• March 6, 2025

Vick co-defendant due in court

According to the Associated Press, a co-defendant of Michael Vick in the dogfighting case is due back in court today on a probation issue. Quanis Phillips’ probation officer says that Phillips lied to him about interacting with Vick at his infamous 30th birthday party that ended with Phillips getting shot.

He’s also accused of failing to report run-ins with the police, testing positive for marijuana and skipping mental health appointments. I think the last one could be the most damaging as he doesn’t seem all too bright.

In 2007, Phillips was sentenced to 21 months in prison and three years of probation. So, he needs to be careful or he’ll wind up back in prison.

The bigger question I have is in regards to whether or not this could affect Vick’s status as a free person. By terms of his probation, he’s not allowed to have any contact with co-defendants either. So, if it comes out that Phillips did indeed lie to his probation officer and he did have contact with Vick…couldn’t that be a red flag for Vick too?

Cue the people who want to moan about “Vick did his time, stop hatin’ on him.” This has nothing to do with that. This is an actual legal issue that could impact whether or not the Eagles are a really good team next year, or if we’ll be whining about why Kevin Kolb still hasn’t learned to make smart decisions with the football. I hope it isn’t the latter.

I don’t know nearly enough about the law (you can only learn so much from watching tons of “Forensic Files” and “American Justice”) to know if this could impact Vick, but the fact that his name is even involved isn’t good. Probation violation or not, it’s clear that he doesn’t need to be interacting with idiots like Phillips. My guess is that any single one of these issues with Phillips might not have been enough for them to drag him before a judge. But the fact that he’s accrued four of them, well now it’s time to get him in court.

Micah Warren

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March 15, 2011 9:31 pm

Have any of you ever had someone in your life that was a true pain in the ass? I’ve unfortunately had to boot a couple of persistent jerks out of my life. I don’t absolve Vick, but this Quanis guy sounds like a real jerk. One of Vick’s mistakes was being involved with people like this at all. But once in a while there are people in your life that you are for some reason compelled to give them another chance. But sometimes that ends up biting you in the ass. You have to help people that appear to t to help themselves. It at least appears like Vick is genuinely making the most of his second chance so far. Nobody knows for sure, from what it sounds like this guy showed up at Vick’s party (which he should not have had) and I doubt he was really invited. They should have made sure the guy never got into the party too. But it sounds like he started crap and then someone shot at him. I’m sorry, but everything I’ve read about the guy, he sounds like the kind of guy who a lot people want to take a shot at.

March 15, 2011 9:51 pm

For me it’s a toss-up between Coach AR and President Joe Banner..
but that’s just me…

March 15, 2011 10:47 pm

The probation officer for Philips who filed the complaint, noted that each of the run-in between Vick and Philips was reported by Vick to Vick’s officer- it was Quanis Philips who didnt follow the rules. Vick has been forthcoming about everything that has happened in his post prison life. Quanis Philips was actually at that dogfighting compound day in and day out, and he got off easy when all these people are still saying Vick hasnt done enough. Now Vick’s the Franchise, and Quanis Philips got shot and goes back to jail- Karma really is a mother.

March 16, 2011 6:07 am

This has nothing to do with Michael Vick and his name should not be brought up every time this person gets in trouble. Michael Vick is not in jeporday of going back to jail for any type of probation violation, because he told the truth in the beginning just because you don’t have all the facts Micha Warren don’t sensationlize this into something. It is time to move on whatever happens to Phillps happens in case you did not get very much info by researching he was picked for missing his mental health appointments, failing a drug test, and have several run-ins with police and not reporting it. http://www.google.com/hostednews/canadianpress/article/ALeqM5jza4Wy-N3yPiYF5ESrA2dpSUal1A?docId=6256551

March 16, 2011 10:31 am

I still dont understand why Phillips wasn’t immediately put back in prison when he refused to cooperate with the police regarding HIS being shot. Since when do parolees get the option of cooperating with police on an official investigation?