• March 10, 2025

Vick Unhappy With His Ranking In NFL Network’s Top 100 Players

The NFL Network has kept football fanatics enthralled during the offseason by ranking the Top 100 Players of 2012. Eagles’ quarterback Michael Vick, listed at 70 out of the 100, and shared his displeasure with his ranking yesterday on 97.5 The Fanatic.

“It’s a joke,” Vick said. “I won’t say where I need to be. I’ll let my peers and everybody else just decide on that. Maybe it was voted on by the peers, but I just disagree. I know how good I am and what I bring to the table for my football team. The things that I can do on the football field sometimes can be uncanny, but I give a lot of credit to my coaches and the people around me.”

As one of the most athletic players to ever play the quarterback position, I understand that Vick feels disrespected by the low ranking, but he needs to be honest with himself. The list depicts the top players of 2012 and just incase the Pro-Bowler has developed a sudden case of amnesia, he didn’t have a great season last year.

With a career-high in interceptions, an 8-8 record, and an absence from the playoffs, what did he expect? Vick was a great QB in Atlanta, and he has the potential to return to that level of play this year, but last season was not a great year for him physically, mentally, or statistically. Despite Vick’s misconstrued perception of his 2011-2012 performance, it is encouraging to know that he will use the low ranking to fuel his fire.

“They got me ranked 70. I think the thing right now to do is just go prove why I feel like I should be even higher,” Vick said. “So if that’s what they felt based on what happened last year, then I’ve got to deal with it. It’s motivation, so thank you, because they’ve motivated me to become a better player this year, so I’ll have that in the back of my mind as I go out and play this year as well.”

At this point it doesn’t matter what Michael Vick uses as motivation, I just hope that his goal to prove people wrong will transpire into positive results for the Eagles. Hopefully his attitude will lead Philadelphia to a Super bowl success and not another early offseason.

Michea Bryant

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June 13, 2012 8:14 am

What’s that line about not knowing whether to laugh or cry…..

June 13, 2012 8:19 am

These rankings are stupid, useless, Vick should turn a deaf ear, or laughed, its the likes of paulman that make up these lists, who cares

June 13, 2012 8:48 am

Stop Complaining Vick…Do something about with your Play, End of Story..
You lead one of the NFL most explosive Offenses to an 8-8 Record and contribute to the Teams 36 Turnovers most of which occured in the first 10 games of the season sealing the Teams fate for non-playoff year.. I am surprised you were even on the list with the type of Season you had in 2011..
Prove us wrong,but don’t whine and bitch about it..

June 13, 2012 9:49 am

LOL MV7 has finally said something to get me a lil frustrated with him! But I understand… Who gives a ish where you are ranked Mike, you have broken tons of records, done some incredible things, things that we may not ever see again from the QB position….you should only have one goal on your mind and that is to be a SB champion! (which you have already stated) With that you’ll address this issue and do something that many players ranked haven’t done, “Get the Chip”!

But with that said, a little added motivation never hurts! A motivated Vick, will be a dangerous thing! Get ready for the MV7 experience…

lets go!

June 13, 2012 10:43 am

Please, for the love of all that is goog & holy! VICK, PLEASE, JUST STFU!!!!!!!!! Little by little, he’s creeping toward his true self.

June 13, 2012 10:49 am

And then…

Vick tweets “Super Bowl!”

And then says this is the best team he’s ever played on.

Just STFU alrady.

June 13, 2012 10:56 am

If he’s mad, then he’s just mad… good…..Just another reason for him to have a great season..

June 13, 2012 12:05 pm

He made alot of bad reads last year that led to alot of INTS.

With Desean signed and Maclin healthy and hopefully a better o line those numbers wont matter.

I see a 9-10 win team and a playoff berth.

June 13, 2012 12:06 pm

I was mad too when I dropped out the Top 100 on GCobb Posters.. You didn’t hear me complain about it.. Time to Man-up Vick and play some damn good ball

June 13, 2012 2:02 pm

That list is kind of dumb though. Some players get judged off of last gear , but ithers like Peyton grt judged just off the resume. I think if players get judged off their resume or wins and losses then a 6-6 rookie cam newton should not be ranked higher than vicks overall record…so hes got a point. But i do agree the only thing he can do is prove it. Just win. A ring. This year.

