Football fans are making too big of a deal about the Richard Sherman rant after the game. Yes he should have gotten his composure before speaking, but I can understand why he went off.
Michael Crabtree and Sherman have been going at each other for years. Sherman was emptying out years of competitive fire between he and Crabtree. I’ve seen players go off in the locker room after the games and I’ve done it myself.
Usually the players keep much of the combative talk to themselves, but he didn’t get the chance to regain his composure before a microphone was stuck in his face. The young cornerback was being brutally honest, which is what happens on the sidelines during a game. There are many confrontations which occur between teammates and between coaches and players.
Sherman didn’t use any profanity and he never put Erin Andrews in any danger, so everybody needs to chill out about his rant. All the players could go into a rant if you get to them at the right time. Football is played with emotion and passion.
The reason the NFL allows the players to do interviews on the field and immediately in the locker room is because the media wants to put the passion of the players on the display. If a team doesn’t open their locker room immediately after the game, they will be fined by the league. I’ll bet you FOX isn’t complaining about Sherman expressing himself so forcefully after the game.
Remember that Sherman’s passion to be the best is one of the main reasons Seattle will be playing in the Super Bowl in a couple of weeks.
Sherman was caught up in the moment which is understandable. It was the defining moment of his career and of this NFL season. You could understand why he was so jacked up.
Let me know what you think. My Twitter handle is @GarryCobb.
I agree G. I wish Richard Sherman played for the Eagles. We should only be going after guys with this kind of fire.
I agree and much to do about nothing…
Interviewing PLayers immediately after an all-out battle with your biggest competitors down to the wire in front of a Frenzied,Rabid Crowd and Atmospher is probably not the best time to grab an emotional players as Sherman for an immediate interview..
I did see Sherman give NFL reporter Wyche an Interview about an hour after the game and he was calm,cool,collected.. Sherman is actually a very bright fella from Stanford and one of the best CB’s in the NFL
I had no problem with what Sherman did. That’s the fire, passion and emotion of football incarnate. For those who don’t like it, go watch golf!
I’m sooo tired of the fake moral outrage with some of these fans and media types. Electric atmosphere and emotional win. I wasn’t expecting philosophical rambling about the state of our nations youth. Good article and response posts.
This was a good rant by Sherman. He let everyone know that there was trash talk happening and he ate the other guys lunch!
We watch to be entertained, that was funny as all hell and highly entertaining. I am honestly surprised how well some of these guys handle themselves immediately after such emotional games.
If Sherman was on the Eagles I wouldn’t care if he took a shit right on the field during the post game interview. Im all for players talking if they can back it up. Sherman can obviously do that, that would be more than good enough for me if I was a Seattle fan.
Muhammad Ali screamed into the mic “I AM THE GREATEST, NOBODY CAN DEFEAT ME” and everybody loved him.
Richard Sherman does the same, and everybody loses their minds…
When you can back it up, you can say what you like.
LOL not to contradict you but Ali in his prime was hated more than Vick.
Its Football played with emotion and passion…if you dont want those kind of responses dont stick a mic in the guy’s face a few moments after he has made such a big play!
Koolbreeze, GCobb stated what you posted in your response…you just restated it…once again, no original thought! LMAO….absolutely no original thought!
LOL Fool azz Beaglehasfallen..get a life! everyone is basically saying that they agree with GCobb’s article..if you had a brain perhaps you could detect real human thought…but since you have fallen and thought you landed…you dont have a damm clue! LMAO
Foolbreeze aka HotAir, There you go biting my style again. So predictable and pathetic.No originality…. SMH!!! You’ll be ok though one day..I guess.
Especially after the guy he was asked about pushed him in the face mask as they were leaving the field.
I do remember a certain HOF Eagle safety who snapped after the title game. BDawk snapped. Gave me chills. He gave props to his teammates never himself.. That’s the difference today.
To you all who say Sherman was just pumped up and u like that fire, ur a bunch of ass clowns. He didn’t do it out of excitement. He didn’t it out of ignorance and cockyness…u fkrs are lame who didn’t have n issue with it..
Legion of boom.. Lmao. Been good for two years now there the steel curtain or gang green D.. This team will be dismantled In next two years due to the defense and salary cap. LOB will be the legion of poop.. FACT
they’re the best now while our Eagles take an early vacation.
Really. That bothered you? A guy excited after the biggest play of his career yells in the mic, cool I guess he could have said I’m just looking for some beer to relax.
