• March 10, 2025

How Much Longer Will Reid Stick With Vick?

How many times have we heard from Andy Reid over the years that he has to do a better job? When will the broken record of obvious statements come to an end? Reid once again painted himself into a corner. He was engaged in an intense chess match with Mike Tomlin which ended in checkmate for Reid. This time he did it by burning a timeout early in the second half, a bogus lost challenge, and was left with just one timeout when he needed three. On one of the time-outs Mike Vick actually revealed the defenses intentions and instead of calling an audible or continuing the play knowing what was coming next Reid decided to call time out.

The Steelers dominated the time of possession during the game and eventually wore the Eagles defense down. Although they didn’t turn in a great performance they played well enough to keep the team in the game. 1 touchdown allowed and 3 field goals should be enough for the Eagles to win games like these. The offense is just more talented if not more than the 2004 Eagles featuring T.O. in his prime.

Mike Vick would have turned in a great performance if he didn’t fumble three times and turn the ball over twice. Unfortunately, he did. If it’s not fumbles with Vick its interceptions or batted down balls. The combination of Vick and Reid has proven to be a formula of minimal success.

It’s easy to point out that McCoy was once again underutilized but it seems repetitive at this point to even discuss that. No one would care how often McCoy touches the ball if the Eagles had Drew Brees slicing up secondary’s and throwing 4 touchdowns a game. Reid has stuck with the West Coast Offense throughout the years but fundamentally he can’t stick with its original intent around quick passes and a stellar running attack.

I have stated before that this is a make or break season for both Vick and Reid. I am convinced that Reid will make it through the season but Mike Vick will be benched very shortly.

Mike Vick is not capable of handling Reid’s passing workload and with that in mind I believe something has to give for this season not to go down the drain. We know Reid is not going to change, we know Reid wants to keep his job and control of the organization, his only option is to change the players on the field.

It’s time to face facts, The Mike Vick experiment has been a $100 million dollar mistake. Reid has to see what he has in Nick Foles. Philadelphia already knows what it has in Vick, and the expectations for winning are not going away. We may not know what we have in Nick Foles, but the time has come for him to be inserted into the starting lineup. Like all bad investments there comes a point where you either keep going with something that’s not working or you can cut your losses. That choice is unraveling as we speak.

Matthew Fratantoro

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October 9, 2012 12:48 pm

Vick should be benched but this is more about P.R

Bench Vick and it looks like your throwing in the towel.
Attendance will drop and Luries pockets will be smaller.
Reid will ride the ship till it sinks. and its close.

October 9, 2012 5:55 pm
Reply to  atra1781

Attendance in that stadium wouldn’t drop if it were made from asbestos. Plus the league shares revenue. Money has absolutely nothing whatever to do with who is playing qb. No owner in the NFL loses money, ever. Jeff Lurie has more $ than he could possibly ever spend in 5 generations.

October 10, 2012 3:09 am
Reply to  atra1781

No. it’s more like Reid saving his own @$$! If he makes the change, he literally is saying he made a huge mistake, & isn’t the genius he thinks he is! What is an absolute travesty is the new shiny, $100M contract Vick got. It’s no coincidence that his play his regressed, almost to the day, of the signing! I’m not surprised. I even stated back then, “As soon as he get’s another big contract, he will stop his care & urgency, & turn back into the fraud that he always has been!” Absolutely nothing to do with $$$ & PR! Why do you think Reid is still here. Lurie knows the suckers will still be in the stands regardless! They have a 5-10 year waiting list for season tickets. This team will never lose a penny!!!! So that’s why IMHO, Lurie could give a rats @$$ about winning a SB. If he did, he would have fired the incompetence that is still floating behind the sidelines!!!!

October 9, 2012 12:55 pm

atra in my opinion it isnt about P.R. or what it looks like or attendance.

in my opinion its about results for Reid and the eagles being 3-2 and Reids inability to make adjustments and because he put his neck on the line to have Vick signed.

I think if the Eagles were 2-3 instead of 3-2 Foles would be in, I know for sure if we were 1-4 or 0-5 which take away a few plays and we could be Foles would be in. Point is Reid isnt gonna demote Vick until the losses start outweighing the wins.

attendance wouldnt drop with foles for two reasons, the season is already sold out and Foles wouldnt be worse than Vick so paying customers wont quit, if anything more fans would be happy. i guarantee at least 50% of eagles fans want foles in now.

last if reid benched vick this week it wouldnt look like he was throwing in the towel to me it would look like he realized this guy cant compete for championship

October 9, 2012 2:25 pm

The most ridiculous article I have ever seen on this site.

Through all the bad plays, the fact of the matter is, the guy has gotten the job done in EVERY game this year except the ARZ game. We are 3-2 and in first place. Stop bitching.

Most popular guy in Philadelphia is ALWAYS the backup quarterback after a loss. Morons.

