• March 10, 2025

Will Reid Stick With Vick Or Gamble On Foles?

The bitter combination of a banged up offensive line and a lost in the weeds Mike Vick is spelling trouble for Andy Reid. Andy is attempting to avoid playing his last hand in what has been a 14-year poker game in Philadelphia. One thing is certain, owner Jeffrey Lurie made it very clear at the beginning of the season that his expectations were high and anything less than that wasn’t going to cut it.

Reid once again shot himself in the foot this week. Reid, as many predicted, refused to establish the run during the first half and found himself down 24 points at halftime. The turnovers and the hits are adding up on Mike Vick who for the life of him will not deliver the ball consistently in a short time frame. Vick has a TD/INT ratio that if flipped the opposite would look great unfortunately he is throwing two picks for each touchdown he is throwing. Vick and Reid can extend their season by sticking to the running game. The defense as we know is good enough to keep them in games.

Reid  benched #5 when he needed to. I think he will do the same with Mike Vick. The question is what week are we going to see Nick Foles? And the follow up to that question is are we going to see Nick Foles from an injury or Vick being yanked mid game? If Foles gets in, what does that say about the 2012 season?

I am looking forward to seeing Foles play this season when the time is right, the question is will the Eagles stay a contender or will he struggle as most rookies do their first season? I think he has a ton of talent and we saw that in the preseason. We will find out this season regardless of what week he gets to play.

My  personal prediction is that I believe the team will rebound next week.  I also believe  that Mike Vick peaked two years ago and is not an elite quarterback.  Reid will either stick with Vick  and game plan to minimize the amount of times he is throwing the ball, or he will fall back into throwing 50 times a game continue to expose Vick and Foles will be starting before Nov 1.

As much grief as the city gives its coaches and players(most of time well deserved) Andy Reid is a survivor and I think he will have to make a change at the position to get the most out of Vick and shake things up or turn the franchise over to a hopefully capable Foles.

Matthew Fratantoro

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September 25, 2012 11:31 am

Michael Vick may be the first NFL quarterback to die (in recent memory) while playing under this offensive line and Head coach. He is on pace to get hit 480 times this season.



What a joke. Those that defended that moron for saying that are fools just like him.

September 25, 2012 12:05 pm

I thnik Vick gets 2 mor eweeks to get his act together and then the Bye Week and the then it’s Nick Foles time..If Vick continues to play poorly, then the Eagles will lose to the GIants & Steelers making them 2-3 Overall but only 1-2 in NFC Conference play and would probably be out of any real Playoff Chance unless they win all NFC East Division Games to win the NFC East but the Giants are the class of the Division

September 25, 2012 12:23 pm

Actually that would make us 0-2 in conference play Paul. I dont think it’s gonna get much better QB wise this week. But I still think the birds can pull it off, Its the Giants and weird Sh*& happens.

September 25, 2012 12:29 pm

Paulman’s Team Rankings of the NFC after Week #3

#1) Atlanta Falcons (3-0) – Impressive wins so far with 2 big road wins too
#2) Arizona Cardinals (3-0) – Best Start since St Louis Days, have a tremendous Defense and an oppotunitistic Offense led byt QB Kolb who is getting more confident and effective each week and has some weapons to work with
#3) NY Giants (2-1) – 2 Wins in a Row after Opening Game Sleepwalk versus the Giants, QB Eli playing at an MVP level to start the Season
#4) Seahawks (2-1) – 2 Wins in a Row vsrsus the COwboys/PAckers make them a legitimate NFL PLayoff Contendor, Fast,Physical and play with an attitude
#5) Bears (2-1) – Defense and SPecial Teams keeping them in games while QB Cutlet finds his grove, once RB Forte Returns, should be a pretty good team
#6) Vikings (2-1) Yes the Vikings have been in every game, have played hard and have shoule some ressiliency as QB Ponder has gotten off to a nice start and RB Peterson looks healthy in his return from Surgery.. A real surprise is how well their Defense has been playing considering how poorly they played last Season.. A Team on the rise..
#7) Cowboys (2-1) A pretty sloppy performance and probably fortunate to be 2-1 but a win is a win and they squeaked by a fired up TB Bucs team last week
#8) 49ers (2-1) Let theur guard and focus down and played a poor game on the road in Minnesota and paid the price for it.. This may be the type of loss that actually could be good for the squad moving forward.. You have to come to play each and every week and I am sure HC HArbaugh will have this Team ready to play next week.
#9) Eagles (2-1) Although not impressive in any game yet this year, they started 2-0 which anyone would take, but got humiliated, and pushed around by a improved Cardinals Game raising some serious doubts about QB Mike Vick’s ability to lead this Team to the Playoff and to protect the ball after 3 poor games in a row to start the Season..
#10) GB Packers (1-2) Perhaps the best 1-2 Team in the History of the NFL… They were robbed last eveing in loss to the Seahwaks but had many opportunites to win and put the game out of reach earlier and failed to do so..
The Fact remains that they are 1-2 and behind the Bears/Vikings in their NFC North starting out

