I don’t like the attitude of the core of this current Eagles football team because I think they too happy to be a 2-4 football team. They’re tremendously talented but I sense a cockiness about them that shouldn’t be there because of their poor record.
I don’t sense that this squad knows the seriousness of the moment. If they lose this football game, they are almost surely headed to a season out of the playoffs.
I hope they come out on Sunday night and operate like a well-oiled engine, but I have my doubts. I don’t think this team has been together long enough to have established leaders who can get the message through to these guys about how important this game is.
The Cowboys are just as talented as the Eagles and they have some of the same problems as the Birds. I think Eagles and Dallas are two of the few teams in the league who have a talent-level near that of the Packers, who are clearly the best team in the NFL.
This game will be quite a challenge for Andy Reid and his players. The offensive line will have their work cut out for them against DeMarcus Ware and Jay Ratliff. If they can give Michael Vick time, he should be able to rack up big yards in the passing game, but I’m concerned about his ability to stay away from turnovers.
I’m starting to believe that risk-taking both with the football and with his health is a permanent part of Vick’s game. I don’t get the feeling that this group has felt enough pain from losses to make them change their bad habits.
The heart of the Eagles explosive offense, DeSean Jackson, Jeremy Maclin, LeSean McCoy and Vick are all tremendously talented but I’m not convinced that they’re committed to staying away from turnovers. Sometimes you have to willing to give up some of that explosiveness and unpredictability to stay away from turnovers.
Turnovers are a close relative of losing, but I’m not sure this group realizes it. I think they’re still dreaming of having another performance like the one they had a year ago on the Monday Night game against the Redskins rather than gaining much less yardage but not turning the ball over.
Dallas defensive coordinator Rob Ryan is going to try every blitz alignment known to man, so chances are good that he’s going to create a free blitzer a few times in this game. The question I continue to run through my head is what will Vick do during those plays.
Will do the smart thing and throw the ball away or take the sack? Or will he try to make the play work and take chances with the football? I hope he does the conservative thing, but I’m not convinced that he will.
I agree partially…
I think Vick is prepared to take the sack or throw the ball away, but I dont think they quite understand that teams are gonna be trying to strip the ball away from Vick and McCoy and Maclin and Jackson and Avant, all of them because they have shown they dont protect the ball like they should.I dont like the way Vick, or any of these guys carry the ball.. They seem kinda laid back and a bit too confident like teams will roll over for them…
Maybe Im wrong
we’ll whether they are ready or not on sunday night
spoiler alert – spoiler alert – myth buster coming
Yes, time to pull out my ‘myth’ buster hat –
what is today’s myth – that it was Ray Rhodes defensive people that somehow covered up for Reid – let us look – shall we –
Rhodes last year was 1998 the team was 3-13 starters on that D
Jefferson – Thomas – whiting – Johnson – hugh douglas on the D line
LBs – Darling, Caldwell Williams and Thomas
DBs – Vincent, Taylor, HArris, Zordich and Dawkins
yes – more then 11 – these were people creditied with starting a game on D for the eagles in 1998 (pro-football-reference.com)
and the D was ranked a -.5
now – the eagles 2004 (the super bowl year) starters on D –
Kearse, Simon, Walker, Burgess on the D line
Simoneua, Wayne, Trotter and Jones at LB
Sheppard, Brown, Lewis and Dawkins the DBs
what – stop – the myth is that it was Rhodes D players that saved Reid – yet from 1998 – 2004 the eagles constantly improved – and how many names are the same – I count 1 exaclty 1 common starter – 1
wait – didn’t reid draft all those 2004 DBs – except Dawkins – Reid brought in Wayne, Sim, and Jones – we can argue about Trotter and his little left, cam back (hey a risk on a bad knee) Reid drafted simon and burgess and brought in kearse and walker –
what – I think we have yet another myth – BUSTED –
and in case you are wondering these are the names of people that were on the roster (D) from 1998 to 2004 –
Dawkins, Hugh Douglass, Ike reese (special teams PRo Bowl) hollis thomas and trotter
this was hugh douglas’s last year – he had all of 15 tackles – he was done –
and by 2009 when the eagles finished 11-5 the eagles had EXACTLY zero players on D from ray rhodes ZERO
songs – got anything else you want to pull out of your ass – time yours (to start doing the GCobb shuffle! – quick change your meaning or what you menat to say!)
