Eagles head coach Chip Kelly made it official just moments ago. He announced the obvious. The NFL’s leading passer, Nick Foles will be the starting quarterback for the Birds the rest of the season.
Kelly said he talked to both of the quarterbacks and let them know Foles was now the starter, in much the same way that he told them Michael Vick was the starter after the preseason.
Kelly said Foles won’t have to look over his shoulder and be afraid to make mistakes because he’s the guy for the remainder of the schedule.
Both Foles and Vick will practice today. In fact the entire roster will practice today except for rookie safety Earl Wolff.
We’ll have more information for you about the quarterbacks later today.
“Nick will be our starter,” Kelly said prior to practice. “Hopefully we get Mike back for a full week of practice, and he’ll be the No. 2 guy this week.”
The coach doesn’t want the team to get into a back and forth situation at the quarterback position, so he made a point to emphasize that Foles won’t have to be looking over his shoulder. Foles won’t have to worry about being pulled because he makes a mistake or two.
“I’ve always believed you need to have one quarterback,” Kelly said. “I want our players to play from a desire to excel, not a fear of failure.”
I’m glad Chip finally settled this. I have much respect for the way Vick has handled it, he’s really matured as a person and has turned into the perfect teammate.
Good job by Kelly for letting both Players know as he did during the PRe-Season when Vick won the Job.. This way all the Players,Coaches and now Fans know the direction of the Club for the remaining 5 Games on their push for the Playoffs without having to answer any Questions or have any needless distractions about who the Starter is.. Kelly has managed the QB situation about as well as a 1st Year HC can with the emphasis of competition, communication and then now that it;s crunch time with the Playoffs at stake, to go with the QB who gives the Eagles the Best chance to Win now.. Excellent Job by Kelly and now it’s up to QB Foles to play smart,decisive and with confidnce as he has done in all of his games (besides the Cowboy game) and will have the remainder of the Season to prove whether he is the long-term/future answer of QB moving forward..
VIck can add his experience,support and be a play away from coming in if there were an injury to arise so he needs to remain sharp and focused..
I still would like to see a few plays utilizing Vick to get him a few touches a game and to keep opposing Defense’s guessing or having to plan for an occastion appearance by VIck
Excellent job by Kelly? Don’t see it that way. The head coach couldn’t see what any fan with any wits about them knew was going to happen and that’s a losing record and time in the trainer’s room.
He made the mistake and went with the old guy who was a little better (really in just one game) in the preseason, over developing the kid who was playing the veteran to a virtual standstill. He ignored all the game tape of MV’s troubles against good Ds, and he ignored his injury history.
That was not an ‘excellent job’
Look, thank goodness Foles is playing well and the Birds have rebounded and are now in the hunt….but now that Foles is about to lead the team into big games with playoff implications, wouldn’t it have been better to have 5 more starts under his belt (especially against creampuff Ds like Wash, SD and Denver to improve his confidence) heading into this stretch run?
I would be more comfortable knowing what to expect if he had played more.
I think it was a cluster fuck from the get go, and Kelly had his ass bailed out of a bad decision by the Eagle’s very own Bart Scott incident forcing Kelly’s hand. Had that hamstring not torn, I guarantee you the Eagles would not be sniffing the playoffs right now and we’d be debating who to pick with a top 5 selection next year.
Kelly, and Eagles fans, got lucky.
Your dead wrong Vinnie, no matter who was quarterbacking in the beginning of the season, nothing was going to change the way our D played, it also would of never been right in that locker room if Foles started the season, and besides all that, Vick beat him out straight up, we all saw in the pre season how Vick was ahead of him in those games. The bottom line is this, Foles has done an outstanding job these pass few weeks and deserves to show that he can keep it up the rest of the season, and its because of the parity the league is right now and our whole team adapting to the system that we are in the spot were in, this could of never been done if our D never stepped up they way it has recently.
I disagree 100% VInnie
Kelly in his First year had very little idea if FOles could run his Offense or at least a good part of his Offense which is why he pushed to resign Vick to begin with .. Now why he wanted to Draft Barkley is another story..
But anyways, Kelly went with Vick who showed promise during the Pre-Season and overall was playing pretty good before he got injured, had a solid grasp of the system and was cutting down on his mistakes and turnovers.. now when you fast forward 3 months into the Season, Coach Kelly sees who preactices every day, who has command of his offense and who is playing well and obviously, it’s Nick Foles..
Time and Time again you look at only what you want to.
The eagles team with Mike Vick at qb scored plenty of points to win games. Clearly this D has stepped it up. AND… we are not playing Denver or K.C. right now.
You ONLY see the QB.. thats all. from “the get go” the eagles beat the NFCE champs on THEIR turf.
I for one am glad we have a young solid starting QB leading our team but for far too long you have been blinded by hate and thankfully only 2 people share your stupidity. Glad your silliness has led to your banishment… i mean…. in theory.