My Philisophy to my rankings is simply to award the Teams that Win and penalize the Teams that lose regardless of hype or any pre-season predictions..The 2 Teams at 3-0 have to be Ranked Higher than the 49ers and Packers though I think by end of the Season both the 49ers and PAckers will be at the Top of the Rankings.. Teams that won this Week get ranked with Teams that loss this week which is why I have Teams like teh Bears,Vikings, Cowboys over Teams like the 49ers,Eagles, etc,etc
This is how I put together my week to week Rankings and I will continue to be consistent on how I analyze and rank Teams. The truly Good Teams will continue to rise as the Season progresses as they play better ball and start winning games but until then, I rank by how they are playing in the here and the now..

September 25, 2012 12:58 pm

i know we are 2-1 but why in the hell does it feel like we are 0-3??????????
Get this show on the road. VICK at wild cat thats allhe can do. Fuck what you heard he hasnt done it yet.

September 25, 2012 1:29 pm

Insightful….you should think more before typing. And talk less…you’ll sound smarter moron. 2-1…WHO CARES…BIRNG ON THE GIANTS AND LETS TALK MONDAY.

September 26, 2012 11:40 am
Reply to  Erock

hey Erock so you just come on here and bash people? wow i guess you want nothing out of life and just take what you can get huh. sounds like a Professional BUM..lol Bet you still can buy hot food with that little blue card huh so you take what they give you. If you think we deserve to be 2-1 with subpar play then you sir are a bottom feeder for real.

September 25, 2012 1:31 pm

So many doubts about a guy who was on the money against a good Ravens d to win it.

He needs to straighten up early in games and manage.its on him and im not defending him but 9-1 when we hand the ball to Shady.9-1 when he has 20 totes.

September 25, 2012 1:59 pm

Vick is way to small to see over his O line. He will never get rid of the ball quickly. Game Over…. Sad. Legs done.

September 25, 2012 2:23 pm

Andy Reid always will be the same coach. He can’t change his style.

If they would have used 2 TE sets and ran the ball from the beginning we might have had a chance.

While Vick is good he is a turnover machine and makes bad decisions with the football.

I dont think the Eagles can compete for or win a Championship with Reids philosophy or Vick as a starter.

I think Foles comes in after the BYE week and the Eagles finish 8-8 and Reid and Vick are gone.

September 25, 2012 2:27 pm

Vick is collapsing even faster than I thought. My first prediction was that Foles would become starter week 12…then I changed that after Cleveland to week 8. Now it looks like week 6.

Reid is not going to start a rookie QB in a primetime game vs the Giants. Too much. Very doubtful that he’ll start him on the road against the Steelers.

But Detroit and their weak pass D and possible backup QB coming in week 6. That seems to be a logical time for Foles first game.

Of course, this won’t happen if Vick somehow rights himself and plays lights out the next 2 weeks.

And at this point, who honestly thinks that’s going to happen??.


