Michael Vick emphasized the fact that he didn’t appreciate what he had when the Atlanta Falcons gave him a $100 million dollar contract. He made some major mistakes which led to his jail sentence and forced him to miss two NFL seasons. The league and the Philadelphia Eagles in particular gave him another chance.
“Don’t take anything for granted,” said Vick. “I did that at one point when I had the big contract in Atlanta, and I think that will definitely help me now in understanding what’s important and how to move forward in my life and not make those mistakes and use the advice that I am getting correctly.”
Eagles head coach Andy Reid, who was sitting on the stage with Vick as they fielded questions from the media, took the quarterback’s comeback tale to another level.
“This is a great story all the way through,” said Reid. “This is really what America is all about — a second chance. And Mike took full advantage of that. And when he had the opportunity to start in the National Football League, he again took an opportunity there and turned it into this.”
They had a serious love fest in front of us all, despite the fact that the brilliant head coach may have created a trap for his quarterback by deciding to change offensive line coaches this off season. His decision to let his offensive line coach become his defensive coordinator, so that his new offensive line coach would be creating mayhem in front of his $100 million dollar quarterback at the time when they’ve got enough weapons to score over 30 points a game, doesn’t make sense.
Now the quarterback doesn’t set his feet any more when he throws the football behind the incompetent offensive line because he doesn’t trust them and rightfully so.
Now Reid’s new rookie defensive coordinator, who has a defense stocked with more talent than any of the previous Eagles defenses, must figure out what he’s doing, plus how to properly game plan against offensive coordinators with decades of experience and how to call the defenses in the heat of the action when you have only seconds to decide one of fifty defenses to call, as Reid and Vick try to capture the elusive Lombardi Trophy.
Nobody could look me in the eye and tell me that putting a rookie defensive coordinator in charge of this talented group of defenders is the best way of winning a Super Bowl this year. You can’t stress the importance of having Jim Johnson for years as the team’s defensive coordinator then put a rookie in the job and try to pretend that it’s no big deal.
In addition, I wonder if Howard Mudd’s goal is to help this team win a Super Bowl this year or does he just want to be able to say that after three years I made the Eagles offensive line better, despite the fact that I blew Reid and Vick’s best chance to win a Super Bowl in 2011.
Don’t tell me putting two rookies on the starting offensive line after twenty practices is the way to give this team the best chance of winning a Super Bowl this year. I agree that the Eagles may have a better offensive line in 2013 or 2014, but it doesn’t give them the best chance of having a good offensive line in 2011-12.
“Nothing would make me happier than to put a ring on this guy’s finger right next to me,” Vick said with Reid sitting next to him, “and mine as well. That’s my focus. That’s what I’m setting out to do, and that’s what I’m going to rile this team up to do.”
Sadly, Reid’s coaching decisions and the elongated NFL lockout may have destroyed all the chances of the Eagles winning this season’s Super Bowl months before yesterday’s love fest began.
Well written G!!!
In order to become a CHAMPION, you must pave your own way to success. There is no such thing as a perfect scheme or a perfect team or a perfect coaching staff. That’s just not realistic. No one said winning a Superbowl was going to be easy nor is it a “right” for us to win a Superbowl like some of you act like it is.
There’s not one player hungrier than Mike Vick to get us a Superbowl. He wants it bad not just for the fans and the team, but to solidify his redemption story. They knocked him down, spit on him, kicked him, took everything away….granted it was because of his actions….but now he’s gonna have the opportunity to show the world that you can bounce back from ANYTHING in life.
There’s not one QB that can cover up the holes this team has and STILL succeed other than Mike Vick. Not one.
Top 5 reasons to feel a little different after G’s negative rant.
Let start with the obvious…Todd to RT….this helps the rook tremendously. Plus Todd is a natural tackle…shows how good of a o-lineman he is being able too thrive at l.g. for those years.
My guess is Vick is already making it a point to look up Celek and Mcoy on 2nd downs to thrawrt any big hits.Ronnie Brow makes it easier to get the tough yards which will let Shady be fresh.