Rasheed….you are soooo right with: “I think Vick is prepared to take the sack or throw the ball away”
There is so much evidence of this…oh wait. Whoops, the evidence points to the exact opposite of this. My mistake.
This was the best line of the article, “I’m starting to believe that risk-taking both with the football and with his health is a permanent part of Vick’s game.”
Starting? Really? Starting? He’s been playing like this for a decade, and we’re starting to realize?!?!? I’ve been preaching about this (and the other) faults in Vick’s game for a long time now.
And if anyone thinks that problems any were “turned around” or fixed last week against a completely inept Washington squad, they’re sadly mistaken. Grossman was playing 500up with the Eagles’ DBs, and the Birds only put up 20….. 0 in the second half, as our QBs decided to keep up with Sexy Rexy and do everything they could to give the ball right back. Their DBs just didn’t come down wth the footballs.
In the second half our QBs went 6 of 10 with 3 scrambles, 1 sack and 2 ints.
16 called pass plays they completed 6 passes. 5x the calls went for 0 or negative yards. Twice the ball went to the other team. And 3x they ran around sandlot style.
6 positive QB plays out of 16, and 2 nearly fatal.
This offence, and especially the QBs that run it, is broken.
Navy why the hell are you talking about decade old eagles players, coaches
jakedog – you really don’t know the answer to that? Several ‘haters’ have been saying for a while now that Reid deserves no credit for Eagles success, only the holdover D players from Ray Rhodes should get the credit. That’s why.
Jakey chu – for the VERY specific reason that many as of late (specifically SONGS and DRUMMER) have made comments that since Reid lost ‘The Ray Rhodes defensive players’ the defense and team have gone downhill – it is part of the Reid is to blame for everything (teen age preganancy, AIDS, rise in ADHD, autism) and everything positive that happened credit goes to someone else – give me a second and I will post the quotes from Songs and drummer
Wow… how many times do we have to hear the same old Vick “Hateration”… Somebody needs to find a hobby, or a more demanding job, if they have the time to study a game that much and have that kind of information. (Must be still mad about the dog thing too). Call it what it really is and stop beating around the bush. Michael Vick is here, not going anywhere, get on board or get off the bus… Football is a team sport, cheer for the entire team or get off the bus…
from songs today I think :
I got to give it to him though….He overcame the odds with no coordinator experience and things jelled for him..but the talent he inherited had much to do with his success here in spite of his inexperience.
The Rhodes defensive players now had a balanced offence with Duce and Mcnabb before Reid decided to throw 80 percent of the time.
Andy Reid does not know defensive talent.
funny part about that that I didn’t even get on songs about was that Duce had left in 2003 – BEFORE the eagles went to the SB – led by the Reid drafted Westbroook
hopes this helps you understand – clearly you are having trouble staying up with the Reid bashing
spoiler alert – spoiler alert – myth buster coming
Yes, time to pull out my ‘myth’ buster hat –
what is today’s myth – that it was Ray Rhodes defensive people that somehow covered up for Reid – let us look – shall we –
Rhodes last year was 1998 the team was 3-13 starters on that D
Jefferson – Thomas – whiting – Johnson – hugh douglas on the D line
LBs – Darling, Caldwell Williams and Thomas
DBs – Vincent, Taylor, HArris, Zordich and Dawkins
yes – more then 11 – these were people creditied with starting a game on D for the eagles in 1998 (pro-football-reference.com)
and the D was ranked a -.5
now – the eagles 2004 (the super bowl year) starters on D –
Kearse, Simon, Walker, Burgess on the D line
Simoneua, Wayne, Trotter and Jones at LB
Sheppard, Brown, Lewis and Dawkins the DBs
what – stop – the myth is that it was Rhodes D players that saved Reid – yet from 1998 – 2004 the eagles constantly improved – and how many names are the same – I count 1 exaclty 1 common starter – 1
wait – didn’t reid draft all those 2004 DBs – except Dawkins – Reid brought in Wayne, Sim, and Jones – we can argue about Trotter and his little left, cam back (hey a risk on a bad knee) Reid drafted simon and burgess and brought in kearse and walker –
what – I think we have yet another myth – BUSTED –
I cheer for the team, but point out its deficiencies.