September 25, 2012 3:21 pm

I wanna see Foles play now, but I’m afraid the poor guy will get seriously injured playing behind our horrific line. Don’t wanna see us lose our future QB that way. But what if the Eagles play Foles like how the Cards played Kolb? Short quick routes. Establish the run first (Andy take notes) and then pass when we have to. I believe it can work. It did for Arizona

September 25, 2012 3:55 pm

That’s what AR & MM should have done with Vick since he can’t read Defenses, but Vick’s problem is that he’s not very good on the 3step Drop since he can’t see over the Line of Scirmmage which is one of the things woring with having a 5-11″ QB play in Coach AR/MM West Coast System.. Vick has to drop 6-7-8 Steps bac to be able to see over the line of scrimmage which takes the quick routes,slants,boubble routses out of the playbook for the Eagles .. I hate Vick as QB fgor this Eagle Team, he’s just not a good fit outside of 2-3 long-balls a game..

September 25, 2012 3:56 pm

Vick should have retired when he shot his wad in the 1st Half of the Redksins Games back on that Monday Night in Oct of 2010.. He will never play like that again..

September 25, 2012 4:00 pm

Foles future QB…I really hope he is that good…but some of you guys are seriously too funny. All you’ve seen from Foles was preseason games, and are crowning him the future franchise QB…wow…I think there is a little more to it as to why so many of you are clamoring for Foles, than just what you’ve seen from Foles in the preseason.

If there comes a point in the season where it is obvious the Eagles won’t make the playoffs or Vick gets hurt…you’ll see Foles…

Barring Vick getting hurt, unfortunately fellas you’ll have to wait and see Foles

September 25, 2012 4:04 pm

Foles is 2 Years away
Eagles should go out and SIgn Vince Young and run the Option Play on 80% of the time and see what happens

September 25, 2012 4:21 pm

You are wrong when you say AR won’t change his style of play, he made a huge change bringing in MUDD they went with the sprint draw and totally new protection packages…HUGE. He also is so far away from the west coast offense… They are a down the field team. Which a lot of the nfl is now… Defenses are catching up… Remember Marino’s yardage record was broken by 3 guys in one year, dc’s have caught up.
As for Foles… Backup qb is the toast of the town always …. Vick is terrible but AR ain’t goin with Foles until they are about mathematic eliminated

September 25, 2012 4:34 pm

Funny Paul.

We’re not “Crowning” Foles at all Realtalk. This isn’t a pro-foles call as much as an anti-Vick call. The kid cannot be worse…and at least when he throws a late out for a pick six we know he’s a rookie….better that than a 10 year vet doing the same thing.

I don’t know if Foles is good or not….but I do know that Vick is garbage.

September 25, 2012 5:00 pm

Ummm Vinnie…yes he can do worst, in fact he could do a lot worst…Eagles are 2-1 with Vick, could be 0-3 under Foles….which brings me to my point, you Vinnie are not a real Eagles fan…. talking about throwing in the towel after 3 weeks of football all because your QB has some struggles. Your logic, is you dont care how bad Foles is, lets play him, he can be bad…and I dont care if the Eagles make the playoffs or not…pretty much is what I get from your comment above. See I’m a different breed, I’m loyal, ride or die for my squad, it ain’t over til its over type of fan. Not a fan that only will cheer for the Eagles when a QB is removed! It must be miserable for you watching Eagles games..supposedly and Eagles fan but hates the QB…must be wishing for a INT/fumble on every play, so you can come here and flap your gums about how right you were…

September 25, 2012 8:07 pm
Reply to  RealTalk777

That’s your worst, and least thought out comment ever Realtalk.

I’m not “throwing in the towel” wanting Foles. I’m just saying that when he makes a mistake (and he will) the mistake will be understandable. Meanwhile, right now we have the most mistake prone QB in the NFL out there…and he’s a veteran. There is no excuse for his disasterous play.

You know what “throwing in the towel” is….continually rolling out a QB who is:
1st in ints
1st in fumbles
25th in TDs
25th in comp %
and hoping, dreaming, praying that this clown is the guy who is going to come thru and save the season.