Vinnie….couldn’t disagree more. Kelly came into the league with an general concept of the type of offense he wanted to try and run. Sure, he could adjust that offense based on players if he had to but he still wanted to SEE if his read-option based offense could work with a mobile QB. The only QB like this at Kelly’s disposal was Vick. Add that to the fact that Vick was willing to play at a no-risk contract AND that Kelly still wanted to form trust and relationships with the playmakers on this team that idolize Vick, it was a no-brainer decision. He made another good decision by making the QBs compete in training camp. After preseason play (and keep in mind we didn’t see everything that happended in closed practices) Kelly could not possibly go with Foles or risk loosing the locker room before even getting started as it was clear that Vick was performing better.
Now that Foles is showing he has the stuff to win in this league and Kelly is adjusting his play calling accordingly the only thing to do with this point is roll with Foles. I, for one, am loving what Foles is showing me (even more so than most), but I still think Kelly had to go with Vick early on. Kelly gets killed by a lot of anti-Vick people for his decision to bring Vick back but looking at this thing as a whole, I think he handled the entire situation beautifully.
I don’t have Twitter, how’s Marcus Vick taking the news? LOL
He is probably jumping off the Ben Franklin with those other completely insane/delusional/racist/senseless/fraud “eagle fans” that continued to state that Vick is the better QB when healthy bullshit week after week..just blatantly ignoring reality and the truth.
O wait, I heard that there is a strong chance that Vick will come back as the QB coach next year….
The decision was a no-brainer…Vick’s hurt…been out for weeks and Foles has played very well albeit against very weak competition. Foles needs to be at the highest level of confidence going into the next few games. There are no excuses, no one looking over his shoulder…he needs to perform at the same high level in the upcoming games now that we are legitimately in a playoff race.
Vick has been an excellent teammate for Foles, a class act….he should get completely healthy and be ready in the high likelihood that Foles falters badly. If the kid gives us a couple of those Dallas performances and demonstrates that the moment is just too big for him…he needs to be sat on the bench…quickly!
Kool breeze, I got love for you but I have to say- you are in complete denial. Just face it fam. It’s over. Vick had his time and I for one appreciate it bit it’s a wrap. This is Nick Foles team now. Let’s get behind the youngster.
I’m sorry concrete_marley…I just dont have a lot of confidence in Foles…he has to earn it…I have acknowledged…Chip Kelly has to make him the starter…Vick’s hurt and rusty…Foles has played real well in situations where the offensive line has been excellent and teams he has faced have stunk.
This is the test…its time for him to take us to the playoffs…what I dont want to see is another choke job in a pressure situation like he did in Dallas! If he cant handle the pressure of being in the top seat…Kelly shouldn’t wait until next year…we trying to win now!
How can you have no confidence in Nick Foles.. He’s led the Eagles to
a 5-1 Record in his 6 Games this Season… That’s more Wins than any Eagles QB have achieved since the 2011 Season…
What are you waiting for ??
lmfao he is so transparent. mentions the dallas game 5 times a day never mentions any of his other games. never criticized vicks bad games either. too funny
LOL..yeah u right…I am transparent…I explain everything in football terms that we can easily comprehend and I am objective…I have said over and over…Foles has played well…he has played really well when there is no pressure on him. If he takes us to the playoffs…I will tip my hat to the young man…and say…its his team. If he folds up in tight situations, becomes ineffective in critical moments…we need a new QB…and if we are still in the playoff hunt…Kelly will do the right thing that this team needs to do to win…now!
mhenski, jakdog..and a lot of you other clowns simply never watch the games
You stated that when the Eagles played the Redskins prior to the biweek that Foles was going to have to perform under the pressure of getting the Eagles into first place. You said he would have to match up to the likes of a real QB in RGIII. How’d that go for you? You consistently put in this criteria for Foles to meet for you to say…yes, he’s that guy. When he meets the standard, your standard, you complain about how bad the other team performed. You’re just not a Foles guy, stop with the if he’s….you sound embarrasingly silly at this point. Bottom line, he (Foles) has proved it to the one person that really matters….Chip Kelly!
The next five games will simply determine if we have our guy in Foles or if we are drafting a QB in the first. E
ach team minus the Vikes (and they ain’t laying down) are in a playoff hunt…some for the division. There are some big time receivers, running backs and prolific offenses we will be facing. Foles could very well find himself in a shootout more than once over the next five games.
I’m not so impressed with Foles – he’s looked good against some pretty horrible teams – we will see what he does with better competition.
You can only play who’s on your schedule. My thing is, has any other teamswith elite QB’s put up numbers like Foles did against the same defenses? The answer is no.
There are two QB’s worth taking in the first round, Mariota and Bridgewater, and they will take a year or two to develop. none of them has a better skill set than Foles right now either. No need to waist a pick on a QB in the first. To many other needs. Some of the QB’s who was taken in the first last year haslooked horrible against some horrible defenses this year!
With Foles Performance to date in 2013,
there is no way they Eagels are looking for a QB in the 1st Round of 2014 (Which there are no Franchise QB’s to begin with)
You guys still don’t get it.. There are no horrible Teams.