Silencer 10- as much as you dislike what Sherman said, how are you any different? Your ranting and judging people on this site because they don’t take umbrage with what he (Sherman) said is rather hypocritical. Look in the mirror, you have done the same thing as Sherman did, but on an elevated level with your name calling. The only difference is we can’t see or hear you. The vibe is the same.
GCobb your journalism is as bad as ur football play.. Bum..
Silencer, why are you attacking people just because they’re ok with Sherman’s response? No need to get all upset about it and talk shit to everyone.
Also, as reports have come out, there was a lot of bad blood between these two and I imagine a number of things were exchanged between them throughout the game. The world has bigger problems in it to worry about a guy saying he’s the best and that he shut a player up (which he absolutely did).
that sherman rant was epic and awesome. i wish that fucker was an eagle! i would be proud!
Sherman plays with a swagger and confidence that the Eagles have not had for years. I do not like his display in chasing down Crabtree in the end zone right after the play to taunt him, but as far as his interview, it was still on the field right after the game and full of adrenaline. He is a very bright and intelligent man. To play at such a high level you must have confidence, and he certainly does. I would love for him to be an Eagle, but from what I read the Seahawks defense may also be having a PED issue .
Alot of this has to do with Richard Sherman being a black male “yelling at a white female” reporter. Now hes a “thug” because he was yelling in the mic? If it was Sal Pal or any other male reporter interviewing him we wouldnt of heard any of this. Remember when Bart Scott flipped out after winning a tough hard fought game and said the famous words “Can’t wait”? (interviewed by Sal Pal btw) he called out Tom Jackson and Keyshawn Johnson for picking against the Jets. But yet he was praised for his “passion” and “heart” and “toughness” yada yada yada, oh but Richard Sherman cant show passion in his own way? This is all about a “big black guy” yelling at a “little blonde haired white woman”. And when you hear that hes a thug and this and that you then know what this is all about. Yes he’s from Compton California and was raised in a well known neighborhood. But this is a bright kid. Attended Stanford University. So you who are judging this guy based off of one post game interview needs to take a long hard look in the mirror.. Noone should be called the N word or any other derogatory name whether you went to Stanford or Temple or not..
No jon… its not.
This was a candit comment from a guy right after the win. You expect his rant on wwe…. not on the football field. Get over the race crap… ever see a Ryan leaf interview? He was a punk.
But since you brought it up… the “thug” comment comes because of the way that some choose to carry themselves. I appreciate much of what sherman has accomplished, however he also subscribes to bullying others with his words and make in the choke sign. It is possible to be bright, well educated, and kind… while also being an A hole on the field.
I see both sides and sherman has earned both reactions.
We watch to be entertained JH anyone who brings a racial element to that interview has the problem. Not Richard Sherman, people kill me with the ridiculous arguments. Oh my what about the kids? Damn that my kids laughed after seeing that, P. Manning after the Broncos win over the Chargers said the only thing I’m thinking about is relaxing with a cold Bud light and everyone laughed, no problems right? Even the he’s taking attention from his teammates is bs. The question was about him. Why didn’t they go after the LB who made a great hustle play to get the pick and interview him?
Good stuff Big L, I totally agree. Their is a definite double standard in society. And alot of it has to do with the way you look, sound, act. Richard Sherman is the best player at his position and arguably so is Peyton Manning. If Peyton ranted the same way I guarantee he would have been praised for it, laughed at etc etc.. No negativity would have been issued his way. Richard Sherman has dreads, is from Compton California, is big and black yelling near the face of a white female reporter. Some people took offense to that. Thats what made the interview so pulverizing. Wonder if it was Josina Anderson and not Erin Andrews that was the interviewer would we have heard any of this?.. just a thought..
wrong- why do people hate Tom Brady?
Because we have captured him saying arrogant things and people dont like it.
Bottom line is this….. people dont like hearing how great you think you are. I dont care if you are a little blue smurf…. if you brag about being the greatest…. im not going to be a fan.
That said- I had no issue with what he said and I dont really care about the backlash….. i think its a shame he walked around and took all the credit but im not going to hate him for it.
Stick to your made up sources and blown up egotistical player analysis. At least there is some entertainment in that garbage. Sherman is a smart guy and he is making a lot of money off of this. It will go away like every other controversy. Even with people like you trying to blow it up into something it isnt. Problem is I think Sherman can handle his own business without self important twits like you trying to be self righteous in his name. You are just a symptom of this diseased society where everyone needs to be offended for people they dont even know. Sherman did nothing wrong but people will judge him by his actions. For the majority of casual fans this was there first exposure to him…Shock value is what this is about and entertainment…Black and White is for a rabble rouser like you going to the well yet again.