Was I supposed to cheer for Reno Mahe? “Lets hope he returns this one!!” Mark Simineau??
Those guys hurt the team and I didn’t like it. Qbs who are turnover machines hurt the team and I don’t like them either.
And yes, while my complaints about Vick are mostly of a football nature, I also think he is a punk. He’s a ‘me first’ guy and has shown that on multiple occasions (of which I’ve provided many examples). The other day he said God put him here to play football. God does not care about football, but this narcissistic thug thinkes he was put here to play.
I don’t think I would be that upset about the statement if he actually played like Joe Montana, but he doesn’t.
Last 8 games as the starting QB:
record 2-6
TDs 11
INTs 10
Fumbles 9
That’s right, over the last half season he’s handed the ball to the other team or put it on the turf 19 times.
I’ll cheer for that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cosigned what ChuckRob said regarding the guy who comes here with the Vick agenda everyday
one thing we can all respect about Vick, good bad indifferent, this guy signed for a hundred million and still plays all out on every play, putting his body in danger on pics, etc.
Jake, enh, kinda. The media said 100 mill – that was pretty false. It’s closer to 40 and a lot is tied up resolving his credit matters/etc….
and while we can respect his style of play as tough and brave (it is), it’s also often dumb. And if the risk outweighs the benefit – and that arguement can certainly be made – then it’s a weakness, not a strength…
I disagree. One thing the team has carried forward from the McNabb “Air Guitar” era is that being “Loose” before games is critical for them to play well the team needed this when they instantly got young and they need it now to gel a still disparate group of talented players. This IS NOT DALLAS being “loose” here does not involve partying till 4am the day before a big game with alcohol, ladies of the night, drugs etc.
For the most part this team is still well focused on football strategy, but loose. I doubt very seriously that this team and the character they have would perform well if being extremely self-critical was the team mantra. In fact, I suspect few teams could succeed that way. Focusing on the negatives only will lead to eventual self-doubt and predictable failure.
You lay out a good argument against Vick, i agree.. he’s a turnover machine right now But…..
1) What do you say about his play through most of last year?
2) What do you say about 2 of vicks INT’s were fumbles my Avant, plus 1 by Smith?
3) When Maklin and others fumble to end the game, how exactly is that Vicks fault?
You’re right about the Avant one. So 18, not 19.
I said last year what was happening on his 4-5 game run.
Vick had disappeared from the league for basically 3 years. Think about the turnover in players and D-coords. Incredibly high.
Vick returns and catches everyone off guard. Players and coaches completely surprised by speed and athleticism. He tore it up. I stated then, as I will again, that I knew this wasn’t going to last. Once film was collected and players got used to his speed…..there goes effectiveness.
Again, I coach different levels of youth football. Always preching angles, especially when up against faster opponents. Kids say, “got it” then charge right at a fast kid who jukes them and goes for 30. On sidelines I say, “got the lesson?” “Yes coach” and from then on they play like I ask. They have to see/experience it first. This is what has happened to Vick vs rest of league.
Maclin, McCoy have to do a much better job with the ball.
avant 1? how about avant 2? and the smith one? Ans how about all the TD drops from the first 2 or 3 weeks? im not trying to say Vick is amazing or any of that… im just saying… if you are gunna trry and speak the truth… speak the truth.
ok vinne…. its friday so…. ill bite. Who should the starting qbof the 2011 Eagles be? Dmac? Noodle arm? or Vick? maybe we should have gotten Palmer by trading 2 #1’s? or did you see something in Hassleback? what should the eagles have done? Id love to hear how you would have played their hand?
btw- i rip the crap we have at LB cause we could have done something.
