As Dwyane Wade came down with a missed three point attempt at the end of game five the 76ers called of the dogs and elected not to foul Wade to prolong the inevitable loss. Doug Collins and the Sixers were classy, they let the Heat and their fans have their moment –BUT Dwayne Wade and the Miami Heat would not know what class was if it punched them in the groin.
Wade figuratively spit in Sixers face when he ran down the uncontested court and added 2 points to his stat line with no time remaining.
The impressive part of Wade’s stat padding dunk was it marked the first time all series he did not complain after driving the paint.
Wade’s poor sportsmanship instantly created long time 76ers fans to come to the realization that they must root for their rival of many years ago, the Boston Celtics to beat the Heat in the second round.
I know what folks are going to say “But we’re supposed to hate the Celtics!”
Lets be real the sun set on the rivalry before Jrue Holliday was even born.
The Heat are cocky, overrated, over-hyped and need to be humbled. The Boston Celtics are the right men for the job.
Funny that Big 3 wonder why no one likes them. They think that the problem is everyone else.
Guys what’s the point of hating greatness? There great players playing great together. Okay wade dunked the ball big deal, everyone loves to hate these guys for what? If we had these guys we would be laughing right now… they’re not gonna lose to boston don’t get your hopes up
If we had these guys D.C. wouldnt be a sucker and bow to there b.s.. He would demand they play with respect. J-hart..Boston is deeper…bigger..has guys that can take over a game and score at will(i.e. Pierce,KG,Rondo,Allen). If the Sixers had one of these factors we win that series.
And greatness doesnt let the Sixer make it a series. They sweep them handly.Like greatness has in the past.
The over was 188. When D.Wade dunked the total went too….188.Scumbags.
@ the author of this article…..
Of all things that happened last night in the game you chose to write about a meaningless dunk ?
What about the fact the the refs did everything they could to help the Sixers and we still loss ?
What about the 6 missed free throws ? Couple of them in the defining moments of the game ?
And this statement is funny as hell… ( “The Heat are cocky, overrated, over-hyped and need to be humbled. The Boston Celtics are the right men for the job.” )
I will be right here J when they do lose to Boston. The point is that these “great players” have no respect for the game or other players, but they expect it back from everyone.
And Wade was 10-25 from the floor last night as Lebron was 5-13. Is that great? If Chalmers and Jones didn’t make 9 3s where would they have been?
@Erock get the heck outta here, Doug wouldn’t care what they did, he’d probably be carrying there gym bags for them… he still speak glowingly of mike jordan as if he’s still his player and we all know jordan loved steppin on the oppositions throat so I don’t wanna hear all that Erock
@Bugsy, your going to be disappointed. Don’t let emotion get in the way of fact. No respect for the game? Huh?? That’s emotion talking, you have no proof of that, but what you do see is the wade, bosh and bron factor. Even if there not scoring they have shooters all around them… pick your poison
So what they were 15-38 combined ? Thats why there are 5 guys on the floor
And how was it a series when they won 4 to 1 ?
Was it entertaining ? yeah at moments..but was there really any doubt ?
Thats b.s. Jhart. Doug would care…thats why Spoelstra couldnt hold D.C. briefcase or game notes.Hes a chump. Why wouldnt you still talk about MJ like that. He’s the greatest. Jordan loved stepping on teams throats.i grew up in the MJ era and never saw Mike sprint up the f’n floor too wolf it one last time. He didnt care.If he looked up saw the math he’s not wasting his energy.
Jhart stop jock riding a team that is overrated. Give us a scorer and we ice them in 7. WTF is Chris Bosh…he’s a bum.
The refs didnt do anything to help the Sixers. They just called the game fair last night.What about the other 4?
It’s over..im proud of the bball team. Great season and FAR exceeded my expectations. My boys and I made it a point to get up for Sixers sit-downs.Team was relevant and thats what this city/region needs.
So everyone from analysts and radio guys last night said it was a super competitive series and you think thats b.s.. You know more then everyone? And you didnt watch us play with them in every game but one? Thats not a great competitive series?
Erock… its not about ridin its about reality. Now who are you doug collins right hand man? Cmon, you sound very emotional right now, just gather yourself and look at this situation the way that it really is. If doug collins had 3 all stars on his team you honestly believe he would even think about a last minute dunk? That’s like someone getting mad a person took a parking spot from them at the last second… you seem to be a sensible man just take a honest look at the situation and take some of the emotion off of it…
J Hart…greatness????? The Heat have three players two of which are overrated, they have no depth, great teams can over come injuries if any of the big three miss even ONE game, THEY are DONE!…Get out of here with “greatness” you wanna see greatness youtube some old Bulls games, or hell even the Lakers of the early 2000’s.
That dunk broke an unwritten rule in sports…screw the heat, a hard foul on wade next season is warrented!!