I agree with some of what you say X, however, we can not ignore the fact that there is a racial component to it as far as the response. Look at a lot of the remarks that involved the “N” word and other stereotypical bigited remarks sent to Sherman on his twitter account. Like it or not, there is some truth to what JH said. Some people want to stick their head in the sand and act as if it doesn’t exist….trust me…it does!
there are always going to be bigots going both ways, not much anyone can do about that. The majority of people just see either someone entertaining or someone disturbing…a man…which is a good thing. I grew up in a very diverse neighborhood, I understand the reality of the world.
yes- there are stupid people out there that hate people because of their color.. but the majority of the backlash is not coming from them.
Xgenius–People like you try to “Ignore” and think if its not brought up itll go away. Don’t get angry with me because I stated how many people (most likely including urself based off of your response) feels about what Sherman did. You try to flip it onto me for bringing it up as if I have the problem or its something that shouldnt be mentioned because its causing more division. You are incorrect. Me bringing it up shows that iam conscience of whats going on in this world and I will not turn a blind eye like you do who obviously has outward or inward race issues. I dont care how diverse you say your area was, you have issues. Just by you attacking me for saying what many people are thinking and feel. Dont attack the truth..
Now me personally I saw nothing wrong with the rant because Ive seen this before by other sports athletes. Nothing new here, like I mentioned Bart Scott did the same thing, difference was he wasnt yelling near the face of a white blonde haired woman. Its reality, face it.. no “going back to the well” I dont have to its presented and in clear view right here in front of us everyday for all to see.. Prejudice, racism, biased words and views.. This is how it is in this world…
dude STFU seriously, you make this entire thing into a self righteous diatribe. It’s not the first time you have done it on this site. Frankly you lose credibility when you say it all the time. Keep your psychoanalysis for people you know. That’s the problem with people like you, ya don’t even know a person yet you can obviously tell exactly what they are thinking. I think about as much of you social engineering commentary as I do your football predictions. Regardless of what I say you will dismiss it and think what you want….so is life on this site.
More twisting and manipulation as If I personally have the problem.. haha unbelievable.. you mentioning my reports or past words wont give your words anymore credibility. Because what im saying is the truth, and for people like you who’d rather dismiss, deny, diminish, demean, ignore and substitute reality for “here we go again” or “thats the problem people keep bringing it up” thats your problem bot mine.. what a joke. I don’t need anyones approval on here or care what you or they think about what I posted, its what’s going on in the case of Sherman and whats happening all over the world, not everyone feels this way but there are ones that do and theyre usually heard the loudest.. “rabble rouser” right?.. Now I’m “self righteous” for mentioning what the issue is? Haha so funny.. Open your eyes buddy, no self righteousness here just truth and reality..
I love all people no matter the race and dont usually react to stuff but this was as clear as day, especially after the game all the racist comments sent to his twitter page. Get with it Xgenius don’t try to deny or ignore then destroy the person whose just mentioning what the issue is.. this isnt my personal views, this is how people feel, but ones like you see it but turn a blind eye like its not happening.. sad
You just justifying which is exactly what people like you do. Everyone else turns a blind eye exceot for you. Just a way to build yourself up into something special. Just like the reports you do. In reality its all about you. You are right about one thing. Its what this world is about anymore, You have news people who are openly oredjudice one way or another doing stories. Back to the issue you, spout your opinion openly always, it shows your true motives always. word manipulation does not make up for the truth. You say that’s the issue and for a small amount it is, on this site also. To say or even insinuate it’s a major part of this issue…..Certain people will see exactly what they want to see or can profit from…..Or make it all about themselves….it’ how the world is right?
I see that I’m talking to a biased wall. Someone wanting to ignore these worldly issues hoping they go away by not mentioning it.. Keep living in lala land, and I’ll keep dwelling in reality.. I wasted enough time responding to you
I just saw through your personal agenda is all. I am biased that is true, because I am sick of people like you ALWAYS making more out of things. It’s hardly ever about the issue it’s about themselves. Ive acknowledged there are racist out there but racism is now why He is getting so much criticism. Im satisfied I said my part.
