• January 11, 2025

Jason Peters Was Arrested Last Night For Disturbing The Peace

For the second time this off season a Philadelphia Eagles offensive tackle was arrested. It wasn’t even a month ago that backup offensive tackle King Dunlap was arrested for refusing to move his car when asked to by police in home town of Nashville, Tennessee to move his car, he refused and was arrested.

According to KSLA-TV and TMZ, last night Eagles Pro Bowl Jason Peters was in a similar situation, but this time he was in his car with the windows down and he was playing very loud music. The police say they approached him and asked him to show them his identification. He refused to provide his I.D. or turn down the music coming out of his car and that led to the arrest.

The official charge he was arrested for playing “loud music and disturbing the peace”, as well as resisting arrest.

He didn’t spend the night in jail, but was booked into the Shreveport City Jail, given a date to appear in court then released.

This will be Peters’ third-year with the Birds and he made the Pro Bowl for the second season in the row.


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March 27, 2011 10:25 am

c-mon man!

March 27, 2011 11:11 am

What’s with these guys.. Do players not respect Police Officers or someone in a position of authority… Or do they believe that they can just do what they want because they play in the NFL… (re Dunalp, Cowboys Dez Bryant, Packers John Jolly,)
I bet if this lockout/holdout last a while into the SUmmer, we will see players every week on the Police Blogs for too many of them will find themeselves in touble with all their free time … Football players typically have a very regimented schedule with off-season workouts,OTAs ,meetings with new Coaching Staffs, etc,etc, and now with none of this, I expect to read about a lot more guys getting into trouble unfortunately..

Not to change the SUbject, but whay haven’t you had an article or comments on the LAwrence Talyor situation and his interview that he gave after his sentencing, this man is a Animal and should be locked up …
Stating that he doesn’t “card” his Prostitutes or that “Everyone does it”..
How insensitive and morally corrupt this man has become and he is a disgrace to the NFL, to the Giants, to Athletes and to the Black Male in General and he should be stripped of his HOF Status and expelled from any NFL Activities and be banned from the Sport…
You want to know why racial stereotypes continue to follow the black athlete, look no further than Lawrence Taaylor and to me the real sad thing is that no one has ever called him out on his reckless behavior, talk about a ‘free-pass”, LT has been giving one his entire life so why should he change his reckless/destructive behavior..
Pete Rose bets on baseball and is arrogant and lied, and he is banned from baseball for life.. LT has a 20 year sheet with criminal activites from drugs, weapons,prostitues, assaults and battery ,tax evasion and no one says boo…This is a perfect situation of where many of the National/Local NY Media and prominent Black leaders whether from Churches, POlitics, or the NFL should speak out about LT Lifestyle and his continued reckless behavior

March 27, 2011 12:27 pm

Paul, since when has taylor been anything but a thug, why bring race into it, plenty of white miscreants in NFL,you are fishing for trouble

March 27, 2011 12:58 pm

Because of the high pedestal that many still hold LT up to, is a joke and the fact that no one in the Black Community has stood up to him for being a jerk and a poor example of what a real man should be all these years..
His cavalier almost slave-like attitude towards women in particular has long been a stereotype in the Black Community where they have not held women as equals.. and this attitude just gets perpetuated by jerks like Taylor..
Why is no one calling him out on it.. From the Hip-Hop crowd showing/glorifying scantily clad young women and glamourizing sex and promiscuous behavior and then Society wants to know why they Teen-Pregancy, Babies born out of wedlock are so high.. and then the cycle of dependency just self-manifests itself where over a 20-30-40 years period of time, there is a whole generation or 2 that become a Dependent Society
and know very little else and barely stand a chance to make it in today’s world.. Is this what people want…. I will get off my sopabox now… .

March 27, 2011 2:27 pm


I have a couple of issues to discuss with you on this matter.

