Michael Vick has been getting advice from everybody about how he needs to protect himself when the season starts, so I wasn’t totally shocked when President Barack Obama threw his hat into the ring.
Eagles cornerback Nmandi Asomougha was campaigning with the President in Oakland earlier this week and got the opportunity to introduce the POTUS at the event. Afterwards the President gave Asomugha some advice to take to his quarterback.
“He told me to tell Vick to slide,” Asomugha said.
“Promise,” Asomugha said. “We talked about football for about three or four minutes, and the one thing that stuck out: ‘Tell Vick to slide.’ He’s a big fan.”
The Eagles quarterback replied to the President advice on Twitter.
“If the President of the U.S. is saying I need to slide then I really need to start sliding. lol. Thanks Mr. President!” Vick tweeted.
After practice today, he went further.
“I was stunned. I didn’t believe it. It was awesome, though,” said Vick of being recognized by the most powerful man in the world. “You think to yourself, ‘Yo, man, he’s got a point.’ If he says it then I’ve got to do it, so the first run of the year I’ll slide and he’ll know it was for him.”
If that’s what he needed to decide to start sliding we should have arranged this conversation last year or the year before.
maybe vick can offer obama some advice, like ‘” slide’ your hands out of my pocket, get a job you loser after Romney cleans your clock this fall, what a disgrace
Real classy. Can’t say I’m surprised though.
Romney = tax free America
Jakedog = a unamerican idiot
Obama is the best president since Clinton
The US hasn’t has a good Presidemt since Eisenhower.. The System is totally coruppt full of lobbysits and cronyism ruled by big $$$$, Big Oil, Big Media and the Defense Iindsutry.. Why are we the stupid-ass COuntry who spends alsmot 30% of it’s Budget on Military Weapons and such.. while other smarter countries like China,Russia,Japan,India,Great BritainGermany and even Isreal laugt us and only spend like 10% of their Budgetsfor thier military .. Who are we afraid of… We should stop bailing oth and interfering with other Countries Poilitics/Government.. bring th etropps home and have them proect the us Boarders from Drug,Weapon and Human Trafficking and kill upon sight on whoevere illegally rtrsspassed into the US.. That would stop Illegal Immigration real quick and than maybe we can get some fat,dumb,lazy ass Americans off their asses and work in the meat plants, work in the produce fields and put up roofs in the summer time …
Well you know they share a knowledge of dogs. Vick know how to read them
and Obama knows how to eat them.
Funny how we are the greatest county in the world in every single way and all most people do is complain about the country and our presidents. Remember a few things you complainers
It’s not about you, it’s not about what a president does for you It’s about what the president does for his country
Presidents do things you or I could never understand and what you read in the media is maybe 1% of the truth and what goes on
A president doesn’t run the show as much as you may think
God bless America and all it’s supporters and even the fucking idiot hating citizens that take everything for granted.
Greatest Country on the Planert is debateable…
Health Care System is in a Shambles,
Our Obesity and Pre-Natal Deaths Rates are among the highest for developed Countries
Our Education Scores and especially in Science and Math have been dropping for 20 + Years..
We have the Highest Murder-Rate amongst Democratic Free Societies in the World. We have the highest inmates and prisoners
Our Infrastructure is crumbling and falling apart from our Highways, Bridges,Overpasses, Airports, Sea Ports, our Water & Sewage, Electrical Grids and Power Plants are old and atiquated
Our Intelligence and Surveillance Groups are not whhat they used to be
Our Federal Gov’t cannot agree on anything and get simple things down withough the bickering and bantering by both corrupt sides from both parties
Our National Media is slanted from one extreme to the other and very few outlets to receive unbiased reporting about anything
Yes this is the land of the Free & Brave and we definitely have the Top Military in Service people and Equipment and Firepower, but Outside of this,
this COuntry has a lot of deficiencies and has underperformed like the Eagles did last year… The Proof is in the numbers… Why wouldn’t a Country as Big,Diverse and Wealthy with almost every Natural Resource have a better Health Care, Education, Energy, Tax Sysytem and Judicial System than it presently does.. Why can’t we be a leader in Science & Techonology,Manufacturing, Green Energy and have a leaner working Government that is practical and actually is productive working for the Citizens of the Country.. Yes call me a whiner if you will, but I expect a lot more from of our Leaders and Citizens in general. This Country has 2 solid generations (kids born since the failure of LBJ’s “Great Society” which has perpetuated the “Feeling of Dependence of 1000’s to Millions of People over the last 40 years that the Government will take care of you)
I rely on no one and never have, I moved out when I was 18, paid for my Education and my own place, car insurance,food, etc,etc..So I have a real persepctive of what it is to value a dollar, to have a work ethic and desire to overcome obstacles to achieve goals and dreams and I just don’t see this same type of attitude and more inportnatly in the actions of most US Citizens under the age of 35-40 Years any longer and in another 20-30 Years, the Country’s and Business Leadership Postions will be run by the
“Lamest Underachieving Me-Generation” in US History… God help us, fortunately, I’ll be retired and living in Costa Rica within 10 Years and won’t have to deal with it..