Every Team on any given SUnday can light up anothe Team just as they can lay an egg, we see this every week
I hear TB Bucs suck and they are on a 3 Game Winning Streak and picked off Stafford 4 Times on SUnday in a must win game for the Lions at Home..
I hear the Rams Suck and they up 38 on the COlts, and then 42 on the Bears..
I hear the Raiders suck and they are 4-6 and playing pretty well of late though they did play like shit versus the Eagles..
I hear the Packers suck without QB Aaron Rodgers and all they do is use 3rd String QB Matt Flynn to save their Season last week with 20 points in the 4th Quarter to at least get Tie verus the Vikings..
The Difference between the Top Teams with the Best Records and the medicore Teams is very small
I see many Teams that have 7-8 Wins like the COlts,Panthers who could easly have lost 2-3-4 o f their Games and then I see Teams with 4-5 Wins who could easily have 7-8 Wins (Chargers,Bills, Titans) if they were able to seal the deal and finish games..
It’s the NFL and it is what it is..
Do Teams with bad records stink because of their record
or do they have a bad record because you Beat Them
This is the first time since 2010 that Eagles are playing meaningful games at Thanksgiving Time and still we have the nay-sayers, stating Foles needs to prove he bleongs, or that I am not all that impressed with Foles..
You guys/ladies just crack me up and wonder why Philly Fans have lousy repuatitions.. It’s one thing to be crazy passionate, but it’s another to be educated and knowledgeable about the SPort of Football and how your Favorite Team (Eagles) is doing in relation to the Competition around the NFL and right now, the Eagles are doing pretty good and if you can’t see that or understand that, then there is something wrong with you as a Fan and probably as a Person in general..
To Date Paul……… Im Keeping my Fingers Crossed man. I want to see the playoffs this year.
I with you Rheone1,
The way the last 2 Seasons ended just sucked as an Eagłe Fan playing meaningless games the last 5-6 Weeks of those Seasons
Now we a Team that we can cheer for as the Playoff Drive continues and posters are talking about the QB Position still..
Shot if it wasn’t for Foles Play and the improved Defense Play, the Eagłes probably wouldn’t even be in the hunt for the Playoffs
Let’s enjoy it while we have the chance for I am not getting any younger..
Koolbreeze, Vick is healthy now. Chip said everybody on the team is 100% except Wolfe. Chip officially made Foles the starter because he is the best QB on the team, period. Its not even close. So stop with the Vick is hurt bullshit as an excuse that he got beat out for the starting job just like he beat out Kolb years ago. Even Vick admitted himself that Foles should start over him because he simply is playing much better. And even if Foles has a bad game or two, Vick is done as an Eagle unless Foles gets hurt. Its Foles team.
Now just because Foles is clearly a better QB than Vick/Barkley doesn’t mean he should be the franchise for the next 5 years. For me, Foles needs to prove that he can stay healthy. If the kid avoids major regression and stays healthy the job will likely be his for the future.
LOL you’re silly.
He is not “clearly a better QB” than anyone. He has however played well, is young, is likely to be here next year when Vick is not.
Starting him is a no-brainer at this point and fully the right decision. However, had Vick not been injured we wouldn’t even be having this convo. So just stop.
You have to go back to 2006 to Say that “if Mike Vick were not injured” .. This is no surprise that he’s unable to play a Full Season, he hasn’t in quite some time which is exactly why Kelly had Foles to compete with Vick in the first place knowing that at some point, he would get his chance to play with Vick being out..
I disagree, I think by this time Kelly would have been fed up with Vicks mistakes and turnovers that have plagued him his entire career. BUT it’s all conjecture at this point and your being rational about it unlike others that are beating a dead horses skin lol. Anyone feel a bad cold draft in here?
Dude…. Vick was playing lights out Football before the injury. Pull ya skirt down……
keep telling yourself that.
He is the highest rated passer in the league…the entire fucking leaguel. No other QB on this roster can touch him right now. I think he would have to throw like 20 straight interceptions to have the same QB rating as Vick…and he would probably have to throw 30 ints to be at Barkleys.
“had Vick not been injured”…thats priceless shit right there
Stop it! Foles should play because he has played well…Vick’s injury is the only reason why Foles got a shot…and Vick is still not 100%…he suffered a serious hamstring injury. Kelly said he wasn’t sure that Vick is healthy enough to be second string…but even if we were to say Vick is 100% healthy…he has to be a little rusty…he hasn’t played! You have to play Foles now…so Kelly decision was easy and he is giving the kid all of the confidence he needs by naming him the starter.
No excuses…this is Foles big shot…he has to lead us to the playoffs…or we need to draft a quarterback for next year…simple as that!
“He is not clearly a better QB than anyone”
2w 4l 54% 1200yrds 5 tds 3ints
4W 1l 64% 1550yrds 16tds 0 ints
You are right.
Clearly not better.
koolbreeze has been posting his love for Michael Vick on every sports message board since Vick played for the Falcons. He has zero ties to the Eagles. When Vick is no longer an Eagle koolbreeze will be gone with the rest of these imposters…. you know who they are.
Coach Chip Kelly met with Foles and Michael Vick on Tuesday morning to explain his decision.