Lets talk about LT. The guy is an absolute thug. From his constant drug use, to his terrible attitude, this latest acusation of seeing a hooker is probably the least serious infringement, when you take out the fact that she was underage. The truth is, many professional athletes, doctors, lawyers, teachers, judges, and politicians, white, black, or asian, see prostitutes. Doesn’t make it right, but its not the worst thing in the world either. Now the fact that she was underage is horrible, and a terrible thing. However, I truly don’t think he should be held accountable for that if he honestly did not know that she was underage. He has a valid point when he says he didn’t card her, do you honestly expect him to. The fact of the matter is, many girls that are 17 years old look as if they are 21 or even older. A 26 year old guy could just as easily mistake a 17 year old for being a 21 year old. So even if LT thoguht she was 21, a 50 year old man sleeping with a 21 year old woman is not an ethical or moral thing to do, but the age difference alone would be legal. My simple point is, labeling this guy a child RAPIST, and CHILD PREDATOR is serious. Those are serious labels that this guy has to carry with him for the rest of his life. Shouldn’t those labels be reserved for men who are actual child predators who knowingly sleep with underage women? Label him a morally corrupt man, who is a drug addict and a terrible role mode, because that is exactly what he is. But don’t label him a child rapist it just isn’t fair. Hold the girl accountable somewhat.

March 27, 2011 2:35 pm

Actually, you mean ” do the police officers not respect the citizens who pay their taxes resulting in police officer’s getting their paychecks” . If the police weren’t looking for trouble, they could have easily asked JP to turn the music down, not ask” to see his license first” (see the difference why anyone could be easily offended ?) . That’s some offensive crap right there;especially in the south. Until you’ve walked in another mans shoes (or better yet his skin), it’s best not to comment on matters which you could never understand. As far as LT and the “Black Community” is concerned, people should establish a “Home Community” within their own households first – communities are built off of what’s learned in the home, not by watching the ignorant behaviors of people in the world. If you’re looking to put the blame of an ethnicity’s trouble on music/athletes etc without looking at the 400 years which help cause and still is a major contributor to todays problems in this country, then you need to just mind your own. A people “left without knowledge of their rich ancestral family history and the majority left with no kind of inheritance to help propel generations forward”, and you want to tell me about LT/hip hop/athletes as role models, teen pregnancy (which is within all ethnicities etc); take care of your own home first and the hell with looking to other’s as role models for your children. I bet the most succesful families in this nation take care of their own family’s and don’t look to others as role models for their own. That’s just another trick to hold a community down by trying to put the pressure on athletes and music (which is real garbage today) to be a role model when some of them still act as immature as the so called people their suppose to be a role model for; and for the parent(s) to look for a handout and not take on responsibility for their own (actually the majority do take responsibility fot their own, but the media won’t show you that). Don’t buy into any of that crap. Peace

March 27, 2011 2:38 pm

Now onto your comments about the black community. You claim that the black community and specifically the hip-hop community promotes this behavior by dressing women in scantily clad clothing via videos, etc. I have news for you, society in general promotes women’s sexuality. White, black, asian, it doesn’t matter. Look at magazines like playboy, penthouse, maxim, hustler. Look at girls gone wild. These are primarily headed by white men. If you go around the world, I’m sure you’ll see this sort of behavior too.

So that isn’t the reason why there are so many teen pregnancies and babies born out of wedlock in the black community. The reason is there is a lack of education and wealth in the majority of these communities, and this in part leads to a lack of responsiblity in these communities. I think the black community does need to step up and improve these conditions for themselevs, but it would also help if they got some help from the US gov’t.

March 27, 2011 3:48 pm

Points well taken from Rocko and Muimuiman,
My biggest beef is where are the Male Black leaders out there, calling out
LT.. Why is everyone afraid to call out LT what he is… because he was a great Football player 20 years ago.. The guy has little self regard or respect for anyone around him.. It’s Ridiculous that he only got probation.. Where’s Jesse Jackson, Al Sharton, the Women’s Groups, Oprah, Montel Williams,the NFL Player Unions, NFL Commisioner, NY Giants Management in all of this…All turn a blind eye because it’s big, bad, LT… What a chump..