June 13, 2012 2:43 pm

Newton threw for over 4000 yards and tossed 21 TD’s with 17 Int’s completed 60% of his Passes and only took 35 Sacks which is pretty godo for Rookie QB
He also ran for 750 yards with 14 more TD’s with “Zero” Fumbles, and since he’s a much bigger QB, he probably dishes out as much punishment to would be tacklers as a big RB/WR would . CM 6-5 245lbs and I bet if you ask opposing Secondary players, CM is your worst nightmare running loose down the field.. but the real amazing thing is that CM at a young age, no OTA’s last year, knows when to get rid of the ball, will run out of bounds to save hits to his body.. If he stays Healthy and the PAnthers get him WR’s to support him, he could put up some scary #’s which could combine some of the best passing Stats (Brady,Manning,Brees) as well as some great Rushing Stats (Cunningham,MCNabb,VIck) all rolled up in 1 Player.. Yikes..
The thing I have seen in CM is his burning desire to be the best that’s ever played the game.. He is a workout feen, a smart kid who has a very good support system around him.. I think CM will change how the QB position in the NFL is played moving forward to his big Arm, big Body QB who is athletic and can do everything a 200 LB QB can do, but is bigger,stronger.. .
what a future Newton has…

June 13, 2012 3:20 pm

nice posts Paulman . I could not agree more.

June 13, 2012 5:26 pm

Someone call Donovan FAST!

June 13, 2012 8:58 pm

STFU, that’s a grownass man, where in the hell do any of you get off telling him to shutup. He’s not allowed to use the word Superbowl, I didn’t hear anyone telling Romo, Tebow, or any other qb to STFU after using the word Superbowl, Rex Ryan just said (less than 5 min ago) the Jets were going to win the SB, this year ain’t nobody cryin about that, I even heard sorryass Kolb talk about a superbowl and that sorryass can’t even get through a game,but ain’t nobody cryin because he used the word Superbowl. And if you took the time to listen to the entire interview in which he was asked about his rating on the list (he didn’t bring the subject of the rating up, he was asked a question and he answered), you would have know that he didn’t complain, he actually thanked players for voting him there, because it motivated him to play better, he actually said “he would have to prove it on the field. Some of you say he was mad, hell did you listen to the dam interview, didn’t sound mad at all. You people act like this man isn’t suppose to talk any dam thing he does or says you have a fckn problem with it. If he makes you that unhappy why continue to watch him play, find and read articles about him, and take the time to write comments about him. He tweeted one goddamm word,ONE LOUSY WORD SUPERBOWL, no comment just the word SUPERBOWL, and it causes all this discussion, he should STFU. Isn’t that the goal winning the Superbowl, Hell most of you need to take you own dam advice and STFU

June 13, 2012 9:05 pm

@Paulman, he didn’t whine nor did he bitch, but it seems that all you folks do is bitch, bitch, bitch, everyday 24/7.

June 13, 2012 9:14 pm

Peace112 I hear your points but he started off saying “Its a joke” What we are saying is that the fact that you think you are a top tier Quarterback and you haven’t played up to your best ability thus far makes you look silly when you say “Its a Joke” Michael Vick could easily be a top 10 QB if he plays up to his ability and we only seen that in 2009-10 out of a 11 year career.

Why in the world would this man tweet Superbowl when the media is now starting to back off the “Dream Team” comments Vince Young made? Dont bring any attention to this franchise. You need to get it done! stop talking about what you can do and do it!

June 13, 2012 9:17 pm

Who is Donovan Mcnabb?

June 13, 2012 9:21 pm

You simply downplay the question.

Im not worried about list and ranking im only worried about getting myself better and making my teammates better.


June 13, 2012 9:40 pm

, make sure you understand this I can dam read alright, I know dam well what you are saying, which was he was complaining and whining, which in itself is a lie he did neither. And I also know what he said. He started off by saying “its a joke” so dam what the list is a joke, anytime a player can be on the list that didn’t make a dam snap, the list is a dam joke. Why did he tweet one word SUPERBOWL, easy because he’s a grownass man what the fuck is wrong with using the word superbowl, so now he’s suppose to dance around using the word SUPERBOWL……..YEAH RIGHT. But make sure you tell all the other qb’s and players not to use the word as well. You people will make something out of nothig regardless it doesn’t matter.

June 13, 2012 11:15 pm

Peace, you really should take a class to improve your reading comprehension skills. IAsk the instructor to concentrate on your inferencing skills. Vick didn’t thank anyone.

And Rex Ryan constantly gets chided for his stupid superbowl comments. He’s often described as a gigantic, pompous windbag. That’s what happens when your mouth writes checks your ass can’t cash. Vick should take lessons on decorum….though only after the lessons on becoming a consistent NFL QB.

On a more positive note,,,,the CFL preseason started today!!