“Nick will be our starter,” Kelly said. “Hopefully we get Mike back for a full week of practice, and he’ll be the No. 2 guy this week.”
Kelly said Foles will be the starter for the rest of the season, barring injury.
“High likelihood that foles falters
Hope springs eternal for you clowns
Kool breeze, why is it all or nothing with Foles, that if the eagles, do not make the playoffs you would replace foles
Do you envision a scenario that foles plays well the last five games, and the birds still do not make the playoffs, do you still want him gone
Would you say the same thing for Wilson, Kaepernick, and have you written of rg3 because right now he looks like he can’t play in this league
The games have to play out…if Foles is a franchise, superbowl caliber Quarterback then he will lead them to the playoffs. Jakedog, dont shift and hedge the bet now…good quarterbacks lead their teams to the playoffs. I have seen RG3, Wilson, and Kapernick lead their teams to clutch wins. I have seen the young quarterbacks you mention get the job done in tough situations.
Bottom line is that I have never seen Nick Foles win a clutch, big time game on this level. The biggest game I have seen him in against good competition was the Dallas game!! He choked up in that one…even though the offensive line wasn’t bad at all…he simply choked!
So yes Jakedog…its all or nothing with Foles…he has to win…no excuses…I dont want to hear that he is young…Wilson, Kapernick, and RG3 were young last year and they put on some clutch time performances….Foles knows the offense, he is smart, his o-line is playing well…the only thing that would prevent him from coming up big…is if he chokes! We dont need Tony Romo around here…big numbers…except when you need it in crunch time!
Lol Im gonna say this one time…Your nuts. Look at the standard your putting on Foles in his 12th start after he has looked better than Vick ever has. I only bring up Vick because you would defend him every failure for 12 years but don’t have the patience for a guy starting his 12th game. Do you see how unreasonable you look? Run option is getting blown up..yet you say you talk football wisdom. It’s nonsense ma man.
I can’t just read this stuff about Dallas anymore without replying. A football team plays 16 regular season games. That Dallas game was not the “Biggest game he’s played in Yet” Every single Sunday is the Biggest game you play in yet. Foles has played in 6 huge meaningful games, and won 5. You clearly have a huge bias against Foles to keep bringing up only 1 of the 6 huge, meaningful games Foles has played in. The last big, clutch game came against the Redskins, and the next huge game is against Arizona. That is all.
The Dallas game was the biggest game he played in. You can bet they are just itching to see Foles again. I want him to succeed, but if you cant beat Dallas, you aint Shit in this City…. hate or not Im sure you agree. He needs to beat them next time, and convincingly!
LOL…man up! Name a game that was bigger? It was for the division lead…it was a key game for that point of the season! We are in competition with Dallas for this division!
So yes…Dallas was big.
The Deadskins are finished…their defense stinks and Shanahan is finished in Washington…but even in that game…the offense became suddenly ineffective in the fourth quarter when we needed some big time plays from the Quarterback…Foles didn’t get the key first down we needed to sustain the drive…and the defense bailed us out with pressure and a key interception on RG3.
So I’m confident in the defense…they came up big in a pressure situation…against Green Bay…we ran the ball the offensive line took over the game after Foles key fumble late in the game!~
So I’m confident in the offensive line…
I need to see Foles come up big in a tight game with pressure..that is what I need to see in order to be convinced that he is the future for this team! He has to man up! Time to win…if he leads the team to some big time wins down the stretch run here…Foles is the guy! This situation for this team…this is his big shot…he has to hit the shot…stop looking for excuses…we control our own destiny…we have to win and its on the Quarterback!
I really dont care what you need to see, neither does Chip Kelly. The only one making excuses is you and your silly “only one game has mattered so far”.
Lets go Eagles, keep winning!!!
Silly rabbit…read exactly what I said..I didnt say that only one game has mattered so far…I said the biggest, most pressure, most important game for us…was the Dallas game…and just who are we in competition to win the division with…Dallas you idiot!
Who are you …Chip Kelly’s personal assistant or something? ..Stop it!
When we were leading up to the game everyone knew it had big implications…Foles choked.
He has a chance to make up for it by leading us to some wins. The O-line is playing good, the defense is playing well, special teams are going good…and Foles is hot…if he stays hot..we win…but if he chokes up like the Dallas game…we lose! Simple as that…
Koolbreeze is correct we don’t know how Nick Foles will perform in the pressure cooker in the cold weather during this NFC Conference and Division race. But we do know how Vick did and the 14 million in 2011, 14 million in 2012 and the 7 million in 2013 for no playoffs and down right horrible football was a complete waste of money. 35 million dollars on that weak injured turnover stiff the last 3 years.
yep only the dallas game was high pressure, those other games were against division 3 teams
Vick is hurt and irrelevant now…Foles is the starter. Its time for Foles to step up and lead us to the playoffs…he is smart, the o-line is playing well…the defense is getting better, special teams are playing well…the team is moving forward…the Quarterback has to step up…no excuses..he needs to do what Wilson, Kapernick, and RG3 did last year…win big games with big performances in the clutch…that’s what we need from the QB position…no excuses, no lame crying…we need wins…and Foles has to lead us!
