With Week 17′s match against the Dallas Cowboys shaping up to be a showdown for the division, Denny Basens and Jeff Kolsky are planning to get a group together to watch the game at XFINITY Live, and we would like to extend invitations to any and all readers of GCobb.com to come out and join us.
Denny and Jeff plan to be at XFINITY at 4:30 p.m. on Sunday. We’ll be in the North East Event Plaza. Anyone interested in coming out is welcome to come and join us at any time between then and the end of the game.
Keep an eye out for Jeff, who will be wearing a Tony Romo voodoo doll around his neck that can’t be missed along with a Mike Quick Jersey and a black early 90′s logo Eagles hat. We sincerely appreciate all who read, comment, and make this website great, and we’d love the opportunity to meet some of the readers and experience a great game together.
If you have any questions, feel free to email Denny at dbasens@ycp.edu.
I really hope to see some of you guys tomorrow night. Its been great writing/talking Eagles and sports with you guys since I joined the site years ago, and it’d be a treat to meet anyone that comes out!
I’m in town Denny and will try my best to get over there before heading back to Duval, I promised my wife I’ll be on my best behavior.
Awesome Biglion, it’d be great to meet you! Do you have to fly back to Jacksonville tomorrow night?
No early Monday morning so I should be good to watch the game, I do have some family functions to deal with but hopefully I will be done early.
It another 1:30 -4:30am sleep deprivation fest for me. Going to get wiped if the Birds roll through 4 night playoff games!