BTW….its a garbage idea to think we’d be 0-3 with Foles. God…if all the QB did in Cleveland was kneel down each play it would have been 0-0 going into the 4th instead of 16-10 Cleveland. You do know the Eagles are 2-1 “despite” Vick, not “because of” VIck. This guy has played some of the worst football I’ve ever seen at the QB position. The idea that they are 2-1 “because of Vick is absurd.

Ridding ourselves of Vick is the diametric opposite of “throwing in the towel”…..its the only thinkg that can move this franchise forward.

And that Eagles would be 0-3 with Foles is BS.

VS CLeveland
52% 317 2td 4 ints 2 fumbles
77% 318 3td 1int
63% 208 3tds 0ints

You realize you’re defending the first guy on the list right? And you don’t think Foles could have gone out there at say 60% 250 2 and 2 in his first game against that porous squad….because I do.

Christ, if all the QB did was go out and throw the ball away every play, the Clev game would have been 3-0 cleveland going into the 4th instead of 16-10….seeing that 13 of Clev’s pts were directly off Fick foibles.

September 25, 2012 4:34 pm

The thing is Vick and Reid have contrasting styles. Reid wants a guy to sit back in the pocket, makehis reads and throw darts. Mike Vick is not your guy for that system. Vick is more of a very talented game manager. He would best be suited with a team that runs the ball, uses play action and some roll outs. So until Reid leans on shady and use Mike in a way that he is most productive, this arizona game is going to be what we see every week. I have supported Reid for a very long time, but this is just getting ridiclious. Marty should be taking more of the blame than he is getting.

September 25, 2012 4:38 pm

Another stupid move by an immature Team where RB L McCoy calling Giants
DE Osi Yumenyura a “Giant Ballerina” and states that he’s Overrated ..
Just shut up and play the game Lesean.. I swear, many of the Eagles are cocky and arrogant for never winning anything of consequence…

September 25, 2012 4:48 pm
Reply to  paulman

some would say that you need to shut the hell up at times too, Paulman!!

September 25, 2012 4:40 pm

We have the worst Offensive line in the NFL.. I would bet theres even a few college offensive lines better than ours right now.

September 25, 2012 4:42 pm

Congratulations Andy reid youve finally ruined vick,, It only took 3 years to turn the best running quarterback ever into a lame duck

September 25, 2012 8:19 pm
Reply to  larrwd

He did that to himself. He’s in his 30s and his legs/body have been beaten to a pulp.

Last night you saw Rodgers take 8 1st half sacks, and scramble often as Seattle was shredding the GB oline.

The GB line was Swiss cheese 1st half last night…..but…..

What you didn’t see was Rodgers taking the “kill shots” that Vick takes. When he was in the grasp…he went down…notin the grasp still trying everything to throw (a la Hloti Ngata play), stretching out and getting his ribs hammered….when ROdgers scrambles for a 1st and the safety was closing he slid and the guy touched him down…Vick would have tried one more juke or ran into him headlong, separating his shoulder in the process.

Gotta admire the heart, but the brains leave a lot to be desired.

September 25, 2012 4:48 pm

How come nobody ever talks about Cutler and Rodgers holding on to the ball too long? Half the sacks last night was because Rodgers held on to the ball too long, but wait his o-line sucks right? Lovie turned Cutler into a game manager on Sunday it worked but a franchise QB I think not. The Eagles lost Sunday because they didn’t compete period, Vick needs to step it up big time or it will be Foles time. If they put that same effort out there Sunday night Vick won’t last a half and 27-6 will seem like a one point game.

September 25, 2012 5:13 pm

Biglion, Cutler gets crucified in the chicago media (they are burning his jersey) and on the national level as well. Vick has it easy compared to him. Rodgers probably hears it too in Greenbay after a bad game just like pretty much every other starting QB in the league. And he did win a SB, you know that thing that Vick won’t ever win us. I guess that helps.
And were Eagles fans so were obviously going to primarily voice frustrations over our own QB who plays for the Eagles. Don’t need to be a genius to understand that.