@ Jakedog
Are you playing a character on GCobb? You’re unbelievable. You sound like one of those idiots who vote against thier own economic interests because your ignorance trumps reality. Stop repeating what you hear on your hate pumping media outlets
AND both democrats and republicans are the SAME. Their job is to keep our country divided and keep people who share the same interests against each other by playing on race and religon. It’s divide and conquer so that they can keep this corrupt system operating behind the scenes as a small group controls the country and the world’s business.
Your comment and stance is lame and stale. They same shit your father was probably telling you and has anything changed? NO and it won’t if we do not unite as a people against the real problem
Great points, I wish there were more people like you. Those people that constantly complain are just projecting their crappy inner worlds onto other people.
Cool live in costa rica dude. You will be back in this awful country in months because you will realize crime , education, infrastructure, housing, health care, common decency, respect, pollution, food, corruption are basically 10,000 times worse there than anywhere in the best nation in the world.
Maybe u will figure it out one day.
He won’t. Thus the ridiculous “self-serving” rant on a sports mssg board. Yup, you got it all figured out; much like your self-serving sports posts paulman. If people like you would stop and think -just for a second- that not everything you state/say makes you seem smarter you’d problem stop. Somehow I don’t see that happening. Paulman save that bs for those who haven’t lived life or been around long enough to see things with a little more “clarity”. Otherwise try sticking to the thread topic.
Wear it Like Garrett – Cowboys promotion for gear.
Show a photo of Garrett with a frown
It wasn’t Obama who allowed Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, AIG and others to bring this country to the brink of total economic disaster. Did I say “country?” My bad. I meant “the world.”
Can you imagine going to work and the doors being locked? How about the grocery store shelves being empty? We were there. And we’re still here. It can happen in 24 hours. If the Chinese and Russians were to flood the American market with stocks that no one can pay for, it would lead to total world economic collapse. I’m sure that’s why they haven’t.
Ronald Regan is the author of deregulation. Beginning with The Great Depression and until Regan’s deregulation, we enjoyed 40 years without a single economical crisis. And since that time, we’ve had S&L Fraud, Dot.com Fraud, Mortgage Fraud and now Bailout Fraud which have all led to increasingly larger economic crises.
Lehman Brothers, the 4th largest investment bank in the world filed for bankrupcy in September 2008 (that’s 2 months before the election, in case you don’t know). At the time they had more $70 billion in toxic real estate instruments. Actually, no one knows. Math doctorates, to this day, can’t figure out any bank’s worth.
Prior to that, the 5th largest investment bank (Bearn Stearns) was bailed out (by us). And following that AIG, which is larger than both required bailout.
All of this was based on a housing bubble created by sub-prime mortgages, CDOs, derivatives, etc.)
The entire country of Iceland, one of the most prosperous and beautiful on the planet, spun into a similar crisis with tripled unemployment, simply because they adopted American politics. The French suffered a similar catastrophe. To this day, Spain, Portugal and many others are facing total economic collapse.
$125 Billion (not million) was given to the top nine investment banks (with very little regulation) to rejuvenate the economy. They were “asked” to give loans to middle America. Instead, those banks gave less loans than the prior year. Yet, the top CEOs in the industry pocked $135 billion (again, not million) that year.
Let’s not forget that the auto industry was near total bankruptcy.
All of this transpired just prior to Obama taking office.
