• March 9, 2025

Eagles Must Be Disciplined In Their Preparation For Big Game Against Dallas

NickFoles1It’s very important that Chip Kelly stresses to the Eagles young football team that they don’t play the Cowboys until Sunday night.  They don’t play them today, early in the week or next Saturday.  They play Dallas next Sunday night and they need to contain themselves emotionally until that time.  Everything is on the line, but the key is not getting up for the game too far before the game.

They had some practice this week playing a Sunday night game because you’ve got to chill out most of the day and not start getting revved up until to put your pads on, then go out on the field.  They must get away from the game for periods during the week.  This is especially true of young guys like Nick Foles, who grew up idolizing the Cowboys and you could imagine what this game means to him.

He should stay away from family members who want to sit and talk about how big this game is to everybody.  They should forget the setting and just focus on all the detail that’s involved in doing your job.  Let me emphasize again, focus doing your job and not on the setting of the game.

Many times I’ve seen young teams come into a big game and be emotionally drained because they’ve been playing the game emotionally all week, then they come out flat when the game starts.   This is all about mental discipline.  They need to spend all week playing the game mentally from an intelligence standpoint but not emotionally.  Save the emotion for game time.

Don’t start talking about being ready to play the game right now because the game isn’t until Sunday night.  I heard some of those guys say that right after the game. They should be studying their game plans when they get them and they should be getting to know all the Cowboys tendencies.  This requires discipline.

The bigger the game the more you should detail your work by looking at more tape than usual.  The veterans must police their younger teammates and keep them loose.  You should have fun preparing and focus on detail.  Every member of the Birds should be able to pass a test

The Eagles lines should be studying everything from the stances of the offensive and defensive linemen to the coverage tendencies and Tony Romo’s moves when he is pressured.  The Eagles have to get their running game going against Dallas and dominate both the offensive and defensive lines.  They can win the game here because the Cowboys can be dominated by a focused football team.

The defensive pass rushers must not attack Romo with their body weight up high because he will duck under them and give then a slight move right or left when they approach him in a out of control manner.  The pass rushers have to drop their weight down, so they can move side to side with the Dallas signal caller.  Romo is one of the best in the league at side stepping pass rushers.  He makes a lot of his big plays by extending the play and heading toward the line of scrimmage to cause foolish pass defenders to take their eyes off their receiver.  Both of the big plays which allowed them to come back on that late drive against the Redskins were made with Romo avoiding the rush.

The Eagles cornerbacks must move up and compete with Dez Bryant the same way they did with Brandon Marshall and Alson Jeffery. Get physical with him because he’s not going to outrun them.  Bryant is going to try to dominate them with his physical strength and athleticism.  He’s not going to outrun them.


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Chip Kelly Came Out Fighting Yesterday And So Did HIs Football Team

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December 23, 2013 9:44 am

Nick Foles is the real friggin deal. I saw him step his game up last night especially with the zone read, though slow. I WAS IMPRESSED! What else can you say about Sack happy Trent Cole! In years past he would be worn down at this time in the season. The boi is simply on fire. BRANDON BOYKIN HAS QUIETLY RACKED UP 5 INT’s…… The last test for Foles is beating Dallas. YOU MUST BEAT DALLAS IN THIS TOWN TO BE THE MAN!!!! I think we crush Dallas with a repeat of the bears dismantling!!!!!

December 23, 2013 10:54 am
Reply to  Theone1

we’ll know what Nick Foles is Sunday.

December 23, 2013 11:01 am
Reply to  SONGSRME2

Keep moving the bar you Fraud. Last week it was the Bears game…this week Dallas…you are pathetic and transparent. Stay with your Deadskin’s and their dysfunctional organization…you are a perfect fit as a fan. Quit trolling this site, because from every comment it is easy to see your agenda and lack of support for the EAGLES!! You quit on this team…remember?? Well too many of us on here do, and your stupid comments only reinforce that you never were a fan of the Eagles to begin with.

December 23, 2013 11:37 am
Reply to  greenfan

Greenfan STFU!!!!!!!!!! You perpetuate BS and it follows you…..

andrew p
andrew p
December 23, 2013 9:47 am

The Eagles just have to play like they did last night and bit change a thing. It’s amazing how our corners have shut down all these big time receiver tandems, Detroit, Arizona and now Chicago, I have no doubt the’ll do the same with Dallas, my only concern is the TE.

December 23, 2013 9:53 am
Reply to  andrew p

You mean the loser corners that we signe?