Well, now we’re just screwed with Vick. And probably for another 2 years (though I suspect he’ll either get hurt or fall out of favour with wither new coaching staff or fanbase before then. (Frankly I find it amazing that we can go on a 2-6 run and nobody – except me – brings up the QB…ever. I cannot think of another QB in the last 30 years that has had this much leway…people just love this guy…its weird)
Anyway, what I would have done (and knowing that I think Vick is terribly overrated) is traded Vick at the height of his Pub, when he was on every mag cover on earth. What could Birds have got? 2 first rounders at least….hell, if that’s what Palmer might get….maybe 3. That would have set the Birds up for another decade.
Then I would have run with Kolb to figure him out. At this point the Birds would still be 2-4 as he would have been able to beat the Rams and Skins. If Kolb stunk, then there are 6 first rounders in the pocket over the next few years to restock the cupboards.
But no, Birds brass got all caught up in the Vick Vick VIck hype this offseason, and rolled with him. Terrible mistake.
What we going to get this year? Playoffs? Highly doubtful. The Birds are 2-4 with victories over the absolutely terrible Rams and horrible Skins. We’re going to have to go 8-2 minimum…with games against Giants, Jets, NE, 2 Dall, silly SEA game, even Chic. Its not going to happen.
So now enter 2012 with a 32 yr old beat up mini-man QB. Legs soon failing, and that’s all he has. Look waht happened to McNabb when his legs went. The drop-off with Vick is going to be steeper (and from not as high a plateau)….with what? One extra 2nd rounder from the Kolb trade…..good times.
You guys constantly going on about Birds terrible drafting, bad free agents etc etc….the Front office’s biggest mistage will be to have signed an over 30 mini QB who can’t read D. Gonna put the team back several years.
Vinnie-” (Frankly I find it amazing that we can go on a 2-6 run and nobody – except me – brings up the QB…ever. I cannot think of another QB in the last 30 years that has had this much leway…people just love this guy…its weird”
um….. cause we had the worst D in modern football history. last year we had 2 guys out of 11 that were worth ANYTHING!! and yet we won many many games.
Because our starting qb last year was smashed to the ground before his first half even ended and yet we were at the top of the div.
vinnie- “Then I would have run with Kolb to figure him out.” guess what…. they did that…. LAST YEAR. and they knew what he was. Have you seen a caards game this year? Kolb is going to cost many people jobs in cards land. a team ACTUALLY did what are saying they eagles should have done. and it will cost them their jobs.
Vinnie “Look waht happened to McNabb when his legs went.”- yup…. he drove his team down the field to score in the champ game only to watch the crap we called a “D” blow it. After that….. he drove down the field again to watch his Wr drop the ball.
Vinnie…. 2 years ago we had 3 starting qb’s on our team.
1. McNabb- Clearly we made the right call- although i hated it at the time.
2. Kolb- Clearly the wrong QB for the high flying act we have at the O.
3. Vick- strong arm, fast.
i must have missed it….. was Brady an option for us for this year? What amazing qb were we going to get for the 7 #1 picks we were going to get for vick? How do you not see that an ok qb is not going to cut it for this team as it is built right now? Our O is built to score points FAST. Our D is built for deep throws. Everything is built with the idea that we HAVE TO HAVE A FRIGGIN STUD AT QB. he’s not playing like that right now… ill give you that. But if you think we could have done better with baby arm.. well… then your just being a vinnie.
But we do not have a stud at QB. We have a puny runningback who can throw far at QB. He’s not playing “like that” because over his 10 year career he’s never played “like that” (save 4 games)
I didn’t say the Eagles would do better with baby arm, (though better than 2-4 is setting the bar low). I said we would be the same with Kolb at the helm, but we’d be armed with a bevy of 1st rounders.
What QBs would we get for those 1st rounders? Well, because of the lockout, all the picks would have been for 2012 forward….hmmm, with 2 first rounders next year, who could they have selected….I wonder……is there a big name QB out there available??? I haven’t heard any names……
Yes people in Arizona are going to lose jobs over Kolb…they gave up assets to get him. Keeping Kolb would have cost Birds nothing and they would have received more in compensation for Vick than they did with Kolb.
And so where would we be? Same record, less $$ paid in salary to QB (Lurie a fan), more cap room, and more picks. Sounds like a better place than the Eagles are in now.