If he cant…then we need a Quarterback!
Wilson made the playoffs because Seattle had the best D in the league. Kapernick made the playoffs because he was on the overall best team in the league. RGIII made the playoffs cause his team was lucky enough to play in the NFC East, and they got hot at the end of the year. All three QB’s played very well for their respective teams. All three TEAMS led themselves to the playoffs
Those teams won with Wilson, Kapernick, and RG3 making big time plays in big moments of big games last year. All three of them showed that they were clutch performers that could handle the big stage. Stop shifting the bar! When the O-line stunk, the defense stunk, and Andy Reid had his worst coaching performance last year…everyone blamed Vick!
This year…the coaching is much, much better..the play calling is excellent…the offensive line is improved, the special teams are better…and the defense is much better…it all comes down to Quarterback play from now until the end of the season…Foles has got to get it done! Show and prove…all or nothing…playoffs or bust! No playoffs…we need a quarterback
Who thinks Foles looks better than Vick EVER has?
You must beat Dallas in this City to be our True number one QB. Foles needs to beat Dallas. Let me say it again FOLES NEEDS TO BEAT DALLAS!!!! I can give a fuck about the other teams he loses to, but in Philadelphia, PA YOu Need to Beat Dallas, or even Cataldi will excoriate your behind come Monday Morning. Twice in a season, and your toast! hate it or love it.
I completely disagree that Dallas was the “biggest” game so far this year. This past game against the Redskins has just as much meaning as any other game played.
I completely AGREE that I really really really hate the Dallas Cowbitches. I want them to lose every game they play, and I want the Eagles to always win and take no mercy against my hated rival. So yeah, I hate the Cowgirls, and I’d like to see Foles have 30 victories against Dallas by the time he retires!!!
First Time I ever saw you post…. If your going to stick by your Redskins game comment. MAKE IT YOUR LAST!!!!!!! is stupid to say when RG3 is less than a year removed from ACL surgery… WAY LESS, and the BIG LOBSTER’s Son calling the plays. Mediocore team! Period!
Fuck you man. I’ve been bleeding green my whole life and actually have a good perspective on football. If the Eagles had beat Dallas and lost last week to the Redskins, you’d be saying that game was the biggest one. Get some damn perspective. GO EAGLES
Antitrust32…Stop it! Dallas was the biggest game for us so far this year…they are the team in competition with us for the division…not the Deadskins or the Giants! Dallas has a slight advantage now because of that win! We had them in our house…fans revived up…defense and offensive line playing well…but the quarterback was horrible. Now…it may come down to us having to come up with a big win in Dallas for all of the marbles…Foles has a shot to redeem himself…by coming up big in the clutch…I dont care about the padding of Foles stats against weak teams. I simply want Foles to beat the Cowgirls…and show us some clutch Quarterback play!
Dallas is the competition with us for the division…we have to win the division to get into the playoffs…its that simple!
Every game is a huge game. Maybe if we had not started the year so poorly we’d have a little wiggle room. Every game is a huge game in the NFL. Foles has been clutch many times already. Get over it man. Root for the Eagles.
Spare me man! Foles has played well but there nothing about his play to this point that you can describe has clutch. No forth quarter comebacks, no big throws at the end of games. Oakland and Tampa were blow outs…in the Green Bay game in the 4 quarter he handed the ball off to Shady and the O-line took over that game…to overcome his fumble…and against Washington he was sub-par in the fourth quarter….didn’t get the key first down and the defense bailed us out.
This does NOT mean that Foles had not been good…he’s been very good….but he aint been clutch…we aint see that yet!
This year against the Giants he threw 2 fourth quarter touchdowns. Last year against Tampa, he drove the team down the field, designed his own play, and then threw the winning touchdown pass on the last play of the game. He has played clutch many times already. Spare me.
Big pressure games?
How was your hero on national TV? Big Red coming back. Home game. Crowd fired up??
13 of 30 with 2 interceptions.
Or the next week? A must win big pressure game in Denver mano-a-mano vs Manning
14 of 27 with no tds
STFU about Foles “choking” in a big pressure games when your hero is one of the biggest fair-weather players in the league. Aside from one game against the Giants, MV7 wins hasn’t stepped up and “won” a game (like you are demanding of Foles) just about ever. (and if you bring up the great “win” at Lambeau 24 years ago that was gift wrapped with 5 turrnovers from the hosts, I’m going to puke)
Vinniethevictim, once again you fall to your own foolishness! Forget Vick…its about Foles! We need to find out if he is the franchise Quarterback! Or should we trade up if necessary and get Mariotta or one of the other good Qbs’ in next year draft.
We have a simple way to make that call!
Foles has a shot…he is hot…we are entering crunch time! Will he stay hot or will he wilt under the pressure of being the ‘guy’!
If he wilts…we need another QB…if he plays well and leads us to the playoffs we have our franchise Qb!
Its that simple!!
