• March 1, 2025

Reid And Eagles Still Open To Trade Talk For Samuel

On Saturday, Eagles head coach Andy Reid was asked if he was still listening to trade offers for Pro Bowl cornerback Asante Samuel. Reid refused to say that he wasn’t listening any more offers from other teams, but tried to lighten the comment by saying that GM’s around the NFL are always talking all the players in the league.

It was his way covering up that the Birds are still listening to trade offers for Samuel.

“It’s what I told him initially and what I’ve told you, he’s on our football team,” Reid said during his meeting with reporters. “That’s what he is. As you know, in this league people are always talking. That’s what (general manager) Howie Roseman gets paid to do and every other GM is paid to do. He knows that he’s on this football team, and that’s the way it is.

“You can ask me a question about any other player, and that’s how it works. People are always calling, asking, and all that, it’s part of this game. But he’s on the team.”

Reid would be a good politician because he knows how to thread the needle of making a comment to keep Samuel happy, but keep the door open to a trade.

Reid kept Samuel happy by saying that “he’s on our football team”. Well we all know that he’s on the football team before he said that.

Reid went on to let General Managers around the league who might hear or read his comments, know that he’s still open to an offer from a GM, who might want to blow his doors open with an offer.


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August 15, 2011 5:09 am

assface, i seen this press con, non friggin story, quit stoking this your HACK. LAZY ..WRITE ABOUT SOMETHING REAL. FRAUD

August 15, 2011 7:24 am

**Trade Alert**
Samuel sent to the 49ers for their #1 Pick and one of their LB’s
The Eagles then use that Pick next year for QB A Luck and begin a new era for
the 2012 Season and beyond..

August 15, 2011 9:48 am

the only way the Eagles deal him is if the package includes a #1 pick… he will be an Eagle

August 15, 2011 9:52 am

Hopefully Samuel is gone, before the 1st game. I don’t know what it is, but I can’t stomach the dude. IMO, he is overrated. Yes, he gets picks, but he gives up more than he gets. He tackles like a Matador, plays soft, & is not a team player. I was up at Lehigh, & he doesn’t shut the f^@k up. I wanted to see someone clean his clock. He’s a d!@k. No way in hell, they’re paying Asomugha all that $$$ to play 5ç & 10ç. He is the best man 2 man, bump & run CB in the league. Asante has never played DRC’s side. It’s a no brainer, he’s gone!

August 15, 2011 9:59 am

This is not a story. All Reid said is that they will listen to any/all offers from teams…that’s all. Samuel is going to be an Eagle unless some team offers them something ridiculous

August 15, 2011 10:39 am

DD – you are silly. The man played in a really bad D and bad secondary last year. Your statement that he gives up way more than he adds just isn’t right. He gives some stuff up – but way less than he adds. Interceptions cannot be pupu’d. That’s just bs. If you are an oppossing QB or Offense or coordinator, if I asked you whether you’d rather face an Eagles D with or without Asante…um….you think they’d say no difference?

August 15, 2011 10:59 am

Non story. Every player has a price in Reid’s eyes.

If someone offered four first rounders for Desean you don’t think Reid will do it? Everyone has a price.

No team is going to blow the doors off for a 30 year old DB — so he will be an Eagle.

August 15, 2011 11:05 am

Correct Birdo and everyone needs to remember that Samuel has some knee issues the last 2 seasons and will probably continue so as he gets older and more wear and tear (Similar to Westbrook’s, lots of swelling,etc,etc)
I realy believe he’s going nowhere for this Season..

August 15, 2011 12:52 pm

Groping for another story. Come on G, you gotta bring more to the table than this!

August 15, 2011 5:10 pm

Thankyou 2000, for putting it kindly. GCobb man stop acting like an outsider, wondering what is going on in the house, don’t you know you are Gary Cobb “The Man”, cut it out big guy.

I thought most of us collectively as a fan group on this site put that Samuels trade thing to rest, but noooooo here comes “G’ to stir us up. Dab nab bit.

@Maybe They Can, you Get Em brother. GCobb reading what you say Reid Said, I would not walk away thinking Samuels is wanted here. An who in the devil asked that dip crap question anyway. Man sometimes when I listen to some off the journalist from philly during pres conferences I want to just slap them for aking some butt stupid questions. Then sometimes these guys act like they came out of a coma and ask the same question someone else just asked.

Give me a break!!!


August 15, 2011 5:13 pm

Sorry correction I would not walk away thinking Samuels is “Not wanted here”, there you go much better.