You guys keep saying, “there’s no way we reach the playoffs without Vick last year!” (debatable). Well, the question could also be asked if we’d be at 2-4 without Vick at the helm? We certainly wouldn’t be worse.
Sounds fine and dandy if you want to give up a year. I however do not. U keep the best player you goof- its what you do. You said it cost “nothing” to keep kolb- but that’s crap- u have to give him a deal. Its a fork in the road, can’t have em both. Its clear you value draft picks more than players. With 7 #1 picks the birds would prolly take 5 tweeners and a kicker. U can live in the past, stare at your kolb poster if you want. But with 1 former qb benched , the other about to be and 1 leading the 3 or 4th team in o, I just don’t see what your bitching about.
Vick is a turnover problem right now- I agree. But at least he can still play. And here is the best part. Even today. U might get 2 first rounders for him. What’s kolb worth? What would kolb be worth today if he were here? With what he has done this year? Yup- zip.
Vinnie…How’s Kolb doing now that he have a coach that runs the ball?
Is this what you expected? Yould still prefer Kolb over Vick, and if so why?
I do not prefer good picks to good players. I prefer picks to sub-par players. Like Vick.
Songs, What we’re seeing with Vick is exactly what I expected. A brittle turnover machine that keeps both teams in every game he plays. Isn’t that exactly what we have?
I do not want Kolb anymore. I did. The difference between you and me is I can realize errors (not to say I prefer Vick to Kolb, they both stink – their stats this year are close to identical) and admit them.
I once thought Kolb would be good. Doesn’t look like he is. I’ll admit it.
You guys thought Vick was an unbeatable superstar based on his 4 games. He isn’t. He’s 2-6 in his last 8, but you won’t admit it. He throws scatterballs all over the field. He’s had countless dropped picks to go along with his 8. He’s fumbled 7x. He isn’t anything you think he is. But you’re still all, “at least he can still play” “he’s ballin'” and “its the defenses’ fault”, or whatever esle you want to put out there to ignore the fact that he’s just not a very good QB.
And you’ll still be saying those things when he’s 6-10.
G, I agree, Boy do I miss the good ole days of football. I think part of the problem is that the younger guys are just content with being in the league and having the opportunity to play pro football and the status that comes along with that. Where as with a Veteran like Vick he has more appreciation for where he has been and where he is now and a sense of urgency. He is just not out there playing to be getting paid, when he steps out on the field, he does so as a competitor he wants to win and that comes across in what he does. I know he is far from perfect and still makes alot of mistakes. Sometimes I think he tries to take too much on his shoulders and he makes mistakes trying to do so but at least he wants to win.
I also think that the team as a whole has got to be more aware of whats going on around them during the game. I see guys get soo absorbed in trying to make a play that they aren’t even thinking about protecting the ball. Then they are surprised when it gets stripped out of their hands. I agree that Vick needs to learn when to fold as far as getting rid of the football rather then trying to make something happen when its not there and giving the other teams opportunities to score.
No vinnie- by your own admition- kolb is crap. So… Vick was our only choice. And it has not been great. Yet. But I’m not willing to give up on him. I was not a vick fan- Istil won’t buy his jersey BUT- he’s the best qb we have had for several years now and I’m gunna pull for him. So… What have we learned from all of this tonight??….. That vinnie knows Kolb blows yet he would rather have traded vick for 2 or 3 picks of the future and kept kolb as the starter paying him more money or risked having kolb walk out and leave us with nothing at the end of this year. Am I wrong? Sounds like the stupidest friggin idea I’ve ever heard. Your pissed that they traded the wrong guy when you say yourself that the guy you wanted sucks. Wow vinne… Wow. Btw vinnie… I was wrong about babbin. I was dead wrong. And I’m glad I’m man enough to say it out loud. Let it go vinnie… Move on….
How do you read something, and then get the message completely wrong? Interesting skill. Let me put it a little more simply.
1) I did not say Kolb sucks. I said Kolb and Vick both suck. (though at this point Kolb still has more potential upside).
2) As both suck, it would have been better to trade Vick instead of Kolb as Birds would have received more compensation. That Vick would struggle this year is not a surprise. The front office should have seen it coming. The man has a very low ceiling as a QB. One only has to look at either his career accomplishments, or final 4 games last year.