I coach h.s. ball and if you gave me a lockdown press corner whos 6’2 215 and is dying to be a winner,Asante,now a 4.3. cover guy who played in a S.B. his rookie year,a pass rush,and a racious crowd behind every 3rd down…id find a way to win games in the pro’s . Call it b.s. or over confident …BUT ITS FOOTBALL…TALENT CAN BE COACHED TO SUCCEED.
Shady will keep the pressure off the o-line. He’s gonna be a 1st team All pro…book it.
Mudd may want his way..ok …wtf doenst on that level…but he knows its about titles.WTF would he come out of retirement to prove he can make a o-line better.Hasnt he done that already..make o-lines better. My guess is the old man wants to help the Birds win a bowl.
Agree or not….the negativity surrounding this team with this talent is annoying.13-3…12..4…bye and a home p-off game.
I guess every year the media needs to figure out a way to let Eagles fans know we dont have a shot at a title,regardless of Philly fans being the most knowledgable fans in the nation and realizing its about …grit…desire…pass defense and scoring a sh!tload of points!!!GO BIRDS!!
I’m not saying the Eagles don’t have a shot, I’m telling you from my experience in the game and what I see at the Eagles practices, that they have made it tougher with the decisions they have made.
They’ve got a lot of talent, but Juan Castillo is learning on the job, Jason Kelce and Danny Watkins are learning on the job.
If you were having heart surgery, how would you feel if you found out the surgeon was doing his first surgery with your life on the line. With all the talent they have on this team, I don’t think it’s the time to have people learning on the job.
I make it a point to try to be honest.
Why, G? Why do you have to take a positive day and turn it into your own blasting of what the team is trying to do?
Vick was an ass, did stupid things, paid the price and is now a changed man. That’s the story, not how the eagles are changing things around Vick. That’s a story for a different day.
We all know negativity creates news where there is none, but give it a break.
I agree with Cobb , This whole plan by Reid adding all these new faces and learning on the job plus the lockout eliminating the mini-camps ,OTA’s does not add up for a having a team that can win a super bowl this year .
I think what’s obvious and is not talked about is… there are MANY teams in the league that have players learning / re-learning on the job. Not to mention that the first few weeks of the season are not all that important. If the eagles start 3-3, they can, and will still make the playoffs, and will be in prime form by then… I’ve said it before, the packers started 3-3 last year, finished 10-6, and won a super bowl.
I think many people are overreacting to the weaknesses of this team, when there is a good chance that these will be non issues by the time the bye week hits. Granted there are a few, and they are large, but they can still win enough games until they figure it out.
The offensive line was terrible all year last year, this year it’s better than last year, and has players that should all be on the same page by mid season.
G and the haters/negative ones – YOU ARE MISSING THE FOLLOWING POINT: The althernative to doing what they did (and you are saying that they did it wrong or made it harder for themselves, so in essences, you’re vouching for the alternative) – was NOT adding talent, NOT bringing in new coaches even though the previous ones were innefective, and just staying the same!?!? The criticsim/skeptism would have been just as present and loud if not MORE SO, if they had kept McD. Kept Patterson, Hanson at CB. Not added any vets to the secondary or DL, Kept Segrest, Kept that OL the same.
Do you see how stupid your point is now? It’s like a person who’s dying and worsening by the minute, and then saying ‘well surgury or medical intervention is risky, so let’s no do anything”.
THE TEAM SUCKED LAST YEAR IN MANY ASPECTS. They HAD to make changes, and now you’re saying the uncertainty of the changes makes the changes stupid?
Classic media/haterfan negativity that is just UNINTELLIGENT.
If he went to school for 12 years and graduated medical school and had a support staff id tell him to get it done brother.
Do you disagree with some of my reasons for optimism?
The Pack are gonna be nice…but dont you think teams are gonna go after Rodgers? look at there line….rungame? And Finley is coming off a injury…something tells me they come out the gates hard…but at some point they’ll struggle.