December 23, 2013 11:38 am
Reply to  haveacigar

Boykin is a loser corner huh.

December 23, 2013 11:45 am
Reply to  Theone1

According to the experts on here our entire secondary blows. I think the secondary has stepped up well this year

December 24, 2013 3:32 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

That’s because you take things at face value, and not for what they’re really worth. You’re not, on that level, because you take a lot for granted.

December 24, 2013 3:39 pm
Reply to  gmcliff

Obviously your post is dribble. The results have been very good against very good receivers. Yes I do take it at face value. If you think those corners didn’t play well against the bears, megaton and Fitzgerald you forgot to watch the games.
Cliff they are on the verge of a playoff spot using talent that you called worthless that would net them three wins, you obviously were wrong given that they will finish with 9or ten wins

December 24, 2013 3:46 pm
Reply to  gmcliff

One more thing at face value laNe Johnson has played every snap at RT in front of the leagues leading rusher, MVP candidate and in front of the highest rated qb and MVP candidate…in a prolific offense you don’t have a laMe ass player at such an important position.

December 24, 2013 3:50 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

Playing every snap doesn’t make him good.

Again the Offensive Line as A WHOLE has played well, and contributed to MVP CANDIDATES(plural), not Lame Johnson individually. You keep on overstating the job Lame Johnson has done, and I will keep it real.

December 24, 2013 4:53 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

Cliff he is an important part of that line you understate his contribution. And I’m sure that if they followed your an they would be 15-0 and walk to a SB title . My only point in picking out individuals is that you and others are overly critical of some players who have (as part of a unit ) played damn well and are part of this turnaround. You and the other armchair GMs operate in a vacuum

December 24, 2013 6:20 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

No he is one part of that line..ONE….So what? It doesn’t say much for his individual body of work. You sure didn’t feel that way with all those sacks he gave up this season. EVERY part of the Line is important….

Let me speak to your armchair GM comment. Again, as stated before GMCliff HAS a pedigree. I have a PhD in Sports Management, as well as a Masters. More educated than you, and Howie

Unfortunately, I am technically disabled from working totally. But call it what you want, but I am VERY qualified to do any GM’s Sports Job, which also qualifies me to offer a more educated opinion based on more insight than you have…..regardless of the Eagles 2013 Season.

That’s not even to say I disrespect yours, because I don’t…I just don’t agree with it. Most of what you are saying is correct, but you rationalize about the overall talent of individual members of this team…..and that is a fact.

December 23, 2013 9:52 am

How great is this from Kelly?

“Very simply, we’re from Philadelphia and we fight,” Kelly said. “If there’s a game on, we’re playing. End of story. And all this stuff about backing in, not worrying, all these other things, I have no idea. So many scenarios. What if there’s a tie when we go play Dallas next week and we gave a game away last week? If we’re going to line up and kick off, tell us what time to show up and we’ll be there.”

December 23, 2013 10:07 am
Reply to  bugsyhawk

Y that was a good line.

December 23, 2013 10:56 am
Reply to  bugsyhawk

‘We’re from Philadelphia and we fight’: Chip Kelly gives Eagles fans new mantra

LOVE IT!!!!!!

December 23, 2013 10:19 am

Excellent Article GCobb!! This is for all the money! Step up! No Excuses…crush da Cowboys!!

December 23, 2013 10:21 am

I listened to Kelly this morning on WIP. The guy gets it. Sure, every coach/team will have on off week (just like a few this year) but he clearly is focused on getting this team into the playoffs and beyond. He sounds as if he is working hard at keeping the team grounded, and focused on the next game. It is basically a “play-in game” for the playoffs. Win and you advance, lose and you go home. From Kelly’s comments, he understands many of the mistakes that they made in the first Dallas game and is looking forward to taking it to the Cowgirls.

Considering where this team was at the same point last season, it is great to see the direction and mindset of the team pointing up. There are great things ahead for this team…this season and beyond. As fans we can look ahead, but Kelly knows that by keeping his team focused on the upcoming game they will put themselves in a position to redeem themselves for one of the more disappointing games of this year.


December 23, 2013 10:21 am

I was getting ready for a let down yesterday…After the Cowboys won, I didn’t think this team would come out with the intensity needed…That games was much more important for the Bears than the Eagles…But the Eagles jumped on them from the start, that’s the defense I’ve come to love watching. The pass Foles threw to Cooper in the back of the end zone, was impressive. He has to be commended for how he protects the football!…

But just to be clear that doesn’t mean I don’t think the current backup could have been successful in this offense, by no means am I saying that!