October 9, 2012 2:54 pm

Andy Reids teams notoriously get better as the year progresses. We are 3-2, atop the east. they still have their work cut out for them, but I believe they can rite the turnovers and really make a push to a top tier NFC team. Look around the NFC, Atlanta 5-0, 49ers 4-1, Packers 2-3.

Schedule :
Dertoit – W
Atlanta – W
Nola – L
Cowbys – W
Skins -W
Panthers – W
Boys – L
Bucs – W
Bengals – W
Skins – W
Giants – L

That has them winning 11 games and probably a 3 or 4 seed in the NFC.

That also gets Any a contract extension.

October 9, 2012 3:07 pm


October 9, 2012 3:30 pm

Mike Vick’s stats suggest he is a bottom ten NFL QB –
There are 32 NFL teams – without contestation he is a below average
The only stat keeping him out of the bottom five QB in the league are the 3 Wins but those victories do not put him out of the bottom 10, turnovers push him down there.

October 9, 2012 3:45 pm

Unfortunately, stats don’t always tell all, especially when you’re looking at the high level…you gotta look deeper into the stats! Its too simple to just look at the completion percentages, yards, turnovers….

Look at what he does on 3rd down…look at what he does in the 2nd half of games (completion percentages, turnovers, yards)…look at what he does on the final possession for the Eagles…Now if you do the same for the QB’s that are above him on your list, would those stats be better or worse…the answer will surprise most of you!

October 9, 2012 3:52 pm

bench the guy that leads game winning drive after game winning drive for a rookie.

no matter how many turnovers they had, the defense didnt make a stop when they made them all day…

benching vick is literally retarded.

October 9, 2012 3:53 pm

Three things: 1 Reid stuck his neck out for Vick 2. Paid him a boatload of money and 3. He gives us the best chance to win. I think he is awful but even I recognize that he gives us the best chance.
To suggest that Andy will yank him anytime soon is foolish blog talk…

October 9, 2012 9:18 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

Dead on with all 3. Thats not to say I’m no less tired of Vick’s bonehead mistakes than anyone else but, it’s too early to pull Vick for several reasons not in order of precedence. Later gives the O line more time to gell and better protection for the rookie, Vick is improving on his turn overs although at a painfully slow rate, the eagles are still in a good positioning the division and waaaay too early to panic like benching Vick for a rookie that, so far, looked promising in PRESEASON!

October 9, 2012 3:57 pm

bench the guy that leads game winning drive after game winning drive for a rookie.

no matter how many turnovers they had, the defense didnt make a stop when they made them all day…

benching vick is literally retarded.

October 9, 2012 4:00 pm

RealTalk – I am a Mike Vick fan and don’t want to see him fail or be replaced by a pocket passer – I like the mobile Cunningham, McNabb, Vick type QB but the guy is not getting that money next year from Jeff Lurie ( everything Lurie does is money) so eventually Howie is going to need to see game film to evaluate Nick Foles. the birds may have to use their number one pick on the future QB or sign a Kevin Kolb in the offseason depending on Nick Foles game film.

October 10, 2012 3:26 am

You like a mobile QB, & yet your screen name is- “eagles0superbowls!” HMMMMM!!!! When is the last time a mobile QB won a SB? Steve Young in 1994? Who else? None that I can recall!

October 9, 2012 4:17 pm

Mcnabbs version of mobility is closer to Ben than to Vick… I’m sure they will want to see 6′ 5″ Foles at some point but benching Vick ain’t gonna happen. And of course we hope Foles has big Ben type of mobility

October 9, 2012 6:42 pm

Im kinda hoping they put foles in so we can see how really bad the receivers and line is.. desean is a great number 2 and maclin a good number 3 .. WE DONT HAVE A NUMBER ONE. See the thing is if the have to put foles in he may succeed becuase they will simplify the offense .. Marty Mornewieg is a moron and Andy Reid is starting to recognize that.

October 10, 2012 3:37 am
Reply to  larrwd

larrwd, I agree with everything, except you left out the biggest moron of them all! REID!!! He can’t recognize his own idiocy, stubbornness & incompetence, so how can he recognize someone else’s?