Let’s wait until the Season starts …
One thing that cracks me up is that everyone stated the Eagles OL was mediocre to poor all last Season and was one of the Areas that needed upgraded and changes.. So fast forward to now and the Eagles bring a Top OL Coach with a history of winning and a history of protecting the QB.. We bring in some new players that are potentially upgrades over the PLayers from last year.. (Cole,MJG,etc) .. after some injuries (WJ and R Harris) there has been some juggling around to get the best 5 Players on the Field..
When did camp start .. 30 days ago.. C’Mon, I think everyone is over-reacting to this rebuilding of this OL.. It will be a work in progress, but didn;’t we alreeady know that since we knew there was going to be some new faces added to the mix..
We all knew Danny Watkins was going to start that was everyones expectations were but no one including myself thought he would struggle. If Watkins is strong in the browns game we wouldnt be having this conversation about the offensive line and while im not ready to say he’s a bust it all so far has looked oh so familiar Brandon Graham, Jerome Mcdougle, Bunkley.
I was very upset and ranting on here about selecting watkins and get blasted by everyone because I wanted Nate Soilder. Ironic that Soilder is have a stellar camp and looking awesome at preseason giving up only 1 sack but is blocking everyone but the kitchen sink.
Has anyone noticed that the eagles for the last 6 years have been drafting solely from a gut feeling and not the talent? Beside Jeremy Maclin this team has being pulling a sam bowie michael jordan approach.
Good point Shiller….
I have to give Garry credit for pointing out what is bothering him about this team.. I respect his opinion for obvious reasons
I admit, Im bothered by some of it too.. I will wait for the season and see how things go… but Im concerned too about the 2 rookies starting and the their need to force casey into this role as a rookie without a full camp and proper time to prepare the kid…
I just hope these moves dont bite us in the a$$
Vrich…thats b.s….your sposed to use some of your gut for drafting.Something told them D-jax would be a star.Teams passed on him cause they used there stats and b.s. height and weight metrics for wides.
Watkins a bust…doubt it…dude will bleed from his soul to protect Vick…he takes it personal and will be fine.
At first I agreed with G, but then after reading schiller & paulman, I changed my mind. We were not a great team last year. This year, we are taking some chances in order to improve. The only problem I have is that Andy is very sub-par on draft day. Can Kelce & Watkins do it?
One other thing, if Castillo was such a great coach, why did they bring in a coach with an entirely different philosophy? Why did his line do so poorly last year. Is his change in position another example of Andy trying to be smarter than everyone else and showing blind loyalty to his coaches? Why did he stick with Segrest for so long, and why was he even elevated to the position he held?
The Packers Offense and OL are much better than last Season,(OT Bulaga is not in his 2nd year and remember they Drafted OT D Sherrod with their 1st Round pick which many Draft geeks thought the Eagles would take..)
Their weakness will be stopping the Run and that interior of their Defense
No DT’s C Jenkins & Jolley and No MLB Barnett.. Their Weakness will be up the gut Defensively.. Offensively they are stacked.. They have 2 good RB’s that are now Healthy (Grant/Starks) and have TE J Finley returning and the best WR corps, from Top to Bottom,bar none with Jennings,Driver,Nelson,Jones and now you add Rookie Randall CObb who can return kicks,punts,play WR, run the Wildcate even.. Coob was their 2nd Round Draft pick from U of Kentucky who reminds NFL Observors of a Randle-El or Devin Hester where he can do a little bit of everything.. The Big advantage that Cobb has starting out is that he is actually a good WR and can catch the ball since he played WR in College for 2 years where the others had to learn at the Pro Level on who to do.. Ooh and the Packers have on of the Top 2 QB’s playing in the NFL right now (He and Brady)
Vr – Wait, let me get this straight, you’re putting a lot of stock into rookie performance during the preseason!?!?!? REALY?
After hearing me say that, do you now have a different perspective?
Maybe I’m an eternal optimist, but I think Reid is going to shake it off and do the right thing with the O-Line either before the season starts or after game 1 as he did last year with Micheal Vick (that switch encouraged me on the idea that Reid eventually will make the correct decision when the wrong one is glaring at him). To me the right thing is putting Herremans back at LG, re-inserting Jamal Jackson at center, putting Mathis at RG, starting Austin Howard at RT until Winston Justice returns and starting Donald Lee in front of Brent Celek.