Remain blinded. I dont need your acceptance or approval to anthing Xgenius. Keep your biased shades on and remain blinded. I dont need to push or promote an agenda. What I said didnt even sound agenda driven, what the heck are you talking about? Another way for people like you to dismiss, deny and ignore the real issue, just so you can say “you have the issue, you have an agenda, everythings not about race” what a foolish way of thinking.. Like I said, its a form of prejudice and racism. Bottom line, no other way to slice it. Get over it. He did exactly what Bart Scott did in the same interview a few years back. Also Ali “Im the greatest of all time” interview.. No flack. Why Sherman though? See the difference was in both Bart Scott and Ali interviews, a blonde haired white woman wasnt being “yelled at” by a big “intimidating” black male. That’s the difference and why this is getting so much attention and Sherman is now labeled the “bad guy”.. If you dont want to acknowledge this I could care less, but I will not stop calling it when I see it regardless of the race of the person.. this is why its a sports blog.. Xgenius
lol keep proving me correct dude. You are what you are, like I said I made my point. Keep the agenda going. If you see hate everywhere it usually means your full of hate.
Take away the words black and white and you may have a bit of a point Jon.
I believe the interview did garner more attention than it ever needed to because it was a woman doing the interview and he was acting like an aggresive clown in front of her. You know your grandfater, father and hopefully you would never act or speak like that in front of/to a woman (white, black, asian, martian)
I don’t care much about the whole thing because its commonplace now. An athlete poundind his chest and screaming at the camera “look at me look at me – the other guy is a chump”.
Its old.
Its tired.
It is, frankly, boring……though nonetheless unfortunate (in my opinion) that guys feel the need to put on such a silly show for doing exactly what they gets paid to do.
I agree that it wouldn’t matter if it was Richard Sherman or Jared Allen who flipped-out on national television. His color had nothing to do with the fact that the reporter and viewers were taken aback.
If people are responding to him on twitter with racial comments that is a different issue.
Watching the NFL is not normally the same as watching WWF Wrestling…. but it was for a moment there… that’s what confounded viewers….
Weren’t some of the people who took to twitter after the interview viewers? I assure you they were.
Yeah they were viewers too, and you are correct that there is an element in our society who are threatened by an intelligent/successful African American man. Those are the people that commented on twitter.
Those people from twitter are racist who are scared of Richard Sherman before he even speaks. Because he represents a new world that they fear.
But that is a very small group… and it’s shrinking…
I can’t or won’t belabor your points Irish. I think that’s a fair assessment the situation. However, I don’t know if I’ll say very small, but small and shrinking…
Well it is a generational thing, each generation will get better hopefully. To me it’s important to not let the hate mongers keep opening scabs. Yes we have a long way to go, but a lot of people profit from the racism. Whether it be financially or personally Eagle. I don’t claim to have any answers just honest observations.
Say it again loud and clear X, there are people who profit from racism. First and foremost the media.
Amen, then there are the ones who do it for personal glory or praise big. Sad thing is in this day and age of social media it’s hard to separate the opportunist from the truth seeker. Racism is alive we all know it..but Integrity and compassion are also. Can’t let the few turn us all against one another. We all have demons and only the lord can save us. Truth over hate. Hope over Profit. Ive been called worse than Xgenius lol.
“That was awesome,” she said. “That was so awesome. And I loved it.”
Quote from Erin Andrews. She got gold from him. She is getting more press than she ever has.
As for Sherman, he is a marketing genius.
lol I agree with everything except for the more press than she has ever had…..remember the naked peep hole camera?
Crap. How could I forget about that? Haha.
OK, the 2nd most “exposure” that she has ever received.
HE HE HE, exposure!
On a lighter note. I was listening to the WIP morning show this a.m.. They had kevin Hart on, he stated that he is a big Eagles fan (as he is from Philly). When he watches the Eagles play he wears an Eagles helmet. He also dresses his dog in Eagles paraphernalia as his dog watches the gameswith him. Toooo funny!
lol I thought it was strange both my nephews wore helmets 6 and 2 lol. They can both sing the Eagles fight song also.
Your nephews need to teach Songs how to be a true fan. That’s Good fan up bringing.
Eagles, songs is a fan of the game Quidditch, because he is a troll from Hogwarts! F^#@ him, don’t give him the time, nor day. He feeds off of the attention.
I hear you DCar..I just can’t resist shouting him out on his fraudom sometimes. You’re right though. He desrves to be completely ignored and forgotten about.
