• March 10, 2025

ESPN And Rest Of The National Media Need To Butt Out

Every time there is a Philadelphia Sports debate involving the fans and management of one of the city’s teams, ESPN needs to come in and tell us how we should act. Yo ESPN! Enough! Brett Favre just farted, go stand on his lawn for two months and cover that, in the mean time we will deal with our own problems.

For years every time Donovan McNabb completed a pass it seemed the national commentators would bust out the B-Roll of the creepy shoulder pad, face painted guy booing McNabb at the draft and use it against Eagles fans “Can you believe they booed him?” Well, national guys, I am going to give you a taste of your own medicine. Didn’t you tell us “barbaric Eagles fans” how stupid we were for wanting to move on from Donovan McNabb?

In 2009 Chris Berman literally wagged his finger and told Philadelphia Eagles fans they will “rue the day” Donovan McNabb is no longer an Eagle. Two years after Berman informed Eagles fans how ungrateful they are on Sport Center’s the “Blitz” McNabb reminds Eagles fans more of an occupy Wall Street protester than a NFL quarterback, he’s jobless, whines too much, and stinks. If Philadelphia fans are always chasing players and coaches out of Philly, the national media refuses to let them leave here.

Look, we get it Andy Reid made 5 NFC Championship games, but national guys YOU NEED TO GET THIS; He only won one of them! He hasn’t won a playoff game since 2008 when Jim Johnson was still the defensive coordinator, not one of his draft picks from the last two draft classes could start on another NFL team. He spent big bucks on free agents that do not fit the team’s scheme. He hired a defensive line coach who tells his defensive coordinator what to do, the only thing the wide nine did besides giving opposing running backs great fantasy football numbers was get Jason Babin an un-deserved Pro Bowl selection.

Ok, I just laid it out to you national guys, why we want him gone—best part is…I AM NOT DONE! On top of all I just mentioned, Andy Reid is an arrogant dude.  We constantly hear on Sports Center how Professional Football is an entertainment business, well ESPN, the customers want to be entertained, and we are not. The team has won one home game in the past YEAR! That’s 1-8 in the last nine home games.

The average upper level seat is around 70 bucks, which translates to around $630 bucks per ticket for ONE win and EIGHT losses. So after, ONE win and EIGHT losses do you think what the fans who paid a minimum of $630 to the Philadelphia Eagles to watch those games live want to hear from their team’s coach simply say “I need to do a better job?”

So with all due respect to Berman, Mort, Gruden, Wilbon, before you tell us how wrong we are to be angry with Andy Reid, go back to working blue collared salary jobs pay $630 bucks to the Eagles, go sit in the cold and watch the team win one game out of ten, then and only then can you offer an opinion on how right or wrong the fans of Philadelphia, thank you…Times Yours. Eagles fans remember this during the holiday season as you are out and about, every time a bell rings, a national commentator defends Andy Reid.

Jerry Brennan

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December 6, 2011 9:05 am

Jerry….GREAT ARTICLE!!!! Very well stated. We have more knowledge about our professional sports teams than most fans of sports throughout the country. 1-5 in championship games. 7-19 from 2000-2009 against teams with 11+ wins. Can’t beat elite teams. has not won a playoff game since JJ passed away. Only outstanding defensive players he ever had were drafted or brought in by Ray Rhoades. NO! Trent Cole is NOT outstanding. He is the poster boy for this defense. Over rated, disconnected, soft, no leadership ability and disappears in the clutch. I look forward to 2013 when he is gone. Reid must go. We have the SEVENTH pick in the draft right now. He will destroy this golden opportunity costing us several more years. He will use that pick on a Corey Simon. He will refuse to give anything away to move up a few spots to draft a DeMarcus Ware or an Ed Reed because he knows everything. He will stick with Allen and Jarrett at safety and not even address the position in the off-season because HE drafted them with SECOND ROUND picks and must prove he is right while our defense continues to stink. He will draft around the MIKE position because he thinks he has his guy in a mediocre not too bright seventh round pick! Andy, there is a reason the fastest LB at the combine nearly wasn’t drafted. THINK YOU FAT ASS!! He continue to ruin our future while we sit in perpetual limbo. And God forbid, our talented offense catches lightning in a bottle and the schedule breaks the right way and we start 6-2 next year. The idiots upstairs will jump up and pat themselves on the back and give him a three year extension!! Then what?? We finish 10-6 and lose in the first round of the playoffs again. That’s what. And on and on it will go for five more years. PLEASE!! Take us out of our misery Joe And Jeff. We would rather risk being bad at this point than being eternally not good enough.

