• February 1, 2025

Penn State Canceled Joe Paterno Weekly News Conference

Just an hour and a half ago, Penn State canceled the weekly news conference by head coach Joe Paterno. In addition, university president Graham Spanier canceled an appearance he was going to make tomorrow.

It’s shocking to me to see that Paterno and Spanier still don’t realize the seriousness of their decision not to notify police about former coach Jerry Sandusky molesting young boys. They don’t seem to be realize how cowardly and irresponsible their actions were.

The university spokespersons have said the cancellations were necessary because of “on-going legal circumstances centered around the recent allegations and charges”. I would imagine the lawyers got Paterno and Spanier and would not be rescheduled.


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November 8, 2011 1:22 pm

.. All of them.. Watch as the entire upper Administration, Athletic Dept and Football Prgram start getting Lawyers and ducking for cover..
I would not even be surprised if we don’t see Paterno at any Football Games the remainder of this Season (and most likely never again) It’s over for Him as this Story will be ongoing for the next few months.. ..

November 9, 2011 2:17 am

You’re right Paul. They are chicken $#!t, fraud, scumbags. The whole lot of them, need to be fired & or resign. The Governor of this state, needs to put all effort & $$$ into investigating this University & Athletic dept. to the highest degree. They need to interview every past child, who was in that program for the troubled youths. They also need to interview, everyone, past & present, who has worked for the athletic dept.under oath, so they can’t duck & lie about the questioning. Like I said before, Sandusky needs to be castrated, & automatically given a life sentence, with no parole. The boys behind bars are going to give him the treatment he gave, in Google amounts. HE DESERVES EVERY BIT OF PAIN & PUNISHMENT THAT AWAITS HIM! Rot in hell you evil, diseased, predator, vermin! I have 4 kids, & God forbid, if this had happened to any of my children, they wouldn’t have to worry about a trial, because he’d be chum. I’d deal with the consequences, afterward.