My Nephews aren’t jesus turning water to wine…Frauds to fans lol. Actually I have a personal failure in my life since my son lives with his mother in Colorado and he rejects Philadelphia sports…Hes a Seahawk fan…This year. Sad days.
Lol, yes that would take a miracle.
Awww no! that’s terrible. As they get older hopefully they will see the light!
The Sherman thing… I can’t believe its dominated the media… talk about small minded!
It was hilariously funny I thought. Much more sincere and entertaining then some football player saying that they won the game because ‘god was on their side’–
It was what it was have….people blew it up because they have nothing better to do. Then others will build upon that and make even more of it then it is…..people make it all about themselves…even the media.
I was surprised that I actually found it more refreshing than a bland post game interview. I usually get pretty frustrated when a guy pops up and does a dance after a “big” play that sometimes he didn’t even make. Sherman made one of the greatest defensive plays that I have ever seen especially considering the importance of the game and at was stage it was. Couple that with the fact that him running over to say good game to Crabtree to then be pushed in his facemask and you got a more appropriate response than you usually get.
I would like to offer something to this conversation that perhaps sheds some light on WHY there is such a split on this subject.
There are many…. I am one….. who dont care about the name on the back. I dont care where a player is from…. or what they have accomplished off the football field. When I sit down on a Sunday… i want to watch football. I want to watch the Eagles win. I want to see a good O game plan and execution on D. I want to see MY TEAM play hard and work as 1.
Now, i can live with a Djax backward fall into the endzone… or a T.O. pom pom celebration…. or a first down signal celebrating a routine catch… but its extra… i dont need it. I wont hate those that do it… regardless of their skin color…. but i dont need it.
Ill defend guys like Vick or Cooper when they come across as cocky- in fact…. i want guys that are cocky because I believe you need some of that… but when i hear a guys-regardless of skin color- scream about being the greatest…. ill ignore it.
Now- off the field stuff- Im a youth pastor… i LOVE seeing guys like Peters and Trent Cole serving in the community… good for them. Ill point to the work athletes do as great examples….. I love hearing Avant talk about how the eagles bonded as a team…. outside of that…please…. it’s your life.. do what you want with it.
So- after all that….. if I’m a racist… so be it.
For the record- I love what Sherm has done to rise up from his community and make something of himself. I believe more black men getting their education and giving back to the community can do wonders. Good for him. However, making the choke sign takes away from it.
What has driven this is the racist assholes who couldn’t wait to jump on social media and spew their ignorance and the stupid talking heads using the what about the team bs. The TEAM is playing in the SUPER BOWL, he was asked take us through that big play. Here is a truth that nobody will acknowledge, there isn’t one African American in the NFL who would have not been criticized if they talked about beer during an interview especially since THREE players have killed people while under the influence of alcohol. But remember it’s not about race. LOL
Big- great point about being asked about the play. That’s why I talked about the choke sign. I have no issue with what he said- I mentioned the choke sign.
About the beer thing….. agreed. But…. do you see the back last against that little thug bibier? I dont think it’s about race on this one.
True Stevo a idiot is a idiot regardless of color.
agreed big…. and I want to unpack something here that i believe adds a wrinkle to this- please add to this anyone who reads…
I was a professional musician before I did ministry. I dont play as much anymore but ill still take on a jazz or blues gig where I can find one… I became interested in the Christian music scene.. One of the amazing things about Christian music is that it often imitates secular music to convey the Gospel. You like rock- ive got bands for you. Metal- I can name a few there too…. one of the struggles with Christian Rap however, is that so much about gangster rap these days is about being the alpha male. Yes there are rappers out there that are great at conveying the music…. but I know its been a struggle because being the biggest baddest guy in the room is not usually something that Christianity puts forth.
So….. one wrinkle in this debate is that so much of the African American culture (clearly not all), is about being the richest, baddest, alpha male.
Now, we know that not all African Americans think like this…. and clearly there are white americans that subscribe to this thinking but….. THIS is what many people reject. This is what many people refer to as “thugs”.
So- If i reject this kind of behavior- I would be seen as racist in the eyes of many. When in reality- it has little to do with the color of ones skin.
As one who is inspired by MLK- I have found that not only do some not want to be judged “by the color of their skin”, but they also don’t want to be judged “by the content of their character”.
Anyone who runs around chirping in coaches and players faces… or does the choke sign…. is questionable.