Damn, Vick would have been a hall of fame CFL QB I think.

June 13, 2012 11:17 pm

@Vinniethevictor, dam you alrgith

June 13, 2012 11:17 pm

correction alright

June 13, 2012 11:20 pm

@vinniethevictor one more thing, you STFU

June 14, 2012 12:03 am

Now I’m the one who needs inferencing skills…(though in my defence, it is difficult to determine meaning when someone uses a word (alright) that doesn’t actually exist. So, are you trying to say:

damn, you alright!


damn you, alright?

Though frankly, I think I know the answer already……

June 14, 2012 9:05 am

Who cares about this anyways? We all acknowledge that it is a useless list, so why get bent out of shape about it?


June 14, 2012 9:15 am

@vinniethevictor, you know the meaning, hell you are a know-it-all, you seem to know everthing else, but keep in mind I said those words trying to be polite, those really aren’t the words I wanted to use, try understanding that.

June 14, 2012 9:47 am

, you’re right this is a meaningless list. I spoke up because each and every time this man is asked a question he answers the question, there are fools like some on this site feel they have a right to tell him to shut up, or he’s whining, or he’s complaining when in fact he’s only answering questions, hell they don’t think he should even use the word superbowl. There’s even one fool who took the time to google up stats from other teams qb’s, like someone really gives a shit about the qb’s from another team. Sure the list is meaningless, NFL network can’t even get it right on who should and shouldn’t be on the list. Fact is if the list really meant anything at all Peyton Manning wouldn’t have been on it, he didn’t play one game last season.

June 14, 2012 9:55 am

@Eagles Suck, had he parroted you, you for sure would have found something else to complain about, hell your name alone confirms that.

June 14, 2012 11:18 am

I agree with peace112 to large degree…

But if we are being honest.. There are alot of fans who are bitter people like Vinnie.. Guys with agendas and nothing else..

there will always be people rushing into Mike Vick threads telling him to shut up because some people still cant handle the fact that this dude is playing QB in the NFL..

I know it burns Vinnie up.. lol

I personally like the idea that Vick may be angry about the low ranking… He said he was a competitor, so I expect this to stir his competitive juices.. I like that

As far as fans telling players to shut up? Alot of these guys wouldnt say sh*t face to face… so it doesnt really mean much anyway. alot of it is internet tough guys who dont make a peep in real life.

June 14, 2012 11:50 am

, you’re right, thanks

June 14, 2012 12:15 pm

the poll was based on last year’s performance, so Vick has nothing to gripe about, last year Eli Manning was not on the list and Vick was 20 based on his 2010 showing, so Vick has no reason to moan it, besides I believe it’s voted by the players, knowing that, the better response might have been, look, I am lucky to be on that list the way I played, well below my expectations, looking forward to a new season, thanks…

June 14, 2012 12:31 pm

Jake, I agree, honestly he shouldn’t of even commented on it…or answer I’m just focused on trying to win the “chip”……But in a way I like that Vick didn’t answer the question that 85% of the QB’s in the league would have… I dont know about you, but I get tired with the generic responses from the professional athletes today…They tell you what you want to hear 100% of the time…just like with the questions about Vick and his playing style…it was being asked repeatedly because media just wanted Vick to say what they wanted to hear…”I’m gonna get out of bounds, throw the ball away etc etc..”

June 14, 2012 12:40 pm

Real – no – you didn’t.. I re-read it and you did… damn – you are one of the guys that usually has good info, solid posts and you went all Songs…

dude – ‘chips’ are things cows drop, rednecks throw, items you use in Vegas or A/C or you find in a Lays bag.. people that use the term ‘chip’ to describe a championship sound like gay ass wanna-be’s.. remember a real friend tells you these things..

I realize this is probably just a disturbance in the force, and your keen Jedi like posting skills will immediatley return to their usual superlative ‘Real’……

June 14, 2012 1:07 pm

Navy, yes I did…I’ll take it on the chin..a chip in slang term can be interpreted as a championship, son (referring to chip off the old block), money…different strokes for different folks…haha

June 14, 2012 1:11 pm

anything remotely connected to songs and navy goes dcar

June 14, 2012 1:20 pm

jake, is that what we call rants now, dcar’s? THANKS, I’M HONORED!!! :'( BWAHAHAHA!!!

June 14, 2012 1:23 pm

Songs has that affect on Navy, just like LiL BRON-BRON Hart & Schill has on me. Works out that way sometimes. OIL & WATER!!!! It’s all good though.

June 14, 2012 2:19 pm

, your rants are priceless, stugots to the “haters”