March 27, 2011 6:11 pm

Actually Paulman,

IMO Jesse Jackson isn’t a role model not even for his own family, let alone a model for the African American community because he can’t even keep his pants up long enough to respect his wife and futhermore is also a “baby daddy” to his mistress – Al Sharpton is also a front to the AA community as well with his perm and all. They don’t respect what their ancestors stood for anyways, and the majority of African Americans don’t look to them as representing what black folks think. Black male leaders start in the home and since the majority of black males aren’t in the home, and the so called “black male leaders in the church” want to behave and be like women, thats a turn off to young blacks looking for direction. Society/media plays into that and won’t call them out on those issues because it further destroys communities and keeps them dumb deaf and blind, and into the grips of those who want to continue to see them sink lower and lower. Thats the reason why real black leaders won’t call out LT because the only time LT would associate with BML is when he gets into trouble like OJ. Real BML won’t play into the “woe is me” LT mess because thats a waste of time. There are more African Americans in politics, education, and have and continue to build strong families. These incidents such as LT and athletes troubles are a small (fart in the wind) type of deals that may seem like a big deal to some, but real Men whether of African, European, Latino and Asian decent continue to build strong families; and collectively as a whole should take young men under their wings and teach them how to be real men without compromising their values. That’s what this great nation is built upon, and we should all try to right a wrong that was done to generations of people by asking and trying to see how we can help; rather than focusing on the negatives.

I understand some of your frustrations with these issues Paulman because I feel them too, it’s just that i try to be as objective as i can in trying to help the situation rather than placing blame. Peace.

March 27, 2011 6:38 pm

I am disappointed that there is little to no outrage from the NFL/Giants and from the Black Community as a whole from what I’ve read or heard..
Is this type of behavior expected, so common that people just put up with it… It sure appears that way to me… LT’s comments were so sexist,so degrading to woman… I am father of a 16 year old girl, so it frightens me to think that guys like LT (who many consider a success in life) with the means,the access, to think so little of young woman or have no respect and self regard about controlling oneself.. What a effn’ scumbag he is and everyone it appears, is afraid of him… why ????

March 27, 2011 8:07 pm

Paul, I am white and if I was getting a prostitute, which I have never done, but if I was, I wouldn’t card them either. I don’t think what he did is all that bad, and I am white so why should fellow black men care what he was doing. Prostitution, albeit illegal, is really not that big of a crime in my opinion. Hell, it is legal in Vegas, and other countries, and I would expect anyone to actually card a prostitute. I think most people would think that they were of age. If anything, I am more disgusted with the girl, who decided at the age of 16 that she would become a prostitute.

March 27, 2011 8:08 pm

***wouldn’t……. expect anyone to actually card a prostitute.

March 27, 2011 9:09 pm

That is a very sad statement Sports Bum,
I take it that you don’t have any children and just another example of what’s wrong with this Country.. I guess people just don’t care anymore about what happens to other people unless something happens to your own…

March 27, 2011 11:21 pm

Honestly, I don’t really care about other people. I care/worry about myself. Everyone should worry about theirselves and stop getting in everyone elses business. Too many people try to conform this country to their liking like they are the perfect being. There is no such thing and I understand that. That is why I worry about myself. As long as what you are doing isn’t affecting me personally, then go do it. We are not robots, we are humans who are all different in their own way. Stop trying to make us all the same. Besides, we need crime/destruction etc. Without bad there would be no good. Life would be dull.

March 28, 2011 12:10 am


I have a younger sister too that was not so long ago around that age. So I know how it feels. However, what Sportsbum says is absolutely true. LT had no clue that she was underage. Theres no way in hell that one could expect him to card a prostitute. Are you kidding me? Its unfortunate, but the ones that should really be held accountable are the girl, the pimps, and her parents.

I’m sure you daughter is not like this at all, but hypothetically, what if she lies to an older man about her age and a type of relationship occurs. Wouldn’t you hold your daughter accountable for that?

March 28, 2011 12:54 am

Paulman, you are a honky. Don’t speak for black people or about race because you sound like a clown.

March 28, 2011 1:07 am

Paulman, does every ethnic group have to flagellate their athletes and their people at this website after being arrested? Or just black people? You really suffer from hoof and mouth disease. You don’t even take the time to think before you spew.

March 28, 2011 5:26 am

I think the real problem is the arrogance of todays athlete due to money.

Take the money away and regardless of race half the stars are thugs who would be in gangs dealing and wheeling.

I bet half the players in the NFL cant read and write at a 5th grade level.

Thats why they will be broke and date hookers etc…..

Gotta Luv It
Gotta Luv It
March 28, 2011 8:39 am

WAIT….PAULMAN IS WHITE ?????????????????? WTF

March 28, 2011 1:33 pm

Here’s a good idea…In order for the Black/Latino community to get its house in order, let’s get everyone else who influence it negatively out.