Thanks for those posts and perspective Stevo. I am much like you described when watching a game. I am looking for the Eagles to win, and most of the other stuff I care little about. I classify the DJax fall in the endzone with Celek making a first down jester in the 4th qtr of a game we are getting blown out of….no big deal and just something to talk about on Monday.
As far as Sherman, unfortunately I do believe that much of the uproar has been fueled by racists feelings. I agree with Sherman who comments that the “thug” label has a racists meaning behind it. I was always raised as a “team first” guy, and have taught my kids the same. Watching so many players push themselves as most important or grabbing for the spotlight, always leaves me with a bad feeling. I know that often for many to play at a high level they need to have supreme confidence, but it is ugly to watch…at least for me it is.
Truly my favorite player of all time is Brian Dawkins. He played with a furor, energy and passion on the field. He lead by deed and word when needed. He thanked God for his achievements and was humble off the field. I do not point at athletes as role models for my kids, I work hard to be an example for them everyday, but if there was an athlete hat I would point to, it would be BDawk. I guess I am just sounding old and out of place theses days. Thanks again Stevo for your comments and perspective, I believe that they were dead on.
You said nothing
Who? Me?
Who made Sherman’s interview about race…
It’s the wanna bee white commentators, who suggested, like the liberals do, that the vitriol against Sherman is about color, because by pandering this way they get ahead, much like stevo does here with our black brethren
Oh im pandering?
Sorry Jake the idiots who were all over social media made it about race. The whole thug usage is bogus as well people have no idea what a thug truly is. For instance you need thuggish behavior in my opinion to be a very successful NFL player and that isn’t about race ie Conrad Dobler and Dick Butkis the ultimate thugs on a football field.
we have had entire defenses of thugs Biggie. We love it. The problem is when one social media idiot makes it about race it empowers everyone looking to profit my brother.
Jake, Big, Stevo, lets agree right now to stamp out race banter on this blog. It doesn’t matter what color our sports heros are. We have all fallen for the traps of the agenda driven trolls. If we start here maybe we can make this blog about our teams and not a pseudo political website.
I am with you X. Hell everybody should agree to that. It needs to stop.
I agree. Thats what I was getting at with my posts… all this talk about race on here… day in and day out is so flipping stupid.
I speak truth. When I speak opinions-i call them like I see them. I give respect.. unless playing with guys like pman and vinnie and I couldnt care less about what people think of me. No pandering here.
Another point about the media, nobody called John Madden out for calling what Sherman did in his interview meanwhile he coached players who did whatever was necessary illegal or not to win football games. You want to talk about impressionable? I grew up and played safety because of the way the Oakland Raiders secondary played, commit assault and battery on the field and no repurcussions.
Jack Tatum…..you got that right BL. Those Raiders teams were proud to be a group of outlaws. Madden seems to forget.
Richard Sherman was funny, disrespecting Crabtree!
I don’t like the Steve Smith, Deanglo Hall, Cortland Finegan, Richie Incognito on the field fight nonsense but what Sherman did was great for the NFL. Warren Sapp used to have fun like that.
0..I didnt have a big prob with it…. I always say… dont like it, change the station. However… if I was on the field, I may have hit him.
0bowls where you been hiding?
I went to Maine for the holiday then got selected for Jury duty ( still active )
Okay doing your civic duty. Cool.
Anywhere near the Boothe Bay Harbor/Camden,Maine area..
Pretty area, in the Summertime…
Watch the SOUNDFX video of the entire Sherman play… i have no prob with what he did or said. Still not a fan of the Choke thing tho..
This guy Sherman is the real deal
His father drive a trash truck
He graduated second in his high school class, tenths behind the valedictorian
He graduated from one of the most prestigious universities in the world, and
He can flat out play
This guy should be heralded and I do not believe that any right thinking man would have anything but praise to say about him, and I believe that most men respect him
The media makes up this racial component, it drives profits
His hair looks good on him and he’s got the guts and pedigree to say fuck you to anyone who disagrees
Much like Jakedog with his flowing locks, just beautiful
Hey paulman, speaking of hair, how’s that Brillo pad rocking for you these days
Still have a full head of hair Jake..
A few more Greys mixed in, fortunately my Father at Age 82 and on good health still has a full head of hair too..
I refer to him as the “Dick Clark of South Philly”
I knew it paulman
My motivation & goal is to have more hair than Mel Kiper Jr does,
When we both Retire…(Kiper from ESPN & Me from GCobb). Ha