• March 12, 2025

DeMaurice Smith Says Players Aren’t Even Considering An 18-Game Schedule

The NFL Players Association is willing to move some with regards to the percentage of the revenue which they will receive from the owners, but they’re not willing to play an 18-game schedule. Executive Director DeMaurice Smith has made it very clear that there will not be a move to 18-game seasons.

“First of all, the league has never presented a formal proposal for 18 games, Smith told Sports Illustrated. “But more importantly, it’s something that our players don’t want. Eighteen games is not in the best interest of our players’ safety, so we’re not doing it.”

I agree with him wholeheartedly. How in the world could anybody with a straight face, say that after watching all of the NFL players stretched out on the field with concussions and other career-threatening injuries in a 16-game schedule, would anyone in good sense even consider going to a 16-game schedule?

I know it would bring in more money, but the players would pay a serious price for it. Although, let me point out that Smith is stronger in this position than the players themselves. Many players have already accepted as fact that there will be 18-game seasons.

Veteran players are especially going to pay a price for this change. Even if they extended the roster, the key players are still going to be the ones who are taking the same hits for another two weeks. I think it would mean more injuries and shorter careers.

It will mean more revenue and ultimately be the key to solving the stalemate. More money means more money for everybody which makes everybody happy.

Most of the players in the NFL are young. They don’t think about getting old and being injured. The average career is only 3-years long. Veteran players won’t want to play 18-games but they’re a minority in the league.

Bottomline, Smith will move on the issue later on, but get some type of concessions from the owners for making the move. Less will be asked of the players during the off season or the practices will be shorter.


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March 10, 2011 8:19 am

In my opinion, Roger Goddell is a terrible commissioner who has already ruined the game to some extent and who will continue to do so.

March 10, 2011 8:33 am

A big part of the season is already about being lucky by staying healthy. Plus, it’ll be great when the division leaders lock up their spots in week 15 and there’s still 3 meaningless games left.

March 10, 2011 10:10 am

Great point mugz!

Let me get this straight.If players play two more games without an increase in pay it will balance out because of the extra billion dollars that the owners get will off set. Oh I get it! Even the young players can’t be that stupid! The funny thing is that they keep saying this is what the fans want. Hell no! I don’t because the ticket prices will rise and everything else will rise also!