• March 10, 2025

Iguodala Misses A Chance To Make Philly Love Him

Andre Inguodala could have erased years of disappointment if he could knock this shot. It was a makeable shot and it would had the entire city of Philadelphia going crazy. He went up for the shot with 10 seconds left and the Sixers trailing by one. If he hit the shot Philadelphia could go on to win Game Five of the Miami-76ers best of seven-series and they would be the talk of the nation.

The shot was emblematic of the time Iguodala has been here with the Sixers and it will be the way he’s remembered if they trade him this off season. He’s had opportunities to prove that he’s a Superstar and on a par with the greatest players in the league. He is a good basketball player, who could be the third or fourth guy on a championship caliber team, but he’s not the guy you build a championship team around.

Of course Iguodala missed the shot and the Sixers are going home and their season is over. In fairness to him, he did play his best game of the series as he scored 22 points and shot 10 for 14 from the field. Iggy also grabbed 10 rebounds, but everyone will go into the off season remembering that he wasn’t able to hit the shot which could have helped the Sixers win another game.

Shooting guard Jodie Meeks also had a chance to put the Sixers ahead a few seconds later, but he missed the shot as well.

I’ve got to give the Sixer a lot of credit for battling the way they did. They were in all the games except for game two. Last night they battled all the way to the end, which I think will help them in the future.

“We fought to the finish, as we said we were going to do,” Sixers coach Doug Collins said after the game.

After the game Iguodala made a mistake by comparing himself to some of the greatest Sixers to ever play. He moved to fifth in steals as a Sixers and doesn’t give him the right to be mentioning himself along with the likes of Wilt Chamberlain, Dr. J, Hal Greer and Bobby Jones, and Hal Greer.


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J Hart
J Hart
April 28, 2011 8:34 am

Great article G, see this is what I was talking about a few days ago, iggy has a sense of entitlement, in his mind he thinks he’s “the guy” and should be treated as such. How dare he mention the All time greats and his name in the same sentence? We could barely get him to score more than 11 pts this series. Where was this 22pt scorer all yr? I said a few days ago in my article that there is no reason why he’s not a 20-24 pt scorer, now he pulls this on the last game of the series… he gotta go! I’m tired of him. He decides to play well when he had no other choice. Like I said he plays scared, he fears great players. That’s why all he was doing was take jumpers not driving. His jumper was actually falling.

But this is what I don’t like about him is that he feels that he can get by by doing just enough, that was his mentality all this yr and all his career, I score alil but I ll pass the ball too so I won’t be the blame if we lose, yet I wanna be “that guy” I’m tired of this guy. Idk if its that he lacks the confidence and it takes a lot for him to gain it, I know he’s sensitive but we don’t need a guy with that kind of mentality, if you want to be the face of a franchise you gotta have thick skin. You can’t make excuses like he insinuated last night by saying he had to heal up this off season. You have to score the ball more and consistently. Like I said before its not like he doesn’t have the ability its that he lacks confidence, he plays scared which is evident from this series leading up to the last game, and he wants to do just enough so he won’t get the blame yet doesn’t want to hear anyones mouth whether in the media or from us fans.

Now what he wanted to prove from this last game is him saying see I can score, I can play with the greats of the game… trying to give false hope so he won’t get traded…. but first let’s ask where was this all this yr and all this series? He didn’t care about scoring the ball before this game, why now all of a sudden? Think about it

J Hart
J Hart
April 28, 2011 8:38 am

Also, if we had a kevin durant we woulda won that game. Look how he brought his team back lastnight to win that series… an incredible performance. We don’t get those from a guy we have on our team that thinks he’s “that guy”

April 28, 2011 8:52 am

Sixers will never win with Iggy as the “go to person”… .he is a very good compliment player….
Brand choked last night, he looked stiff and missed 2 easy rebounds at the end of the game.

J Hart
J Hart
April 28, 2011 9:15 am

Jott, I can’t be hard on brand he’s been a pillar for us this yr, he ll be back… obviously he’s not who he was 6 yrs ago but he’s been one of the most consistent and impactful players for us this yr… iggy is the one that gotta go… we need a center and another shooter, go get that thorn… how long are we gonna have to deal with this non sense?

April 28, 2011 10:28 am

If for no other reason, Andre needs to go so that Doug Collina, whom I love, and the Sixers will stop acting like he’s the man. They refuse to acknowledge his real status and stop putting the ball in his hands at the end of the game. It hasn’t worked yet. If and when it does, he will be 1 for 65!

April 28, 2011 10:48 am

BRAND CHOKED!!! He played more minutes than anyone in a 76ers uniform. He’s playing with a broken hand and a dislocated pinky, one may be easier to play with than the other but c’mon man he averaged 14/9 for the series. If I’m not mistaken he showed up for 81 games this season and with the exception of Game 2 played his tail off. What game are you watching?

