• March 1, 2025

Reid, Marty And Washburn Should Have Been Ready For No Huddle

I wasn’t surprised at all that Eagles defensive line coach Jim Washburn got into an argument with offensive coordinator Marty Mornhinweg on the sideline of the Eagles-Patriots game yesterday.  Comcast Sportsnet has reported that Washburn was angry with the way the Birds offense was throwing the ball in the first half of yesterday’s game.

Tom Brady and the Patriots were taking advantage of the fact that the Eagles pass rushers were getting tired.  When the game started the Eagles defensive line was pounding Brady, but once they tired out Brady started connecting and going for the jugular.

I had warned all week that the Patriots were going to utilize the no-huddle offense.  I mentioned it in four articles.  It’s elementary to see that a New England team which utilizes the no-huddle offense on a regular basis would employ the no-huddle attack to prevent the Birds from substituting for their defensive linemen to keep them fresh.

The fact that the entire staff hadn’t talked about it, is an indictment of Andy Reid.  The staff should have already talked about how they were going to react to the no huddle.  Mornhinweg should have been told during preparation for the game, that he should have slowed things down and ran the ball to give the pass rush a longer break.

I think Washburn was right about saying something to Mornhinweg, but again it should have been Reid telling him he should run the ball more, in order to control the clock and give the defensive line a breather.

Washburn has never been a wall flower.  I was told by an NFL source that he wasn’t happy about the fact that the “Wide Nine” was being blamed for the problems with the Eagles defense.  He hasn’t said much publicly but he doesn’t feel that the “Wide Nine” is the problem with the Birds run defense.

Washburn has never had a  problem speaking his mind when he was in Tennessee.

I was told that he had barked out some profanity at then head coach Jeff Fisher, when Fisher demanded that the defense blitz during games.  Washburn likes his defensive line to left alone so that they can rack up sacks while putting pressure on the quarterback.  He’s never been a fan of blitzing.


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November 28, 2011 11:12 am

run the ball? are you kidding me? Andy and Marty are two arrogant bastards. I hate them. I HATE THEM

November 28, 2011 11:35 am

Garry, I’m all for bashing marty cause he sucks. I’m all for supporting Washburn for saying something. But you made assumptions about what coaches did and disn’t say to eachother about what they did or did not do in preparation. Aren’t you talking out of your ass? How did you know they didn’t discuss those things?

November 28, 2011 11:47 am

Pats did a good job of controlling the run so immediatley andy throws it out the window. Ive been preaching everything your wrote here G for weeks now. The defense has no time to rest, they are undersized already so if they are on the field especially with no huddle they have trouble. This is also what happen late in game. Offense stops sustaining drives and the defense is on the field to long and they get winded. So good for washburn. On the other hand our recivers drop way to many balls!!

November 28, 2011 11:56 am

Well now lets hold on just a second – the popular mantra at GCOBB.com is that Reid only hires ‘yes men’ and ‘company’ folk – you mean to tell me that Reid and folks hired someone that would speak his mind – wow – another myth busted –

sad – sad game – not much else to add –

November 28, 2011 12:10 pm

It doesn’t seem like they gameplanned at all. They said that they did, but they just ran the same offense that they always do because NE is bad against the pass. This would seem to be a good plan against most teams, but you really needed to keep Brady off the field and, not being able to sustain drives, because you are throwing deep kills any chance of that. Should have been focusing on the kind of drives that Young produced to win the game against the Giants.

November 28, 2011 12:11 pm

This has become a “team” of mercinaries (i am sure that spelling sucked) who are for the most part only looking out for their individual self-interests.

I will admit, I didn’t want to believe all of the people that pointed out that we were following the Redskins stratedy of building a team solely through free agency. You can make specific additions through free agency, but you need to have a strong core of leadership to bring those individuals into the team.

Our defense is full of successful, pro-bowl caliber players, but they are lead by a former O-line coach who has never been a coordinator at ANY level of football. Hell, not even a kindergarten flag team!!! He has these players operating as individuals, not a unit.

These players do not have a long term relationship with this coach, so when times get tough, they look out for themselves. As great as Nhamdi may be as an individual in the community, and was in Oakland as a player, you need to look at the types of teams that he was playing on in Oakland. Did teams just stop throwing his way because it was soooo easy to throw to the other side?? He may be a good example of too much hype. DRC? He has had (1) really good year in his career, but you also need to look at what the coaches have done with him here. His role has never been clearly defined, and it has been a mess.