December 6, 2011 9:22 am

I don’t know about “Rue-ing” the day McNabb was gone but do you REALLY think we’re better without him? Vick, Young, Kafka? Yeah we’ve had a few flashes but aren’t they EXACTLY who we thought they were??? The wrong guy went… Andy’s time has been up… All they ever had to do was run the darn ball more, let McNabb protect the ball, make a few throws, play tough D like we used to and we would have had one or more rings… Stubborn passaholic addictions killed us… Now it’s all over… A new coach 3 or 4 years ago with that philosophy… Wow…

December 6, 2011 9:30 am

I agree that National Media makes a little too much about everything, but many in the Eagles Organization (from Pres/GM and many of the Players) have brought on more scrutiny onto themselves by saying some stupid things like
“Dream Team”, “No Defense can Stop Us , The McCoy/Umenyura Spat on Tweeter , D-Jax holdout and subsequent disapearring act, Avant’s Comment about the Fans s, etc,etc,,, This Team was so full of itself that it deserved some knocking down in my opinion…It’s just a shame they couldn’t prove any of this on the acutal Football Field..

And thinking about the 2012 Season already.. WHo thinks the Eagles are going to win more that 6-8 Games, I don’t

4 Games vs Saints,Falcons,Panthers, TB Bucs (1-3 maybe)
4 Games vs Steerls,Ravens,Bengals,Browns (1-3 or maybe 2-2)
2 Games versus bottom feeders from NFC North/West (1-1)
6 Games vs NFC East Division (which may be weakest in the NFL (3-3)

I see a 7-9 maybe 8-8 Record coming no matter who the HC is next Season with this current Core of Players.. We will finally see real change after the 2012 Seasons comes and goes but it will be a rough 12-14 Months for Eagle Fans I am afraid in the meantime and even for the next few Seasons..

December 6, 2011 10:28 am

jbird – no – bleacher report did a study of fans and sports knowledge and sadly eagles fans fall near the bottom – they did very well in the obnoxious category –

all a national sports writer would have to do is come on this site and look at half the garbage that gets posted to clearly see this fact – kind of like if an alien came down and watched Jerry Springer, Muary Povich and Jersey shore/housewives –

but thank you for so clearly articulating Eagle fans are angry and frustrated – I for one am glad that someone other then the school girls angry they got a cum stain on there prom dress aren’t running the show – why have people who have a dispassionate interest make comments – you must be deeply emotionally invested – tempers must be flaring – apparently this author is ONLY entertained if the eagles win – and sure he ‘gets’ it 5 NFCC games wow – (quick – list the number of head coaches in the HISTORY of the NFL that have been to 5 NFCC games – maybe – just maybe about 20/25 –

just say what you really mean – SOMEONE NEEDS TO PAY – someone needs to be made responsible for the fact the eagles have not won a championship since 1960, and we want our lynching NOW – our vitrol, venom, ‘passion’ and everything else must be directed at someone –

Remember that this holiday season – remember to think of all the things you do not have, how life has not given you what you think you deserve, how the man that brought this organization the most respect is now being treated like an idiot, a buffoon, a moron, becuase ‘gasp’ he hasn’t won the Super Bowl –

December 6, 2011 11:06 am

Bleacher report did a study??? LOL
GREAT OPEN NAVY EAGLE! Andy Reid is the sole reason the Eagles are 4-8 he pivked the coaches/players, all coaches run their course with a team, Reids time is over if you cant see that you must have impaired vision/hearing

December 6, 2011 11:12 am

Another dumb ass article!

December 6, 2011 11:17 am

wassssususususppppp yes they did – I like someof there stuff – very entertaining – But thank you WASSSUP for confirming exactly what I have been saying – that Reid is soley responsible for the 9 playoff appearances, the 6 division championships, the 5 NFCC and 1 super bowl appearnace the couple times coach of the year, and one of the best winning percentages of any active coach – appreciate the support – as you are right – Reid is SOLEY responsible – he took a 3-13 team and went on one hell of a run –

now, the great debate is, is that run over – the national media seems to think NO, that Reid shoul dget one more year, the fans on this site are screaming ‘yes’ – despite many moronic implications, I stated earlier this season that if the Eagles did not qualify for the playoffs, it would be time for a change……

There Will Be PaulMan
There Will Be PaulMan
December 6, 2011 11:35 am

Navy, you have official blown PaulMan out of the number one most annoying member posting on this site spot. You coach a little league team and arrogantly feel that qualifies you to tell upset Eagles fans that their feelings about the current team are invalid.

You can take your random unqualified study that proves nothing about the knowledge of NFL fans and shove it. Seriously, any person can develop any study to prove exactly what they perceive to be correct. In your case the “study” confirms your bias that everyone is dumb exceptt for you, so you use it as fact…. Nice work!

The national sports media is a joke, but you basing your opinion of an extremely large group of Philly fans off of a couple sensationalistic internet posters is even more of a joke.