August 15, 2011 5:39 pm

Samuel gives up more than he gets?

I posted this stat in the past – if you gonna hate on Asante, take this stat into consideration!

Asante Samuel
19-41 141 yards 2 TD’s 7 INT’s 31.7 passer rating

Nnamdi Asomugha posted the following statistics:
13-33, 205 yards, 0 TD, 0 INT, 60.8 passer rating

And New York Jets cornerback Darrelle Revis allowed:
19-56, 340 yards, 4 TD, 0 INT, 79.5 passer rating

August 15, 2011 6:44 pm

great stats real talk i tn know what people are thinking theyre nuts>.. alos DRC gave up over 800 yards last year

August 15, 2011 6:55 pm

RealTalk – Seriously? For real? I didn’t see that when you posted it before. WOW! On the crappy D last year thats saaahmmmokin !

August 15, 2011 7:06 pm

Numbers are a little skewed for Assante since other teams went after the other side with geat success versus Hobbs/PAterson and whoever else they stuck out there.. Also Sammy miss a few games too, with that swollen knee that he get every last 1/3 of the season, but I will say this, the first 8 games of last Season, Samuel was playing very well and probably his best as an EAgle before the rest of the defense starting to break down and then his knee injury came up..

Gotta Luv It
Gotta Luv It
August 15, 2011 7:35 pm

7 interceptions people…Turnovers are the reason he’s here and the reason he’ll stay here

August 15, 2011 7:47 pm

See dang it!!!!! Silly leading post and now they got us arguing and taking shots at our own players. What? Three good corners and we trying to cut them down to make a point really? They post a crazy post about our WR’s and we start fighting and beating them down to. Really?

Hey we have a great Corner core do we really need to find vault with them. I sure as heck don’t, I want them all to have there best season they ever played to hell with the past.

We need a better way Eagle fans, we treat our players sometime like Preying Mantis hatchlings….(Total eat feast, tearing and eating them apart until they are all gone). We got NA and DRC, that does not mean I need to defend samuels, I am damn glad to have them all……..ALL!

As always “LONG LIVE THE EAGLES” All for One and One for All…Bring Home!

August 15, 2011 7:58 pm

One more time Samuels stays because we need his play making ability. NA we need his pass defensing ability. DRC we need his mix of both skill sets.

What ever Marsh and Lindley bring to the table I want that also. Greedy am I? Ya damn right, when Superbowl time comes I don’t want a nice close game, I want want 1980 paid in full. I want the Pat game accounted for, I want the Tampa game reconciled, I want that Rams game amended, i want evry team that we play this season to recognize that they were faced up and tore by history in the making.

I am a dreamer yes, but a full slate of talent does that. Don’t anyone piss in my cereal cause I am hungry, and I am gonna eat.

August 15, 2011 8:00 pm

7 Int’s in the first 8 games — Zilch the last 1/2 of the Season.. As soon as he tweaked his knee last Novemeber, he lost his explosivness and agressiveness for the final 5-6 games in which he played in.. If Samuel is not at 100%, then he is medicore like any other player at that position..You have to have confidence that you can make a play on the ball and if your lose a 1/2 step of become cautious due to an injury, then you cannot defend vrey well.. IF he knee hold up which it should, then he will be fine.. and maybe even rotating a little bit will help his knee stay fresher later in the seson which is a positive..

August 15, 2011 8:07 pm

Monolith – The media doesn’t give a crap about the players or the fans. All they care about is rating$. Leading posts, more details when we return, stormy weather on the way? Get your wekend forecast at 11 etc. etc. etc.

Unfortunately, G Cobb has been doing this more and more over the past couple of years. Anything to suck you in and spend more time on this site so you get even more exposure to all his wonderful adds. The adds on this friggin site built from your cookies is rediculous. Anything for a buck. Free site, yeah right! Sometimes worse than watching a 2 hour movie in 3-1/2 hours for all the comercials.

All right, all right, all right. I’m off my box!

F the media and GO BIRDS!

