I know you’re not looking forward to tax day on this Friday April 15th, but there are a lot of NFL football players who are looking forward to that day. You and I have to pay on Friday, but NFL players are getting paid on Friday.
DeMaurice Smith and the NFLPA wisely held up the royalty checks to players for using their names and likenesses on video games and trading cards until this Friday, so that it would be an infusion of money to them during the lockout. From what I’m told each player will get at least a $10,000 check, as part of their
A $10,000 check isn’t going to help players who have hundred of thousands of dollars of bills, but it will help second-year guys, who were counting on making some money from the off season workouts.
Big name players will receive a great deal more than this smaller check.
It would be a shame if some of these guys had to go through what most people have to deal with nowadays .And have to save and be smart with there money.This makes me warm and fuzzy to know some of these morons who dont budget there money and are paid 100k plus to play a game are ok now.
LOL@Erock……. 10,000 dollars to some of these players is nothing more than a night at a strip clup……. Some Ihop, V.I.P at a club and in some cases they get paid for showing up at some of these events…… Make it rain at another strip club later that night…….. Then another NFL player will have a party at his spot so you know it’s poppin at his place…… Women, Drinks, etc…… Perhaps some Weed involved…… LOL…… But some of these players who were in the streets before and while in college will FLIP that 10,000$ if you know what I mean…….. LOL!!!!!!
Perhaps some weed involved….REFERS!!!LOL…DUDE IM CRYING!!
Thats usually how i get down on a Friday…so im with you bro.
btw…we have until monday april 18th to do taxes this year. Apparently, it’s Emancipation Day on April 16th, which is a DC holiday. However, since the 16th is a Saturday, they moved the day back to the Friday so all the federal offices in DC could take the holiday. Lucky us…and extra weekend to do our taxes…
Some collective group? they arent splitting the money evenly?
I find it so ironic that some of the people who complain about players’ salaries, etc., are the exact same people who buy tickets, concessions, merchandise, etc.
If it were such a bother, why support it?