“i know we are 2-1 but why in the hell does it feel like we are 0-3??????????” Scramz, its simple. Anybody with a brain knows we have no shot to win a super bowl this year with a QB who is completely incompetent at the LOS. And when you add that with the play calling skills of Reid/Marty we have no hope. Its really sad because there actually is a lot of real talent on this team.

September 25, 2012 5:24 pm

– did you notice, the check outs of plays in 2nd half by Vick? Of course not, because Vick is garbage in your head and that’s the way it is…
Reid spoke about Vick against the blitz, stated it could be better, but there were many times in the 2nd half Vick checked out the play and some of those plays resulted in carries for Shady….One thing to say Vick has to do a better job protecting the ball, but talking about something you have no idea about is a bit much….
Unless you were in the huddle? Maybe your really McCoy, DJAX, Mathis, Herremanns, Reynolds? which one?

September 25, 2012 8:25 pm
Reply to  RealTalk777

We’ve explained this before.

Vick is allowed to check from a pass play to a run when he’s confused….er….when he recognizes the defensive alignment (LOL).

Wow. Exciting.

EVERY junior high QB in North America is allowed to do that.

What Vick cannot do, is recognize a coming blitz and communicate to his wrs and change their routes….as he should have done on the fateful “whammo” play…..the slot wr runs a slant instead of an out there and its a simple TD (except of course that from the moment he walked to the LOS he neveronce lloked left….there are many rumours out there that he suffered a concussion 2 plays earlier….but I think those are from people who can’t understand how he just stood there and got pummeled)

September 25, 2012 5:31 pm

I will fully admit I am all in for Foles based only on the Preseason and here is why.

1. While everyone gives vick 10+ years to develop pocket presence and evade a rush to throw vs Flee and sprint; Foles Demonstrated from DAY 1 that he can FEEL his way around in the pocket and evade and throw.

2. 6’6 vs 6’0″ Sorry but well SIZE MATTERS (JPP or Brandon Graham??, Megatron or Desean?? Big Ben or Flutie??)

3. Foles has demonstrated more in 4 preseason games than any QB since McNabb (MY Eye Test)

4. Vick is not the answer after this year PERIOD. That said what can AR (should be gone already) do to earn another year… Make the Playoffs with a rookie.

5. If Foles can not do the job I want to know before the next draft. Don’t you?? Especially if we are getting a new Head Coach who will want His Guy!

September 25, 2012 5:32 pm

Once Foles is inserted in to replace Vick, thats it – you cant take him out

September 25, 2012 5:51 pm

@ Frank Vick is the exact opposite of a game manager (He is a gambler)

@ Real I respect you for holding to your convictions. We all want the eagles to win a SB as soon as possible. We just as fans get to disagree on how.

@ Paulman I think you have stumbled on to why 7 is still under center. These young arrogant talents (I love these guys but I do try to see the whole of things) 10,18,25 all are enamored with the mystique of Vick. They want to ball for him and believe in him. Sadly I feel they are being led astray from pure football and are drinking the tainted Micheal Vick Experience koolaid that sucked all of Atlanta into a Void for a time. Oh and by the way how is the guy they brought in to ATL because there were feelings of unease about 7 doing. Oh yeah he is lighting it up in houston.

I wish Micheal Vick personal success and long life but I will be very happy to see him off to other pastures like maybe Oakland.

September 25, 2012 6:05 pm

Rumor Mill has Eagles Trading QB M Vick to the Cleveland Browns for Colt McCoy and a 3rd Rd Draft PIck for 2013 Draft
McCoy becomes 3rd String QB behindf Edwards/Foles as Coach AR tries to save his Job.. meanwhile Vick becomes QB of the Browns, Loses 6 Games in a Row and then is found of the bottom of Lake Erie in Cement Cleats (Armor-All) along with Paul Holmgrem by a Drunken group of College Kids who were Visiting the Rock n’ Roll Hall Of Fame
The Eagles go on to win their final 9 Games of the Season and go one to win the SUper Bowl while both Edwards & Foles splt playing time and alternate every other Series.. On the negative, after winning the SUper Bowl in convincing fashion over the Patriots, both Edwards and Foles break both their Collar Bones as they attempt to carry Coach AR off the Field … It’s kind of a Shakespere Tragedy when you think about it … Both QB’s are finshed Career wise and Colt McCoy is the full-time Starter in 2013 as the Eagles go 4-12…