Let’s kick out all the foreign stores that make money in our community only to empower their nation..We’ll take the stores in our neighborhoods and that will solve some our financial problems. Our sisters make the best food on earth..Let’s set up a house restaurant on every block and boycott every foreign food dump in our hood.

Let’s use our right to bare arms and form a militia against the drug dealers and pimps, and dare anyone to bring drugs in our space.

Let’s pick police amongst our neighbors like it use to be so issues can be settled internally without outside influences to avoid pitting a fraternity against the public.

Once we have these things in place then Paulman and others will have a rght to complain about the ills of our community.

How in the hell can we get things together with the corruption from the otherside tainting us only to blame the symptoms on us?

Stop focusing on the symptoms and shift to the problems.

Problem 1..CIA and the Whithouse controls the drugs coming into the hood.

But yet you’ll come on here and blame those who are victims from the drugs.

Problem 2 Government powers controls the influx of immigrants given grants to set up businesses to rape us finacially and take the money out of the hood

But, you’ll point to the poverty which leads to a 16 year old girl needing to sell her body because her parents can not get a loan or the grants given to those who come over to finacially destroy us.

If you want to see us do better….Get your hands out of our lives or join with us in an effort to stop the CIA and government from targeting our hoods only to house their “for profit” prisons.

Now, can you see from a different lense Paulman?

You don’t have to be black to know that we are systematically targeted to fail.
I have done pretty well but money does not blind my common sense. I know that the majority of blacks have no true outlets that will empower us as a whole. The blueprint or answer that we should view is the jewish holocaust. Because of their suffering, received a state for their own and a continual backing from Europe and Billions from America when their suffering came from the hands of Germans. They were not forced to live under German laws and have Germans dictate their legislation. So, If we can get the same from America using Jewish people as a blueprint the problem will begin to be resolved… 99 million died for the sake of Slavery… 6 million Jews holocaust…do the math and give us twice as much as was given to them then we can talk from an equal vantage point.


March 28, 2011 2:14 pm

Interesting perspective songs, and without acting like Paul and judging/ offering prescriptions, how do you explain the many successful black people in this country, did they take up arms, blame the white house CIA, etc.

March 28, 2011 2:16 pm

hey paulman,

you are really a misguided hypocrite who is as clueless about “blacks” as you are about our YOUR sources for your ridiculous trades. Where are all the white leaders bashing Charlie Sheen? Why isn’t he EVER referred to as a thug? If Charlie Sheen were black, would he be considered a thug? Would he be in jail? How many LEADING ROLES has Robert Downey Jr starred in AFTER his multiple arrests? you are an idiot

March 28, 2011 2:18 pm

Paulman is an idiot plain and simple. A Racist one at that. The worst kind of ignorance

March 28, 2011 2:31 pm

as Jakedog stated earlier, Paul brought the the topic up just for this purpose, to engage gcobb members in a race debate.

March 28, 2011 2:42 pm

I want to know why so many are silent to criticize this real thug in LT,
who not only endangers himself, but is a menace to those in society and especially young women and apparently sees nothing wrong on whether the girl is 15/16/18 or what her circumstances are.. He’s a paying customer, he’s LT damn it and no should question his motives or behaviors… I wanted to read an article from Gobb and other people who could have a good perspective on why this behavior is tolerated and sometimes, even glamourized by those in the Media or by Males in the Black Community or what he and others think about the actions and comments of LT and why such the non-discussion and blind eye from the NFL or GIants or teammates or the NFL Players Union.
I guess I have to wait until the next time Mike Vick fails to show up for some sorta function for something new to comment on..

March 28, 2011 3:38 pm


your race-baiting tactics only make you look foolish.. fool me once shame on you, fool me twice…..idiot

March 28, 2011 6:36 pm

paulman, so many ‘are silent’ on LT for the same reason that so many ‘are silent’ about this incredibly fascinating new phenomenon that if you drink too much booze one night, you might not feel great the next morning. Get it? We all knew LT was a thug before anybody with the name george bush was on the political radar in the US. What was old news in the early 90s isn’t new news in 2011. Period. It has nothing to do with Race, our society, or really anything else.

FYI, OJ Simpson might not be a model citizen. Mike Tyson may not be a choir boy. There’s a chance Pete Rose didn’t always follow MLB rules, and Brett Farve may have taken a painkiller once. I think there’s also a possibility that Jose Conseco did more than just lift weights, and Barry Bond’s head may have grown after he became a full grown man. Just some newsflashes for you Pauly. BREAKING NEWS that requires copious public responses.

