediation… What a joke!

February 20, 2011 8:53 am

Let’s see, the owners will be getting their TV revenue, while the union has 500 players (free agents) waiting for their big 2nd or 3rd contract. Another 500 vets are at the end of their careers and can hardly afford to take a year off much less face the competition of TWO draft classes ( if there is no football next year). That’s why there will be football sometime next fall. That’s why the owners will prevail (this time). The payers are going to get the same, or better deal ,shortly after March 4th than they will later in the summer (especially those 500 free agents who will see their value decrease as the summer progresses. Maybe the mediator can help make this happen.