One free agent that I believe has been good this year is Jenkins. He has played hard and if you read his comments, he seems to “get it” when it comes to playing in Philly and the relationship with the fans.

This is a train wreck. We are years behind in replacing Reid. We are now the laughing stock of the league.

Where are all of the Reid supporters to tell us that we will suffer through years of losing if he were to leave? What is the difference??

November 28, 2011 12:26 pm

After Reid’s regime is FIRED, Marty will be offered the Penn State job so he can coach his kid, who will be a freshman next year….

November 28, 2011 12:42 pm

“We are years behind in replacing Reid”? “We are now the laughing stock of the league”? Really? Some of you guys are ridiculous. Yes, Reid needs to go, there is no doubt. His decision to elevate Castillo to DC has been a disaster. However, Reid’s only had 4 really bad years in 13–it’s not difficult this team finishing 8-8, which means he will have had 2 losing seasons in 13. However, I think that Roseman and Banner should go as well–the story (I don’t know how true it is) going around is that Castillo lobbied hard to Roseman, Banner and Reid for the DC job. So really, them letting Reid make that ridiculous appointment should join him in the unemployment line.

November 28, 2011 12:44 pm

I have to disagree GreenFan about the Eagles being a bunch of “Mercenaries”
Mercenaries do like to work alone and do their own thing, but Mercenaries have heart,conviction and a sense of self-pride & urgency to help maintain and expand their reputations..I see none of these traits with these Eagles..
I do agree with your analysis about C Jenkins being the only new addition and true fit for the team and Philly… I preferred CB Carlos Rogers or even Richard MArshall over Asmo for they are more physical and excell in Red-Zone coverages, I preferred a veteran LB to be brought in like S Tulloch or even a Rocky McIntosh or James Anderson.. I wanted a good Safety like a Dwan Landry, M Bullitt, or B Pollard to come in and play over this young and overmatched group of Allen/Coleman/Jarrett… (Jarrett is not an NFL player and was a big mistake being Drafted before the 5th Round and to be counted on to make any impact, he will be out of the NFL by 2013, too small and too slow..)

November 28, 2011 12:48 pm

Bugsy – the gameplan successfully put the ball in Djax’s hand for 14 points that never hit the scoreboard…. were those drops due to a lack of game planning? I don’t think so.

I agree they needed to run more – and I want Marty gone.

November 28, 2011 1:21 pm

Not just Marty… Andy need to go too..

Garry says they didnt prepare for the no-huddle?? If that is true? that is totally unacceptable and its just more hand writing on the wall that Andy’s time is up here..

Andy has been soo had headed when it comes to providing balance and helping his Qbs out.. He refuses to do what everyone knows is needed..

the fact that the fans can clearly see the problems and Andy trots the same garbage out there week after week is what has people howling for this guy to be fired… and fired today!

he is never gonna learn, he’s never going to smarten up and do everyone recognizes needs to be done

he has had enough chances to change but he obviously never will

and Im not a Reid hater… I actually like the guy, but i† is plain as day that passing the ball around at a ridiculous clip and freezing out the run game is more important to Andy than putting together a super bowl contender..

fans are tired of this crap… fire this guy and lets move on

November 28, 2011 1:32 pm

Sheed – Garry said that with no backing up his point – a great example of terrible journalism. I don’t just take his word for the truth. I’m not going to let assumptions go without backup.

Look I hear you, but I think it’s clear that Marty is the one making the O calls – was Washburn seen yelling at reid? If you want to saw ‘well Reid hired Marty, Reid sticks up for his boys, Reid can override him’ – fine, i hear that and its sure been said many times. But I think Marty is the problem on O – that and injuries and Djax.

But don’t let Garry’s lazy assumptions misinform your sense of things…

November 28, 2011 1:58 pm

Garry didnt provide his source for that comment, but looking at the game? I BELIEVE HIM… LOL It sure didnt look like they prepared for the no huddle….

Did they look prepared to you schiller?

Cobb’s assumption (if that is what it was) looks dead on based on what I saw. I have to believe Gcobb knows what he is talking about…

Andy doesnt get that benefit of doubt anymore around here….

I could blame Marty for the poor balance and dumb playcalling….. I could also blame Juan for poor defense and dumb playcalling….

but ultimately, it all goes back to Andy….