October 10, 2012 4:44 am

Reid is dumb but hes cable of learning it just takes him forever .. Marty Mornenwieg is incable of learning .. Hes runs the same plays every week for the last 3 years.. teams know exactly what we do .. the tape doesnt lie. when vick roles left look how many guys are after him full force on the defense ..they attack because they already know the routes the receivers are going to run.. Vick said the defenses are getting better .. that should be a hint for Marty to do something

October 10, 2012 9:20 am

Are we better off today than we were 4 years ago????? At QB, not President…
HMMM, I still wonder… I NEVER was a 5 fan but all the dopey fans that were screaming that we needed a guy who “takes chances” now has one. We got what we wanted and now we don’t want what we got. I still believe we shoulda kept 5 and RAN the ball playing tough D. We’d have a ring for sure 🙁 🙁 🙁

October 10, 2012 3:50 pm

This has got to be the dumbest articles i’ve ever read on this site. Shows a juvenile understanding of football in particular this team. If i hear one more idiot writer -this site or other- along with the typical agenda driven azzholes who frequent here state how stupid, horrible, and the only reason for our team’s demise that being Vick I’ll explode. How the phuc can you write an article blaming Vick for not hadling this idiot coaches system? IT’S THE COACHES JOB TO GET THE QB THAT CAN!!!!!!! There is no other way of looking at it. This blind hatred of Vick is ridiculous. Most of you azzholes have been saying he sucks since last year. Any coach that trys to fit a square peg in a round hole for as long as Reid should have been fired 20 times over. Either run an offense that accentuates the streghts of your current personnel or GET THE PHUCCING PERSONNEL THAT CAN RUN YOUR SYSTEM!! I’m going to start personally calling each of you who for some “strange” reason can’t see this. DUMB ASSESS

October 10, 2012 5:05 pm

There are so many problems with this post… i dont even know where to begin….

1) this O is NOT as talented as the superbowl team. Where is our T.O? Desean? no. Where is our Runyan and Thomas? BC is left in to help block…. do we even have a FB?

2)”I have stated before that this is a make or break season for both Vick and Reid”. um….. not sure that you got the memo… the OWNER said this 6 months ago…. you are telling us nothing here. It;s like me saying….. Ive gone on record that the earth is round.

3) “Mike Vick experiment has been a $100 million dollar mistake”… ugh…. he’s not getting 100 million and besides…. what would you have had us do? Keep kolb? give me a break with this.

you want to bench Vick and put a rookie in behind this horrific O-Line and give him a game plan that calls for almost all passing. Stupid idea.

Listen, if Vick throws picks and fumbles during the game…. fine.. bench him but it is not Foles time yet,

October 11, 2012 12:21 am

We have o sacks inn the last 2 games. Get Juan outta here, we need some pressure Defense. Did we blitz Ben 1 time? The D didn’t get a stop because we have the most pathetic coaching staff in the NFL. A HC who calls a Qb draw on the 1 yard line which resulted in a fumble, and a D coord who doesn’t blitz. Of all the things that go on in the sports world, this has got to be the biggest joke of the NFL world. Get AR, MM, JC and April outta here. Keep the secondary coach because he’ll proll end up being another hard nose Harbaugh. We need some coach’s here with a big pair of balls.

October 11, 2012 9:40 am

How is it Castillo’s fault for the lack of DL Productions.
Its DL Coach Jim Washburn who is not getting it done in my opinion
I also standy by that DE’s Hunt,Graham should be getting more snaps for they have been consistently getting more Pressure than Cole/Babin who are on the downside and overrated in my opinion.. I also would have liked the Eagles to have Traded DE D Tapp and let Curry play some while they could have sured up another position for Tapp or received a decent Draft Pick
This Eagles DL was supposesd to carry this Defense and it’s been as big as disappointment as QB Vick has..
Wide-Nine is not effective against hurry-up Offenses or Teams that can run the ball effectively
I stated all Summer that the Wide-Nine is only effective when having a lead and with the inconsistent,crappy play of QB Vick, Eagles Leads are non-exisitent and probably will remain so all year meaning Teams will run the ball more with more success versus the Eagles (at least that’s what I would do as an opponent, Run right at the DE’s and it’s an easy 4-5-6 years on almost every carry

October 11, 2012 10:06 am

Rocko, why are you focusing on one stat? Here is the last 2 weeks which you are apprarantely blaming on the defense?

16 points on the road against Pitt.
Steelers other games have allowed: 19, 27, 31

17 points against the Giants.
Giants other games have allowed: 24, 41, 36, 41

Seems to me like the defense is doing a pretty good job without the sacks so why are you focusing on one thing? And Big Ben has been pretty damn good against the blitz over his career.

Here are the offensive totals compared to what the opposing defense average points allowed per game is:

Week 1 = 17, CLE allows 27.8 per game
Week 2 = 24, BALT allows 17.8 per game
Week 3 = 6, ARI allows 15.6 per game
Week 4 = 19, NYG allow 22.2 per game
Week 5 = 14, PItt allows 22.2 per game

Only 1 time were they above the average allowed by the defense.

The defense is 10th in the league allowing 19.8 points per game
The offense is 31st in the league averaging 16 points per game. Only offense worse than the Eagles is JAX. That is no joke.

The offense is clearly the problem, so why don’t you see it?

October 11, 2012 10:09 am

Sorry, I meant to say that this:

16 points on the road against Pitt.
Steelers other games have SCORED: 19, 27, 31

17 points against the Giants.
Giants other games have SCORED: 24, 41, 36, 41