And on account of all of those fresh new revelations, we all need to analyze the state of whites, blacks, and hispanics in this country.

Oh, and in case you think farve and rose don’t suggest that there’s a problem with these crazy white athletes in america, I heard a rumor that Lenny Dykstra isn’t the second coming of Ghandi Paulman….. look into it for us, could you?

March 28, 2011 6:46 pm

Paulman isn’t a racist, he’s just doesn’t think before he writes. There are true racists, however, posting on this site.

March 28, 2011 7:58 pm

Ok fan, and you are not one of them, how do you know what is one’s heart, what motivates Paul to talk of black males and their shortcomings, you never hear him talk about whites this way,

March 28, 2011 9:44 pm

To answer your question, Jakedog, I have read people at this site who speak with hatred. I don’t sense that from Paulman at all. Even though he bothers me and says things that I don’t approve of that are not thought out. When people speak about race, it must always be respectful, never involve stereotyping. But some people here go beyond that and hate other groups. I don’t think it is that hard to spot, do you?

March 28, 2011 11:06 pm

Paulman, are black men the only ones who engage prostitutes? or are activities by black people overall a concern of yours? I am black and am sick and tired of your racist comments. I would like you banned from the website. The next time you feel like telling us black people what we should or shouldn’t do just do me a favor and look in the mirror and ask yourself why you haven’t stopped other white men from hate crimes and discrimination. By the way Paulman, when is the last time you saw a native american? thought so, keep your mouth shut.

March 28, 2011 11:29 pm

Paulman = owned.

March 29, 2011 2:58 am

@paulman ARE YOU EFFIN KIDDIN ME? LT is a monster? LMFAO ! Maybe you should wikipedia Charlie Sheen. He has a rap sheet longer than my D^&k
Matter a Fact Charlie Sheen’s criminal history is worse than Chris Brown, Michael Vick & LT combined.

But the white community worships this guy, Supports his ” Winning” Tour and all. As a matter of fact they laugh and think its funny. They even buy his “Winning Tshirts. And help him get over 2 million followers on twitter.

Hey@paulman Did you know in 1990, Charlie Sheen shot his ex fiance(Kelly Preston) in the arm and didnt serve one day in prison for it?

Did you know that Charlie Sheen has beaten every woman he’s ever been married or engaged to & threatened their well being? Did you know that he lets porn stars babysit his kids while he’s out smoking crack

It really pisses me off how racist people try to crucify Michael Vick, LT & Chris Brown, and they always have to talk about their criminal histories during all their interviews, but Ol Charlie is so easily forgiven. They never interview him about beating women. Its always asking about a drug problem. They never talk about him shooting Kelly Preston either. Dont you find that odd? Certain people are the biggest hypocrites in this country. Yet Michael Vick still has to explain his past

March 29, 2011 9:59 am

You’re right Supbad, Charlie Sheen is another reckless individual/scum bag who should be locked up as are many other Hollywood types (Lyndsay Lohan/Mel Gibson) My entire point If you read my original post is that these other idiots have been chastised and called out for their reckless behavior, but not LT, who continues to go thru life unscathed and remains high on his pedestal for being untouchable for some reason that I cannot understand…
Background History, I grew in South Jersey and attended Rutgers Camden where I lived on Cooper Street in Camden for 4 years down by the Campus back in the mid-80’s before they even had Student Housing. Now I live in the Blue Ridge Mountains of NC far away from the Big Cities, and the Crime, Traffic, Pollution, the High Costs of living, the High Property Taxes, the High Car Insurance Rates by my own choice.. We are home to Appalachian State University which has 12,000 students and has had very successful Football Teams with 3 National Championships in the last 6 years and other Sport programs which I follow and support. The County I live in, is named “Watauga” which is named after a local Indian Tribe, which there is a lot of history and tradition of variousl Indian Tribes down here in western North Carolina…
I chose to move down here to help me and my wife raise our kids in a better environment and the natural beauty that is the Blue Ridge Mtns, with great schools,low crime, fresh mountain air and whole lot less people and idiots to deal with as well as a lower cost of leaving.. Since my property Taxes are about $1200 pper years for a 2 acre-wooded lot and 2800 sq
and better opportunties for them as they become young adults