Andy put this mess together…. it cannot be fixed with him at the helm… FIRE him

November 28, 2011 2:01 pm

Schill? Why you want Marty Gone but not Andy?

November 28, 2011 2:06 pm

“it cannot be fixed with him at the helm” – I disagree with that statement Sheed – and Songs, that’s kinda the answer to your question too.

Songs – the fire Reid chants and calls are abound, no need for me to chime in. I’m not for or against firing Reid. I am for firing Marty and I have always been – seriously, from the git go.

November 28, 2011 2:07 pm

Well guys…remember when Joe proclaimed that they were “All In”??

The season is actually over with 5 games left to play.

Will the apathy of the fans leaving after 3 qtrs yesterday…the fans chanting for “Fire Andy”….the terrible sales of Eagles merchandise during the holiday season be enough for the owner to see that the current leadership of this team is BAD FOR BUSINESS??

I could be wrong, but I think AR has about $10mill with his contract, so for Jeff to eat that it will take alot of apathy from the fans.

November 28, 2011 2:08 pm

My favorite football moments now are when the coaches yell – watch the ball, watch for the run, watch for the pass, stay deep, watch the screen and the draw, watch the reverse and the sweep – and the play happens – then they yell – didn’t I tell you to watch for that! – I call it the ‘Songs’ method of coaching – just predict everything (remember when he talked about how brilliant Bellicheck and the pats were for picking up Haynesworth adn Ocho Cinco) – and not matter what happens – proclaim you are smart and know everything – ignoring the 15 things you got wrong to get one thing right –

I would make a wager that the eagles coaches and players spoke for HOURS about BRady, Welker, the TEs and no huddle – there is a reason why Brady will be in the HOF – and a reason they are 8-3 and the # 2 ranked O in the NFL – perhaps Mr Cobb could enlighten us on what it is like to be in a weeks worth of team neetings – and have the coaches pound home a point – and then have the players not execute – what its like in the meetings the next week – or what it is like to fix a problem (say tacking) last week against the Giants, but then this week – the D can’t tackle – or maybe the WRs can’t catch? Do players have input into the game plan? do the players not watch films – should any LB or DB on the eagles have been surprised by what they saw? Wish we could have gotten some ‘player’ perspective on the inner workings vice this ‘the entire staff hadn’t talked about it’

November 28, 2011 2:12 pm

The NY Giants beat the Pats by running the ball 29 times. We have the No. 1 back in the league, our starting QB was out, our starting wide receiver was also out, our back-up QB is playing only the second game of his career with this team, and his arm is suspect. He under-threw every deep pattern called — not just in this game, but in the last game as well. So, why did call deep pass after deep pass?

With Brady getting battered early and often, Belichick called 9 runs and 2 short passes to score his first TD. Together, with one other adjustment, afterward, Brady’s jersey remained clean.

Why is that a coach with the very best QB in the league called so many runs, while our “coach,” and I use the term loosely called so many passes?

That’s the difference between a coach and someone who holds a coaching position.

If Jackson should have been sat down, what should happen to Andy and his other nitwits?

Why is our new defensive line coach ready to beat up the offensive coordinator? He’s been here a only few months, and he’s already feeling what the fans (who have any understanding of the game) have been feeling for 12 years. RUN THE BALL!!!!

November 28, 2011 2:15 pm

I’ve been saying it for years. The Eagles won in spite of Andy, not because of him. They won because of McNabb, Westbrook and a few others. They won because the NEast was weak. They won because it was a running league when Reid entered, but now that it’s a passing league, Reid is a dinosaur who’s stuck on stupid!

November 28, 2011 2:20 pm

Every fan who saw the emperor was wearing no clothes was called a “hater” on this site. What are we now? Better yet, those of you who labeled us haters, what does that make you?

No coach could do so little with so much talent.

Nearly every player on this team has under-achieved, but now you want to single out one of the best players on the team who has watch every draft choice and free-acquisition and others who never even get step on the field get paid exponentially more than he.

Okay, you want to blame one player. Okay. Just like Jason Babin, if he’s put in the right situation, he’s a pro bowler. Look at Babin. Bust to pro bowler and back to bust. Why do you continue to blame the players? That’s like blaming a car for being in a car accident. It’s the driver’s fault. Not the player’s.