Now, if you can stop thinking about high school aged girls covered in cum for a minute (total perv), Eagles fans have every right to call for someone to be held accountable within the organization. The head coach has made serious blunders with clock management, challenges, coaching hires, drafting, red-zone problems, play calls etc… for well over three years now; it all results in one win at home in a calendar year. This is not a hiccup, it is an obvious trend created by a head coach refusing to adapt.

Sure, Eagles fans want a SB. What team has fans that don’t want a championship? But, the frustration from Eagles fans regarding AR have little to do with the lack of a SB, and more to due with complete incompetence shown in almost every aspect of the game.

December 6, 2011 12:14 pm

My biggest beef with Philly SPorts fans is that many of them don’t do their homework and are not very knowledgeable about their other teams in the NFL
(Same with the other Teams) .. Many fans are super knowledgeable about their home teams and are very pasionate about it, but many have no clue or care about their competitors and or what going on around the League..
Also Eagle and Philly fans have a tendancy to “Overrate” and Over-state their players talents and skills but that is pretty normal for fans to be biased..
and typically, the less knowledge the fans are about other teams and players , the more they will overrate their Eagle players.. but that is expected I guess since that’s all they know or see, watch & follow..

December 6, 2011 12:25 pm

sounds to me paulman you just have a problem with fans

December 6, 2011 12:30 pm

The run was over 3 Seasons ago when they recieved back to back spankings by the Cowboys at the end of the 2009 Season.. In my opinion, the Team,Coaching Staff and the enire Franchise lost it’s swagger at that moment and hasn”t been the same since those embarrasments… I admit Vick gave Eagle fans a flicker of hope for a stretch last year, but it was strictly short term and not sustainable, If Kolb played all Season last year, does anyone think the Eagles even win 8-9 Games… I don’t..
So the Rebuilding phase continues and it won’t be comeplete in my opinion until a real phisophy change occurs and this won’t happen until Coach AR is gone and then a makeover of 1/2 the Roster needs to occur for this Roster is built for the dink & dunk, deep routes and finesse which last time I watched the NFL, doesn’t win you Championships..

December 6, 2011 12:50 pm

More with the ignorance of “fans” in general Jake and I don’t have any problems with any specific group of fans whether it’s the Eagles,Phils,Flyers,or any other City fan’s.. It probably more prevelant in Philly since many people are generally more Cynical in Philly than other Regions of the Country and probably for good reason since they have been let down so often by their Sport Teams.. See all Football teams have Talent and strength’s & weakness’s and it really comes down to the Coaching and Match-ups that work in your teams favor more often than your Opponents and this is where Coach AR and Staff are deficient and always have been and will always be in my eyes.. but when you look over the course of the last coupld of Seasons, How many times have we seen Coach AR outcoached but novice Coaches like Vikings Leslie Frazer, The Cardinals & Seahawk Coaches , Wade Phillips from the Cowboys for God’s Sake..and on and on..

December 6, 2011 1:02 pm

I have zero disagreement Pman – with anythng you wrote in the last two postings – I am glad you recognize that just firing Reid is not going to be the end all be all solution –

December 6, 2011 1:19 pm

There will be Paulman – bite me loser – I coached football up into the college ranks and was actually offered a job as a line coahc at a Div II school – and again – just to show how ignorant the typical eagle fan is – Little League is BASEBALL – football is either Pop Warer or AYF – I played Division I football and now I ref – when was the last time you (or anyone else on this site) actually walked onto a football field in some capacity? When was the last time you went to a coaching clinic or seminar – reviewed film – hell – even studied the rules – yeah – didn’t think so – Being a bitch and being smart are not the same thing – being passionate is not an excuse to make up BULLSHIT facts and stories – living outside of Philly – trust me – no one else in the US thinks Philly fans are smart or filled with passion – they think they are assholes and sore losers (boy, wonder where they EVER got that impression!)

December 6, 2011 1:36 pm

This site gets to be less and less fun every day. Why does everything always get so personal in here. This ain’t politics are religion.

December 6, 2011 1:37 pm

I went to 3 ASU games this Season Navy if that counts for anything… I also dated and slept with a back-up Cheerleader for Rutgers when I was in COllege 25 years ago… but back on topic, I am singing the same tune that I have for the last 3 Years, Coach AR and his Schemes have become Stale and Predictable, he and his staff are not good enough or prepared enough to make real-game-time, play by play adjustments during a Football Game while the game is unfolfing.. Almost similar to a “Fog Of War” concept for what Military personnel often go thru, Coach AR’s goes thru what I will now call (“Coaching in a Fog”) .. He gets confused too easilty, doesn’t anticipate situations well enough, isn’t thinking ahead enough and is simply stuck in the moment of Coaching play by play and the Good to Great Head Coaches are always a couple plays ahead of their opponents, but this is not Coach AR, never has been and never will be….