December 23, 2013 10:53 am
Reply to  RealTalk777

who cares about the back up? vickcould never in a zillion years put up stats like foles. i think foles has crushed virtually all vicks career highs in less than a full season.

cmon real, get real. we have the best qb in the game and the young qb with under a full season experience is already better than 80% of the qbs in the league if not more and ur talking about mike vick?????. cmon bro get over the past and get with the new

mike vicks career summarized – couldve if…., wouldve if… shouldve if… DIDNT

December 23, 2013 11:06 am
Reply to  mhenski

My comment was about Vick vs Foles, can you two mtf’s read? it was that I believe both QB’s would be successful in this offense…I’m happy about the W’s…I’m not saying Foles shouldn’t be the starter, Foles has deserved to start and quite honestly deserves to be the starter at the beginning of next season…
Get the F out of my face with that bullshit! Its about the coach and the system, and I think this coach can make it work with any of the two QB’s…
So I give props to Foles, but you a-holes are upset that I still have belief in #7…
You guys remember in 2010 Vick went on a similar streak as opposed to TD’s and INT’s and the Eagles won 10 games…yea 4 years ago, not zillion years…your hatred towards the mine is so ignorant its not even funny!

December 23, 2013 11:22 am
Reply to  RealTalk777

yea i can read but you cant write

My comment was about Vick vs Foles, can you two mtf’s read? it was that I believe both QB’s would be successful in this offense… WHAT IS IT ITS VICK VS FOLES OR BOTH CAN SUCCEED ?

your hatred towards the mine is so ignorant its not even funny! DAMN MINES I HATE MINES

December 23, 2013 11:24 am
Reply to  mhenski

MHeShe…all you got is a few typos’…punk bitch!

December 23, 2013 11:30 am
Reply to  RealTalk777

youre the punk your mother is the bitch

December 23, 2013 11:42 am
Reply to  mhenski

MHeShe…on some real shit, disrespect my mother to my face in person…name the time and place, son!

December 23, 2013 11:36 am
Reply to  RealTalk777

Realtalk, Perhaps people just don’t agree with your assessment of Vick’s ability to be successful in this offense.

Vick is not playing these days. How do you know he would be successful in this offense. You are talking in fantasies. You know like – “If you like your health plan, you can keep it” – same school of thought.

December 23, 2013 11:40 am
Reply to  OldSchool

So because people don’t agree with me…I’m supposed to change my opinion on the situation, sorry that’s not me! not how I roll! I think he would of been successful in this offense had the defense played solid like they have been playing in the previous 7 victories…Is that so hard to understand? How do you know he wouldn’t, considering how this team has been playing as a “WHOLE”!

December 23, 2013 11:47 am
Reply to  RealTalk777

he had his shot and failed miserably.

nick foles stepped in and outperformed every single qb in football since he took over. its pretty simple stuff real talk. FIGURE IT OUT.

December 23, 2013 11:52 am
Reply to  mhenski

Failed miserably? you do know the Eagles offense was ranked tops in the league over the first 4 games, with Vick…the difference was the defense was the worst ranked defense at the time…fact! but Vick failed miserably? you didn’t have the same logic last week when the defense gave up 40+, did you…I will say he failed miserably by not being able to stay healthy…I’m not upset, the Eagles are winning…

Also, disrespect my mother to my face…name the time and place…so I can KNOCK YOU OUT!

December 23, 2013 12:17 pm
Reply to  mhenski

1201 South Steeet is a Police Station in Philly…you’re a punk for sure! Act like you got heart…if you pick a place, a hospital will probably be best, you’ll need treatment right away!

December 23, 2013 12:24 pm
Reply to  mhenski

u said pick a place and time and u will show up and knock me out. of course ur not a man of your word though because your mother raised a loud mouth coward

December 23, 2013 12:30 pm
Reply to  mhenski


December 23, 2013 11:56 am
Reply to  RealTalk777

Real, I know some of these guys drive you nuts, but why do you keep responding to them? You aren’t going to change their mind, and it just feeds into more and more comments.

I know that you support the team so talk to me about what you think about all of the motion that Kelly had for the Wrs last night? Thought that it took pretty much 3 quarters for the defense to respond to that. Got DJAx in a bunch of good spots. I liked Collingsworth’s comment about how the WRs are just lead FBs on the outside. Saw Avant and Cooper blowing up the little corners on the outside and then DJax making blocks too. Heck even James Casey showed up making some blocks yesterday.

