• March 6, 2025

Who Said The Braves Are Better Than The Phillies?

Last year, the Phillies finished with 97 wins and just missed making their third straight World Series.

In the offseason, Ruben Amaro, Jr. compiled arguably the best pitching staff on paper in the history of baseball. Not to mention, the squad was returning with a great lineup like it always has.

But for some reason, a lot of the experts from around the nation didn’t pick the Phils to win the World Series. Others didn’t pick them to win the National League. In fact, believe it or not, some picked them to miss the playoffs!

Here is a list of a few of those disbelievers. Jon Heyman and Mel Antonen of SI.com picked Atlanta to win the East and the Phils to miss October baseball. Mike Vacarro and Brian Costello of “The New York Post” predicted the Braves would win the division and the Mets would finish second.

How outrageous is that?!

Sure, the team did lose a solid hitter in Jayson Werth, and Chase Utley and Brad Lidge had serious injuries. But this ball club is not one dimensional. They don’t rely on one player or one facet of the game.

Not to sound like a homer early on in this long baseball season, but those nay sayers were a little off. In fact, they were totally incorrect.

Hitting wise, the Phils sport the best batting average in major league baseball at .344. The Mets are 14th hitting .258 and Atlanta 21st at .236. The Phillies have the best On Base Percentage in the sport at .380. The Mets are 11th and the Braves 26th. Lastly, the Phils have the best slugging percentage in the National League at .484, significantly better than New York or Atlanta.

Out of the eight regular starting position players, seven are hitting over .300. Wilson Valdez hasn’t missed a beat at second base filling in for Chase Utley and Ben Francisco makes it seem like Werth never left.

By the way, Werth is hitting a putrid .226 in Washington with only one home run and one RBI. Francisco is batting .306 with two homers and seven RBIs.

Pitching wise, out of the nine games only three of them have been bad outings from the starting hurlers. Cole Hamels, who rebounded nicely today, was roughed up in his first appearance of the year. Cliff Lee struggled Friday night and Joe Blanton had some problems on Wednesday. However, that’s going to happen. The way this lineup is hitting though, no lead is safe against this team.

Then, there’s Jose Contreras. The majority of people wanted Ryan Madson to fill in for Lidge in the closer’s role until his return. Well, Contreras has been solid in his three showings so far. He’s two for two in save opportunities and hasn’t allowed an earned run.

If that’s not enough to believe in this club, just look at the standings. The Phils are 7-2, while New York is 4-5 and Atlanta 4-6. Both teams dropped two out of three to the Phillies after winning the first game of the series. Both had a chance to bury the Phils and they couldn’t. That speaks volumes.

Why did a lot of people pick Atlanta to win the NL East? They felt the Phillies were too injured or old. They felt the bullpen would be a major concern. They felt the Braves sported just an overall better squad.

Well, it’s not going to take 162 games to prove they were wrong. It only took nine.

David Uram

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April 10, 2011 9:36 pm

Um, nobody but Paulman.

April 10, 2011 10:50 pm

Paulman is the only one on here that did, and it is funny because a lot of what Uram posted in this article is almost like he is talking directly to Paulman, but there were other “experts” that were doing the same thing, Schiller.

Notice how Paulman has been quiet lately, in regards to the Phils? He must be feeling a little dumb now. The only thing I hope is that the Phils don’t start to play bad while the others start to play well, because we are only 9 games into the season. In a sense, we are acting just like Paulman, because we are only 9 games in and acting like the Phillies are gonna win the WS. Just like he was acting the way he was because of Spring Training.

April 11, 2011 12:50 am

— I don’t think we’re acting like paulie d nuts — because I’ve been saying we’re going to win 120 games and win the World Series………..paulman was predicting the opposite and is slowly being proven wrong, while the rest of us are being proven right. I really don’t see how anyone is going to stop this team and their four aces. Seriously. If ANY team can beat R2C2 in a best of seven series, they MORE than DESERVE to become champions.

Our bats combined with this pitching is just unstoppable. They’re not even hitting their stride either. Losing series this season will be few and far inbetween.

April 11, 2011 6:29 am

Here is the link of the Sports Illustrated predictions: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2011/baseball/mlb/03/29/expert.picks/index.html

And, here’s the New York Post Predictions:

There were more people than just Paulman.

April 11, 2011 7:15 am

Yeah, you could say that 9 games in to a 162 game season is way too early to have any expectations about being in the playoffs. Anything can and far too often does happen to knock a team off it’s tracks. If it was that easy to project, bookies would be outta business.

