• January 20, 2025

NFL Mediation Talks Will Stop For About A Month

In an amazing development in the NFL owners and players mediation talks which were ordered by U. S. District Court Judge Susan Nelson, they are going to shut the talks down for nearly a month.

Albert Greer of the NFL Network just tweeted the following: “Mediation adjourned until, tentatively, May 16.”

May 16!!! You’ve got to be kidding, that’s nearly a month away.

May 16 is only two months away from the start of training camp. Hopefully Judge Nelson will have a ruling on the injunction and do something to kick the talks into gear. She might take the slow movement in the negotiations as a sign that she needs to do something to speed them up.

You can tell that there’s no sense of urgency about the talks at the moment.


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April 20, 2011 4:29 pm

They are awaiting Judge Nelsons ruling and so far apart with possible next talk is because of Judge Boylan’s schedule, he does have other matters to attend to and not just babysit selfish owners and players

April 20, 2011 4:35 pm

A month … this is ridiculous and is starting to sound the US COngree trying to agree on a Federal Budget…
I think Each team should have open tryouts and whoever shows up gets signed to a standard contract 1 Year Contract and make $1500-$2500 per Week..
Let’s play ball.. ( I heard Vricchini wants to be the long-snapper)

April 20, 2011 5:16 pm

I take it you haven’t read the latest–a splinter group of 70 players have hired a law firm to get “their own seat at the negotiating table”. According to reports, they’re very unhappy with the fact that negotiations were stopped in March; if you read Mike Vrable’s quote, “these players already have a seat with me and Ben Leber…” he also said that “we’d have to elect a whole new executive committee and new player reps”–for what? Didn’t the union decertify? This quote has shown that they’re still a union and only “decertified” to gain the upper hand in court. These 70 players by the way, are not the Bradys, Mannings, and Brees’–thsoe guys didn’t even bother to show up for these negotiations–these are the guys that only earn a fraction of what those guys do.

April 20, 2011 5:59 pm

Thing is – after all the rulings and subsequent appeals the two sides will finally agree on a new CBA which is very close to the March 11th offer. We all get screwed, but don’t worry, the lawyers will get theirs!

April 20, 2011 6:47 pm

you are most likely correct DixieFan..
The hope for the Owners noe becomes that the Players are split on what to figh tfor and what not to fight for.. I heard thru many sources that many of the Players were offended by then leader Smith and his Group to rally the big-names for the law suit and to decertify adn that other voices within the players union were not heard and taken in account.. now that they have “decertified” the Union there may be some more factions,voices, players leaders that step up and coie their own opionin,settlement issues,etc,etc, which will complicate things more than they already are.. I am now pushing back my prediction of a Settlement in Mid-Late MAy to at least late June and possible early July.. Summer Camps will be rushed and the 1st 2 weeks of the Season will be in Jeopardy..

April 20, 2011 8:03 pm

They would rather chase Barry Bonds then get this taken care of. UFC it is

April 20, 2011 8:14 pm

f—- the owners and the players….they are greedy and only hurting the fans… boycott the scumbags the 1st game of the year if there is a season and show them how unhappy we all are…. this is ridiculous!

April 21, 2011 11:36 am

As I understasnd it, the court appointed mediator is acting at the request of the judge. Perhaps the judge is backing off the mediation for a month because she is about to issue her ruling on the players request for an injunction to stop the lockout. I hope so because that would at least shake u[p the process and perhaps provide a narrow window for free agency, etc.

Eagle Eyes
Eagle Eyes
April 21, 2011 12:05 pm

So if the judge rules for an injunction can the owners at least wait to file an appeal until after the draft so at least trades can be made during the draft…for players.

April 21, 2011 1:57 pm

There will be no player movement (free-agency as we know it or trades involving players) until a new CBA is in place.. I hope this will be the last time I have to mention it.. To think a loophole, backroom deal, a judges motion is going to allow a “free-agency” period is ludicrous.. The Owners and their GM”s have had their pecking orders for over a year now.. No player movement until a CBA is signed,sealed & delievered..
The Owners and NFL Powers to be could care less right now about any particluar teams needs, fans wants and desires, as it pertains to acquiring players. The big picture is what the Owners are fighting for and right now, this means no “Player Movement”

April 21, 2011 2:53 pm

paul, can you repeat that?

April 21, 2011 3:13 pm

I will probably have to repeat it again next week before the Draft, for I am sure some fans will say, why can”t we trade Kolb to Arizona for their 1st Round pick…

April 21, 2011 4:45 pm

Until I hear a fat lady singing and my glass goes from half full to half empty like paulmans’ i choose to hope for the best. I guess that’s what makes us fans rather than antagonists!