I just finished reading the article by Les Bowen on Philly.com about the Eagles being unable to guarantee that they will be using the Lehigh University facilities for this year’s training camp because of the current NFL lockout.
Eagles president Joe Banner talked about being ready for any and every scenario because nobody knows what’s going to happen with Judge Susan Nelson’s ruling regarding the NFL players’ request for an injunction to end the NFL owners’ lockout.
It could mean that the Eagles will be forced to have their training camp at the Nova Care Complex. That would cut the Birds fans out of seeing the team’s summer practices but it’s really out of the Eagles hands.
It would eliminate all the autograph sessions which Eagles followers seem to love so well.
Lehigh’s dean of athletics, Joe Sterrett says the Eagles camp in late July doesn’t take up a lot of their attention right now, but it will in the future.
“It’s kind of on the back burner right now” from Lehigh’s perspective, Sterrett said, “but I think it’ll move to the front burner postdraft,” which is probably the case for fans and many players, as well.”
The nfl is given us fans more an more heart brake its one thing after another
I think many teams will have camps held at their regular home complex’s throughout the league..There’s a good chance that it will be a compressed training season this year so teams and players need to take advantage of every convienence and cost that they can…
Does anyone think the new fitness center set up through Tra Thomas is a coincidence?
With the Lock out …the players can continue their regular off season workouts and rehabilitation without tamper.
A bet any amount of money that this fitness center was set up for Tra by the Eagles with workout plans and diets for the players.
Love the conspiracy thoughts and posts, Songs..
I also heard from a ex-source in the State Deptartment, that President Obama
was sending Tra Thomas over to Libya once Khaddafy is forced from Power.
Who would have ever thought the Tra Thomas will be the man who saved the EAgles Season in 2011 and more importantly, took over for a tyrant to oversee a smooth transition from a Dictatorship to a Democracy in the Arab World.. I am going to nominate Tra Thomas for the Nobel Peace Prize for 2011… (maybe Obama can give him the one he won)