You change your tune quick….scroll up a couple posts and you were all “if Foles ‘chokes’ Kelly will have to do the right thing”
And by “right thing” you meant bring Vick back.
I just think its funny that you want to replace Foles if he “chokes” with one of the biggest “chokers” of the last decade!
You even brought up the “win now” shit again. And that’s just too damn funny.
Or this line, “he (Vick) should get completely healthy and be ready in the high likelihood that Foles falters badly. If the kid gives us a couple of those Dallas performances and demonstrates that the moment is just too big for him…he needs to be sat on the bench…quickly!”
I’m assuming that when Foles (in all likelihood) gets sent to the bench (fuck your fingers must be crossed) you’re not pining for Barkley….
Its just funny that you want to replace a guy who will choke “in all likelihood” with a hall of fame choker!
Vinnythevictim..there are a number of scenarios that can be played out here…if Foles looks like he did in the Dallas game over the next couple of games and he just completely folds under pressure…then you have to go back to Vick…it only makes sense.
If Foles plays so-so but not bad enough to get benched but fails to lead the team to the playoffs…then we dont have a franchised Quarterback!
The bottom line is that the ball is in Nick Foles hands…forget Vick…he probably wont be back next year! He has been a good teammate to Foles and most likely wont play unless Foles gets hurt.
Your Vick bashing is ridiculous…Vick played well this year and the only reason Foles is playing is because Vick got hurt…not because of Vick’s bad play…the games we lost with Vick this year was because the defense was terrible.
Listen we know you are drunk off of the Vick-haterade…your a victim of drunknesses …Foles can rescue you by playing well and leading us to the playoffs…Kelly has made that call so you have got what you want Vinny the Vic-hater….lets go Eagles and lets hope that Foles can lead us to the playoffs!
Why even respond Vinnie they obviously have an agenda and will find a way to justify. They are delusional.
Its amazing to me that this continues. Why is this so hard for everyone? Why do you care about 1 player or another so much? We are winning you idiots… lets review….
1) Mike Vick was given a chance to compete for the starting job because of his ability to run and because of his deep ball.
2) Nick Foles was given a chance to compete for the starting job because of his ability to read D’s and because he is a relentless leaner who fight till the end.
3) Mike Vick won the starting job because he played better in the preseason and frankly- Foles did not (except for that stupid stat Vinnie was using with his stop watch)
4) Mike Vick looked good this year… but injured.
5) Foles came in and has played lights out. Far better than he has in preseason or last season.
AND WE ARE WINNING!!!! Y? because vinnie and the other simpletons think a QB also plays on D? No.
Because Mike Vick wears his hat str8 now?- no
Guys… because all 3 phases of this TEAM are clicking at the right time.
Now- this week is a big test. Not as big as the Dallas test but a big one. Foles has a chance to show us he can win a big game. I say… he shows us.. whos with me?
We expected a test from other teams with a good “D” like Oakland. THEY LAID DOWN! completely. I just hope the league lets us see who Foles really is before we hand him the Keys…………..
There is a lot riding on this Stevo! Do we draft a QB next year in the draft? Is Foles the one? Its very simple and Chip Kelly has made it simple…Foles is the starter…I want to see him doing the same things he did against Oakland without cornerbacks falling down…I want to see a precise, quick thinking quarterback in the fourth quarter of games…making critical, big time throws, in big time situations….when I see that..I will say…YES…we got our quarterback…lets work on other aspects and win a superbowl….you say he “shows us”…I say…”I dont know” but we will certainly find out…and I dont want excuses, cries, or “he’s just a kid”…just like if he gets it done..I will say..he is our quarterback for the future without any reservations…he proves it by taking us to the playoffs!~ Simple, objective and very fair!
You know your hero (over his career) has thrown over 65% of his tds in the first half of games, and only 35% in the second half of games right.
You want to see him playing well in the 4th quarters of games?
You do know of Foles 22 TDs, 14 game in the second half of games. (now 2 of those came in mop up duty so its really 12 of 20)
You want to see him making critical throws in the 4th Q of big games?
Like the 1st Giants game this year…oh ya…divisional game, on the road when the team is 1-4 and must win to save the season….not “big time” enough.
The only reason the Dallas game had ANY importance is because of how clutch he was in the BYG game…lost that and the season was OVER at 1-5.
Not “big enough” for Koolbreeze…only the Dallas game is important.
What’s that? Foles gets better in the second half of games? That’s weird.
Here you go with your meaningless dribble of stats…all irrelevant. We are talking about this year. Vick by all accounts was playing well he was leading us to a win in that Giants game and got hurt. The team was winning when he went out.
Foles came in and beat some poor team in Tampa and Oakland…got a big break against Green Bay and was bailed out after a 4th quarter turnover by the defense and offensive line taking over…and was bailed out by the defense in the Washington game.
If every game for the rest of the year turns out with Foles being bailed out by the defense and not having to lead the team to any 4th quarter comebacks…hey…I’ll take it…and if we go to the playoffs…Foles is the Man!