November 28, 2011 2:21 pm

Some people got hooked on the green kool-aid made from yellow snow, and now they’re just as bitter as the urine it’s made from.

They labeled us as bitter and cranky. Who’s cranky NOW!!!

November 28, 2011 2:22 pm


November 28, 2011 2:24 pm


I can’t believe that some of these same people are trying to promote their “logic” even today.

It is better be remain silent and be thought a fool than to SCREAM FROM THE MOUNTAINTOPS and remove all doubt.

November 28, 2011 2:35 pm

I have to agree with drummer here… The fact that this team has soo much talent makes me soo angry…

there are soo many options they had and soo many ways to succeed with this talent and yet these guys find a way to fail and waste all that talent and everyone’s hard earned money.

the coaches are soo rigid and out of touch with what seems to be common sense,…. it just blows my mind

Andy has had the same problem since 04… its 2011 now and he still hasnt figured out a way to get his Rb more touches and give his Qb a break…

Everyone sees… Im sure Andy knows what the book on him is and the fans have no sympathy for him because of his “Im smarter than everyone else” attitude that people around here absolutely hate

he is simply soo hard headed that he continues to try it his way even though success is right there if he would just smarten up…

time for him to go… we cant do this anymore

November 28, 2011 2:40 pm

Why is anyone really surprised about yesterday’s game.. The Eagles have been up and down and wildly inconsisent for about a Calender Year now..
Questionabel Draft Strategy and Selections again under GM Roseman, at Summer Camp there were issues, Pre-Season told many of us who were paying attenttion, that this team has a lot more issues and problems than just having a new DC in Juan Castillo.. (Penalties,Ball Security,Red-Zone,Short Yardage, Plays Soft with spotty Tackling, Lack of Leadership) Anyone who though this team could still turn it around and be playoff cotendor’s is either an “eternal optimist” or just not very “observant” about this team and it’s ability (or lack of) to play together as a cohesive unit and play with guts,heart and a sense of urgency as a team, which this team simply does not have .. At least it’s only about 90 days until Pitchers & Catchers report to Clearwater.. .. 2011 has become a “Big Choke Year” in Philly Sports when you consider that the Phils,Eagles were to be serious Championship level teams and that the Flyers,Villanova, the Soccer Team all underachieved when the brigh lights were on..

November 28, 2011 2:47 pm


Thank you!

I like the term you used, “out of touch.”

Here are a few examples of being out of touch:

The Eagles lined up without anyone covering the center. Any time, the Pats see that alignment, it’s an automatic QB sneak. Brady ran for 7 yards.

From the 5 yard, it was 3 and 1 for the Eagles. Rather than go into a goal-line stance alignment. The Pats deployed their linebackers in a normal set, because they knew Reid would pass the ball.

Again, “out of touch” is perfect.

How many YEARS did it take for him to understand that he needed good receivers? Never mind the fact that he threw the ball more than any other coach in league history, including “Air Coryell.” His real name is “Don Coryell,” but they called him “Air” because he had Dan Fouts breaking all kinds of passing records. But guess what, they never won ANYTHING! And they had great receivers! All-world receivers!!

We’re not talking about 2-3 years that Andy went with mediocre receivers. We’re talking 7-8 years! Entire careers were wasted!

Out of touch!

Let me not get started on this guy.

November 28, 2011 2:47 pm

I would lke to point out that every team has talent and that many teams it’s the heart, the guts and real teamwork that separates those 6-7 Win teams to the ones that make serious playoff runs.. the other thing is besides all the hoopla surrounding this team, they are simply not as talented as they think they are, as talented as the media or fans portray them to be… They just are simply exciting and flashy, but they do not have the persistent fortitude of doing what it takes to win the tough battles against the better teams and better coaching staffs…. This starts from the Top (Coach AR) and had been this way for a while now , but too many fans and media spend too much time on the “splash & dash” of this team..

November 28, 2011 2:48 pm

You can’t just create a scapegoat and fire one coach over another. Last year it was McDermott (who stunk as well) who was blamed for the failures of this defense and he was blamed and fired (Reid decision). This year a mediocre OL coach is made a DC (Reid decision) and a bunch of money was spent on free agents with little or no rhyme or reason (Reid decision). The media and the team hype up the free agents and defense as pro bowl caliber players yadayadayada- they suck and the defense is just as bad, if not worse. The wide 9 sucks-(Reid decision). Morningweig is terrible – (Reid decsion) We don’t run the ball (Reid decision). We draft horribly, missing early and getting a handful of servicable players in the late rounds and fans are supposed to be impressed (Reid decision). The point is the failure at all these different areas are Reid decsions. Everyone fails at their job from time to time and make questionable decisions, but typically they learn from those mistakes. Reid doesn’t. He continues to play the same style, draft the same type players, etc, etc. As fans were tired, I’m tired of Reid, his philosphy and the make-up of his teams. He will not change. This team is rotten. The whole regime must go- This year.