April 28, 2011 11:26 am

I actually think Iggy blew his chance to make Philly love him in the press conference afterwards when reporters were asking him about his thoughts on whether he will be playing for the sixers next year. Brand is sitting next to him and looks just about as perplexed as I must have looked with regards to Iggy’s non-answer about how it’s just a dream to play in the NBA

J Hart
J Hart
April 28, 2011 11:29 am

Ron, jotts insane. Brand was the most consistent player we had this yr… let’s not lose where the blame lies. Andre iggdala, lack of a defensive presence in the post, no true scorer, and the biggest need A CENTER

April 28, 2011 11:33 am

I see some comparisons between Iggy and McNabb, and I hate to say that.

April 28, 2011 3:08 pm

Personally, he shouldn’t have to “make” the fans love him. He went out there and played on a bad knee, guarding 2 of the best players in the league with no other front court defensive presence. That’s noble enough for me.

April 28, 2011 3:15 pm

The problem is Iggy is not a number 1 player but the sixers are the ones who pays him like he is. That’s their fault. If your job wants to pay you more than what you really are worth, you’d take it too. Giving someone a lot of money doesn’t give them talent they don’t have. The other problem is there’s no one else on the team who is really a number 1 player right now. Holiday could become that but last night, he wasn’t great. Lou Williams wasn’t, nor was Meeks. I agree that Iggy isn’t the go to players. But it’s the players who are the ones passing the ball around and giving him the ball with 4 seconds on the shot clock. If you want to assert yourself as the go to guy then you take those shots. Stop passing the ball around.

All this team really needs is to solidify the PF and C positions. Preferably with guys who have defensive presence and has a knack for getting out backs and offensive rebounds. Of course the NBA is a superstar’s league but the chances of that is small. This is my problem with Philly “media”…. the guy can be the best player on the floor but he’ll always be looked at for what he didn’t do while the other guys on the team who the media loves with never be under that scrutiny even when they don’t show up.

April 28, 2011 3:39 pm

Ron, the comparison to Mcnabb is poor. Mcnabb was drafted 2 overall, and expected to be the leader and best player on the team, which he was for a while. Iggy has done all he could with his talent. He plays with tremendous heart, is a great defender, but is at best a 3rd player on a great team. Unfortunately, he was the number 1 option on this team. We expect him to be as good as Lebron and Kobe which is ridiculous.

A better comparison is Mcnabb is Lebron, as they both lack that something it takes.

J Hart
J Hart
April 28, 2011 3:41 pm

Aye, check this out… iggy isn’t in the new sixers commercial on comcast, there was the lou, jrue and turner moments… they even had brand on there… is the writting on the wall?

April 28, 2011 4:17 pm

McNabb and Iggy Comparison is a good one and I have stated this for 2 years..
Not just in their physical appearance, body language,facial expressions, but in their temperament and overall personalities..
McNabb and LeBron is poor comparison for Lebron (whom I am not a big fan of) is one of the Top 2-3 Players in his Sport and has been and will continue to be while McNabb even at his best was simply just “good” NFL Player and was never great over any period of time… which is why McNabb is not HOF where LeBron will be which is another story for another time..

April 28, 2011 4:29 pm

Elton Brand was clearly the best player for us and I have to admit, he won me over this year. If we can get a LEGIT center and a number that can actually shoot, we should be alright.

PMAN — give me some predictions on who the Sixers will acquire to fill that 2 spot….cause Iggy has to go….and Turner simply is not ready, nor can he shoot well enough to be the #2.

In all actuality, Turner may just be a point guard to be succesful in his career — he won’t be able to play that position in Philadelphia.

J Hart
J Hart
April 28, 2011 5:15 pm

Birdo you actually made sense, brand was our mvp for the entire season… jrue was the bright spot and iggy gotta go…

April 28, 2011 5:37 pm

Mcnabb at his peak was a top 3 qb in the league and possible MVP candidate. He is way better than Andre. His temperament is very similar to Lebrons. Personality is also the same. Both act as if the world is out to get them. Both have this “victim” personality. Both choke in bigtime games and do not have the heart to win big games. See Lebron missing big shots and, celtics game last year, and see Mcnabb running a two min offense, and not scrambling or doing everything to win a game.

5 out of the 7 times that Mcnabb made the playoffs, he took the team to the NFC championship game, and once to the superbowl. Neither Jeff Garcia, nor Vick could reach that game yet with the Eagles. Iggy couldn’t get out of the first round. Mcnabb is a surefire HOF and to suggest he isn’t shows a complete lack of footbal knowledge.