3) Kolb would have been re-signed of course, but at a lower amount than Vick, leaving more cap room.
4) It wouldn’t matter whether or not Kolb or Vick was at the helm, The Eagles would still be at 2-4, and headed to a sub .500 season. But if Kolb was here and Vick gone, there’d be more draft picks and cap $$ to try and right the ship. That’s a better situation than the one the Birds find themselves in now.
I absolutely cringed when I heard Vick was signed to an extension. A terrible, terrible mistake that will set the team back for 5 years (3 while we roll our eyes watching this guy throw picks, fumble, run around out of control, make a great play, followed by a stupid play, get hurt, miss quarters, miss games, stare at a blitzer coming at him and throw into traffic, etc. etc then 2 more to groom a new QB in 2014-2015 – good times). The Eagles are not going anywhere with this guy.
You know what coaches need in the NFL? Consistency. The ability to enter every game with an understanding of what they’ve got, especially at the QB position. Do the Birds have that? In no way. One Quarter (like Q1 vs Skins) brilliant, then One quarter complete crap (Q3 vs skins). 60 yrd bombs followed by interceptions. Crazy scrambles followed by sack/fumbles. It will not, cannot win in the NFL. Never has, never will.
1) ok- so your mad they traded the wrong crappy player. have fun being pissed about that for the rest of your life.
2)”The man has a very low ceiling as a QB”- the man has never had a good qb coach. Do you realize that Vick did all he did last year WITHOUT the time as a starter in camp? do you realize that they had to FLIP the entire O from right to left? Do you realize that at MOMENTS last year he looked like the best qb in the league? DO you realize that he was in the running for the MVP? I mean come on man…. Kolb had a few 300 yard games and you’ve been on his jock ever since. Vick (by his play) deserved a chance to start here this year. He deserved a chance to get better. ( i dont like the word deserve here because i dont think he deserves much of anything…. but WE deserved to see him play).
3) Why do you even care about money? the birds are good at the cap game.Do you realize that guys like NNamdi came to play here “WITH VICK” to try and win the SB? they signed for less to play HERE. By there own admission…. “WITH VICK!!!” do you think noodle arm would have drawn them? You are CRAZY!!!
4) go look at the numbers… we are in almost the same situation this coming off season as we were last year. Only 2 of the big name free agents that came here this offseason are locked up for next. The birds have PLENTY of draft picks this year… they can still trade Vick if they want (and get way more than Kolb gets you now). They are not in cap hell at all. Its clear… your pissed you bought kolbs jersey and now he’s gone.
consistency? are you kiidding me? What option did the birds have that was going to give them consistency? Kolb? McNAbb? you keep talking pie in the sky. SO lets run with your idea……. Vick is gone, we have at least 2 #1’s for him and we now have Kolb at 2-4 (this is where you said he would be) and in need of a future qb even though we just signed Kolb to a big deal. We still need help at CB (nnamdi prolly would not have come and we didnt get DRC), our LB’s still blow and our coach is prolly out at the end of the yer. Real friggin consistant!
Kolb is proving to me with his play this year that the Eagle definitely made the right move at QB.. I am not even sure that Kolb is a legitimate #1/Starter QB in the NFL.. He gets ‘happy-feet’ on half his drop backs, locks into 1 receiver for too long and is always moving backwards when passing which creates floater balls which will get picked all game long in the NFL..
There is no comparison between the level of play between Vick and Kolb ..
YES PMAN!!! thank you. im not saying Vick is amazing… he sucks right now…. but there is no doubt that Vick is LEAP YEARS better then noodle arm. And finally…. after years of fighting it… even the pres. of the Kevin Kolb fan club i redy to put the man;s jock down.
it was friday…i was bored and i took Vinnie on about this stupid friggin argument… and there is no doubt that i won this debate.
that’s right paulman , one grades out at D (kolb)and the the other C+
but i’ll take this a little further. Its clear Vinnie wants Luck. ok… fine…..
with our 2#1 picks this year (because we traded Vick) we can try and move up to get luck. What else would it take? or maybe we are in last because we kept kolb and have no D. It would prolly take another first rounder the following year (or more)…. so…… maybe we end up getting Luck.. a rookie…. for Vick almost str8 up (minus our very own first rounder). DO you see how unrealistic this even is? The odds? but i will follow your thinking.,….