@JHart — no proof that they don’t respect players? How about Lebron walking off and not congratulating Tim Duncan after Duncan beat his Cavs in the Finals. Or how about when he didn’t congratulate and shake hands with his “friend” Dwight Howard after the Magic eliminated him from the ECF? Or how about when the ballboy in Chicago waited next to Lebron to give him his sweats and Lebron just threw them on the floor. Or how about when he tried to cover up turning his back on Cleveland by saying he was taking “his talents to southbeach” at a boys and girls club?
These are just things off the TOP of my head that I can remember immediately. There are many more instances that prove this guy is full of himself — and it seems to have wore off on D-Wade.
@wassssup8705, wasssup with your thinking? A sign of a great team is when even if your best players have bad games the rest of your team steps up anf wins it for you… the knicks were not a formidable opponent for boston… we made the heat work for it yet they still won… boston lacks the size down low, even when old fart shaq comes back, they won’t be able to handle the drive anf kick ability the heat have or wade and brons uncanny ability of getting to the hoop and getting to the line. The heat have guys that can stop ray and paul, who can stop wade and bron?
I ll answer it for you, noone!
If you paid attention to the season and listen to pressys i think you know D.C. is pretty open. So its easy to read him. And wtf is the point of your argument. You think it was ok for D-Wade to dunk it. Who cares? i think he was a b-bag for doing it. So therefore i think your one too for proping these dudes up and thinking it was called for.
Gather myself? WTF is up with you sonion. Doctor Phill over here. Im gathered….im listening to music and reading the net. Enjoying my morning.Im gathered.
When the Heat get done by the Celts you will have sh!t to say.
And they rock there sunglasses in clubs like girls. Prolly sit when they pee,take naps,eat fruitsnacks,call there moms daily,read US magazine,and go too the movies in 3’s.Suspect.
@Birdo, you must be a glutton for punishment… your mixing up passion and desire to win with lack of respect for the opponent. Lebron respects all those guys, he loves the game, he knows and loves the history of it, and wants to create his own. Nothing against anyone else.
Turned his back on cleveland? Can you say that with a straight face? The man gave his heart and soul to that city and the thanks they gave him for leading them to the playoffs over and over again, for singlehandedly bringing them to the nba finals, for surrounding him with the local rec club players? NOTHING. The owner and GM should be ashamed of themselves. And your on here tryna make the arguement the man doesn’t have respect for players.
Obviously he realizes what it takes to win in this league, you need other superstars. Check out all the other teams that have won championships in the last 20 yrs, every team besides the detroit pistons of early 2000s have had superstars lead them to titles… bron is a student of the game and knows the history, so he did the math and made a logical decision. But don’t mix up passion for the game and hate for losing with lack of respect for players that sounds ridiculous
Forget all the analyis. The reason Sixers didnt win this series is because they finished the season at .500. Heat were 15-19 against teams with a winning record, so obvioulsy Philly would have pulled it out in 6 or 7 had they finished one game better at 43-41. Celtics in 5, 6 at the most. Book it. I can’t wait to see LBJ walk off the court without shaking any hands and cry after another dissapointing season. But don’t worry, he can spend this summer counting how many rings he and his buddies will win again before the season even starts. I hate the Celtics but hate Miami more. I don’t wish injury just want them to lose embarrassingly. I hate Brady because he wins championships, I hate LBJ because he thinks he already has. Getting swept in the Finals doesnt count Bron Bron.
Erock, there goes your overly emotional posts again, you sound jealous of the big three, you wish you lived there life,got there woman, eat there food, had there money had there skills on the court,got invited to the parties they do. You sound loco, I thought you were sensible but now you just sound downright senseless…
A freakin dunk? How bout the loss? We lost that game not bc of a late dunk we lost bc they were better then us and I called it weeks ago but many on this site said they wanted miami, well you got what you wanted, now the 6er staff and players have gone fishin
Hey randall4prez, I won’t be voting for you
First off I can smell that your a hater, its ascending from your post… take it easy…you really thought the sixers had a chance? Idc how close the games appeared to be, they still lost 4 out of 5 games and wade bron and bosh left there mark on the series… we maybe would have faired alil better if we woulda had the celts but in reality we didn’t. Match up with any of the top 5, we need a center and another scorer
Jealousy is not an emotion that exists in me dude.
Of course i wish i was millionare, you dont ?Got there women…Lebrons wife isnt better looking then my girlfriend..Dwade hadda dump a less attractive chick and his girlfriend is G union. Good for that dude.Ate there food? I grill nightly and eat suchi when i want. Stay with snacks in my fatkid cabinet.Got invited to jerk-off hiphiop parties and wear sunglasses in clubs and act liek jerk-offs wit tight jeans.Nah b…thats ya boys you wanna roll wit.
The fact your saying people sound like a hater shows your age.
Celts son the Heat in 6. Ill call you out when they do. Untill then keep jock riding fake superstars and one stunner. You have too be able to hit game winners to be legit.Play with your back to the bucket when your 6’8.Real talk.
Jhart, WTF, this is a Phil blog, we live in Philly, root for Philly, take your act to south beach, your outta here
Ate there food…hahahahahahahahahaha…what do they eat Jhart? Fruit snacks and granola bars?
