• March 10, 2025

Eagles Release Ten To Get Down To 80

The Eagles made their cuts yesterday to get down to 80 players on the roster and there were no major surprises.   The list included safety Tom Nelson, cornerback Kevin Thomas and tackle Thomas Welch, wide receiver Elvis Akpla, safety Wade Bonner, defensive end Xavier Brown, wide receiver Brian Hernandez, wide receiver McKay Jacobson, wide receiver Tiger Jones, and guard Alfred McCullough,

I guess the biggest surprise if you want to call it that was the release of safety Nelson.  He had played in the last four games in the season a year ago, but didn’t stand out at the team’s safety position where the Birds have been looking for help.

The Birds will have to let go of another five players to get down to 75 by 4:00pm on Monday.  They have to get down to 53 by 9pm  on Friday.


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August 26, 2012 9:40 am

Why haven’t the Eagles Converted LB Keenan Clayton to Safety yet.. He was Texas All-State Safety in High School, was recruited to play Safety at Oklahoma University where he was converted to LB.. Clyton’s natural weight is approx 220-225lbs so he is not too big nor slow to play Safety.. They should have doen this 2 years ago for has much more upside as Safety than LB in my opinion..

crazy johnny
crazy johnny
August 26, 2012 12:26 pm
Reply to  paulman

Do you really think Clayton is fast enough to be a safety? As a small LB he has good speed, but to cover WR’s? Maybe they would have tried it by now if it was do-able.

August 26, 2012 9:58 am

Some major injuries to Report from This weekends Games

Steelers Top Draft Pick and Starting RG D DeCastro tore his ACL & MCL and will be lost for the Season which is a huge blow to a Steeler OL that has major issues at LT and now RG..
TB BUcs All-Pro Guard Davin Joseph also suffered a Torn ACL and will also mis the Season
NY Giants CB Prince Amukarama reinjured his Ankle that he had srgery on last year.. They are listing it as a High-Ankle Sprain but he may be out a couple of weeks..
Dallas Cowboys Starting DT Jay Ratliff also suffered a high-ankle Sprain but is expexted to be ok for their Opener
Detroit Lions injred his non-throwing Hand (similar to Kafka’s and may miss the next week or 2 of action

August 26, 2012 3:34 pm

Clayton should be at the SAM & Kendricks at the WILL, where he is a perfect fit. Clayton will either be there, or released. If they haven’t converted him to safety by now, it ain’t happening. Crazy Johnny, he is almost 6’2″ 230, he’s not that small. He’s an average height, light weight. He’s almost 3′ bigger than Kendricks. He should be the SAM & Kendricks should be the WILL.

crazy johnny
crazy johnny
August 26, 2012 4:24 pm
Reply to  DCar

Yeah man, I wasn’t questioning his size as a Linebacker, only whether his speed is enough to cover as a safety…”

August 27, 2012 2:41 am
Reply to  crazy johnny

Gotcha. I would still like to see them, put him at SAM & Kendricks at WILL.

crazy johnny
crazy johnny
August 26, 2012 4:28 pm
Reply to  DCar

Yeah dcar, I agree with u, I was questioning pman on whether he could be converted to a safety……”

August 27, 2012 2:42 am
Reply to  crazy johnny

Paulman has been spewing the same thing for 3 years now. It’s not happening, Paul! LOL!

August 26, 2012 4:56 pm

It’s too late probably for that now, he was 220lbs when they Drafted him 3 years ago, last year he bulked up to about 225-230lbs but his natural playing weight is around the 220-225 range and he does not have the upper body strength to play SAM and take on Pulling Guards and TE’s against the Run.. As far as pure speed, Clayton is probably faster than every Safety on the Active Roster as far as pure speed goes, now he would have needed an complete off-season to work on lateral movement,coverage skills and techniques but this could have been last January.. Remember he played Safety all of HIgh School and Freshman Year at Oklahoma before being
converted to OLB in College so it’s not like he doesn’t understand the concepts of playing Safety..

August 26, 2012 6:07 pm

While Akeem Jordan hasn’t played well against the pass at times he’s always played the run well…which is a glaring need for the Eagles. I think Andy Reid needs to butt out of making that call and give Jordan some space.

August 26, 2012 7:45 pm

I have a question..Why in the hell are we holding on to Casey “Bum Ass” Matthews?
Some say because he backup all 3 linebacker positions..yet he’s terrible at all 3 Linbacker positions. I would keep Clayton over his bum ass anyday and I have a feeling we’ll keep him so Andy and bum ass Juan can save face from last season…Cut your losses and send him packing, along with Chad bum ass Hall, and Riley Bum ass Cooper.

