• March 3, 2025

Reid Still Has Issues, But Juan Castillo Is On the Rise

The most nerve-racking moment of last week’s game was when Michael Vick brought the team down within 1-yard of taking the lead with less than two minutes in the game. Three downs, best running back in the NFL, and only one yard to go. The cameras flashed on Andy and offensive coordinator Marty Mornhinweg, and I saw them both with that same look of “What Should I Do Next?”

Of course, we saw a pass. There is no reason whatsoever to put the team in that position after rallying to come back down the field with a shot to win the game. Vick’s pass easily could have been a turnover and cost the team a chance to win the game. If Reid starts thinking screen pass or trick play, he needs to just run McCoy.

Reid ran the ball consistently throughout the game. Everyone in the city was happy with that, I am looking for Reid to make the right calls late in the game. The team is talented enough to win big this year and ultimately it is going to come down to coaching in the playoffs. Will this be the year that Andy can control himself, manage the clock, save timeouts, etc? We will find out soon but, this game easily could have gone the other way and this was total luck that the team is 2-0.

A major reason the team is sitting at 2-0 is due to Juan Castillo’s defense. For anyone who doubted Juan or his intensity doesn’t know football or Juan Castillo. Juan lives at the NovaCare Complex during the season and a lot of time is spent in the off-season working to improve his defense. His ability to coach up players with inferior talent has been noted for years with his offensive lineman, and now we are beginning to see what his efforts will translate to with the defense. He struggled with personnel last season and has made adjustments. Having talent and “fastballs” on the defensive line doesn’t equate to success. Lets give Juan his due.

Matthew Fratantoro

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September 19, 2012 2:24 am

kolb doesnt like getting hit. eagles could potentially dominate this game.

September 19, 2012 11:08 am
Reply to  larrwd

No QB likes getting hit
We are going in with 2 replacements on an already less than stellar O Line and the Cardinals have a great defense
Vick is going to get bounced around for the 3rd straight week

Unfortunately the screen play suffers under Vick as does the quick 3 step drop

Run the rookies more

September 19, 2012 6:53 am

I agree that Juan Castilo deserves his props.

I disagree that “it is total luck that the team is 2-0”.

You still have to make plays in the clutch. The Eagles have done that two weeks in a row now.

Let’s not forget in week 1 that DRC dropped a CLUTCH interception (would have been his 3rd) in the end zone that would have prevented the Browns from getting 3 pts. Also, 3 of the 6 INT’s that Vick has so far could be blamed on the receivers. McCoy with some weak fumbles, and dropped catches. This team has the potential to be LIGHTS OUT if they can get clicking on all cylinders.

Jon Hart
Jon Hart
September 19, 2012 7:13 am

Matthew, this was a quality article. I didnt know what to expect but it was good. Keep it up…

As for big red, I was not in agreement with the redzone play where he threw the ball and Vick almost didnt get the ball off and could have been sacked 10 yards back from the intial spot which was 2nd and goal and would of been 10 yards back. I give credit for the play calling during the game, shady got his touches but again with Andy its about when he runs the ball not how many times he does it. Its about when those key moments arise, what does he do. 2nd and goal you have to run the ball, 3rd and goal you gotta run the ball esp with the game on the line.

As for Juan, noone ever doubted his intensity it was more of “does he even know that hes doing?” type of thing. His intesity was never doubted in fact, many including myself felt he was too intense and was too rah rah on the sidelines both in practice and in the games. Seems he has calmed that down this year. Hes not trying to win the players over anymore he trying to just win games. He looks 100 percent more professional and thats how you get the respect of the players. He seems to be making all the right calls so far and looks like he knows what the offenses are trying to do. Its still early but I like what I see so far. Its being overlooked, but the addition of secondary coach Todd Bowles may have been the biggest addition this offseason. This is a guy who could run the entire defense if not the entire team and has before in the past, but has humbled himself and come to a team with a 1yr DC and is inexperienced but hasnt complained or anything. Says alot about the man. Also his ability to break down film/plays/x&o’s should be noted because players are raving about him. Kurt Coleman mentioned how Bowles has helped him tremendously with breaking down film/ x&o’s and helping him to understand the defense and the entire defensive side of the ball. Also said that Bowles has helped him so much that now hes just out there making plays hes not thinking so much about the scheme. Bowles is on his way to becoming a premier coach in this league. A very smart guy with great coaching ability and in my opinion the real reason why this defense looks so much different from last year.. More great things to come, there just scratching the surface.

September 19, 2012 8:00 am

“Also, 3 of the 6 INT’s that Vick has so far could be blamed on the receivers. ”

I’m assuming you mean:

1 – The high and wide on the run sidearm in 2x coverage toss to maclin. Clearly Maclin’s fault.
2 – The high and behind toss to Celek that he barely got his back hand on. Clearly Celek’s fault.
3 – The Method33139 hallucination toss to some WR that no one can remember.