December 6, 2011 1:48 pm

wow, paulman you now have followers, and to every gcobb poster, lest you ever forget, yes, There Will Be Mailman, There Will Be Paulman………

December 6, 2011 1:51 pm

Did you make it onto the field PMAN – that’s what counts – onto the field – if you did the cheerleader between the side lines and end lines – then it counts –

again – if he doesn’t make the playoffs, then he needs to move on

December 6, 2011 1:56 pm

Paulman and Navy…you both make good points. Navy I don’t think I sounded like someone who wants a lynching. Here is where I am. There are 31 losers and only one winner in this league. I know that we are always going to be a member of the 31 losers as long as this particular person is the coach. Reid is not an awful coach. Neither was Marv Levy, Marty Shottenheimer, Bud Grant, Dan Reeves, etc, etc. I just know that for whatever reason this guy cannot get us over the hump. I know that as G Cobb so eloquently pointed out he “has a blind spot for defense.” I know that he has clearly decided in many situations where the conventional strategy would be to run the ball, he has chosen not to. I know that he has chosen not to run the ball with QBs that were not capable of passing 75% of the downs. Some guys can do it (Brady/Brees/Manning/Rodgers). Others (Vick/McNabb) can’t. I bet if Reid got fired and went out to San Diego he might actually win a SB with Phillip Rivers. Its not happening here with Vick unless he tweaked his philosophy and clearly he has no intention of doing that. And there is no arguing the horror that has been the last two drafts. And if you look at Reid’s track record, given “one more chance” with a very good draft position, he will most likely make bad choices again. Navy you said yourself, “no playoffs. time to go.” So I don’t understand the point in defending Reid when you already stated yourself its time to go. I appreciate his accomplishments. And Yes I do want to win the SB. I think after 51 years and given Pittsburgh has won like 19, we deserve that just once. And I don’t think that is an unrealistic and unappreciative expectation from any of us. Since Reid has been here 9/32 of the league has won one. Is it way too much to be ask that we part of a what a quarter of the league has had. Its not like this is the NBA and only two or three team per decade get one. Especially not in this modern age. We have every right to that expectation and it is not at all ungrateful or unreasonable.

December 6, 2011 1:58 pm

Sorry Bugs,
I tend to keep away from the personal stuff myself, but this site is beginning to stink because or favorite Team Stinks this Year and some are taking their Fan Frustrations out on each other.. I for one, enjoy busting balls with the best of them, but not in a personal,mean,divisive tone or manner, at least I hope I don’t and I do apologize ,if I have offended anyone including Schiller (ha) but no more bad vibes for fellow fans and posters, I will save that for the Eagles Organization Front Office, Coaching Staff and many of it’s Players by not spending $$$ on any Eagle Merchandise this Christmas Season like I have always done.. I will now have to probably buy my Son a #2 (Cam Newton) Panther Jersey.. but can you blame him,, Newton is fun to wach and so far along in his Rookie Season that it’s kind of unbelievable to imagine how good he can be with more work, improvements over the next 2-3 Seasons as he gets more NFL Experience and solid Coaching.. He’s been a Stud and everything I thought he would be and much more so.. There is 1 very improtant trait that I saw in him during the Draft Process and that’s his e self-motivation and drive that he want’s and expects to be the very best.. He is not satisfied just about making the NFL, Making a good living or being a good NFL QB, no he wants and expects to be the best,, Call it cocky, call it whatever you want, but the guy works his ass off to improve and in a lot of ways reminds me sort of like M Vick but Newton has the size and strength of a Big Ben Type.. The amazing think to me as I have watched him is how well he reads coverages for just being a rookie and he will only get better and better.. I stated that when he was drafted that I compared him to a young D McNabb/DCulpeper but that he was a lot more advanced in the art of playing QB and so far my analysis of him has been pretty spot on and he is even more advanced than most NFL Observors would have guessed… I really think the Panthers will be in the running for a Wild-Card Spot next Season.. (even with Sean McDermott as their Def/Coordinator)

December 6, 2011 2:02 pm

He is fun to watch. Dude wants to win so bad and he has all the tools. There is so amazing QB play this season with Rodgers, Brees and Brady. Then you have Newton and the enigma that is Tebow. Fun stories this year. Too bad one of them is not about the Eagles.

Great post Jbird.Couldn’t have said it better.

December 6, 2011 2:09 pm

Thanks Bugsy.

December 6, 2011 2:10 pm

Jbird – sorry if I lumped you into the ‘lynch’ mob.