August 26, 2012 11:07 pm

Damn Str8 Songs. Just read that the Seahawks released Owens. Birds should sign him poste haste. He`ll immediatly be better than any of our bum ass WRs.

August 26, 2012 11:59 pm

I have a question… why in the hell does this idiot Songs “Dumb Ass’ rme2 continue to post his stupid freakin dribble? Some say he is just posting his opinions… yet, he’s an idiot, and just becuase its anopinion, doesn;t mean its not stupid. Isn’t this the same mornon that asked us why is Trent Edwards on the team (maybe becuase he can throw 14 for 17 and a TD?).. isn’t this the dolt that spent an entire off-season calling Graham “Ass”.. isn;t this the panty waste that told us all how we were going to regret DRC at CB and miss Asante? Isn;t this the Ass Clown that repeatedly informed us how Nate Allen was going to be toast (has he gotten beaten this pre-season) and last I checked – aren;t Matthews and Chaney both STILL on the team?

What do we need to do to send this Songs “Dumb Ass” reme2 packing –

August 27, 2012 2:48 am

This site is filled with racism. Songsrme2 in particular. And everyone sits and takes it. Things haven’t changed on this site in a year. Racism is racism, no matter from who or from where it is coming from.

August 27, 2012 2:57 am
Reply to  FanSince1960

He’s not just a racist, he’s the biggest troll on here. But, what exactly would you expect anyone to do about it?!? No one knows who anyone on here is. It’s a free country, unfortunately. He isn’t the only one who pulls the race card out of their @$$e$, when something doesn’t go to their liking.

August 27, 2012 11:45 am

Right now, I would take Foles over Vick so how is that racism? I’m about the truth ok?

Kevin Kolb was an example of a racism in sports and especially Philadelphia. Everyone know that if Kolb was black he would not have been annointed the heir to the greatest QB in Eagles history..and that’s a fact. He would not have been given the starting position without competition over Vick, and definately would not have recieved all those contracts for absolutely nothing.

Foles is working his was through competition and showing his poise and know how of the position and I’ve seen enough to know that he’s our greatest prospect since the drafting of McNabb. He’s not gun shy and makes all the throws with a gun for an arm. Is it racist when I say Nate Allen is ass? I point to decision made by our head coach which cause the team to regress…Riley Cooper was the pick for the red zone which was the alteranative to us picking up Burress…He is not a red zone threat and have not been what we were told he was…cut his ass now! not because he’s white! Because he can’t play! Chad Hall os garbage and he’s a waste of a roster spot. Matthews is living off of his last name and nothing more…cut him.I’ve seen this coach cut players who were contributors yet keep bums like this on the team. I point out the truth

August 27, 2012 12:35 pm
Reply to  SONGSRME2

I appreciate you honesty songs, as far as foles, he looks good but has not played or been schemed against yet. at least if vick goes down foles is a better option than kafka, look at the game last yr vs atlanta, vick goes down and kafka steps in HE’S GOTTA WIN THAT GAME, NO EXCEPTIONS I believe we were ahead when he entered the gm. I like people that can play, kolb couldn’t play. he fooled us all coming off the bench with a couple of 300 yd passing days. when mcnabb gets traded and kolb was annointed the starter IN THIS TOWN WITH BIG EXPECTATIONS, the moment was simply too big for him. that was clear in his first game BEFORE HE GOT HURT VS GB.

August 27, 2012 12:06 pm

FanSince1960- your right this site has changed because guys like you keep bringing up race any chance you can get. If someone points out a flaw in Vick’s game, then they are a racist. Sound about right?

August 27, 2012 12:13 pm

Anyone that thinks Foles should take Vick’s spot this year is a GOT DAMN idiot. The kid has done nothing but impressed in the preseason against vanilla defensive schemes. He needs to sit his butt on the bench and learn something.

If the Eagles wish to contend for a Super Bowl, its going to be on Vick or they won’t even make the playoffs.

Foles is good. Shows promise. Great poise. Great arm strength. Beautiful accuracy…..but he hasn’t seen what a real NFL defense is or can be. Let him learn, let him mature. Period.

Anyone who thinks otherwise should turn in their fan card AND man card.