September 25, 2012 6:13 pm

I dont hate Vick, he just isn’t very good. The game plan often dosen’t help, but this guy turns the ball over like its his job. I dont care about guys spouting stats or numbers, I know what I see and I see that our offensive playcalling is suspect and Vick is a below average QB. People keeping acting like Vick was once P. Manning and its a matter of time until he works off the rust and goes back to being prolific passer. Short of a seven game stretch, Vick has never been a good quarterback. What makes it worse for him is the birds gave him a huge, undeserved contract and now we as fans feel like he is not living up to “100 million dollar” label. Problem is he was never a “100 million dollar” player. Play the kid, let him grow with the team.

September 25, 2012 6:59 pm

I feel bad because you cant question his heart. Just can’t play the QB position. Honestly if he played for any other team I wouldn’t care. I want a SB bottom Line. Hey I know how it is to be loyal to a player. I grew up with Jaws and Schmidt as my heros

Jon Hart
Jon Hart
September 25, 2012 8:47 pm

ES– You talk now but we will see this sunday night against ur giants. I guarantee the Eagles win this sunday night and in convincing fashion. Youll see. But I want you to come back on here and talk about it after the game. Dont pop up only when we lose, because you was MIA for the first two weeks of us winning and your giants getting beat by the cowboys in week 1. So be consistent..

September 25, 2012 9:43 pm

Realtalk, how can you honestly say people are basically talking out of their ass when they talk about Vick’s deficiencies at the LOS? Its so blatantly obvious how bad he is when it comes to recognizing a blitz. Its by far no secret and you don’t have to be someone in the huddle to understand that. It has been discussed already by his own coaches, players and former players, analysts, beat writers, you name it. Honestly, if you cant see that then you are a lost cause man or Vick must be like your hero or something which is causing your personal feelings to get in the way of your judgment. I would like nothing more than for Vick to tear up the Giants on sunday who I cannot stand one bit. However, I just have no hope with him anymore.

September 25, 2012 10:05 pm

I don’t even have a problem with the contract he got. What else were the Eagles going to do at that time? Pay Kolb? He is probably just as injury prone as Vick and is far from anything close to a championship winning QB. They also had no idea Manning would be available at that time even though he hasn’t looked all the way back from surgery. They paid Vick like a starting QB in the league. They tend to make a lot of money. The fact of the matter is Vick will likely not see the end of that contract do to his own play and we can move on easy from it without any lasting effects. So yea I don’t know why people have a problem with it..

However, I don’t like when people say due to him being one of our highest paid players at this moment we need to let him throw 40-50 times a game. You play to win the games not to justify how much the FO paid a player. Vick should be dropping back no more than 25 times a game.

September 25, 2012 10:41 pm

Can we be real on here… Vick best playing days are behind him plain and simple. He’snever been winner on the field as an NFL player and it’s very unlikely he will become one at 32-33 years of age.. Go with Foles with and
Eye towards the future for Vick has about .500 record over his last 25 starts or so anyways so whatexactly are the Birds giving up on


September 25, 2012 11:43 pm


I can’t take it any damn more. I have been on this site for a very long time. Love reading the articles and insights of the fans. But you and Vinnie bother me so much. Normally I understand that not having a Super Bowl sometimes is Philly fans get emotional. But you sir try to come off as some type of damn expert and it pisses me off. Vick doesn’t win?? BS. He wins and has been a winner and a gamer the problem is he is thinking too much right now. He will never be Peyton or BRady got it noted. But what he has been and could be is the most dangerous weapon at the QB spot wit a running game and 25-30 throws. Instinctually nobody plays better he is a gamer. When he is on you get Philly vs Washington. Dammit I’m riding with Vick he is the QB now. And when Foles come in I ride with him. Just be supportive and not an over analytical jack rabbit.

