• March 6, 2025

Andrew Bynum Isn’t Sure When He’s Going To Be Able To Play

With each day that goes by, it seems that the 76ers may have been taken to the cleaners by the Los Angeles Lakers in the trade that brought them Andrew Bynum.  He was acquired by the Sixers in August, but still has yet to step on a basketball court to play basketball in a 76ers uniform

Yesterday Bynum surprised the Sixers front office by talking to the media about the condition of his knees..

“I had a little bit of a setback and we’re just working through some issues with the right knee,” said Bynum. “I kind of have a mirror thing going on with my left knee. I don’t know what’s going on, but the doctors are saying pretty much that it’s a weakened cartilage state.”

The big center seems to disappointed that he’s not sure when he’s going to be able to get back on the court and help his teammates.

“They’re not giving me anything real definite,” Bynum said. “I’ve just got to wait for the cartilage to get stronger and that’s pretty much what’s going on. The pain is about the same but there is swelling in both knees that we have under control. It’s the same spot, bone bruise on both sides.”


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November 17, 2012 12:14 pm

Which is exactly what I stated when the signed him.. He’s damaged goods and the 76ers need to plan on the 2012-2013 Season without him and if he can
play a little bit by Spring, then so be it.. But they need to plan on who they have
along their Front Line with Allen, Brown,Hawes,& Moutrie..

November 18, 2012 12:27 am

Is there 1 Decent GM in the City of Philadelphia anymore for any of the 4 Major Pro Feams.. These last couple of off-seasons by all 4 Teams have been a collective joke if you ask me with moves they have made

November 18, 2012 3:48 am


November 18, 2012 7:53 am

Fraud you are a complete idiot. Is trade was a no brainier, to make a run at the nba title you have to make this move. It may not work out but had to be done. In order to make a run this move had to happen. If doesn’t work out then this year or next you have a chance to have salary cap room and maybe a high draft pick, without it you are an 8 seed with a crappy draft pick.

November 18, 2012 2:42 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

HAC, with, or without Bynum, they ain’t winning $#!T!!!! Our 3’s, 4’s & 5’s are still soft & non-existent, ET is a waste & an official bust, Holiday, although has improved offensively, is a TO machine, & we are still an erratic shooting team. The ONLY plus in getting Bynum, is we got rid of Stinkadala, & now have cap flexibility after the year.

November 18, 2012 3:11 pm
Reply to  DCar

My point exactly, in the nba you cannot build or rebuild. You have to get lucky in the draft Durante was the number two pick and so was turner. You have to get that high pick when there are studs not duds.
So get a high pick, Bynum walks and we get a FA or two. But chances are we will continue to suck. It was worth the shot

November 18, 2012 8:43 am

You think the 76ers are going to make e a run at the Title anytime soon..
You still smoking this morning or what..
They went from 7 seed year and will be a 7/8 this year and who knows if Bynum will ever be an effective NBA player again with issues with both Knees
Can you say Jeff Ruland.. Good Grief

November 18, 2012 9:01 am

If Bynum can play they go up to a two or three seed. My point is you have to make bold moves. You like to come on here and proposed undo able trades so your trades are always perfect cuz they are fantasy. Everyone in basketball said with this move they go to near the top.
The nba is a shitty league and the only way to compete is to get a star. Solid teams of nice players are 8 seeds, solid teams with a star are 2-3 seeds.
I know Jeff Rutland and I certainly remember how he finished. If bynum can’t play you have salary cap space

November 18, 2012 9:43 am

Woulda,Coulda,Shoulda, Bynum can’t play anytime soon.. He’s not been able to do any Basketball Drills/Practice and probably has put on a good 20lbs.. If he’s looking at another 5-6 weeks at best before resuming Practice and Drills it will take him another few weeks afterwards to get into basketball shape and play in a new System with new Teammates…
A #2/#3 Seed with Bynum was a stretch to begin with and was more like a #4/#5 Seed with him at best with him in My Opinion.. Now without him, they are looking at #7/#8 Seed again and an early exit for a up and down, jump shooting Team.. He only has a 1 Year Deal, do you resign him after the Season at Big Bucks with Bum Knee’s … I don’t…

November 18, 2012 3:03 pm

I have a decent perspective on Bynum’s situation as a previous division 1 athlete and current Orthopedic surgeon. No amount of rest or time will cure Bynum’s knee’s. This is a chronic situation that he is either going to play with or not. He is not healing an acute injury. Since it is obvious he is choosing not to play, cut him. I just wish that NO team would pick him up to both teach him a lesson, and send a message to future stiffs, you will not be paid for half assed effort.

November 18, 2012 5:47 pm

Thnx for your perspective Rastadoc..
I think you hit the nail on the head, Bynums damaged goods

November 18, 2012 9:25 pm

What a joke, bynums cartilage cannot get better with rest, rehab, to see him smiling is yet another joke, cut him, who is accountable for this trade, suckered fans to buy season tickets, the sixers run their business model like the eagles, wealthy northeastern business men with no feel, connection to anything but making money

November 19, 2012 5:55 pm

Some players/athletes just don’t get it, and yes, Will Bynum is one of these guys… ..

November 19, 2012 10:12 pm

Bynum had a physical before the trade was finalized. I would want that medical staff to tell us how he passed. Rumors here are that this treatment he recieved in Europe actually may have made his knees worst. The sad part of this deal is that Nick Vucevic is playing well and avg a double double for Orlando and that Moe Harkless is highly regarded. Along with having to reliquence a future #1 pick this is looking like a bad bad deal.

November 20, 2012 2:30 am
Reply to  daggolden

No it’s not. We got rid of Stinkadala, & have major cap relief, after the season. If he heals his knees & his heart, which is highly unlikely, it’s a win, if he doesn’t it’s a win! We ain’t winning $#!T, with, or without him anyways! Overblown trade, PERIOD! We still have TOO many holes, & issues with this team. Our 3’s, 4’s, & 5’s, are soft, can’t defend, & can’t score! ET sucks! Although he has turnoveritis, Jrue is the only worthwhile player we have! Thad & ET have no real positions. Hawes blows! Allen is mediocre at best! Kwame, BWAHAHAHAH!!!
& Richardson, Nick Young & Wright are solid players. Not much!

Tech Triumph
Tech Triumph
November 20, 2012 3:40 am

It was a successful trade if it gets the Sixers out of the rut of mediocrity. They either need to stink for a while or get a FA superstar (which won’t happen). It’s the way of the NBA.

November 20, 2012 10:23 am

He hurt his knee because he went bowling when he was rehabbing a knee. Then he stated that no one told him that he couldn’t do it. That is all I need to know about this guy.