Jhart…aka…Heatles groupie/jock rider.
Jhart — if you were jockriding Kobe, who is from Philly and actually has RINGS, I would understand. But you choose to be a media whore and hype the Heat up like they have actually done something…..kick rocks MORON. Hittin you with the white boy insults, its what you deserve.
Dont be mad at the Heat be mad at the 76ers. They should of Chris Childs Wades chin like Childs did to Kobe! If you dont like it then handle it on the court. Leave with a bang! They went out like punks.
@Godson, while I do agree with you….when Miami got the rebound, they stood around a bit as if they were going to run off the clock…..the Sixers folded their hand and were ready to start congratulating…..then Wade took off from halfcourt and dunked it. For what? Serious lack of professionalism.
I hate when Sports writers whine like babies… Who really cares if D wade got off an extra dunk?
Sixers went as far as they could and Miami is simply the better team right now… Im still proud of what the sixers and Doug Collins were able to do this year. They fought, but they simply are not ready to beat a team like Miami.
wade’s dunk was meaningless and I dont want the players having this whiny attitude when they need to be thinking about beating Miami next year
A leader from the sixers team should of walked over to Wade and said something……then if he catches an attitude treat him like Chris Childs did Kobe!!!!! Or treat him like Nas did Jay -Z and etherize his ass!
Ecrotch, Birdcrap, Fakedog, all overly emotional men, I didn’t know they existed. Pull your skirts down… dry your eyes no reason to cry
Your all confused. I’m a 76ers fan before anything else, I just live in reality. You guys are discrediting lebron and acting as if he’s not a force, probably the best ovr player in the league. If he played here in philly we wouldn’t be hearing the murmuring now would we? Highly doubtful
You guys are blind fans that couldn’t see the truth if it hit you in the mouth, start living in reality and stop HATING on a guy that is gonna go down as a all time great, so is wade and bosh isn’t far off…
Heat celts will go to 7 with the heat winning at home
@Rasheed, I totally agree with you. Its not the players whinning, its the fans on this site, they are very emotional right now, crying about a meaningless dunk get the f outta here.. let’s talk about how iggy played possum all yr and all series long then decides to drop 22 with his back against the wall, tryna give false hope and convince the front office saying see I can score, see I can play against some of the nbas best… he has no confidence, he’s scared of the nbas best, he doesn’t want to score all he wants to do is pass and play defense yet he wants the title as “that guy” for the sixers… cmon man
JHart, no I don’t seriously think Sixers would have won. We don’t have a legitmate 20 point a night guy, they have 3. More just a shot at Miami and their amazing record against over .500 teams. Sure you can call me a hater. Maybe b/c I live in Florida I see the Heat bandwagon swell so quickly and hear the bs talk all year before they do anything meaningful.
Hate on I say, Hate on!
Your a jockrider. Noones hating..overrated and wont win another series.Celts are deep.
How they gonna match-up with them smart boy? Celts hit 3’s and have Paul Pierce. Equal too Wades b-ball accomplishements and KG is first ballot. Bosh?Stop son. Your showing your a young boy who rock capri’s in the summer.
@Ecrocked, you must be drunk… the heat don’t hit threes? Who has the three point champ on there team? The heat. Who has a no conscious three point sniper in eddie house who actually played a intricate part in the celts championship run a few yrs ago? The heat. Your insane. You wanna be lebron wade n bosh so much that its jaded your thinkin… be a realist not so emotional… and lay off the bottle
Heat in 7
What did that dude do in our series? Nothing. You keep run’n your mouth about some1 wanting to be 3 pro athletes and you sound like a little kid. You a young buck who just keeps saying the same b.s. over and over to get a rise. Where in my posts does it say im jealous of them? WTF are you talking about. Go down to the meth clinic and cash in jerk-off.
Reasons Celts win.
KG will son Bosh and talk smack all series.Chris is soft and will be non-factor.
Celts dont let anything easy in the paint.Dwade will be crying and to no avail.
Bron isnt clutch.
Celts coaching is better then Heat.
I’m not going to whine about the dunk. It wasn’t the most sportsman thing to do but at the same time you get in front of the player and make sure they don’t try to score. Most of the times when a game is clearly won and a team is about to run the clock out someone still stands near the player with the ball. And the sixers didn’t and wade dunked. Not something I would have done but I’m not going to whine about that. I equate that to Desean Jackson dancing on the 1 yard line or pausing and falling in the endzone. And how many of us Eagles fans love it when he does that stuff? So even though this is basketball, sportsmanship in regards to running up the score or taunting your opponent does not change so from my perspective if the players were fine walking off the score with time on the clock then I won’t whine on their behalf. Having said that, Boston in 6.
Scorp — don’t compare a MUCH NEEDED touchdown to a pointless and meaningless dunk that was only done to spit in the faces of the team it was against.
Boston in 6.
Dwayne Wade is a premadona who has 6 kids with 3 different woman and will be boke in 5 yrs when he is paying child support out the anus…. he is irresponsible and a punk like most of the NBA players