But if the pressure gets to him…like the Dallas game his biggest, most challenging game THIS YEAR…if he reverts to that guy we saw in that game…he needs to be on the bench quickly!
I can’t believe that some fucking punk from South Carolina comes to an Eagles message board and openly roots against our quarterback just so his man crush can play another game.
Take off koolbreeze. Michael Vick has started his last game in the NFL, unless Nick Foles gets injured.
You are exactly right Old School!…. Half of the people on this site are hoping Nick Foles fails…. They have this vision of their hero (Mike Vick) riding to the rescue like he did in 2010.
What they don’t understand is that back in 2010 the league was full of pocket passing quarterbacks. It took teams about half a season to catch-up to Vick. Today there are three or four quarterbacks that are doing what Vick does, only better…. And the defensive coordinators have shut them down.
The only mobile quarterback that is doing well is Wilson, because he is a great quarterback – not a great runner.
Disagree with that. Most want him to shine. I few idiots want him to fail just like a few idiots wanted vick to fail. Jdont let simpletons ruin your day. Just ignore them… at some point they will make a bet and talk themselves off the site all together.
LOL…Old Fool cause ya azz never seen the inside of a school you ever spent any significant time in…my feelings would be hurt if I didn’t realize that you were retarded!…oops..I’m sorry I should not offend the mentally handicapped by comparing them to an ass like you.
I am witnessing this magical transformation of so many who didn’t become Eagle fans until Mike Vick got hurt and desperately desired for the Eagles to lose so they can get a better draft pick and return has Eagles fans once they believe and know that Vick was off the team.
Now “Presto” they have magically returned to being Eagles fans with Chip Kelly naming Foles as the starter!
There are a few of you who are at least principled Eagle football fans who legitimately want to see the team win…regardless if Vick or Foles is QB…but many of you jerks are flip-flopping hypocrites who dont know much about football anyway!
many people r coming out of the woodwork because there is now hope and upside with our team instead of oh being stuck in neutral watching Vick do what he always did (lose, turn the ball over, get sacked, and get hurt and then repeat )
I was an Eagles fan when you were still shitting yellow koolbreeze. And I will spend a lot more time posting on this message board when the Vick fans move on.
Over the last few years I have come to respect Michael Vick and I have enjoyed watching him play in Philly. But, there is one large drawback to having Vick as an Eagles player and that’s some of the fans that follow him.
There’s are large group of people that care nothing about Michael Vick’s football skills. Those people want Vick to be the Eagles starter because they view it as social and racial justice.
It’s time to focus on football. Let Vick be an agent of social change from the side line.
You don’t care remember Vinnie or were you just lying as usual? Posting more stats on a stupid blog that you only post on to antagonize people? We see you for what you really are I’m not gonna get out of my pulpit.
I disagree Big, Vinnie’s stats were true. I don’t see why people wanna negate the stats why we kept getting the same damn results. I wanna win just as badly as anyone on here. To win though you need to have a winner.
I know his stats are real X, but he said he only comes here to antagonize people. My point is nobody researches like he does just to get under people’s skin.
Oh I don’t believe that either Big….I think he is like me and wants a better QB for this team. It has become personal for him and I totally understand that too. It takes a lot of will power not to drop to others levels on here. I know you know that feeling also. When ever I think Im losing my mind I try to remember the majority of us are true Eagles Fans. We will comment win or lose but want to win. Honestly Big, look at all the people who stopped commenting as Foles did better and Better. Real fans? No. They will be back spewing nonsense as doon as he trips up. Vinnies been fighting for so long it’s become an obssession. Plus it’s entertaining as heck at times lol.
This whole thread is comical
We have the best young quarterback in the nfl, yet a segment, very vocal, will not root for him. It is perpetuated by a very jaundiced media , mostly younger types looking to make their way up in the ranks, the black, mobile qb is in vogue, the franchise, pocket passer qb, who has won every super super bowl, including doug Williams record setting performance for the redskins, he’s out
Performance will dictate, foles is a far better quarterback than griffin, he is the best qb prospect in eagles history
I hope your right jake but wow… that last line…. im not there yet.
Can’t wait for you cock roaches to disappear when nick foles continues to improve and prove his potential as one of the best quarterbacks in the nfl
No stevo, very few wanted Vick to fail in 2010 , but after that, and starting his slide, many saw enough from a broken qb, and when the eagles trotted him out there, we knew he would fail
That’s far different from a young qb putting up hall of fame numbers, there is more going on, it’s race, the black racists, songs, skayne, big lion, theone, kool breeze, I may have left some out they cannot root ir a white quarterback
Bring in the clowns and presto here comes Jake the race baiting GCobb idiot who never ever fails to disappoint.
LOL…Foles the best qb prospect in Eagles history…LMBO…jakdog I hope you are right..why stop there…forget simply Eagles history…lets say he is better than Joe Montana, Elway, Manning, and Brady combined…
Your drunk! I say let the kid earn his keep! Let Foles prove on the field that he can lead us to the playoffs this year…how about that? Let the kid prove that he wont choke in the big moment…that he’s not another Tony Romo and that he can win big pressure games. When I see that…and I’m rooting hard for the kid…I never wanted to tank the season like you Vick haters…I want to win NOW!