And how many games has Ryan Grant played in thelast 2 years? Starks…he’s a nice back but stop.
They’re weak up the middle yes….but i dont think there backfield is there yet.
They are the Champs and are loaded…my point in breaking them down is there not as good as there made out to be…just as the Birds are not as bad. We won our division last year and if the Boys had Romo we still woulda won it. So lets take the East and see what happens.
Again Schiller doesn’t give HIS opinion on article. He is never the first one to comment. He just trolls and tries to piss on everyone else OPINION by by calling the unintelligent and somehow trying to sounds so intelligent. He is now smarter than G who actually played this game as a PRO. Who knows more than anyone on this site. Then again schiller probably never put a jock on in his life. Schiller is the biggest douche bag I have ever seen. Please comment on the article for once instead trying to prove you are an intellectual and everyone who disagrees with you his stupid. Give me a break.
With all due respect brosiff Shills been on here longer them ive seen posts from you. And you havent made any point about anything but Shill.
I’m worried about some aspects and holes the team has…..but CHAMPIONSHIP teams FIND ways to win no matter the circumstances. I have faith in Vick to get it done this year or next WITH Andy Reid. If it doesn’t happen, it may be time for Andy to move on.
Couldnt agree more Bird.
ozz, thanks for voicing your opinion. First I would like to point out that, despite your anger, I was initially commenting on the article here. I didn’t get the ‘first post’ – my apologies. But I was commenting on Garry’s (and those who supported his argument in this article) points. And please note that I never said anyone is unintelligent on this article. I said “THAT” which refers to their argument, not a person.
In Ozz’s defense Erock (and thanks for having my back), he’s been on here for a long time too, just not so much recently, and yes, mostly commenting about him hating me recently.
So to recap Ozz – sorry you hate me and are so angry – hope that improves/goes away. But however valid your overall hate for me may be (or at least to you), your criticism of me wasn’t applicable here.
This team will be a work in progress ot of the gate and just about every SUper Bowl Champ has lots of changes on their march to the SUper Bowl…
This Eagle team will be a different team by late October/Early Novemeber as injuries occur, new players step up,etc,etc…
Look at the Packers last Season, who ever heard of James Stark (from the University of Buffalo) or Sam Sheilds or Tramont WIlliams.etc etc
Besides Ozzman, Paulman is supposed to get the 1st Post… as agreed upon by GCobb/Schiller and mysel.. ha ha
Ozzmans an o.g…ok…feel you.
Paul…first post is your always…you care the most.
I dont hate you. I just think you are a tool. But all i see you do is rip anyone who disagrees with the HC or the FO. Thats fine if you support them. As for me I want to win a Super Bowl and this coach and FO has not and we get the same result every year. They blamed 5 for years. Now its was MCdermott. But never Andy. But if this year (which I hope) we win i then I will give them their kudos. But for the last 12 years its the same ol same ol and they act like they have won 5 rings. So you keep sticking up fro them as you must like losing in the playoffs every year.
as for you not calling anyone directly as unintelligent, its implied with your comment.
Do you see how stupid your point is now? Classic media/haterfan negativity that is just UNINTELLIGENT
Those were just from your last post. IMPLIED. Your sarcasm isn’t funny but just plain arrogant.
Ozz, I want a SB too, and no I do not enjoy losing in the playoffs every year – however, I do enjoy the season leading up to the playoff loses and I enjoy the beginning of the next season too – the past doesn’t block my enjoyment of the Eagles and football.
The team blamed 5? I didn’t see that. I’m curious what made you sense that. Fans did for sure, but I never heard the Eagles blaming Donovan, I heard them giving him 100 million dollars, not blaming him. Sure, they eventually traded him away, but blaming him for a lack of SB, nope.