Jon Hart
Jon Hart
August 15, 2011 8:23 pm

Paul, agreed. Asante didnt have the explosiveness after the injury but, a 75-80% asante samuel is still better than most corners in the league. With that said he should NOT be traded. Where will those INTS come from? Hes one of the bet in history at intercepting the ball. By the end of his career he may very well shatter the all time interception record and thats the type of guy i want on my team… Trade a future HOF for a all pro LB? gimme a break, i dont wanna hear that anymore… Asante is stay put and i said that from the start of all this, why trade away a great player at a position of need?… that wouldnt make any sense…

August 15, 2011 9:02 pm

To JH,
I am not advocating a trade for Samuel, I think the EAgles should keep all 3
By the way, your statement about a 75-80% Samuel was better than anyone else on the Eagles in past seasons is correct, but a 75-80% Samuel is not better that a healthy Asmo or even DCR … Keep all 3 , but if they were to get an get an offer of a top notch LB and a High Draft Pick, than that would be something to have to consider..

Jon Hart
Jon Hart
August 15, 2011 9:24 pm

Paul, yeah i know your not. i didnt think you was. I was just adding to your previous comments…

August 15, 2011 9:37 pm

Some NFL News that may be of interest
The NO Saints just released RT John Stinchomb who has been a starter the last 5 Years and was a Pro-Bowl player in 2009.. He just turned 31 and is a 9 year vet and has been a Starter since 2006.. He may be worth bringing in to check out and if he is a go, then flat out release WJ,Dunalp and Howardand keep R Harris, Mathis and Stinchcomb.. Anyone notice the sublety that new Coach Roger Mudd has with the Previous OL.. OUtside of Peters and Herremans, he is getting rid of the rest of the dead weight under Castillo’s tenure one by one.. J Jackson is no definite,s, Dunlap and Howard have fallen out of favor for they are bringing iin OT left and right here lately& Free-agents N Cole, MJG were not even pursued.. I trust Roger Mudd’s eye for talent at the OL Position much more so than Coach AR/Coach Castillo so the morale of the story is that this Eagle O/Line (Built by Reid and Castillo the last 6-8-10 years was really not that good) no matter how many times they told us that they were one of the most talented groups in the NFL and that Castillo was one of the better OL Coaches in the NFL.. I am not buying any of it and now Experienced Coaches like Mudd & Washburn are I think, exposing the weak talent evaluation and coaching that these positions have had for years… This is what happens when a Coach, Leader or Manager of this or that surrounds themselves by yes people.. You have to be challenged to stay focused everyday or you will lose your effectiveness.. and yes even to the POTUS.

Jon Hart
Jon Hart
August 15, 2011 10:45 pm

I agree paul to a certain extent. The eagles did have one of the better offensive like for a good 10 years… a very talented groupof probowl players. But those guys got old. the runyans the tra thomas’s of the world, theyre the ones that solitified that line for years… they were right the line was the best position on the team… but that way of thinking didnt work so now they had to bring in the big guns so to speak, mudd and washburn two of the greatest position coaches of all time, and like you said Paul, bringing guys in that arent yes men that arent going to sit back and let you make the same mistakes over and over again as a organization on the field. Andy should have had at least 2 championships with this team already. But he was stubborn. He didnt want to adjust or make any changes. But now we see him delegating alot more. This actually feels like a team now.

And i ll continue to say it. The packers last year really opened andys and this organizations eyes. They have great position coaches and a great head coach that his willing to be flexible and make adjustments for the betterment of the team. And the eagles have totally transformed this team into strong contenders, a team that looks almost identical to the packers…

Stinchomb is a good player. I wonder why he was released. Makes you wonder. But it wouldnt hurt to take a look at him..

August 16, 2011 6:58 am

I read he lost his starting spot to a high draft pick from a year ago who has been outplaying him in Camp this season for the Saints per the Espn Article..
I think we will see a lot of veterans who lose their starting jobs ,be released for many teams are not going to go with a higher paid veteran back-up player and will take their chances with younger players as back-ups to save some $$ from their Cap.. (Eagles example of this could be Center J Jackson & DE J Parker)

August 16, 2011 8:53 am


August 16, 2011 8:56 am

Read more this morning on Sinchomb’s release and it appears to be Salary-CAp related.. With his Salary and bonus he was scheduled to make approx $4.5 MIllion which is pretty high for RT and the Saints felt some of their Younger prodspects could play just as well for a fraction of that amount of Salary..Eagles need to get a look at him for he will be snatched up quickly .. (Watch the Cowboys,Giants,Vikings be hot on his trail )

August 16, 2011 10:44 am

with Harris having back issues and WJ on PUP – should pursue quickly

August 17, 2011 3:21 am

Paul, it’s Howard Mudd, not Roger. LMAO!!!

August 17, 2011 7:39 am

Roger Mudd was along-time TV News Anchor.. I am starting to show my age… WTF…