Again – I am not defending Reid in the here and now – as I said before – if you posted Stalin was a good Catholic – I would post back – no Communists are atheists – if you posted Obama is a shitty dad – I woil dpost back, he seems to be a very caring dad to me – I am not defending Stalin – he killed millions – and I don’t care for Obama –

What I am posting about is the current need from many to go back and re-write history – I am not defending Reid, I am setting the record straight – if yo want Reid gone becuase you don’t think he can get the ring – then go for it – but don’t go back and make crap up like – Reids success was based upon the holdover Rhodes Players and Tom Modrack drafted all those good players Reid didn’t, and in 13 years Reid never balnced the pass to run – or the eagles have always had problems in the red zone, Reid is bad with the challenge flag – these things are not true – and they exaggerations people make up becuase of the need to inflict their rage and anger onto Reid –
fair is fair – you want to place all of the blame at Reids feet now – then he gets all the credit when things were good – then don’t come on here after you beat up on Reid about all his faults and failings and then glorify Buddy Ryan –

don’t make up a list of traits that Reid has that are bad and then say if we get a new coach it will change – I do not know a non arrogant NFL head coach – only one coach (ryan NYJ) does anything other then boring ass interviews – EVERY coach is going to move players around, EVERY coach is going to think he is smarter then every one else, EVERY coach is going to expect a multi-million dollar CB to be able to cover in zone and man – EVERY coach is going to have to call timeouts when they don’t want to – EVERY coach

so again – there is no defense of Reid for this season – it is all on him – and for that, I am ready for a change – the national media is saying he shoul dget one more year – I have no say or no control –

December 6, 2011 2:23 pm

Paulman….Do you think there is any chance Reid returns AND they let him keep Juan?? If that happens, I hate to say I just really can’t watch next year. ’98 was the only time I ever just completely turned my back on them and did not watch. But I will have to do it again. My soul just can’t take it at that point.

My thinking is they will make Juan and D Jack the fall guys. Assante will go to for his mouth and lack of chemistry with his new $12 M teammate and his salary which he has not earned this year. Then they will bring in a “name” D coordinator and try to make a big “splash” in FA and the draft

December 6, 2011 2:49 pm

Navy….I always enjoy debating with you and your posts. I think we generally agree on this Reid issue. I would contend that his talent evaluation is pretty shitty though and that he has been worse than the average “good” GM in that area. The last two drafts have just been a nightmare. Graham sucks. Nate Allen sucks. Teo was a frigging joke where they screwed up badly by trading down. I actually wanted Sean Lee AND Spencer and they traded out of both of them to the benefit of Dallas of all teams! Clayton, Lindley, Harbor. None of them can play in this league. Coleman and Chaney were the only decent picks and they can barely play. They are really good back up/ST type players. This year is not fair to evaluate yet but it doesn’t look too good. If Kelce is a servicable starter for the next five years and Watkins is a marginal PB type of player then I will be satisfied with it because we would have fixed the O line. Deon Lewis has been a real disappointment since pre-season. Mathews I saw that coming and hated the pick. Runt of the litter is what he is. And I think that Matt McCoy was the last time I saw a second rounder as unimpressive as Jarrett. He is worse than Trevor Laws was as a rookie. I think Marsh has potential down the road with GOOD coaching. You know no one ever talks about what bad defensive back coach we hired. Johnny Lynn ia a LOSER. And I am really about as tired of our WR coach as I was of Rorey Seagrest. He has done nothing to improve the finer points of these players’ games. Their route running and reads suck not to mention their drop issues. I know drops aren’t coaching but just saying.

December 6, 2011 3:04 pm

Navy….Regarding Buddy Ryan. With the possible exception of Dick Lebeau, he was the greatest defensive coordinator of all time and a terrific talent evaluator. As a head coach…..well….they were fun to watch. But his complete ineptitude with putting together an O line or fixing his kicking game was just as infuriating at the time as Reid’s defensive reatardation. And, when the time came, I have to say I was ready to say Goodbye. But I will always romanticize Buddy because I was a young man in my late teens/early twenties then and it was just a good time in general in my life. Plus he was lots of FUN!! The sound bites, the laterals, the Randall exploits, the fake kicks, the tough as hell attitude. You felt like you were part of something really great because it was one for all. He loved the players and he loved us. And he brought us out of nearly a decade of irrelevance and gave us one hell of a roller coaster ride! We just ended up throwing up at the end and didn’t have a playoff win to show for it.

December 6, 2011 3:50 pm

jb – nothing in those two posts to argue or debate – I think you are correct – I am not as down on the last two drafts as most (always must wait 3 years) but that is like complaining about the amount of lead in the bullet that just hit you – we will have to see what happens this off season it could be very long and very painful – question if the team brings Reid back – you bail or stay on the ride?