How about if everyone stops crowing about how good the Fightin’s are until they have a comfortable lead in late august and just enjoy what “could” be an amazing ride and take it as it comes one game at a time.

April 11, 2011 7:16 am

I did and will still stand by my predictions,
I will not hand a NL East Division Crown or WS Appearance to any team after 3 series and 9 games . The Braves were obviously out-classed,out-hit and out-pitched in this past weekends series, but I will say it’s a long season.. Most MBL Observors will say the NL East is probably the Weakest from top to bottom in the NL this year, let’s see how the PHils do versus some of the better teams in the league.. I admit that they are off to a great start due to their timely hitting from just about everying up and down the line-up and some great bullpen work so far. Their Starting Pitching will settle in and find a rhythm which will make it difficult from the rest of the NL to stay weith them.. But let give it another 3-4 weeks after about 30-35 games total,and then we’ll see how they are playing versus their competition..

April 11, 2011 8:42 am

haha Paulman. Leave your comments to football posts. You are always hating on the Phillies. The first time they loose three in a row, you will be posting again about how right you were. I dont know how they will finish, but you totally underestimate how good this team is. How many years does a core group have to be great to get some GD RESPECT. Last year they had more injuries than the previous 5 combined. Every regular spent time on the DL. They won the most games in the majors. DOnt Hate. Just enjoy the ride.

April 11, 2011 9:08 am


You hate the phillies, kiss the eagles’ a$$ and always have “sources” feeding you nonsense… come clean, you’re really howard eskin…

April 11, 2011 9:09 am

Who cares what that clown predicted.When he did we all knew it was b.s.. So our starting pitching will find its flow and will make it difficult on the restyof the NL and your still picking the b.s. Braves? Ok dude.They cant pitch Hudson everyday brosiff.

What about Cole? Wheres all you fans talking about his tantrums cause he was pissed he was underperforming? He looked pi$$ed yesterday too. Same actions…domination and siting em down steady. Leave the dude alone…he is who he is and i dont see anything wrong with him after 2 outings. Cold as hell one game and hot the next…tough two starts and he shut the door on the Braves early.

April 11, 2011 9:13 am

Someone has to play the “Devil’s Advocate” and it may as well be me…
I can’t stand Howard Eskin either, never have and never will and have commented about him many times..

April 11, 2011 9:29 am

paul, you ae probably a nice guy, good neighbor, gets aloong with the hicks in boone county, but you don’t know jack about sports, you say you aren’t handing the division to any team after three series, but before a single game was played you buried the phillies constantly and consistently, now you have a new saw to sing that will be another song in the future, give it up, find something else to do, maybe fishing

April 11, 2011 9:42 am

Just remember…the stinking Braves and there old man slugger Chipper and they’re wanna be superstar Hayward arent winning this division.At home they could score 8 runs to our 16. And keep doin that stupid tomahawk chant when you need a run.

April 11, 2011 10:19 am

I wasn’t burying the Phils before the season started, I stated that it was not going to be a cakewalk and that they are not going to win 120 games and be the best team that ever was like everyone else was saying in the Philly Media.
I stated that it was going to be a struggle when relying on so many players that are past their primes…(J Ro,Polanco,Ibanez,Lidge,Beas,Contreras)
So far, the Phils have come out smokin’ and have gotten off to a fast start even with their Starters still trying to find their groove.. I hope they win 125 games and win the WS, but I am not abandoning my orginial picks and predictions after the 1st 2 weeks of the Baseball Season.. Let’s see where they are at by mid-May or so..

April 11, 2011 11:11 am

Why should we wait? Your predictions as a phillies fan were to say the best team in franchise history would fail????? WHat kind of sorry prediction is that? Since when is 32 past your prime? Baseballs prime is 28-34. I dont know what media you were watching that said 120 games, but regardless, god for bid fans think a team in Philadelphia do good right? How dare we have world series expectaions from a proven winner who makes the biggest fa aquisition in baseball. Stupid phillies fans expect way too much I guess {Paul.

April 11, 2011 11:45 am

paulie said braves pitching top to bottom better than phils, called phils bullpen a “disaster”‘ said phillies lineup”triple A”‘ called the phils lineup “phillies lite “, predicted phils would win 90 2nd in division behind braves, just a few predictions/statements from the biggest horses ass on this site, bar none, go fishing paulie, please spare us from the nonsense you spew

April 11, 2011 11:48 am

Paulman- i actually feel for you man but this is what happens when you say that you are “reporting” and you cite “sources”. If you pretend to be a reporter you get treated like a reporter. You often (daily) (prolly hourly even) state things as fact when they are opinion…. often ill informed opinion at that.