I know you like defense, I think that the same gameplan will work against the big Dallas WRs, but I am worried about Witten, because I am always worried about Witten.

December 23, 2013 12:14 pm
Reply to  bugsyhawk

haha, true Bugs..you are 100% correct!

Man, this offense is beautiful to watch…from the QB play, to the RB, to the O Line, to the WR’s…Did you see that one “shot” where they showed how spread the field was? Defense has to cover like 40 yards down filed and 20 yards to each sideline. …showing TE in the flat spread to the sideline, WR’s getting down the field like 40 yards. WR coming over the middle like 20 yards…The area that the defense has to cover is crazy! Bringing DJAX in motion out of the backfield, lovin it .I’m still waiting for that big play on play action with DJAX coming from the backfield…Probably would of worked very well last night with how McCoy was running the ball…

I agree about the same type of game plan, should be a big part of the game plan on the weekly…I loved how the Eagles showed blitz often…Offense didn’t know who to block…Best way to disguise coverage is to show blitz with LB’s…next week I think we’ll see Barwin utilized a little more in the pass rush. If the pass rush wasn’t getting pressure and getting sacks, our secondary would have struggled.. Saw some glimpses when Cutler has some time, but those snaps were very few. Yea Witten has killed us over the years. The pass rush is the key (will always be the key with our defense as it stands now), gotta hit Romo (he tweaked an ankle or something yesterday) make him feel pressure.

December 23, 2013 12:19 pm
Reply to  bugsyhawk

oh yea, did you see how scared Cutler started to look towards the end of the game…I remember one time he threw the ball as if he had a T Bone Steak and a bear was approaching…haha

December 23, 2013 12:10 pm
Reply to  RealTalk777

And I think you are wrong – I don’t think Vick and Foles are interchangeable. I don’t think Vick could do the things Foles is doing because he never has in 11 years.

In his best season he never threw 25 TD passes. In 2010 he was much better than his was in the years before or after, but he still led the league in fumbles.

If that’s your opinion, you are entitled to it… But, it doesn’t mean that I’m a hater because I disagree.

December 23, 2013 12:23 pm
Reply to  RealTalk777

Part of the defensive success is that the offense doesn’t turn the ball over… You would agree?

December 23, 2013 12:34 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

haha….this cat…yea that’s part of it…but part of the offense success is the defense gets turnovers and gets off the field…meanwhile holding teams to about 17 points over the last 7 games…its a collective effort, would you agree!

December 24, 2013 3:46 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

Thats not how he sees it Real. He thinks individual talent is rearing it’s head with some of these guys. He’s one of many on here that takes a lot for granted, and a testimony with which is really a total team effort.

If we hold receivers to below their averages, the CB’s are shutting them down…no the front 7 applying enough pressure on the QB to make it hard for him to, get a pass ff, or get into a rhythm with the WR…….No Barwin, Lane Johnson, Zach Ertz, and the Secondary won the game for us….assinine..

December 24, 2013 3:49 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

Cliff are you drunk… I never talked about individual effort… As a team they have outperformed your lame ass predictions. The players chosen by rose men have come together and played well….but I forgot to you results mean nothomg

December 24, 2013 3:59 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

They outplayed the majority of predictions…So what? You keep saying that like I should be ashamed. You consistently overstate the performances of the average to below average.

GMCliff is going to be GMCliff, even with the lame mocks of the uneducated masses. I am still a Eagles fan first, but that doesn’t mean that I should be blind, and submit to overzealous opinions.

Jon Hart
Jon Hart
December 23, 2013 1:24 pm
Reply to  RealTalk777

Real Talk, pay mhitler the racist no mind. He tries to pick fights and play tough guy on the internet every day. He involves your mom like a petulant child. He doesn’t ever say his thoughts on the team, he just criticizes what people say that aren’t what he feels. Hes a real loser type, no job, no girl, no life. Pay the racist/ bias to white players no mind.

December 23, 2013 1:39 pm
Reply to  Jon Hart

Jon did you give Andrew his newspaper back???


December 23, 2013 2:12 pm
Reply to  Jon Hart

True indeed!

December 24, 2013 4:43 am
Reply to  Jon Hart

Says the jobless, loser, with a sex dungeon filled with the blowup dolls, as his sources, that has nothing but time on his hands, to report already reported stories! I have no love loss towards mhenski, but Lil Bron-Bron, don’t talk $#!T, when you are a bigger psycho loser than he is! STFU, & go away!

December 23, 2013 10:59 am
Reply to  RealTalk777

But just to be clear that doesn’t mean I don’t think the current backup could have been successful in this offense, by no means am I saying that!