November 28, 2011 2:48 pm


November 28, 2011 2:50 pm

Anyone else listen to Big Red’s post-game press conference…..After announcing Fouku’s sprined ankle he proceeded to announce “I need to do a better job.”

When will either Joe or Jeff point out to him that he makes the same statement after every loss…but them makes the same predictable mistakes..over..and over…and over again.

That kind of sh*t makes me crazy, and is the reason that I have believed he needed to be gone years ago.

It may not be a big deal to fans on this site who do not live in the Philly area, but to us fans who do, and are bombarded with his comments, it is insulting to our intelligence.

Just had to get that out. I am very thankful that he cancelled his press conference today, it is a waste of time.

November 28, 2011 3:03 pm

For those of you who don’t know, I posted last week after the win over the Giants, “Let the record show that Reid is a bum.”

I posted it with good reason, as follows:

Despite having a back-up QB who had never played one game with this team;

Despite not having his starting wide receiver;

Despite his back-up QB already throwing 3 picks in the game;

Despite his back-up QB having already thrown one pick in the end zone;

Despite his back-up QB’s many wobbly, short or otherwise off-target passes;

Despite having led the league in red zone turnovers in 2009-2010;

Despite the fact that the Eagles lead the league with 8 red-zone turnovers this season;

Despite the fact that it was a tie game (on the road) with about 3 minutes to play;

Despite having the ball on the 20 yard line;

Despite being fortunate enough to have advanced to to the 5 yard line while throwing unnecessary and risky passes;

Despite having the No. 1 running back leage, with a 7.1 yard avg in the 4th qtr.;

AND WORSE YET, Despite the season being on the line;

Reid call another pass!

Yes, it went for a touchdown (that time), but even the Hail Mary works sometimes!

With the season on the line, you must play the percentages. You run the ball and if you have to, you kick a field goal for the go-ahead score.

That’s sound football. That’s sound play-calling. Why take those risks?‏

November 28, 2011 3:08 pm

How can anyone blame Marty? Marty is only doing what Reid has told him to do. If Reid had a problem with what Marty was doing he’d been gone long ago, but he’s been in that position since Childress left for Minnesota, that’s an entire head coaching career.

Again, it’s not the car; it’s the driver who caused the collision.

November 28, 2011 3:25 pm

don’t worry guys…there’s a 32 year old soccer player from Turkey, moonlighting as a paramedic, and have been playing college ball for 2 years…. Andy’s eyes been on this prospect who could possibly be the next Eagles catch in the 1st round.

word haves it that he’s a real “Fastball’ Andy can throw at opposing teams.


November 28, 2011 4:05 pm

“Marty is only doing what Reid has told him to do.” drummer – and you base that off of what knoledge?

November 28, 2011 4:12 pm


Just when I thought all hope was gone! Thanks, man! I needed that.

November 28, 2011 4:20 pm


What a really dumb question, you old crabby, Kool-Aid drinking, closed-minded cry baby! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Don’t you do what your boss tells you to do, whether you agree or disagree? Isn’t that what makes him the boss. Otherwise, we’d all be our own bosses.

If Marty wasn’t doing what Reid told him to do, he would have been relieved of his duties long ago.

Do you have any other silly questions?

Okay, here’s a question for you. Why am I am smiling and you’re not?

Your past comments and ridicule have come back to bite you real hard in the ass, and it hurts. Suck it up! Get over it! Keep it moving!!!

That’s what real people do!

November 28, 2011 4:24 pm

It’s time to get over yourself. You’re neither as smart as you think you are, nor as dumb I think you are.

We’re all wrong from time to time, and now just happens to be your time. Deal with it and quit acting soft like “your coach.”

If it’ll make you feel any better, go outside and THROW ANOTHER DEEP PASS, you idiot!