Luck is going to take some time to groom… plus there is this problem of Having Kevin Kolb on our roster. But i think we can just cut him. How many years would it take to get him up and rolling? Do you see what im saying? If we went this route…. i think Andy woould be gone…at some point (and the GCobb group goes nutz)…. we would be in FULL REBUILDING MODE.
Some say its tome for that….pman said this 2 days ago….. i will not however. I disagree. I give the F.O. crap most of the time… but not this year. They did what we have always wanted them to…. to go “ALL IN”. It would not have happened without Mike Vick…. players wanted to play WITH HIM. I hate this. I hate saying this…. but its truth…… Now….. shoulld they have hired a DC? YES. should they have gotten some lb’s? YES YES. But to stand here and say they should have traded Vick when it was clear he was the best option we had at qb….. stupid.
I was being facetious blowing up the Team after this year.. Stevo
I would do the following though after this Season regardless of how it finishes
Trade Samuel after the Season
Sign D-Jax/McCoy to long-term Deals to lock them up to keep with Vick for the nnext 4-5 Season
Let R Brown,V Young, S Smith, all walk after thier 1 Year Deals are up
Aquire a big time LB, and concentrate the Draft at DT,OL,TE,LB and WR Depth
I would wait to the after ther Season to analyze the job that DC Castillo is ddoing and would give him these final 10 games to make a determination if he is DC Material (right now my answer is no, he’s not) but I will allow him 1 full season for you bring in a new DC next year and maybe he has a different philisophy and then yo have a potential new system all in again and the Eagles would most likely go thru the same growing pains.. Let’s see how this Defense improves .. if it doesn’t, then I hire Chuck Cecil or Tim Hauck to be the DC
i agree with you 100% pman.
LMAO. You clowns make me laugh.
Navy, you’re wrong.
it was Modrak who drafted those DB’s not Andy Reid.
Modrak also drafted Dawk, Trotter, and Tra Thomas before Reid came. check it.
Wow – songs – you have ZERO freakin shame man – after I sat there and completely blew your ass out of the water with your constant nonsense – you STILL attempt the boldest ever GCOBB shuffle ever – Navy you are wrong –
I pointed out that of the starters on D in Rhodes last year, and the starters on D in the 2004 and the D during the 2011 season – the ONLY – single ONE – common person was Dawkins – I stated that – I did the DEFENSE ONLY – I also pointed out Trotter was one of 5 common names (trotter did not start his rookie season – names along with Douglas, Thomas -Trotter, dawkins and one other – I ppointed out we could argue about Trotter, as he was drafted during the Rhodes era – but left – Andy Reid brought him back in 2004 – so he was a new edition (not to be confused with the musical group of the same name) in 2004 (I think he made minimum wage that year) with bad knees… I stated these things – so how was I wrong
and only you silky would point out 3 players off a 53 man roster (3 divided by 53 times 100 = ) or 6% of the roster and claim to be correct
You know silky – I am getting tired of handing you your ass during these discussions and then watching you try and GCOBB shuffle your way out of it – you have stated, MANY MANY times (caps for emphasis) that Reid’s early success on D came from Ried’s holdover players – YOU ARE DEAD WRONG –
Kearse, Simon, Walker, Burgess on the D line – Reid brought them here
Simoneua, Wayne, Trotter and Jones at LB – Reid brought trotter back
Sheppard, Brown, Lewis and Dawkins the DBs – only Dawkins
And there are ZERO players from Rhodes on the 2009 team that went 11-5 – ZERO – so Reid has had success without Rhodes players – move on to making up your next line of total BS so I can prove you wrong yet again –
just stop yourself
navy-songs- take it outside. Class is in session right now and vinnie is learning the hard way.
navy, your ego is only surpassed by your stupidity and brazen attitude, you have insulted many fine people here who hold earnest opinions, maybe different than yours, you brag about your education, your service, you even brag about the fact that you double dip off the hard working taxpayers, that is about as antithetical to the patriotism of those who gave all, who died in service, you are a fucking disgrace, and if I ever see your sorry ass in person you will know it, until then, as someone else suggested, dishonorabley discharge yourself as retired from the navy, from a poster here gcobb , and as a human being
Yeah…..Navy for the record…..Ray Rhode’s players were the players that set the precedent for the Eagles when Reid was hired. Troy Vincent, Bobby Taylor, Brian Dawkins, Jeremiah Trotter, Hugh Douglas, Mike Caldwell.