But of course, if the head coach felt the same way about the current backup, he would be the starter.

There is no question that Chip Kelly would love to have the mobility at the quarterback position that the current backup offers, but the positives offered by the current starter far outweigh that mobility. Or, at least Chip feels that way. Hence, the reason the current backup is the current backup.

December 24, 2013 7:35 am
Reply to  IrishEagle

The reason the current back up is the back up is because the current and future starter threw 19td’s without a pick and the defense picked it up and this team won games or did that not really happen? Give it a break Irish, Vick got hurt and Foles seized the job and isn’t letting go. Mobility my ass if he did these things and was a statue he’s still the starter.

December 24, 2013 12:02 pm
Reply to  IrishEagle

Let’s be frank, Realtalk is correct with yardage the Eagles were the 2nd ranked offense yardage wise with Vick in there. It was 2 things that killed vick. Decision making in the redzone…Eagles scoring went straight down in the beggining of the season. The second was accuracy and decision making, vick was the 30th ranked QB passing wise when he got hurt. Once his wheels were gone you can’t have that kind of QB efficiency in this offense. Real is also correct in the Defense has gotten better holding tems out of the Endzone. It helps the team as a whole of course but has no correlation to the Foles/Vick dynamic. Vick could still be successful in short spurts in the NFL I believe. Like 2-3 games.

December 23, 2013 10:27 am

Eagles/Cowboys Game Flexed to Sunday Night 830pm on NBC again

Early Line has Eagles +4 over the Boy’s at their own Field..Should be a Classic

December 23, 2013 11:31 am

Next week should be the end of the crap we been witnessing on GCobb. Our team is together, and so should we be. Take away from the Dallas game next week what you will, but right now im starving for a leader at QB, AND WE HAVE ONE!!!! Rain or shine. I like Foles next year and beyond……….. but we should still keep our eye on a true number 2. Vick Is Done # DeathNail!!!!!

December 23, 2013 11:43 am
Reply to  Theone1

I hope you are right man. Tired of all of this crap.

Everyone should be feeling great after last night’s game. All world RB, solid young QB, a dynamic WR with over 1300 yards, good offensive line, up and coming defensive line…

Have a great shot to make the playoffs in a season that we all thought was gonna be a dog. Merry Christmas.

December 23, 2013 11:36 am

ANd lastly on this one acknowledging note. None of you POS’s came out last night to voice your opinion IN PERSON!!!!! Think bout that the next time your punk ass try and present yourself like a man. Xfinity, 10th an Mckean,, 12th an Washington… ANYTHIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Eaglesosuperbowls……humpski………Bonnie(Vinnie)…….. ALL YOUR SHIT IS WEAK!!!!!!!!

December 23, 2013 2:19 pm
Reply to  Theone1

ha, you want see humpski unless there’s a police presence.

December 24, 2013 4:47 am
Reply to  RealTalk777

He proved that last year, when he talked $#!t about my dead Mom, called me a pussy, then he didn’t show up to my invitation to 20th & Washington. Too many soft Nancy’s on here. All they do is criticize, talk $#!T, name call, try telling everyone what to say, & not say, but don’t have the manhood to tell you to your face. Then when you call them on the carpet, they call you a thug.

December 24, 2013 7:39 am
Reply to  DCar

I agree 100 percent Dcar, I will be in town Sunday and before I head back to Duval I will stop by Xfininty live to meet some people but I could give you one guess who won’t be there.

December 24, 2013 9:49 am
Reply to  DCar

Name call? You are king…lame Johnson! weaselman and ruin tomorrow come to mind negative nitwit! Right

December 24, 2013 12:35 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

Like I said before Nancy, if you don’t like it, too fucking bad! Don’t read, or respond to me, EVER, or do something about it! If the truth hurts, & you don’t have the manhood, to take it, too fucking bad! Try growing a pair, & worry about your own nonexistent life, instead of making snide remarks, trolling, & acting like you’re a superfan, because you never criticize.

December 24, 2013 1:31 pm
Reply to  DCar

Name caller! Fraud . I will read and comment as I please thank you. As for my manhood I don’t derive it from the internet as you do . Just because I point out your incessant negativity and whining which apparently is how you get some sort of lift to your damaged ego don’t question me.

