It continues to look like the Eagles will face Kyle Orton as the Dallas starting quarterback, this Sunday night when they play the Cowboys in Texas. According to ESPN, Tony Romo’s back has only improved slightly and it’s still unlikely that he will play on Sunday night against the Eagles.
The report goes on to reveal that Romo hasn’t been attending any team meeting or game-planning sessions with any of his teammates or coaches.
Cowboys star linebacker Sean Lee has been ruled out of this game because of a neck injury which he sustained in the Dallas-Chicago game.
There has also been a number of reports that Cowboys star wide receiver Dez Bryant strained his back and isn’t practicing today, but is doing some work on the side during practice. He’s still expected to play on Sunday night.[media id=372 width=400 height=300]
Hey everyone! Just want to give those of you who are interested in coming out to Xfinity live to watch the game with myself and Jeff Kolsky on sunday an update but before that, I hope you all have had a great holiday season with your friends and family. Thank you all so much for another great year of reading/commenting and coming back to the site as often as you do. I know that I speak for everyone involved with the site when I say I appreciate all of you!
As for xfinity on Sunday, Jeff and I are planning to arrive at 4:30 and we’ll be there until the end of the game. We’re going to be in the main section of xfinity, look for Jeff who will be wearing a tony romo voodoo doll around his neck, trust me you won’t be able to miss it!
If you guys have any questions feel free to shoot me an email at dbasens@ycp.edu!
This whole injury situation with the Cowboys is ‘kinda funny’…First Romeo, then I guess Lee has been hurt for a bit, now Dez Bryant: WTF?…Cowboys looking to go on vacation early, is it Vegas, are they playing possum?
In my opinion, the fact that the Cowboys are playing at home is a bigger advantage for them then Romo not playing is an advantage to us. I would rather DeMarco Murray miss the game than Romo.
Denny, be careful hanging around with these screwballs from this site. And if a scuffle breaks out, try not to bang your head when you hide under the table…. I have been injured that way….LOL
Hahaha will do!
I agree with Irish. Hey this is no gimme game not by a longshot. The Cowboys may be wounded but they still have some fight left in them.
They have valuable weapons in guys like Bryant, Murray and Whitten and like us they want to win. I do however believe the Eagles will do everything possible they can to leave Dallas with a win.
They believe in themselves as a team, they believe in Coach Kelly. They know that we as fans believe in them and they are not taking the Cowboys lightly.
I don’t believe this will be a blowout game like we saw against Chicago. I don’t see the Cowboys just laying down like the Bears. I think its going to be closer than people think but in the end I trust the Eagles to come up with the Win.
Those strappers sending all this crap trying to be cute and think they fooling us chip keepin team focused and telling them ignore those cowgirl jerkoffsThey gonna be annilated by us and then cry afterwards who gives a shit. They in our way they going down only good thing bout those strappers is gonna end up being most watched game!
ESPN Reports
Romo “Officially listed as Out” as he prepares for Surgery on his Back
The Surgery was already performed this morning per HC Jason Garrett
It’s Kyle Orton and Jon Kinta ..
This is one of those games where the Eagles would go in lifeless and listless because of the injuries on the cowbums team would breed over confidence and the feeling of the game being won before it was played, however, I get the feeling the Eagles are going to soar this Sunday against the cowbums.
Eagles must just stay focused and true. This is a playoff game…..one and done!
..Reports are that Jerry Jones is trying to get Commissoner Roger Goodell to approve a quick Trade for the Health of the NFL and Of course his Cowboys…
In this Deal, the Cowboys send WR Miles Austin & a 4th Round Draft Pick to the Eagles for QB Mike Vick.. Word is Commissioner Goodell is still on the fence about the Deal and feels this would hurt the integrity of the Sport… NBC Executive Mike Ebersold calls Goodell and says “I don’t give a hoot about the integrity of the Sport, Our NBC Flex Ratings will suck without this Deal going thru”
good joke report but it isnt that good of a joke as orton is better than vick. i would prefer to face vick this weekend
That’s your opinion
I woiuld love to ask the dallas defense if they would rather face Vick than Kyle Orton. Your constant attept to put Vick down is comical.
of course its my opinion, i thought that was obvious when i wrote:
i would prefer to face vick this weekend
didnt know i needed to break that down any further or provide a translation…it means I (meaning me) would prefer to face vick over orton (meaning i think my team would have a better chance of beating vick than orton).
considering orton historically has had a higher completion %, a similar qbr and yards/completion i would take the guy that plays qb like a qb.
a little Kyle Orton trivia:
did you know Kyle Ortons career season high passing yards beats mike vicks by about 500 yards?
did you know kyle ortons career season high passing tds ties vicks?
did you know ortons int % was lower than vicks?
did you know orton averages over 30 more passing yards a game than vick?