In all honesty, its early….. you are correct. we should all try and enjoy the ride (this was my slogan for the birds this past year)….. lets not crown them but lets not pretend they are old and suck either.

April 11, 2011 11:51 am

pman…. if you honestly said all the stuff Jake says you said…. wow…. take your beating.

April 11, 2011 12:02 pm

, check it out in the article phillies all in in 2011′ that’s where paulie made these absurd comments, said phillies lineup is triple A, paulie the clown

April 11, 2011 12:04 pm

To be honest, I’m glad the tomahawk chant is back. It fuels the game more for me.

Tell me if I’m wrong, but it feels like over the last decade or so the “tomahawk chant” died out and is slowly reemerging because they believe the Braves are contenders. Am I wrong? I could be. I just think I’ve heard more tomahawk chants this past wknd then I have in the last couple of years.

April 11, 2011 12:05 pm

Stopgoat — I predicted 119 wins, so maybe thats where he’s getting is 120. I stand by my prediction too.

April 11, 2011 12:07 pm

I predict 7 months of Pman getting slammed for those comments.

April 11, 2011 12:11 pm

I’d like to hear from some of you guys that ripped Hamels for showng some emotion his first start. Dude just helped us shut the Braves out.

As long as our 4 stud pitchers draw breathe the NL East is ours.I dont care how weak our division is,how so and so is not in there prime,and how any media experts think otherwise.It’s ours…and 1 thru 9 and the bench guys say so.

April 11, 2011 12:15 pm

I hope the Phillies crush everyone and win 120 games and fly right through to win another World Series, but 9 games is a little early to start pounding your chests. Last year, the Phils started out 8-2 and then went 40-44 (or something like that). There are WAY too many games to go before you can just say that everyone else is wrong. Just look at the Flyers………3 months ago they were unbeatable….no I’m not sure they make it out of the 1st round.

April 11, 2011 12:24 pm

— last year our entire team was injured and I think 1-8 only played with each other like what? 15-20 games all year?

Last year at this time, we also didn’t have the best starting pitching rotation ever assembled.

April 11, 2011 12:31 pm

Finally some posts without Pauls name in it.

Get out the brooms to sweep the Nats.

April 11, 2011 12:38 pm

The best starting pitching rotation?They have to prove that dude.

April 11, 2011 12:45 pm

Per some sources, Paulman just came up for some air…It was overheard that he stated, ” I will need dual-tanks for a while.. blubb,blubb,blubb”…and away he went …. Details at 11

April 11, 2011 12:53 pm

Nice rebuttle Paul.Always props for your humor.

April 11, 2011 1:00 pm


Our pitching wasn’t much different last year, we “just” added Cliff Lee for Jamie Moyer. And Utley is injured, Lidge is out, and Werth is gone (but Francisco is doing a great job so far). It’s not like I’m comparing 2 vastly different situations. Do I want this momentum to stop??? No!!!! But I’m just stating that I think 9 games in is a bit early to hoist up the World Series Banner. Does anyone think the Red Sox won’t recover just because they’re 2-7?

April 11, 2011 1:52 pm

enjoy the ride!!

April 11, 2011 3:56 pm

I’ve been hoisting the World Series banner since Christmas — just waiting on the Phils to catch up.

April 11, 2011 11:35 pm

Paulman will get his rebuttle after a four game loosing streak… with this pitching staff, its not going to happen!!!!!!!!! _barring injury_ But seriously, thats what this comment section is for right? Make bold predictions and make fun of eachother?

April 12, 2011 6:22 pm

I am a little late to the party, but since Paulman and debated about this earlier, I feel like I need to chime in here.

First off, the Phillie Light lineup is driving in runs right and left. They look great top to bottom and are getting solid contributions from the bench too. All these runs with not a lot of HRs has been very impressive. So maybe I can stomach the less calories of Phillie Light.

The Hamels from 2010 showed up in Atlanta and I expect to see a lot of him the whole season.

And you made my last point for me. They are playing this well and the staff really hasn’t found their form yet.

And every series that they win, they are moving closer and closer to Chase getting back into the lineup.

April 12, 2011 6:31 pm

Doing all this without their best player — golden.