And for the ‘unintelligent’ thing – dude, if Albert Einsten was alive and he said that Gcobb.com is a website devoted to Dallas sports where fans comment on the boards, predominently in a positive, optimistic, support the team and front office at all costs, tone – THEN YOU KNOW WHAT? THAT WOULD BE UNINTELLIGENT. Would that make Einstein unintelligent? Hell no, but his comment? Yes. You got that?
i think its funny….who the f_ cares anyway….ITS GCOBB.COM!!AND WE’RE CLOSE TO OPENING DAY!!!
Who died and made you God to judge what is unintelligent? You must not live int he philly area and after every playoff /SB loss and how Mcnabb for roasted. So you got nothing there.
I do digress though….try being the second commenter..Paulman would be hard to beat for first.
Agreed Erock.
Preseseason doesnt mean crap. Sept 11…and the season is back!
Ozz – nobody died and made me God to judge what is unintelligent. – Are you the one who is trying to defend people’s rights to voice their opinion? That was my opinion and I stated it. I live in PHILADELPHIA thank you very much. I was around to hear THE MEDIA AND FANS blame McNabb but not the team so YOU got nothing there.
This opening game matchup scares me vs the Rams.. who are really building a solid Football team after a few down years… Bradford has has a great camp and to be honest, I wasn’t real high on him out of College (thought he would get injured too often,anbd didn’t have a big NFL arm, but he has proven me wrong and has that “Pocket Poise” that is beyond his years ) and has become a real leader on that team quciker than I would have ever thought.. He’s the real deal and has a real bright future ahead of him… ..
Paul, everything scares you except predicting the future and typing.
Question…the Rams receivers are mediocre,yes. Dont give me Danny Fuggin Amedola…or Gibson. So we will make them one dimensional form go. And who on there defense scares you? Long..hes up and coming but stop. Laurinanus is a nobody slew footed linebacker who will get caught in the middle of the field and exposed.
35-10..Eagles win.
Fu#lk the Rams….and f what they stand for and they’re rebuilding a$$s…i dont care who they’re coach is and what he did in the past.We’re gonna go inthere and smack them like the frauds they are.
Not true Schill, only well-Coached Talented Teams scare me when it comes to EAgles Football, but on a side note, why are you continually jealous of my and others peoples powers to predict the future.. Does it annoy you that much?? You are probably the only person I know that is unable or incapable of predicting the future… You must live a boring life my friend..
Especially well coached Defenses. They completely molest Reids offenses. Reid , as usual cant adjust. I would be worried about Steven Jackson pounding the rock.
The Rams suck and we’ll expose them for the bums they are…stop believing in any NFC Least team.
Erock, don’t forget that Ozz is a negadelph so he sees the OL question marks (which granted, are legit) as so significant that they negate the fact that we have Vick, Shady, Brown, Djax, Maclin, Avant, Celek….and an O that broke records last year. He sees it that way becuase negadelphs have tunnel vision toward negatives. And they view question marks as negatives, not unkowns.
Ozz – how’s that fear taste?
Lol…i love the term negadelph…we’re so creative in the tri-county.HAHAHAHA!!
Who scares you on the Rams defense?There secondary is ok…backers…above average…d-line…average.
Offense….If you went to the Browns game and saw how #24 takes his man out the game then you know.And im believe in our run d on that fast track.
Tell me…..anyone…why would you be worried about the fuggin Rams!!?
This is easy to see. Every week is a battle true. Quick rundown:
We score 27 ppg, added Steve Smith and Ronnie Brown.
Despite the exaggeration, our o-line this year is already better than last years just with the talent, then you throw in Coach Mudd.
Our defense is already better than last year’s 12th ranked defense, and will not be dead last in the redzone again.
Gelling on defense? We didn’t sign scrubs or 11 rookies to play, we signed Pro Bowlers. And signed Coach Washburn.
Akers had a great career and we love him, but he did miss that kick vs GB.
We now have the best college kicker in history and an elite college punter as well. Not to mention Bobby April. We did block a FG last season and in this preseason and our punt/kick coverage is actually good.
Vick actually had an offseason knowing and getting shown he is the leader.