Have Jeremiah been replaced?
Have Dawk been replaced?
Have Caldwell been replaced?
Hell…Zordich haven’t adquately been even been replaced and he’s damn near 50.
The point have been made that Andy Reid have gutted the heart and soul of our defense without replacing them with comparable talent.
Wow – songs – we got the dancing with stars judges on here and they are giving you straight 10s – Bruyno in his lovely french accent commetned how well and deftly you completely forget what the actual discussion was about – it was NOT about replacing people – the discussion was you clearly stated that Reid needed Rhodes players to build his team – WRONG – 10 of the 11 starters for the SB 2004 team were NOT starters for Rhodes
The other two judges could do nothing other then marvel at how Reid spent an entire draft pick rebuilding his D secondary and then Songs gives Rhodes credit for and I quote ‘setting the precedent’ an amzing array of dance talent and teamwork there as yet again songs gets stuck with his own foot in huis mouth and another boot in his ass and can’t even just agree to give it up – YOU WERE WRONG SONGS – there was a HUGE roster turnover from 1998 when Rhodes was coach (3-13 in 1998) to when Reid took the eagles to the SB in 2004 (12-4) HUGE – Reid absolutely did not rely (he let Trotter come back to play special teams for vet minimum) on ‘Rhodes’ players – that is pure, made up in your mind, BULLSHIT.
And now we see the attempted GCOBB shuffle – lets change the question….
Jake – should that pleasureable day come when we ever meet – when you are pissing all over yourself – try not to get any on me –
Jakey – mind if I ask – are you actually in the 49% of Americans that actually pay income taxes – or are you in that 51% that decry everything else while not actually contributing a dime?
where did vinnie go? my guess… his can hurt.
Where did Vinnie go? It was Saturday night. I’ve got better things to do than hand on here and argue with a bunch of Vick apologists.
I am not upset they traded Kolb. I am upset they kept Vick. There’s a difference.
Vick is in no way, “Leap Years” above anyone. Where does that come from?
you wrote: “Do you realize that at MOMENTS last year he looked like the best qb in the league?”
Do you “realize” that was against a Detroit team who started the season 2-12 and had Sean ‘2 picks’ Hill at the helm?
Do you “realize” that game 2 was against a Jacksonville that let everyone except Cleveland and Tenny score over 24 on them?
Do you “realize” the Monday night game was against a Washington team that did not even attempt to play hard after all the McNabb contract fandangling earlier in day? Just go google Haynesworth lying on ground if you want evidence. (funny….Vick tears apart a team that gives no effort and he’s a superstar…Brees does the same last Sunday night and nothing…only articles are about Indy’s pathetic performance – and rightly so)….
What was his other “big” game? Houston..Do you “realize” they were in the middle of a 1-8 run at the time? On a Thursday night game where home teams win at a .750 clip? ANd had a D that gave out 300+ yrds passing and 30+ points against like they were Haloween treats?
I think in every other game for the rest of the year Birds were trailing, and in a couple he led comebacks, highlighted by the Giants game. Its what he does, keep both teams in the game…only this year, very predictably, the combacks aren’t happening…….
Mike Vick will take the Birds nowhere.
That being said, can you imagine how entertaining tonight should be? Vick turning the ball over a couple times early putting Cowboys inn lead, but not by much….then Romo getting all nervous in a big game on the road and he’ll start doing his normal Romo things….Doinked snaps, throwing to Eagle DBs etc. Then Eagles able to mount a late comeback and Vick annointed saviour again. It’ll be fun.
BTW Nnamdi came hear because the Birds offered more $$ than anyone else. End of that story.
Those 4 games?