December 6, 2011 4:05 pm

Navy….I can never truly bail on the Eagles but I can turn my back on them the way you must do with a junkie child that keeps taking from you. Its hard but has to be done. I can’t watch Reid and Castillo again. But if they get a good defensive coordinator, get rid of D Jack and make an effort to improve through the draft and FA I will see how it turns out by watching the games. Then I will call for Reid’s head for the final time at this time next year if he fails to make the playoffs again.

December 6, 2011 4:34 pm

junkie child – that’s too funny – I understand – you kind of get a little busier, have a little somethng more to do —- try getting into ref ing – money isn’t bad (so the signifigant other leaves you alone) – you get to run around a couple hours every weekend – stay involved in the game…..

December 6, 2011 7:36 pm

Dumb article…yojoe and TWBP, good stuff guys, I agree.

December 6, 2011 8:00 pm

To Jbirf,
I think Coach AR is back for 2012 ,unless they play these last 4 games like the did the last 2 games which had no emotion, no real game plan to even be competitive and where 1/2 the Team and it’s Coaches seemed to have mail it in… With Vick & Maclin back, maybe they get generate some Offense and score some points early and use the 4 game season as a reallying cry to spoil other teams Playoff Chances like the JEts & Cowboys.. If the play hard and win a couple down the Stretch then I think there is little doubt that Coach AR returns in 2012 with his staff.. I do believe Castillo will get demoted to LB position Coach and they will bring in a New DC.. I also think Def Secondary Coach Johnny Lynne gets fired (I didn;t like th ehire to begin with)
I also would not be surprised to see MM leave onhis own and tak ea Job with Penn State and I can see Coach Ar eleveating DOug Pederson as O/C, or in fact, Coach AR calling the plays himself unless he can hire a Mikle SHerman who they are buddies with from the old PAcker’s days.. Sherman was just fired from the Texas A&M HC positoin but has a $5 Million Payout so he may not jump right back into Coaching right away but SHerman is an excellent Offensive Game planner .. Not much of HC, but would make a good O/Coord
I believe and have stated numerrous times that Coach Ar and QB Vick are tied to the hip thru at least 2012.. If Coach Ar and Eagles fail to perform in 2012, then it’s clean house time, but not until them (unless Coach Ar shows over these last 4 games that he;s lost complete control of the team and the lockerroom which is a possibility)

December 6, 2011 8:03 pm

i liked it

December 6, 2011 8:24 pm

Sure Snookie you and RTbag liked it – group grope – that’s what you guys like – nothing fact based, nothing real, just made up bullshit becuase you can’t handle your life’s frustrations – boo hoo someone told me my feelings weren’t valid – I have a right – sure – 100% of what the guy wrote was wrong – but hey – don’t let that stop you

December 6, 2011 8:54 pm

So navy – I haven’t read all of your posts nor do I plan to but, seeing you reference bleacher report as an authoritative source which supports your position that Philadelphia fans are unknowledgeable, I was wondering if you read the post on bleacher report regarding Reid’s pathetic and abysmal record, which excludes this seasons debacle, against winning teams?

Knowing that you so often support Reid as being a very good coach by referencing his win/loss record and the significant number of playoff appearances as proof that he is a good coach, I thought you probably missed the facts highlighted in the bleacher report post “Andy Reid’s Regular-Season Record Is Not as Good as Everyone Thinks”. It’s quite revealing and provides support for all the moronic Eagles fans on this site as well as other places which have been stating for years that Reid can’t beat good teams.

December 6, 2011 11:37 pm

MTC – I can’t tell if you are being sarcastic or just not sure how to approach me, so thinking you are asking me honestly – yes I read that report on Reid and yes, if you ever read my posts you would know I take that thought into account – as for bleacher report – I did not quote it as ‘an authoritative source’ – please do not exaggerate, why the constant need to exaggerate – I quoted it as a source, an outside point of view – a rarity on this blog – most people (like you just did – admitting you did NOT read then commenting on what you did not read) just pull shit from there ass – such as in the first blogger) jbird – who I happen to like – comments (based on WHAT) that Philly has more knowledge aboput its professional sports team – did you challenege that – did you get on your soap box about that? I also base it on the fact that during my time in the Navy I have lived all over this great land of ours, and becuase of that I frequently need to go to sports bars to watch Eagles games – during those interactions with fans from other teams – a common critique if you will – a human sampling – is that Eagle fans are – what is the word I am looking for – uncouth idiots? The whole jail in the Vet, booing Santa – cheering injuries, fights in the stands… Hard to get out of the little world of Philly but Philadelphia as a city is not thought of very well ( that parking wars show does not help) and thenational media – typical comment is somethng along the lines of – would eat their young – don’t need much reason to boo – passionate is not intelligent (that was on ESPN radio the other night)