November 28, 2011 4:30 pm

Wait, drummer, you’re the one saying Reid HAS to go – and I’m the close minded one? That’s ass backwards.

Dude, Reid isn’t “my” coach. If and when he gets fired, or quite, or retires – however he goes, I’ll be fine with it, and I’ll be fine with the new guy – unless he’s currently working for the team and not named washburn. You got me all wrong drum, you really really do.

And I’m not smiling? What are you talking about? You can see me? That’s odd…. and you’re happy the Eagles played that way? WHAT?

What comments of mine came back to bite me, please, enlighten me.

November 28, 2011 4:31 pm

Drummer – you crack me up – is it me and my mathmatical sense of logic – or do you talk in circles – you repeatedly point out all of the flaws and errors (not having a punt returner – not having WRs – not having this, not having that), then you acknowledge the eagles win (a lot over the years) but claim it is in SPITE of Reid – yet everything that goes wrong this year is BECAUSE of Reid… so magically – for 12/13 years things just ‘happened’ to go right and this year – this is the ‘true’ reflection of Reids ability – and you comment on other people being bitter? Really? A guy that gets a professional football team to the playoffs 9 out of 12 years – but not htis year and someone like me is bitter? Colorful analogy – but I think the bitter people are the ones that come on pissing in the snow that life or the team hasn’t worked out the way they want.

I bring this up because at lunch to day – ESPN 2 has this show called ‘The numbers don’t lie’ and Eric Mangini was on talking about Reid and he discussed how it is not uncommon or unexpected for a coach to have a down year or a down team every so often (as a matter of fact he used Bellicheck, Shanahan, Gruden, Cowher, Dungy, Laundry and a bunch of other big name coaches) all had down years during their tenures –

Why is Andy Reid not permitted a down year? Why is it absolutley inexcusable for Reid to have a season where he doesn’t win 10/11 games and qualify for the playoffs?

Your right – its the drivers fault – but every race car driver has had an accident – they get in the back up car and go – every coach has had bad years – Gruden was horrid his last year in TB yet people seem to want him here?

November 28, 2011 4:34 pm

Drummer, you claim to be so happy and sitting pretty, but dude, based on your ranting, you’re not so happy right now…. you actually sound pretty darn manic to me…

November 28, 2011 4:35 pm

Really drummer – are you that much of a dumb ass that you are actually gloating the team – my team – the team I drink cool aid for – is sucking – that makes you ‘cool’ or ‘smart’ or ‘clever’ HEY ASSHOLE – THE EAGLES SUCK – this isn’t funny – or cute – or a reason to brag – its sad – you need to get over yourself – you clearly are as fuckin stupid as I thought you were you piece of shit – you actually seem to be happy about this? Really – you are happy the eagles got clobbered – you feel better you get to blame someone – that’s just idiotic

November 28, 2011 4:39 pm

And to emphasis the point – I don’t give a shit who the coach is, the players are, the owners are or whatever else – I care about the EAGLES – that’s you and your little group of fairy friends that sit around trying to convince yourself you are really eagles fans and then gloat that ‘I correctly predicted the eagles would get killed’ – really – what the fuck is the differecne between you and a giants or cowboys fan this year?

November 28, 2011 4:41 pm

Please refer to me as “Mr. Nuance.” Thank you!


November 28, 2011 4:42 pm

From the minds of plants . . . on and on they go!

Watch em go mindlessly about their business. I find it quite entertaining.

November 28, 2011 4:44 pm

See, if you guys were smart like me, you wouldn’t even read my posts. I don’t read yours. If I happen to see my name mentioned, I just respond with some smart-ass quip like you silly ass jerks normally do.


November 28, 2011 4:48 pm

Drummer – aka – Mr Nuance – your quips are neither funny nor are they smart ass – you are just an asshole – that simple – glad the eagles are sucking to make your day better –

November 28, 2011 4:53 pm

I like this from Ray Didinger:

They played well against the New York Giants and melted down against the Patriots. The game plan was mystifying and the play-calling was hapless. Sometimes you get the feeling the Eagles coaches are working with crayons while everyone else is painting with oils.

November 28, 2011 4:54 pm

Angry little boys!!

November 28, 2011 4:54 pm

I’ll say it once more. Hopefully, you’ll grasp this.


November 28, 2011 4:55 pm

ha drummer the coward – posts a legit opinion – reads a legit response (or two) – hides behind jokes and not caring.

What are you 10?