Its crunch time…Lets see if the Kid got what it takes, let him do what RG3, Wilson, and Kapernick has done…lead his team to the playoffs…and then come talk to me about how great Nick Foles is… before annotating him with that bull crap hyperbole…the ‘greatest prospect in Eagles history’…
Spare me!!!
romo is 89999999 times better than vick
Im done with this stupid convo. G and his guys just driving up comments for the adds and u simpletons eat it up.
Go foles… go vick… go eagles.
Kool, do you know what prospect means, re-read my post and Google the word prospect
After that you will agree Nick Foles is the best qb in eagles history
LOL…jake…agree with you? c’mon…about football? You blind as a bat Jake you obviously have never watched any of the Eagles games if you would call Nick Foles the best qb in Eagles history my friend…LOL!
As a prospect
I thought John Reaves from the early 70’s was the Best Eagłes QB Prosoect they ever Drafted.. Good Grief.. I am dating myself now..
Me and GMCliff were arguing about him when we were kids.. Ha
That was way before my time…don’t make me out to be that Old Paul…LOL!!!
oh..as a ‘prospect’…LOL…greater than even the amazing Kevin Kolb who you also probably elevated to heights of football immortality…LMBO! Listen to the game on 94.1 jakedog…Merrill Reese and Mike Quick will describe the game for you ! Stick to that stop trying to think so hard…you’re baffled by your own bullshit! LOL
Chip: I’d also like to announce that along with officially naming Nick Foles the starting quarterback, we’re also naming green as the official color of our grass this Sunday. Hands will be the official body part used to catch passes, air will be what our players will officially breathe, and winning is now officially the team’s goal.
Reporter: Chip what do you have to say about rumors of water being the beverage of choice this weekend against the Cardinals?
Chip: I think you’ve all seen the wonderful job water has done in quenching the players’ thirst, but I’m not quite yet ready to name water the official beverage over sand. Sand has been around for a long time and is a veteran presence in the locker room. When we have both sand and water here we’ll decide then which will be used for drinking.
Shocker (sarcasm)
Can we pleas take Vick out of the conversation for a moment and focus on Foles? I agree you can only beat who you play and he has done a great job over winning football games which is tough to do any week in the NFL. I can also argue that his style of play helps the team all around even defensively bc there aren’t as many quick possessions as there were earlier in the year. As I look at his play overall you have to be excited that he is taking care of the football and that is one of the main reasons for his success. As for his passing and command of the offense it is also ahead of schedule for a second year QB without a full season of starts. I don’t think he is getting enough credit for any of that.
Now he is getting way too much credit for what his numbers are and what his actual play is. If you look at his numbers you would think all time great player, but if you watch the games that is not what I see. I see a guy who is smart enough to stay within the confides of the offense and allow his wr to make plays. I also see a coach playing to his strengths which is the right thing to do. I am worried only bc in the NFL it comes a time when you cannot count on your system or things aren’t working well. When you can’t bet on the other team shooting itself in the foot. A time when GB QB is Aaron Rogers and you have to continue to pile on the points while he is one upping you. There is going to be moments when its not ok to go the entire second half without points like they did against Washington. When you opposing qb isn’t a guy with less games than you and you haven’t even started a full season like Tampa. Is he the guy then? That’s what I am looking for these last 5 weeks. I’m sure Chip Kelly is checking for the same
I believe he can be if you look at his size how he moves in the pocket. His history at every level has been to put up great numbers. He was inconsistent as a winner in college but some of that has to be bc he played at Arizona. I still say we draft another QB Braxton or NIU Lynch later in the draft. They are no real threat to take the job right away but great players to develop in Kelly’s system incase we find out Foles is no it over time or he goes down. I don’t think Foles is a flash in the pan and will go on record saying I won’t bail on him if he stinks it up again like in Dallas.
Paulman’s 2014 Eagles Mock Draft (Version #3)
I am assuming the Eagles finish at 10-6 and end up with the 20th Overall Selection in the Draft for each Round
1st (20th Overall) – CB Ifo Ekpre-Olomu (Oregon 5-10′ 185lbs)
2nd (52nd) – DE/OLB Kony Ealy (Missouri 6-5′ – 275lbs)
3rd (84th) – WR Donte Moncrief (Old Miss 6-2″ – 226 lbs)
4th (116th) – FS Terrance Brooks (Fla State 5-11 205lbs)
5th (148th) – OT Juwaun James (Tennesee 6-6 318lbs)
6th (180th) – DT Deandre Coleman (Cal 6-5 315lbs)
7th (212th) – Guard/Center Zac Kerin (Toledo 6-5 300lbs)
Top 4 Selections will play mostly Special Teams and be Situational Players/Back-ups for 2014 and compete for Starters Time by 2015
Final 3 Selections are are Developmental Picks as Back-ups and Spot Play with the plan to compete for Starters Positions by 2016 when Peters,Herremans are long gone from the Eagles ..