Now, you might think it’s cute to vote from whomever. You might thinks that it really make no difference, but let me warn you, can you imagine the doors to your job being locked and the stores with nothing on the shelves? Again, this is a very real possibility.
It’s one thing to speculate about sports, but in these days and times, politics is no longer about race or party. It’s about the 1% versus the 99%.
It’s better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak a remove all doubt.
Paul, let me make this plain. You are a friggin joke!
Paul, do you really think you’re education can save you? You arrogance is based on total ignorance. What will your education do for you when there are zero jobs, no milk on the shelves?
You are blatantly proving that you’re an educated fool.
I’m going to repost this with corrections, because I was so incensed after reading Paul’s post, I couldn’t see straight. Paul, your arrogance is only surpassed by your ignorance.
It wasn’t Obama who allowed Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, AIG and others to bring this country to the brink of total economic disaster. Did I say “country?” My bad. I meant “the world.”
Can you imagine going to work and the doors being locked? How about the grocery store shelves being empty? We were there. And we’re still there. It can happen in less than 24 hours.
If the Chinese and Russians were to flood the American stock market (that no one can pay for), it would lead to total world economic collapse. I’m sure that’s why they haven’t.
Beginning with The Great Depression and until Ronald Regan’s deregulation, America enjoyed 40 years without a single economical crisis. Since that time, we’ve had S&L Fraud, Dot.com Fraud, Mortgage Fraud and now Bailout Fraud which have all led to increasingly larger economic crises.
Lehman Brothers, the 4th largest investment bank in the world filed for bankrupcy in September 2008 (that’s 2 months before the election, in case you don’t know). At the time they had more $70 billion in toxic real estate investments. Actually, no one knows. To this day, math doctorates can’t figure out any bank’s worth.
Prior to that, the 5th largest investment bank (Bearn Stearns) was bailed out (by the taxpayers). And following that AIG, which is larger than both, required bailout.
All of this was based on a housing bubble created by sub-prime mortgage lending, CDOs, derivatives, etc.
The entire country of Iceland, one of the most prosperous and beautiful on the planet, spun into a similar crisis with tripled unemployment, simply because they adopted American politics. Prior to our last crisis, the French suffered a similar catastrophe. To this day, Spain, Portugal and many others are facing total economic collapse.
$125 Billion (not million) was given to the top nine investment banks (with very little regulation) to rejuvenate the economy. They were “asked” to give loans to middle America. Instead, those banks gave out fewer loans than the prior year. Yet, the top CEOs in the industry pocketed $135 billion that year.
Let’s not forget that the auto industry was near total bankruptcy and had to be bailed out.
All of this transpired just prior to Obama taking office.
Now, you might think it’s cute to vote from whomever. You might think that it really makes no difference, but let me warn you, the doors to your job can be locked and the stores, as well. This is a very real possibility.
It’s one thing to speculate about sports, but in these days and times, politics isn’t about race or party. It’s about the 1% versus the 99%.
It’s better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak a remove all doubt.
Paul, you’re arrogance is greatly surpassed by only your ignorance.
It wasn’t Obama who allowed Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, AIG and others to bring this country to the brink of total economic disaster. Did I say “country?” My bad. I meant “the world.”
Can you imagine going to work and the doors being locked? How about the grocery store shelves being empty? We were there. And we’re still there. It can happen in less than 24 hours.
If the Chinese and Russians were to flood the American stock market (that no one can pay for), it would lead to total world economic collapse. I’m sure that’s why they haven’t.
Beginning with The Great Depression and until Ronald Regan’s deregulation, America enjoyed 40 years without a single economical crisis. Since that time, we’ve had S&L Fraud, Dot.com Fraud, Mortgage Fraud and now Bailout Fraud which have all led to increasingly larger economic crises.
Lehman Brothers, the 4th largest investment bank in the world filed for bankrupcy in September 2008 (that’s 2 months before the election, in case you don’t know). At the time they had more $70 billion in toxic real estate investments. Actually, no one knows. To this day, math doctorates can’t figure out any bank’s worth.
Prior to that, the 5th largest investment bank (Bearn Stearns) was bailed out (by the taxpayers). And following that AIG, which is larger than both, required bailout.