December 26, 2013 4:10 am
Reply to  haveacigar

Derive my manhood from the internet? Lift my damaged ego??? BWAHAHAHA!!!! You come up with some out there, fantasy, priceless $#!T!!! You ought to write some scripts for Hollywood. Like I’ve stated a million times, if you don’t like what you read, don’t read it, or respond to it, or do something about it! If you keep doing what you are doing, you prove to be the internet, pussy, who knows nothing, & thinks he’s better than everyone, with your condescending attitude. Apparently, you have no life, no family, like the one you’ve bragged about, or you wouldn’t be on a blog site, commenting during a holiday, about people you have absolutely ZERO knowledge about. Get this through your pussy, pea brain, I don’t care what you say, because it means nothing to me. You are a punk! You are the fraud! You are the hypocrite! You have no balls! You are the one with the ego, not me! I have nothing to prove to you, or any of the other losers, racists, morons, or internet muscle men on here! I’ve accomplished everything I’ve ever wanted in my 45 years of life thus far. You know nothing about me, & I’ve proven a trillion times on here, that you know nothing, that you are spineless, & have no life, nor balls! If you did, I’d say the same thing to your face, & there ain’t nothing you’d do about it. So go ahead & call me a fraud, a thug, name caller, blah, blah, blah! It’s all verbal diarrhea, hot air, & meaningless gibberish to me!

December 26, 2013 6:04 am
Reply to  haveacigar

You’ve proven nothing other than you are an angry frustrated name calling sissy. I have no balls? Mr. Let’s met and fight? Are you 12? Calling for physical altercations on a blog? You might want to be careful doing that…. You never know what you might get if you show up

December 26, 2013 4:17 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

I’m not calling for $#!t! You better watch out for who provoke, or try telling them what to say, or do, because that person might beat your pussy @$$! I’ll tell you again, if you don’t like what I say, if you don’t like my criticisms, you have options, don’t read, or respond to me, mind your fucking business, grow a pair & have a non-lemming thought process, or do something about! Otherwise go f^#@ yourself, & worry about your imaginary pristine family you brag about, your so-called retired coaching/ refereeing careers, or your scout buddies, that are in war rooms! GTFOH with your @$$clownery, I have more important things to do, unlike yourself, being on blog sites on Christmas day, when you supposedly have a loving, pristine family! Fraud, lying, POS! Go away, or die already.

December 23, 2013 2:34 pm
Reply to  Theone1

Dude I’m I Scotland. Sorry I didn’t hop a plane to meet you in person.

December 24, 2013 7:40 am

Vinnie how is the weather over there and do they celebrate Xmas like we do over here?

December 24, 2013 7:56 am
Reply to  Biglion821

Weather is pretty good (its been ice storming and -17 back in my hometown of Ottawa all week – so anything here is better!).

9-12 degrees celsius….sun/rain/clouds/mist – changes every 30 mins. Got in a round of golf last Sunday afternoon, so it can’t be all bad. There’s snow on top of the hills, but not in town.

Christmas is a huge deal here…..but very different than in Canada (at least Ottawa where everyone is frightened to offend non-Christians)

I’d call Christmas over here very traditional. Every school does a nativity scene. I’ve been two 2, and one had a live donkey carrying Mary to the stable – I was losing it. Baby Jesus is everywhere. I’m living in a small town (1500 people or so) and there have been caroling nights in the town square. Pipe bands belting out Amazing grace, that kind of thing. All the activities I remember as a kid, but that have ben abandoned at home.

Christmas Fayres and craft shows in every town, every weekend. Picked up my “Christmas pudding”from an old lady last weekend….ready for the steamer Wednesday!

I really loved the Christmas markets up in Edinburgh. 1000s of people wandering, buying cheezy crafts and drinking mulled wine and hot toddies.

Small and quaint. Not a Wamart, Costco, or Best Buy to be seen…..at least where I live…..and thank God for that!

Have a Merry Christmas yourself.

December 24, 2013 10:37 am

Man that sounds great, real Christmas no commercialism. Plus you can still sneak in a round of golf. I envy you buddy. Have a Merry Christmas.

December 24, 2013 11:06 am
Reply to  Biglion821

Now Vinnie Golfing in a Kilt.. That would make a Nice Christmas Card
Ha .. Merry Christmas to All GCobb Posters
and yes even the ones I disagree with on occasions..
Life is too short & Enjoy..

December 24, 2013 12:07 pm
Reply to  Biglion821

I wish christmas wasn’t so PC here man. I love this time of year. I havent seen a live nativity scene in years.

December 24, 2013 1:18 pm
Reply to  Xevious

y…Its different…when I combine Christmas here with the songs on the radio, nd sprinkle in some of the women’s fashions, I often feel like I’ve used the Hot Tub Time Machine to get here…

Merry Christmas to everyone. Have a safe and happy holiday.

