The most overrated day of the year has arrived. Ahh, that’s right, pitchers and catchers have officially reported to Clearwater, Florida. It is severely annoying when someone in the beginning of February gives the ‘two weeks ‘til pitchers and catcher report. Who cares. Is it really that important that Roy Halladay and Chooch are warming up their whips after a slightly longer off-season than desired?
The Phils are still 11 days away from playing their first spring training game, which by the way is against the Florida State Seminoles. Don’t hear many people counting down the days until that much-anticipated match up. The regular season for the Phils starts April 5th; tack another four days until Fightins play their home opener. For the non-math majors out there that is seven weeks away.
Perhaps it’s me that does not understand, it’s two out of nine positions, one arguably the most important, one arguably the least important going down to Florida to essentially play catch. I understand people get excited when Eagles training camp opens however people don’t get pumped when ‘rookies and selected veterans’ report, at least not to the extent of pitchers and catchers.
Understandingly so, the Phillies are the city’s sweetheart right, they brought the city it’s first championship in 25 years, make free agent acquisitions and trades like it’s a video game and position themselves to make a deep playoff push pretty much every year. But it’s inappropriate to start following baseball before you can wear shorts, t-shirts and flip-flops on a normal basis.
The reason being Philadelphia has the rare privilege of having four major professional sports teams. One of 12 to be exact. In fact only New York and Boston have had four major professional sports teams longer than Philadelphia, and that of course is because the Bruins and Rangers are two of the original six hockey teams.
The two Philadelphia teams currently active right now, the Flyers and Sixers, are both in the deep thick of a playoff hunt and although both teams seem to being going through a bit of a rough patch are very fun teams to watch.
Hockey is a niche sport and probably always will be even in a great hockey city like Philadelphia. And the Sixers are the city’s little brother that everyone likes to pick on until they do something good. With that being said if your looking forward to Cliff Lee having a catch with some college kid for the next week or so, enjoy yourself, I’ll be watching two fun teams featured in the city of brotherly love playing some meaningful games.
Tim, how can you be so incredibly naive? You’re a sports writer in a fanatical city and you can’t understand how fans COULD be excited about pitchers and catchers reporting to spring training? Furthermore, what was the point of writing this article–what does it matter?
P.S. I am not a writer and my writing is not perfect, but Tim, please proofread your article for mistakes (confusing your and you’re is an example).
Talk about Debbie Downer,
C’mon Tim, relax, the beginning of Baseball Camp is always a time of year that many Phils Fans and Sport Fans get excited about, It marks another fresh start to a new season, and for some marks the beginning on the end of the Winter blues and start of Spring in a few weeks.. Let the fans and followers enjoy it …
It also marks a time when many life-long fans and senior citizens make trips down to CLerwater for warm weather and to get a first hand look and their 2012 Phillie Team whether it’s the well-known Veterans and the yound prospects.. For many, it’s an annual ritual to go down with family and friends to play some golf,go to the beaches and watch your favorite Baseball team..
exactly paulman,and remember paulman, if you build it they will come, oh people will come, they will most definitely come…..
Ugh- tim you nitwit- its a sign on spring. It shows us that its getting warmer. Its right around now that guys like me put the hockey stuff away and started playing catch with my friends out on the lawn. For thie kind of football year we’ve had, its a sighn that a winning franchise is warming up. Football is a war that we love but baseball is a game…. Its light hearted. I’m going to the sixers game out here in MN tonight and in honor of u I may just wear my phillies jersey. Thanks for the negativity.
Tim, you are an idiot! And I thought I was negative. OMG!
What should we get excited over, the miserable Eagles, who just cut our guts out, with probably the most disappointing season in a decade? How about those Flyers who have ZERO chance of winning a cup with Ray Charles & Srevie Wonder in net? OH yeah, lets get excited about the fraudulent Basketball team, that so many got all chunked up over? Pitchers & catchers is the light at the end of the tunnel of a dark winter & a sign of nice weather, half naked babes, the beach & the only team that, IMHO, has a legitimate shot to win in 2012. You, along with this article are epic fails!
dcar,if you are calling somebody negative, that’s about as negative as it gets, Stevie wonder and ray Charles in the nets, classic…
jake, I’m not negative, I’m skeptical. LMFBO!!
Spoken like a true Philadelphian DCar….
I have now moved the Washington Nationals ahead as the team to beat in the NL East with the Phils a close 2nd… think that Utley/Polanco are former shell’s of themsleves and have a hard time hitting the ball consistently or with a authority..The Phils overall Pitching Staff should be better than last year, but their offense has taken a big step back as the other teams in the NL East have all improved their Run Production, the Phils has gotten worse..