August 27, 2012 12:14 pm

Bunch of fucking jerkoffs bringing up race in sports talk forums. VICK IS BLACK SO FUCKING WHAT, VICK ALSO SUCKS AS A STARTING QB AND IT RAINED THIS MORNING.

Only real fucking racists call people racists that have never implied anything racist.

August 27, 2012 12:27 pm

Birdo out of curiosity do you think Pete Carrol is an idiot for starting Russell Wilson over Matt Flynn?

I am by no means saying Foles should start this year, just curious to see your answer.

I dont think throwing a QB into the fire can stunt their growth, you watch them sink or swim… But I dont think you can bench a 100 million QB. Vick will bench himself this year with his play and or injury so foles will get gametime action this year no doubt…

August 27, 2012 12:43 pm
Reply to  mhenski

mhenski , Different situation in Seattle , seahawks have everything to gain and nothin to lose in starting Wilson.

August 27, 2012 12:45 pm
Reply to  mhenski

different situation in Seattle, Seahawks have everything to gain and nothing to lose by starting wilson, there not expected to contend

August 27, 2012 1:17 pm

I have a question for Birdo, and everyone else for that matter. (and would enjoy if the answer did’s contain the usual “if anyone thinks differently he’s a GD idiot” hyperbole of your usual responses…..)

Then when?

There are things we now at this point.
1 – Foles is exceeding expectations
2 – Vick is Vick
3 – Vick will not be the starting QB in 2013.(And do we really have to rehash the reasons why? Lets just say deficiencies + cap friendly out in the contract = au revoir Mr. Vick)

Now – knowing Vick will not be the stating QB next year – and even his most ardent fans will be admitting this reality be about week 8 – and knowing Foles is the guy they are going to roll with…..the question becocomes…….


August 27, 2012 1:25 pm

I also feel that “throwing rooks to the wolves” is not a recipe for success. So weeks 1-6 are out (aside from the inevitable injury replacement time)

Week 8 seems like a logical point coming after the bye and all, but I don’t think that’s a good option either. The next three opponents are ATL, NO, Dall, and the QB will be asked to manufacture 30+ each game just to keep up….I don’t think that’s the best position to put an young QB.

Which brings us to Foles taking over as official fulltime starter week 11. The sched lightens up at this point. If my feelings about how Vick’s foibles and LT problems will derail the season weeks 4-10 anyway, there won’t be a lot of “must win now – don’t F it up” pressure on the kid either.

That gives him 5 or 6 weeks of solid real-game seasoning before moving forward with a promising young QB and a young, talented and developing team going forwrd into 2013.

Hope springs.

Of course, this entire set of predictions (hopes) may change radically when the China Doll has his ribs, or shoulder, or legs crushed in week 2.

August 27, 2012 2:11 pm

Rumors I am hearing from Texas (Foles hometown) and from Fole’s Agent..
If Foles is not the Starter by Halloween, He will Retire from Football and join the 76ers as a Scoring Forward.. Plans are already in place by 76ers Front Office to capitalize on Foles Popularity.. Even Doug COllins has some set plays designed for him… Remember, you heard it from the Paulman first…

August 27, 2012 4:37 pm

Ok its time to bring some realness to this whole discussion…

Foles is doing a great job at managing games especially for a rookie…However, I recall Kolb and Kafka both impressing during the preseason as rookies….

Also, how about giving some credit to the special teams…how many turnovers did our special teams get last season, I dont recall many, in fact I dont recall any! This preseason last two games ST has came up with a TO, giving the offense and Foles short fields…Two times against Cleveland Foles was the beneficiary of two very short fields,,,(Same can be said for the game against NE as well) Kafka good have done just as good of an job in those situations in my opinion.

I hope that Foles will just be a solid backup, but believing he is a future franchise player, sorry I need more proof!

Gotta Luv It
Gotta Luv It
August 27, 2012 4:50 pm

So Vinnie..you are willing to throw away a season of PHILADELPHIA EAGLES football in order to fulfill your opinion of Vick and to say I told you so ?
It seems to me that you are more about I than you say MV7 is
I was right all along see
I told you he would get hurt
I told you he can’t read defenses etc ? ( which after 10 years of football at it’s highest level ) I just can’t see that as true IMO

August 27, 2012 4:51 pm

Looks like Real Talk hates white people.

August 27, 2012 8:36 pm

What is this “throw away the whole season business??”

I asked a simple question….knowing Foles will be the Eagles’ starting QB in 2013…..at what point do you name him the starter?