All of this was based on a housing bubble created by sub-prime mortgage lending, CDOs, derivatives, etc.
The entire country of Iceland, one of the most prosperous and beautiful on the planet, spun into a similar crisis with tripled unemployment, simply because they adopted American politics. Prior to our last crisis, the French suffered a similar catastrophe. To this day, Spain, Portugal and many others are facing total economic collapse.
$125 Billion (not million) was given to the top nine investment banks (with very little regulation) to rejuvenate the economy. They were “asked” to give loans to middle America. Instead, those banks gave out fewer loans than the prior year. Yet, the top CEOs in the industry pocketed $135 billion that year.
Let’s not forget that the auto industry was near total bankruptcy and had to be bailed out.
All of this transpired just prior to Obama taking office.
Now, you might think it’s cute to vote from whomever. You might think that it really makes no difference, but let me warn you, the doors to your job can be locked and the stores, as well. This is a very real possibility.
It’s one thing to speculate about sports, but in these days and times, politics isn’t about race or party. It’s about the 1% versus the 99%.
It’s better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak a remove all doubt.
Please forgive the note to myself prior to the actual post which begins with “It wasn’t Obama . . .”
It was some stuff for a Dallas Cowpuke message board.
Paul, you’re arrogance is greatly exceeded only by your ignorance. There’s little else worst than an educated fool.
It wasn’t Obama who allowed Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, AIG and others to bring this country to the brink of total economic disaster. Did I say “country?” My bad. I meant “the world.”
Can you imagine going to work and the doors being locked? How about the grocery store shelves being empty? We were there. And we’re still there. It can happen in less than 24 hours.
If the Chinese and Russians were to flood the American stock market (that no one can pay for), it would lead to total world economic collapse. I’m sure that’s why they haven’t.
Beginning with The Great Depression and until Ronald Regan’s deregulation, America enjoyed 40 years without a single economical crisis. Since that time, we’ve had S&L Fraud, Dot.com Fraud, Mortgage Fraud and now Bailout Fraud which have all led to increasingly larger economic crises.
Lehman Brothers, the 4th largest investment bank in the world filed for bankrupcy in September 2008 (that’s 2 months before the election, in case you don’t know). At the time they had more $70 billion in toxic real estate investments. Actually, no one knows. To this day, math doctorates can’t figure out any bank’s worth.
Prior to that, the 5th largest investment bank (Bearn Stearns) was bailed out (by the taxpayers). And following that AIG, which is larger than both, required bailout.
All of this was based on a housing bubble created by sub-prime mortgage lending, CDOs, derivatives, etc.
The entire country of Iceland, one of the most prosperous and beautiful on the planet, spun into a similar crisis with tripled unemployment, simply because they adopted American politics. Prior to our last crisis, the French suffered a similar catastrophe. To this day, Spain, Portugal and many others are facing total economic collapse.
$125 Billion (not million) was given to the top nine investment banks (with very little regulation) to rejuvenate the economy. They were “asked” to give loans to middle America. Instead, those banks gave out fewer loans than the prior year. Yet, the top CEOs in the industry pocketed $135 billion that year.
Let’s not forget that the auto industry was near total bankruptcy and had to be bailed out.
All of this transpired just prior to Obama taking office.
Now, you might think it’s cute to vote from whomever. You might think that it really makes no difference, but let me warn you, the doors to your job can be locked and the stores, as well. This is a very real possibility.
It’s one thing to speculate about sports, but in these days and times, politics isn’t about race or party. It’s about the 1% versus the 99%.
It’s better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak a remove all doubt.
abe Lincoln quote..
Jakedog is an idiot.. I have alot of family in the Boston area that area adamant to Mitt Romney ruining Massachusetts. They say hes saying the same things he said to them when he ran for governor “I know how jobs area created” they were ranked 47 out of 50 states in job creation and one of the states were Louisiana who had virtually no creation after Katrina
Did you people know that you would not be posting if the government had not invented the internet and if there were no roads to get to the computer store. Thank our government for using our taxes to do these things and then taking full credit for them. Remember the signs “Your tax dollars at work” when you see 4 guys staring into the same hole looking at the one guy who is doing the work.
It’s cool, cash your wic check, chill out, watch some birds, it’s all good, only here in America