September 26, 2012 12:28 am

Lol, 10 years and people still make excuses for Vick. Cam newton IS the guy ATL was hoping they were getting. Honestly a #1 overall pick should be lights out by this stage of his career. Unfortunately the critics have all proven to be right to date and likely will continue to be.
Could you imagine a pats fan advocating to hide tom brady with scheme? Oh wait you don’t have to because a 6th rounder had all the tools for the job and understands his role.

Vick does not possess the right tools nor has he accepted the role of facilitator of the offense vs ego centric star who thinks its all about him. It really ain’t the name on the back I pay to watch bro.

September 26, 2012 1:30 am

the eagles get beat up .. theyre a bunch of runts.. with no offensiveline the beatings will be more severe now.,, it doesnt matter whos back there .. look at aaron rodgers last night .. he got the shit beat of out him by a physcal defense

September 26, 2012 1:42 am

Like the “ain’t the name on the back” line. So true…..why is it that these guys will advocate getting rid of any player who they think is under par….except one?

“He wins and has been a winner and a gamer……”

55-38 in reg season…..looks good right?….except that since 2006 he’s only 24-19…..and over his last 16 starts……8-8….fading…….

Since the start of the 2011 season he’s thrown 21 tds and 20 ints. Fumbled

Since the start of the 2011 season he has 1 win against a +.500 team!!!!

Against teams that were at +.500 when Birds played since 2011…tds…9 interceptions

And I haven’t even gotten to his 26 fumbles with the Eagles!

In his last 8 games….10 TDs and 12 ints (and 3 tds came against ‘on the bus’ Washington in the final game last year.

Playoffs (not counting his 3 play appearance in 2009)
2-3 with 56% passing, 180yrds/game avg, 4tds, 4 ints…

Gamer I’ll give you….I mean he really does attempt to try – that’s obvious….but “winner”??? He’s played in 5 playoff games in his career!! If not for GB suddenly deciding to play give away with 5 turnovers in 2002 he’s probably be 1-4

Do you realize Mike Vick has not won a playoff game since 2004????

Winne???. Pretty low standard for the word.

September 26, 2012 1:43 am

Any other QB putting up garbage like the above would have been run off the field around week 8 last year…..why this guy is teflon I’ll never know.

September 26, 2012 7:10 am

Well said Armyprince; I couldn’t have said it any better…I salute you buddy!

Gotta Luv It
Gotta Luv It
September 26, 2012 8:46 am

I call Bull Shit !….Lets keep this in perspective because the Anti-Vick dudes are gaining momentum
Mike Vick when he has started and finished games for this Eagles team is
17 – 8 …
When the COACH asks him to throw 35 times or less he is 14 – 2….
When the COACH asks him to throw 36 times or more he is 3- 6…
Lesson here is what ?
This dude has WON games in this league..Won games for this TEAM
He is 7 – 3 in his last 10 starts

Let’s talk about what really happened yesterday.
(NFL dot com has coaches tape 69.99)
Our third string Tackle, and Perrenial Practice Squad Center & Superstar Running Back go their butts kicked and were unable to block the Pass Rusher. Yes – I threw Shady in that Bunch! Running he is really good – blocking HE SUCKS! Yesterday in the first half alone he missed 7 Blocks (horribly). Three of those misses resulted in either a sack, or Mike Vick being tackled. WATCH THE TAPE! ( NFL dot com has coaches tape 69.99 ) Demetreus Bell missed 9 Blocks & was responsible for 1 False Start. (that moved us back on a 1st & 10 that pus us in a deep hole). I had Dallas Reynolds missing 4-5 blocks (with 3 of his guys rushing in to make the play – or bust it up). Vick, D Bell, Mathis & Shady own the sack fumble at the end of the 1st half ..dudes need to start watching game tape!!!!!!!Had Shady picked him up, or had the OL, that should have been no problem. 6 rushers, 6 blockers. Mike was sacked in less than 3 seconds his recievers didn’t even turn their heads before the sack fumble….AGAIN WATCH THE TAPE $69.99

October 4, 2012 10:10 am
Reply to  Gotta Luv It

@Gotta – good ish!