You’re obviously of the opinion that he should not become the starter at all this year, as that would “throw away the season…” Well let me tell you the season is over today if Vick remains the starter all year..7-9, 8-8, 9-7 whatever…then we’d arrive next Sept with a new QB that hadspotentially never started a game in the league.

Does that sound right Gotta Luv it?

And where did Birdo go? I really wanted him to answer the question as the rest of us are all “idiots” and I really wanted to hear how he, the genius, would play it….

August 27, 2012 9:24 pm

Let me inject reality yall!

Juan castillo (The failed offensive line coach) is the defensive coordinator

August 27, 2012 9:33 pm

yawn vinnie… yawn. We all know you wont rest until Kolb returns.

August 28, 2012 3:16 pm
Reply to  Stevo


August 27, 2012 9:35 pm

you “know” nothing. Who says Vick wont play well? Who says Foles will keep facing 2nd stringers? I like the kid too but isnt this what got you in trouble last time? The last savior you drooled over is getting his rocks handed to him on a daily basis. He will be back to hog hunting with dad by nov. Slow down with the new savior talk. Try.. just try to root for the birds.

August 28, 2012 9:19 am

And with the 12th Pick of the 2013 NFL Draft
The Philadelphia Eagles Select OT Luke Joeckel from Texas A&M (6-6- 310lbs)

August 28, 2012 9:38 am

haha @ Gotta – good one! Vinnie is all about the “I” way more than Vick haha…that’s real talk!

@Mhenski – real talk sees no color! I’m just not gullible and so quick to jump a bandwagon as most.

August 28, 2012 10:05 am

Football is a long season and the Eagles have not even started meaningful games yet.. Lets tame the Ga-Ga over Foles as he has played great this entire Summer and has a very bright future,but the 2012 Season is what I am focused on and it gets down to how well Vick plays, hoe healthy he remains..
Vick is the man and if fails to lead the 2012 Team to the Playoffs then his tenure is over in Philadelphia.. I think we all know that given his buyout clause with his Contract..I will worry and comment about the 2013 Season and beyond, after this 2012 Season is over.. Coach AR and MM & Castillo and this Staff as well QB M Vick must go All-In and get in done in 2012 or there will be some changes

August 28, 2012 10:16 am

One thing tha continues to crack me about who should make the final cut on the Roster and I keep reading/hearing that the Eagles should keep both RB’s Brown and Polk.. When have the Eagles ever used a 3rd and 4th RB over the last 8-10 Seasons in AR era.. With other Depth issues along the OL, LB and Safety SPots, there is no way the Eagles keep 4 RB’s.. It will be McCoy,Lewis & Brown.. (Now if Polk was moved to learn the FB spot, that thats a possibility but the Eagles are not going to have 4 RB and 1 FB on their ROster.. They go with 3 RB and 1 FB and I hate to say it, but after watchign football for almost 40 yearts now, RB’s are a dime a dozen and if any of you have watched various Preseason games, there are tons of RB’s who are 3rd/4th Stringers on Teams all around the NFL who will get released for teams have other needs more pressing.. Look at the Teams like the Giants,Panthers,Bears.Texans,49ers,Chiefs,Saints who already have 1-2 Solid RB’s on their squads.. They are not going to carry 4 RB’s and these Teams actually run the ball more than the Eagles do..
What good does it do for the Eagles to have a 3rd & 4th RB on their Roster that will ever rarely see action and not contribute on Special Teams… think about it guys.. Brown stays for his upside and Polk is released unless they convert him to FB and release Havilli instead ..I wouldn’t even be surprised if Eagles carry no FB this Season but carry 3 TE’s (Celek,Harbor & Brackett) where Harbor and Brackett line up as a H-Back/FB in many formations..

August 28, 2012 11:33 am

i think i figured out that once you post something in the box…. you then get to see what everyone else is doing. Honestly G….. take this thing off life support or bring in the brain for the transplant. its crazy

August 28, 2012 11:34 am

well…. i can see more but not the latest. maybe if i keep writting… more will show up.

August 28, 2012 11:35 am

nope. hey…. maybe we start a collection. Save Gcobb!!! the site that is…. not the man. Im guessing he’s fine.

August 28, 2012 11:55 am

You have to keep signing out and back in to see all comments, then when you change to a another story or thread, the missing comments begin all over again, a real pain in the ass .. If he wanted to make updgrades, why not have this down 3-4 months before Summer Camp and the start of the Season.. A real shame but many have simply stayed away due to posting and commenting being to much of a hassle for most ..