The playbook was somewhat limited last season because Vick was thrown into the fire, and maybe his game shape was a little bit too because he did wear down. And it was his first full season back as a starter.
Preseason we didn’t need to feed the WRs, we know what we have there, so we worked on actual West Coast Offense, the run game, and taking what is given vs the blitz.
This is how I feel:
I am not afraid of any offense in football, with our constant pressure upfront (that is still foreign to us) and an excellent secondary. And Kurt Coleman is turning out to be a good player.
Matthews and Chaney will get comfortable and will make some plays because they will get targeted and start to catch on week to week.
Running on us? We can stack the box now more than ever and blitz less. And knowing we will put points on the board, kind of hard to run on us when you’re behind.
ATL/NO – Both are great season teams that could win a lot of games. Playoffs is a different story, and I’ll give the clutch edge to NO for having been elite for years. Falcons are trying to land on the contenders radar, (imo) they are a year away from making real noise in comparison to GB, PHI, NO. Both excellent on offense, but so are we. We were 2nd overall in yards and 3rd in ppg. We have a better defense last season and improved more than they did. And believe it or not, statistically our special teams was better than both, we actually had a great unit.
GB – They got hot at the right time and I put them as the team to beat in the NFC because they are the defending Champs. But remember this, despite injuries (which are part of the game), we have formed a team with similar depth to GBs (although you can debate position by position, we have put ourselves in a great position), they won 9 games last season. We won our division and lost 2 games to them in heartbreaking fashion. Their run game is not impressive, and last season kudos to them, it did just enough because they stayed with the run.
CHI – Tough/gritty team, they might overachieve during the season (like last yr.) but the playoffs is where you are exposed for your weaknesses and have to gut up. They simply are not as good as the aforementioned teams.
I’ll stop there, we got this fellassssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am calling this season a bust if we go to the Superbowl and lose.
Lombardi Trophy or bust.
We will win a ring this season, or next season. Wanna bet?
E-A-G-L-E-S EAGLES!!!!!!!!!
Analysis: He’s the next elite quarterback. The only thing preventing his jump is a 6.0 yards-per-attempt number. Bradford showed remarkable poise winning seven games and completing 60 percent of his passes as a rookie. I just wish he had a more explosive group of receivers to take him to the next level.
Claytons view on Bradford.
When he plays the Birds he’ll wish he had someone who got open too.
WR’s for Rams are as Follows
#1) Donnie Avery (5’11” – 195lbs)
#2) Brandon Gibson (6′ – 210 lbs)
#3) Mike Sims-Walker ( 6’2″ – 215 lbs)
#4) Danario Alexander (6’5″ – 215lbs)
#5) Danny Amendola (5’10”- 185 lbs)
#6) George Salas (6′ 1″ – 210 lbs)
Maybe no Pro-Bowlers on the Rams squad, but they have some depth and experience and some size now and an improvement from last years WR Corps..
TE’s are
B Bajema (6-4″ 260lbs more of a blocker,crisp route runner and red zone threat)
L Kendricks (6-3″ – 245lbs and a very athletic, run down the field type of TE who can create some mis-mathches)
M Hoomanawanui (6’4″-260 lbs and an excellent blocker used on Double TE Sets on short yardage/Red Zone)
RB’s – Steven Jackson, Cadillac Williams and Jerious Norwood complete probably one of the deepest and talented backfields in all of Football.
Jackson does it all, C WIlliams is in the best shape of his carrer and get get you use tought yards and J Norwood is a very good 3rd Down RB who can catch screens,run draws, return kicks, etc, etc..
Rams offensive rankings in 10’…21st in pass…matchs up real well for a defense with 3 #1 corners.Rushing yards..25th..Steven Jackson?
Opponents passing yards…19th…mmmmmmm…BOMBS OVER BUSHLAND?
Rushing 17th…Should be a nice game for the backs.
Deep and talented with a back-up that has bad wheels and Norwood? Paul?Come on bro..
Who has experience in that core? Sims Walker…for a crap squad…the Jags.
Who else would take the Birds backfield over those guys?
Paul, you would try to sell ice water to a eskimo…and that real talk.