Are those the 3 ints that were the WRs fault??

Gotta Luv It
Gotta Luv It
September 19, 2012 9:03 am

Yo Vincent ,,,your OBSESSION with this QB is unhealthy ..LOL
You pay attention to nothing other than Vick
Most of your comments are about Vick…this article is about Juan and the D
Do you even have an opinion about the article that was written yes someone mentioned Mike so I guess that left the door cracked for you
You seem like an smart dude with insight about the game…but it gets lost in the CONSTANT bashing of Mike….
WE ALL KNOW YOUR STANCE ON THE DUDE…give us something different, bring something else to the convo

September 19, 2012 9:30 am

Castillo was put in a terrible spot last season with both timing and personnel and its nice to see him now excelling. The addition of Ryans and Kendricks at LB over two 7th round picks, as well as playing DRC in his natural position have made a big difference too. As for the goal line play in question, it was ridiculous. At the 1 yd line, with two minutes left, game on the line and you run a sprint out pass which essentially cuts off one-half of the field. The risk vs. reward of that play call on that down and distance is foolish. Run the ball on all 4 downs with arguably the best back in football. And more importantly, if you dont make it on the first attempt(s), the clock runs down.

September 19, 2012 9:39 am

Hey…people make stupid blanked statements, I point it out.

September 19, 2012 1:29 pm

There was NOTHING blanketed about it. 3 of the 6 interceptions (read: HALF) were the receivers’ fault. Hell, McCoy has doubled his number of fumbles in two games y.o.y, and do you wanna address all of the dropped passes? Do I need to force feed your football to you through a straw? Or can I assume that with only two games under our belts you know which plays Im talking about?

September 19, 2012 9:39 am

blanket. ugh.

September 19, 2012 11:04 am

What I didn’t like passing from the 1 yd line or even the 2 is that an incomplete pass doesn’t take time off the clock
If the first run doesn’t succeed at least time comes off the clock
They left too much time for the Ravens to get into FG range

September 19, 2012 11:33 am

Vinnie….stop harping on the qb…hes drove us the lenght of the field twice in as many weeks for the dub. You sound like a clown with this stuff. Noone cares anymore about you Vick hater,hes our qb. Deal with it and jump on board. We’re goin to the p-offs. And dare i say..he plays 16…hes protecting himself more…or have you not noticed that?

September 19, 2012 11:45 am

I wanted Juan gone. I complained all last year and this off season that he doesnt know what he’s doing, While i reserve the right to go back to my position at a later date, i want to give Juan a HUGGEEEEE attaboy for his work so far this season. This system makes sense and they are using their talents to maximize it. The key has been the tackling, much much better than last year. In fact….. better than any D we have had in at least 5 years.

September 19, 2012 12:00 pm

Castillo has done a nice job as has Secondary Coach T Bowles who has a more aggressive style and attacking Secondary.. And of course it definitely helps having NFL Caliber Talent at 2 of the LB Positoins (Ryans/Kendricks) instead of 6 Back-up calibber players starting and switching roles..
There is no denying that all the players are tackling much better and that Cox,Kendricks & Boynkin all bring a special energy to the field and Ryans is keeping these guys lined up right and pumped.. .Ryans has really impressed in his first 2 games thus far and is making a huge difference

September 19, 2012 12:05 pm

3 Roster Changes I would like to see moving forward

#1) Release Dion Lewis and Activate RB C Polk and play Polk
#2) Release LB Matthews Jr and sign another Special Team Demon who can play LB as well
#3) Bring in a big-Target WR– Maclin is hurting and will probably not be anywher near 100% for the next 4-6 weeks and possible the remainder of the Season.. D-Jax/D Johnson are too small and ineffective in the Red-Zone
Cooper and Gilyard are still unproven (though I like Gilyard) or maybe they can split out TE Harbor more and use double TE’s Sets a lot once in the Red-Zone

September 19, 2012 12:10 pm

Yes Yes Yes….give Polk some touches! After McCoy, he is my favorite back on the squad! Shit I still haven’t been that impressed with Havili, let Folk take some snaps at FB, or be creative put Polk and McCoy on the field at the same time, work out the split back formation a bit more…

September 19, 2012 12:16 pm

Pman…. i wonder what Mathews would give us because i think he’s better than what we’ve seen from him… however… i would agree with you that we need help in other spots. The biggest need is on the Oline. I would actually like to see us pull off a trade for an Olineman from somewhere but i dont think that will happen anytime soon. Any of Mudd’s boys retired but ready? haha

September 19, 2012 12:35 pm

@RCP…that is a good point…!

September 20, 2012 4:07 pm

Fraudman where in the real world are you going to find a beast on special teams that can play LB? Big target WR? People like this that CAN PLAY are not unemployed at this time of year