As I wrote – I did read the report – had you read my posts – which you did not – you would have noted that on many occasions I have pointed out the falling off of Reid in the 2nd half of his tenure – have you noted that – you would also have noted that I have been VERY clear my position on the team this year (they suck), and that I hold the ENTIRE team, every player and coach responsible – it is the ultimate team sport.

as for Andy Reid regular season record – it is what it is – what you are trying to do is parce it, change it, modify it, cut it down, cheapen it – if you win 100 games – you win 100 games – saying you won 100 games against good teams, bad teams, mediocre teams is bullshit – the eagles do not set the sked, the NFL does – as I said – I do not know how a guy can win as many games as Reid has, go to 5 NFCC games and not have beaten good teams – as someone else pointed out earlier today – Akers makes two FGs (but lets blame Reid) and the Packers go home early last year – good teams bad teams, who the hell cares, do you feel better if we are 11-5 and in the playoffs and lost to good teams or 11-5 and lost to bad team?

Thank you for noting I beleive Reid is a very good coach – he is – not elite, not hall of fame, not top tier, just very good, but I am of the opinion it is time to move on – but see I can say that with no ill will, no malice, no need to hate. I do not feel that he or the eagles have ‘wronged’ me – and if I was unhappy spending 700 dollars to go see a game – I wouldn’t –

Reid has been the most successful coach this organization has had in a long long while – I am curious to see what happens –

let me know if this is what you were looking for

December 7, 2011 12:20 am

Navy I can tell you’re not that intelligent and yet you continuously try to act as if you are. Maybe you’ll actually come to the conclusion sooner or later you don’t have any originality to you whatsoever. You regurgitate everything you read. I would expect nothing less from a sycophant. You’d get destroyed in a debate and well, I just won’t even go there.

December 7, 2011 2:32 am

RTB – wow – no originality – that hurts me. Cuts me to the core. To come to GCOBB and be accused of reading! Talk about a failure of academics – how dare you enter a debate or an argument and ‘gasp’ recite material you have read. Your right – I would get destroyed. I just don’t know how I can compete with such intellectual firepower – how dare I even try – but try I will – here goes

I may not be smart but I realize when someone is studying for their SATs –

sycophant – A servile self-seeker who attempts to win favor by flattering influential people. – lets break this definition down shall we! I think you may actaully be able to be more wrong then songs in one post!

so Mr smarty pants let’s see –
servile means submissive – wait – I have been defined as a bragger, a know it all, someone who thinks he is smarter then he is – and you just described me as trying to act smarter then i am – nope – doesn’t quite jibe with submissive –

self seeking – Pursuing only one’s own ends or interests – wow – what is my end or interest – have I somehow given the impression that my goal is not for the eagles to be the best – have I cheered against them, predicted them to lose – cursed them, hated on them, bashed them, put them down – noooo – that would be you my friend – so which one of us is trying to serve their own interests?

who am I trying to win favor with? Are you delusional enough to think anyone that really matters reads this – win favor – I think I rather go out of my way to piss people off? But hey – don’t let the truth get in your way – lets continue

and the last part is with influential people……. um……. wow – is there anyone on this site influential?

dude – really – you have the temarity to calll someone else a word you don’t even use correctly and then mock there intelligence…..

I am sooooo glad you pointed out just how NOT smart I am – hey quick question – what colleges did you graduate from and with what degrees – yes, please note the plural, as I expect to read great things about how you are an Ivy league grad with like a law degree – because before I told someone they generally weren’t smart, especially someone that brag, I would not pick the guy that graduated from the Naval Academy with and Engineering degree or has a Master in Operations Research from Monterey – and before I get accused of bragging – just remember my ‘peer’ group – the guys I habg with and kids go to school with – well about 75 percent are fromer military like myself, many graduate from Navy – a few from ND, Cal, etc and almost all picked up at least one Master (I did not go to war college – many did)

thanks for the easy entertainment – try again tommorrow

December 7, 2011 3:22 am

Navy, DAAAMN!!! Best comeback ever! BWAHAHAHA!!! I can call you a lot of things, but not intelligent, is not one of them. LMFBO!

December 7, 2011 6:57 am

The Eagles made the playoffs last year.

So with a playoff team you add some pro bowlers. You should do better.

The Eagles got worst.

The biggest reason is not the personel, but the addition of Juan as defensive coordinator.

Andy made that bold move. It was unprecidented for a reason.It was stupid.

The team and the city has suffered for it. Andy has to take responsibility and resign.

It’s not complicated. Shady is better than ever, but from the first preseason game Vick had every right to be jumpy with that horrible offensive line. The offensive line is playing better now, but it was Andy Reid who had nobody protecting Vick’s blind side for about 2 months.