September 26, 2012 10:35 am

haaaaaa realtalk doesnt know the difference between worse and worst. haaaaaa. what a hamburger.

September 26, 2012 10:37 am

“because the Anti-Vick dudes are gaining momentum”

and its about time….long overdue.

September 26, 2012 12:09 pm

Sorry to piss you off Armyprince.. But I will continue to call them as I see them whether it’s the popular thing or not.. I’ve been following the Eagles since the early 70’s and have seen many a bad teams and long stretches of clueless organzaionational of a Winning Organization.. The Eagles in the AR era have done a much better job in many areas but NFL is a bottom line business and over 14 Years, Coach AR and his schemes have become stale,predictable and downright outdated.. His fascination with samll but quick WR’s are a thing of teh past.. Look around the NFL and most teams have 2 or 3 Big Physical Targets at WR’s who can make the tough catches in the Red-Zone or across the middle of the field and still be athletic to get yards after the catch (which Jason Avant does not posses)
I may be more frustrated than a lot of the younger fans for it’s the same old shit, but different decade, with this Eagle Organization.. There is a big difference between being a kknowledgeable Fan and being Naaive Kool-Aid Drinker who passion is fueld by wishful thinking.. Look around the NFL, this Eagle Team is nothing Special and yeat the loacal media, local fans think their WR corps is among th ebest in the NFL (more like in the middle) tha their DL is the best among the NFL (probably Top 1/3) and that their Secondary is outstanding (actually average) or that their OL is one to TOps becuase of Coach Mudd (loss of Peters/Kelce make this OL poor)

September 26, 2012 3:25 pm

You guys have to love REAL!! Hilarious! Do you think when he is looking up at Vick while on his knees he tells him he is better than Brady and Manning?? Just wondering. Vick could have 15 picks and Real would say he was great. But seriously Vick is mostly the victim of poor game planning and two passaholics. They literally have a problem. I watch these games sometimes and say to myself, “Joe Montana could not run this offense!” He seriously could not. Way too predictable.
Three things you would get from Foles. First, balance. Its that simple. They wouldn’t throw forty times. As stupid as they are, they aren’t THAT stupid. So right there you are better. Could he actually be more clueless at picking up the blitz and reading the defense?? Could he make MORE mistakes?? I don’t think he will turn it over four or five times a game. It cannot get much worse. Its not like you are bringing in Kolb and now you can’t go long. He has a cannon too. And he appears from scant evidence to be fairly accurate. His main trouble was under throwing the long ball. That’s just a rookie not being used to the NFL speed. He would adjust that quickly.
Second, the line would play better.
Third, what ALWAYS happens when you put in the back up?? The defense shows up bigger. What is the best defense the Eagles played last year? Vince Young’s first start. What carried AJ Feeley? The defense. With no QB whatsoever what made the 1991 Eagles one of the greatest defenses ever?? The fact that they had no QB whatsoever!! They had to be that good. Time is yours.

September 27, 2012 12:10 am

Reid has created a lot of problems for himself. Had he brought McNabb in in the off-season he could put a veteran QB in and still win games to see if Vick could make a come back…putting a rookie in no mater how good I think he could be is basically like tossing the season away. You can’t have high expectations for the season THIS YEAR and start a 2nd/3rd round rookie unless Vick gets knocked out (which could happen.) If Reid brings McNabb in now the local media would go completely ape sh…in the NovaCare Complex parking lot.

…Seriously, it would look like Rise of the Planet of the News Journalists right in the parking lot.

September 27, 2012 7:12 am

butch…I was insisting the Eagles bring in McNabb to have a QB that excelled in Reid’s offense that knew how to audible if needed.

now look.

Vick is even worse than last year.

September 27, 2012 7:13 am

and danny watkins is the worse..what a waste of an 1st round pick.

Gotta Luv It
Gotta Luv It
September 27, 2012 8:11 am

Thongs is back.!!! Lol… Didn’t you say 11 wins after we beat the Ravens ?