December 24, 2013 1:24 pm
Reply to  Xevious

That is sad X, they have one here in Jacksonville and it’s great if you can stand the 75 degree weather.

December 23, 2013 12:29 pm

So much crap on here…all this internet tough talk…LOL…Listen…Nick Foles has played very well. Its a testimony to the excellent coaching he has received from Chip Kelly. However, all you have to do is read the Chicago Tribune about the azz whooping they took…you will find they aren’t talking about the great Nick Foles picking them apart with precision passes in tight windows or his excellent QB play..
Nope…the Bears were marveling over Shady McCoy!
Shady McCoy is a superstar running back…the best in the NFL.
Listen…I see the light…Nick Foles can get it done…the same way Trent Dilfer got it done years ago when Baltimore won the Super Bowl. All he has to do is hand the rock to Shady…lets run the ball..put it on Shady and the Defense…and we can make some noise!

December 23, 2013 12:35 pm
Reply to  koolbreeze

no shit shady is a superstar, every eagles fan knows that

your comparison of foles to dilfer is retarded and shows you have 0 clue about qb play past, present and most likely future

Gotta Luv It
Gotta Luv It
December 23, 2013 12:44 pm
Reply to  mhenski

You got tough then told the dude to meet you in front of the 17th District …LMFAO…Bitch Fell all out of you with that post…Priceless !

December 23, 2013 12:40 pm
Reply to  koolbreeze

You mean other than the 23 td passes?

December 23, 2013 2:14 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

25 touchdown passes

December 23, 2013 2:35 pm
Reply to  koolbreeze

No quarterback in Eagles franchise history has completed a higher percentage of passes in a single game than Foles (84 percent) did Sunday night.

December 23, 2013 12:37 pm

Trent dilfer? Too funny

December 23, 2013 1:03 pm

This is hilarious. You can tell it just eats away at some of these lowlife degenerates that this kid is having incredible success. Its funny to see these people lose their minds the past couple of weeks. Most of it is simply because the kid happens to be white. But why even argue with these racist idiots anymore? Some people are just crazy and you cant argue with crazy. But really who cares. They are the scum of society and need something to get them through the day.

Find me someone that is better than 28 total tds and 3 turnovers, 118.7 qb rating and Im all for it. Im all for starting that guy on sunday and beyond.
Reality is no other QB on this team has ever put up numbers close to that. There is no evidence to actually support a dumbass statement like Vick could do just as well when its clear he never come close to all those tds without the turnovers. Never. My guess is a lot of these people didn’t get the best education growing up. Based on the comments, they probably couldn’t make it through high school or even community college. There is simply nothing you can do about dumb people other than laugh at them.

December 23, 2013 2:41 pm
Reply to  pheags88

Those stats are hollow we need Mariota! Lol

December 24, 2013 12:07 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

Nope not at all. stats show that the kid is a gamer and keeper. However the phony claim of racism by pheags88; that’s hollow. The most you can say about those who clearly don’t recognize what Foles has accomplished is indifference; maybe envy; or bias. But to claim it’s racism requires some proof. So far pheags88 has none. That cannot be said about many who were denigrating Vick -and Kelly- prior to Foles taking the reigns.
Pheags and many others selective outrage in this debate in regards to what constitutes racism is a joke. You can imply or infer all day as to what motivates many who still won’t give Foles full credit (I’m already on record that the kid is the real deal); shit most of it is just retaliatory rhetoric after dealing with obsessive hate prior to Foles’s outstanding run. But there is nothing to imply or infer with what has been stated and documented by many (not all of you) who praise Foles well before his great play and blasted Vick relentlessly even when he played lights out.

December 23, 2013 2:26 pm

Been an Eagles fan since Rodney Peet first played. Actually was at the vet for his first start. I have been watching the birds since then and on this site reading comments (always skimming for Paulman, to be honest).

I have never been this excited for the team. Was on board with Vick, supported Reid until the end…but this is something that feels very good. We should all be thankful.

Merry Christmas, etc, etc.

December 23, 2013 2:35 pm

No quarterback in Eagles franchise history has completed a higher percentage of passes in a single game than Foles (84 percent) did Sunday night.

Just like Trent Dilfer.

December 23, 2013 2:39 pm

Barring a four-INT performance in the finale, Foles will become the second quarterback in NFL history to post 25+ touchdowns and five or fewer interceptions in a season, joining Tom Brady who had 36/4 in 2010.