It begins and ends with Andy Reid. He has been given more than a fair amount of time to bring philadelphia a championship.

The philadelphia fan is not paid to be educated. But the Eagles are paid by the fans to win. We have begged Andy to bring balance to his play calling and he has thumbed his superior all knowing nose at us. He only uses running QBs because they have to run to survive.

It’s ironic that in his final season as coach, he would have the leading rushers. What a loser.

Let Dick Vermeil come back for a couple of seasons, stabilize the organization and groom the next head coach.

December 7, 2011 7:08 am

I think the Eagles OL has pass-protected pretty well this year.. They still struggle in the Red-Zone nad SHort-yardage because of CoacH AR doens’t Value tough physical football
In VY 3 Games, how many hits did he take, not many.. WHy does VIck seem to get hit so often, I say 1/2 the time he runs out of the Pocket too early or even runs into the Pass Rushers instead of sliding up in the pocket to deliver the ball.. many of these hits I see Vick taking are his own fault…
Everyone knew going into the Season that the Eagles Offense would have to carry this team and especially the first 6-8 Weekls and bottom line, QB Vick displayed very little how he played last Seasons nad reverted to his Atlanta Falcons days which is inconsistent play, inaccurate passes and turnover city… I fault QB Vick as much as Coach AR and anyone else for this Seasons disaster.. Let’s see how he plays the final 4 Games, it he can finish well and develop some confidence and get his mojo back, then maybe just chalk this as a bad Season for the everyone (outside of McCoy), but if VIck struggles over these last 4 games (Which I expect) then the Eagles have a lot more issues than just their Defense and Juan Castillo in my book…

December 7, 2011 9:47 am

100% correct paulman , if Vick played even close to expectations the eagles would be pushing for the playoffs, the quarterback play of the eagles bottom third, in this NFL you can’t win with a bad quarterback.

December 7, 2011 10:24 am

but I get back to those expectations which were faulty to begin with..
Anyone who thinks Vick will play like he did in that 5-6 Week window last Oct/November is fooling themselves.. He is playing pretty close to how he has over his entrie Career which is up & down with big plays, lots of turnoves and negative plays.. To hope that he’s ‘arrived’ as an elite QB is fooling oneself..He is what he is.. about a .500 QB..

December 7, 2011 3:21 pm

Navy you wasted your breathe. I love getting you fired up to write a long come back because I never read them. If it gives you a release congrats. You’re still a fucking moron.

December 7, 2011 4:11 pm

RTbag – you are a waste of breath – but I enjoy the fact everyone else reads them and getting to show everyone what a moron you are! Cheers!

December 7, 2011 6:08 pm

Navy great come back. Did you figure out who Herbert “Corly” is yet? Get out of here you fuckhead. You’re an ignoramus and a fucking blowhard.

December 7, 2011 6:19 pm

Tea bag – you know you read it you little bitch – you read and it got way up under your skin – pissing you off that you got your whole argument dumped on its head – oh fuckhead – wow – snappy – clearly i am seeing the much more hostile tea bag – yeah – that long one got right up under your skin – I am guessing a non-college grad – its oK – that’s what night school is for – come on tea bag – what you got next – ooooh lil tea bag all fired up – thanks for making the end of my day fun – come on, give me your best shot – come on litlle boy – come on –

December 7, 2011 7:59 pm

No i actually didn’t read it because it was way to long, and i don’t give morons the time of day. keep them short and sweet. so it was about college? no i don’t have any college experience. i have life experience. i’m going to be 56 and i’m a proud conservative American because I escaped communist Russia. You want everyone to bow down to you because you went to college? i don’t understand? i guarantee i’m more well versed on history than you are. now get of here you fuckhead

December 7, 2011 8:16 pm

good for you run, my grandfather, my namesake escaped Russia during the conflict between the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks , who my mother called the red asses v. White asses the Russian people, my grandfather, were a very tough lot, and he died a an American, and a conservative with no means, no car, no home, a renter, but fiercely American, and strong

December 7, 2011 8:37 pm

Waste of web space. Dude you’re an idiot and it’s not because I agree with ESPN.(I don’t actually) Did you feel good about getting one last swipe in at McNabb punk? If Mcnabb stinks so do the rest of the QBs in the NFL check it out:

Vick 3,018
McNabb 3,377 (with the skins…minus 3 games started by the Great Rex Ryan…lol)
Brady 3,900 (for $hits and giggles)

Kolb 1,953 (will he really double his stats in the next 3 or 4 games…really?)
Brady 3,916 (for $hits and giggles)

As far as Andy Reid you can make a case either way. I really don’t care. If the Eagles get a real GM…problem solved. Tom Modrak is available. If Lurie is serious about winning a championship or two before he kicks the bucket he’ll learn how to swallow his pride and quickly.