Now you can think all you want that I am trying to put Vick down but frankly I just see things clear and I understand what Mike Vick is on the football field and I am just pointing out the truth. I dont post I would rather see Vick because I dislike him or something I just understand what he is on the field and after watching the guy play for 10+ years I would feel more comfortable with Vick under center this weekend.
while kyle orton isnt as good as tony romo he is every bit as good and better than vick and this game is not gonna be a cupcake game for our D.
did you know ortons career season high (where he played a min.of 10 games) completion % is .5% lower than mikes high?
So in other words he’s just as good as Romo? So in other words we don’t catch a break because the great Kyle Orton is the QB. Sunday night. Vick is the back up here compare Orton’s numbers to Romo’s non sensical crap.
no that statement would not be correct in my opinion biglion if u are asking me. if you followed the whole conversation and read all of the words including the following you would already have had that answer:
while kyle orton isnt as good as tony romo he is every bit as good and better than vick and this game is not gonna be a cupcake game for our D.
we certainly catch a break with orton but not as big as people are thinking… and my initial post or two was in response to paulmans joke report and my reply was meant to be an honest reply back… turned into this
if youre gonna jump in a convo read the whole convo to get some perspective
No body wants to face Vick. When he’s good he’s hard to stop.
i keep hearing people say that but i have never believed that to be true.
when you got guys like kyle orton beating his career high in passing yards and being tied with him for tds in a season its kind of a hard thing to believe irish. When more than half the NFL beat his career highs in passing yards and tds last year alone it is even harder to believe that.
He’s a pain to prepare for because of his unpredictability and his foot speed. That’s why you hear people say that. It’s not his passing skills that they fear.
I always wanted the Eagles to face Vick. Easy win.
I seem to remember one cold parking lot pre-NFC champ game. And, as expected people were pretty nervous it being try number 4 and all.
Not me.
I knew that game was a gimmie. Told everyone Vick was in over his head and JJ’s blitzes were going to confuse the hell out of him and he’d suck.
Vick is completely easy to stop when the competition rises. When the teams he faces get better. Good D-co-ordinators have always eaten him for lunch.
You saw this (again) vs KC this year. Reid knew exactly how to befuddle Vick. (and didn’t I also saw that would happen?).
His career playoff record over 6 games (admittedly a very small sample)
56% 877 yrds 5 tds 4 ints with a bevy of fumbles
In 2 games against our very own eagles he was 50% with 0tds and 3 ints…JJ’s D would feed off Vick.
Anyway, its moot. Guy is done, but I just wanted to point out that the “hard to stop” business is just another Vick myth.
oh ok if you say so bro. i got no clue about that.
so teams dont like it because they have to work harder to prep for him but generally teams/defenses do pretty well against him especially when it comes to stopping his offense from putting up 7s… makes sense
if im a player i would rather prep for foles but play vick. less running around in practices with foles
had $5k on that game vin. easiest cash of my life
He’s not? Really? Why then has he never led a team to a SB win? Or even an SB loss? He is simple to stop if you have a DC with a brain
only on gcobb will a post about Kyle Orton become comments about Vick.
Anyway- Birds must play the way they did last week. I loved the little option plays that kept Chi town guessing. Thats the key folks…. dont show the D what you are doing.
On D… the birds played up close and pushed those WR’s around a little disrupting the timing. Its rather clear… we are better in Man coverage.
Don’t look now Stevo but this is a article about Romo.
Do you live on the moon or what? You sure don’t live in Philadelphia or you would know that Vick is automatically included in all football conversations. So stop being so shocked to see his name mentioned. Advert you eyes if it’s too painful for you.
Only on here Irish everyone else on the team including Vick and Foles has moved on, btw did you see where because of their friendship he is willing to come back as the back up. He loves it in Philly.
Not a Vick fan but… In the nfl you need a backup that can go 3-2 in a starters absence. Vick for all his faults can do that. I’m warming to the idea of him as the back up. He can win a game or two
Big, you just contradicted yourself… You just made a Vick reference yourself. And you referenced a news story about Vick.
There’s nearly as many news stories about Vick as there is about Foles. When they can’t think of what to write about, they make shit up. I saw a story recently claiming he broken both of his legs in a traffic accident.
Yes I did I talked about an article written maybe three weeks ago that was relevant to this team not some nonsense about who has better stats between Orton and Vick that is relevant to what?
@henski okay you did all that stat look up because of a joke, okay buddy wasn’t worth the time of day but whatever stats are for losers, ask Dan Marino. LOL that’s a joke by the way.
Lion I don’t know the stats but I do agree that when JJ was DC I never worried when the birds played FAVRE or Vick… Just felt like the ball would end up in the D’s hands at some point.
I know this much cigar they cannot let Orton get comfortable, I would crowd the box early to discourage them from stuffing Murray down our throats and trusting the back 4 to make some plays early. Take away those under routes if you give up a long pass early so what, this is a different offense then they faced in the 17-3 game.
This is the nfl and orton has started and won games. This has potential for an eagles blow out or a nip/tuck game decided by a field goal this shit happens in the nfl.