Just like Trent Dilfer.

December 23, 2013 10:16 pm

Well here comes the games that count…crunch time…the win or go home time! In these games I dont want to find out how Foles will respond in a tight game…in the fourth quarter…I simply want to stick to what’s been working in the fourth quarter to close out these games…and its not Foles passing!
I am sure that Chip Kelly will keep the ball in Shady McCoy hands in these crucial money games. When its tight…give the ball to Shady!
This is going to be the key to us winning here in money time!

December 24, 2013 9:46 am
Reply to  koolbreeze

Wow the other 15 games didn’t count? Foles hasn’t been involved at all in the recent success?

December 24, 2013 9:49 am
Reply to  koolbreeze

We started the first half of the season 3-5. Every game this second half of the season has counted big time and been a clutch game. The Philadelphia Eagles have responded by going 6-1 so far in the second half of the season and are one game and hopeful victory away from 10 wins and a playoff birth. For the 2nd half of the season, Nick Foles, Shady, the O line, the WR’s, TE’s and the Defense have been coming up clutch in games that really count. Who on Earth though the Eagles would have a chance at 10 wins when we started 3-5? Just please stop it with the “now it counts”. Of course it counts, Chip Kelly said yesterday since they went 3-5 every game has counted and been a clutch game.

December 24, 2013 9:51 am

Drove up from Florida on Saturday, went to the game Sunday night with my brother… oh man what a great time! Made the Bears look like a college team! What a great night, great to see the passion back at the Linc.


man I hate the Cowboys!

December 24, 2013 12:10 pm
Reply to  antitrust32

i always watch the games with my brother, It’s tradition. Can’t FN stand the Cowboys….my blood boils thinking about that damn star.

December 24, 2013 7:02 pm

You are right cliff Johnson will be out of football in two years

December 24, 2013 9:15 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

There you go again Ciggy…LOL!! No one said that and you know it.

My point is stop acting like he’s the second coming of Runyan, and we have the 49ers Secondary from the eighties. I’m happy the Eagles are where they are this season, but lets not get crazy.

December 24, 2013 9:16 pm
Reply to  gmcliff

DCar where you at!!!!!……LETS GO BIRDS!!!!!!

December 24, 2013 9:47 pm
Reply to  gmcliff

Don’t put words in my mouth. Quote this….’Howie did a nice job putting this team together’ you are wrong about this FA class and draft class

December 25, 2013 12:10 am
Reply to  haveacigar

And that……….. is one man expressing his opinion, an opinion, that not all agree with…..

We’ve had a great season. Lets enjoy the ride.

December 25, 2013 10:52 am
Reply to  gmcliff

So if we are 3-13 Roseman gets the blame? And if we are 10-6 and make the playoffs he is still inept in his job.
Just got a new duck call from Santa… Sounds very ‘ducky’ me and the boy in the blind tomorrow,

December 26, 2013 4:02 am
Reply to  haveacigar

I don’t celebrate Christmas so…….Uh Huh…..Yeah Right

December 26, 2013 6:01 am
Reply to  gmcliff

Cliff I’d love to read your dissertation ..guys that write papers about coaching or running a team bat 1000% with winning championships!

December 27, 2013 1:17 pm
Reply to  gmcliff

And that being said, – with all due respect – I would still be more qualified than you, and Howie to speak on the subject…..FYI

December 27, 2013 1:19 pm
Reply to  haveacigar

No, with the lack of talent on Defense that is ranked 31st overall in total Defense….going 10 n-6 we would just be lucky….

December 27, 2013 3:39 pm
Reply to  gmcliff

Cliff I’ve sctually made decisions in real sporting events and teams . Like I said I’m sure your dissertation qualifies you to sit in your chair and second guess but in the real world howie put together a formidable team

December 24, 2013 9:52 pm

It’s Christmas, give it a rest its not about eagles right now, merry Christmas gm and cigar

December 24, 2013 9:58 pm

And to all other gcobb posters, everyone, let’s be joyous in this holiday season. If you have the time to post here, your life is blessed like mine, you do not have the troubles of many, I have lived through them like I am sure many of you have, but we are blessed if our only problem is disagreement about the eagles. God bless

December 25, 2013 8:25 am
Reply to  jakedog

Cheers to that.

Its early afternoon, presents have been opened, bird is roasting, kids playing, and I’m settlin’ in for a quick little nap before afternoon festivities. Life is pretty good.

AND…the Cowboys signed Kitna!

Again Merry Christmas.